For this New Year of 2023 and beyond, may you and your loved ones co-create with Divinity within, various forms of uplifting experiences, to include but not limited to:
A further opening and discerning mind and further opening heart (with healthy boundaries)/Expanding Consciousness…
An overall optimistic outlook on Life that contains obvious blessings or blessings in disguise…
Unconditional/True Love—for the WHOLE self/Self and interconnected Life within this world and beyond—that includes (but is not limited to): Compassion (for self/others), Unconditional Forgiveness (for self/others), Self-Worth (for self/others), Respect (for self/others), and many other forms of love…
Authenticity: Embracing ALL neutral aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical human self)/Self (Higher Self: Soul & Spirit within)…
Honesty (with self/others)…
Integrity (Being, thinking, believing, saying, and doing what FEELS light/true to the Heart)…
Deep Healing, Minor and Major Transformations, and Great Health on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual…
Wisdom (especially profound, Living Wisdom of walking the talk)…
Gratitude & Deep Appreciation…
Every Stepping Stone of Soul & Spirit Success…
Inner and Outer Peace…
Inner & Outer Freedom…
Joy (to include Contentment, Play, Excitement, Humor & FUN)…
Prosperity Consciousness (Realizing Human & Soul & Spirit’s Wealth within)…
Manifestation of Heart & Soul’s desires in Divine perfect timing and order…
Heart-centered creativity that’s highly beneficial for self/Self/Life…
Financial Abundance (to be used in highly beneficial ways for self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond)…
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