Intro: I shared this gratitude comment for the creator of this image => Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay:
Thank you Coco for sharing this EYE-catching, GORGEOUS artwork that I was immediately drawn to, and reminded me of beautiful, profoundly wise, highly CREATIVE, and AMAZING Mother Nature—part of Mother Earth/Cosmic Heart/Unconditional Love (of self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond)/Divine Mother Goddess/Holy Spirit/grounded and aligned I AM Presence: I (God) AM (Goddess)—and the FOX spirit guide/animal totem/power animal.
This includes (but is not limited to) the aspects of CLEVERNESS—used in beneficial ways, rather than misused or abused—Being the RAINBOW BRIDGE between physical and spiritual worlds, SEEING (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture of Life, and PLAYING with the MYSTERIES and MAGIC of Life (like noticing, acknowledging, and deeply appreciating the MIRACLES within unlimited POSSIBILITIES and PROBABILTIES of Life, as proven and supported by Quantum Physics). I used if for post: [this one]
Whenever we experience “negative” energy aspects from others (and self), it can feel very frustrating, baffling, irritating, HEAVY, and even DRAINING at times; we’ve all been there and done that.
But what IF we notice that the same, “negative” energies continue to SHOW UP in our lives—as “same $h!+ different people and places”—basically HAUNTING us to death?
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
In addition, during the times we’re alone (or even while out and about), these same or similar “negative” energies within us can BOTHER, PESTER, and even TORMENT us as well—with bombarding negative thoughts, society-conditioned negative beliefs, pessimism, negative self-talk, to include self-criticisms, insecurities, doubts, blame-games, guilt trips, shame, instilling other forms of fear, hopelessness, etc.; hence, it’s not JUST about others (but stemming from within).
And when these old, outdated, society-conditioned, negative, fear-based energies/aspects within continues to BADGER us, we need to TAKE CHARGE of the whole SHIP (WHOLE self/Self), Be the Captain (Heart leading Mind), and assertively and BOLDY communicate, “ENOUGH“; and we do the same for various outer relationships who PUSH OUR BUTTONS as well.
This is remembering to Unconditionally Love ourselves, which include self-awareness, self-compassion, self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect, self-empowerment, self-confidence, and healthy boundaries (and other similar, love-based energies).
After all, whether it’s within our inner or outer worlds, I’m pretty sure many of us don’t care to experience a seemingly inescapable, hell-like, Groundhog Day.
However COMMA true FREEDOM is within us, like all other GEMS of abundance, riches, and wealth. It’s time to RECLAIM our INNER POWER/Heart.
So now what? Perhaps there is an effective SOLUTION, if we’re willing to entertain the idea of SEEING (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture by diving DEEP into the highly beneficial version of the Cosmic Rabbit Hole.
From my personal experiences—experiential knowledge/PROFOUND when we gain wisdom, and becomes Living Wisdom—I’ve noticed patterns within a decade of the unbelievable and amazing benefits of doing DEEP inner work (like the famous, profound quote, “Know Thyself”, rather than expending too much energy trying to figure out others ).
In a nutshell, WHEN we’re willing to Be much more AWARE of our INNER and OUTER worlds—i.e., with discerning open mind and open Heart with healthy boundaries (aka EXPAND our consciousness via Heart leading Mind)—we can take some precious time to pay attention to and unconditionally love ourselves (which then allows our FULL inner cup to OVERFLOW to others/interconnected Life); and THAT’s where the MAGIC happens.
Whatever we no longer RUN AWAY from within others and self—basically FACING OUR FEARS, no longer rejecting NEUTRAL parts of self/others, but rather, embracing and integrating them—then those once HAUNTING “negative” aspects will NO LONGER TRIGGER us; but rather, LOVINGLY ASSIST US (like a harmonious Team) with our life journey.
I’ve also noticed, that the more ways I choose to unconditionally love self (taking care of INNER WORLD)—with positive thoughts, new and highly beneficial positive beliefs, an optimistic outlook on Life, a positive attitude, genuine compliments to self, self-encouragements, upliftments, self-empowerment, self-confidence, self-inspiration, self-motivation, etc.—the more I notice that my OUTER WORLD reality gradually, quickly, and even rapidly starts to MIRROR back to me the MAJOR TRANSFORMATIONS of my INNER WORLD on all energetic levels: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and even financial.
And you don’t have to take my word for it, but rather, experiment for yourself, because you’re WORTH the time, focus, energy, and efforts.
And if you DON’T believe you’re worth the BEST in Life, you cannot expect others to FULLY believe that YOU DESERVE THE BEST (though those who love you UNconditionally, will GIFT this truth to you).
This goes the same with RESPECT; let’s not be SHOCKED if others continue to show up disrespecting us, if we’re NOT even willing to RESPECT ourselves.
At the GREATER Soul level, from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, the so-called “enemies” who SHOW UP in our lives TRIGGER us, hoping that we will gracefully accept the Cosmic invitation (with our free-will), so that they can ASSIST us (as Soul Families) to RE-MEMBER our Sacred WHOLE self /Self, and contribute to our individual and Collective Soul growth/spiritual evolution/expanding Consciousness; hence, BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE/Divine GIFTS/TREASURES.
And of course, if you’re completely and TRULY fulfilled with the way your life currently is—and this is where it’s helpful to be TRANSPARENTLY HONEST with yourself—then there’s no need for change.
But I’m not just talking about material world satisfactions that are NOT lasting, but our INNER WORLD happiness that matter FIRST AND FOREMOST.
Because we can be rich or wealthy on the outer, shiny surface, but as we’ve witnessed from many example people, there are one too many who continue to FEEL A DEEP VOID WITHIN, and are NOT even close to happy, even though they have all the OUTER WORLD material stuff of life (that they can’t take with them to their graves).
Because when we don’t remember and recognize our already existing INNER WEALTH (Unity Consciousness & Prosperity Consciousness)—to include our Multidimensional gifts, abilities, skills, talents, and especially our unlimited and always available Light/God/Higher Mind & Unconditional Love/Goddess/Heart within—then we won’t be ready to handle outer wealth in balanced, harmonious, wise, and highly beneficial way for self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
That’s NOT to say that we shouldn’t appreciate and enJOY the stull of our outer world, but it’s about NOT becoming LOST and TRAPPED within it, allowing it to CONTROL our inner world.
I shared the following comment—related to the two-part subtitles, “Another Habitually Manipulating, Controlling & Criticizing (in a subtle and clever manner)” within a recent post, “An Epiphany, Insights & Solutions For Emotionally Triggering Challenges“—for the video, “Weekly Energy Update | 1/24 to 1/30/2022 | Victor Oddo“:
Thank you Vic for another fiery passionate, empowering, inspiring and very helpful video message! ^_^
Also, regarding the “negative” (but ultimately NEUTRAL) aspects since childhood, I’ve noticed that if we don’t embrace and integrate them into WHOLE self/Self, they will continue to SHOW UP in others.
So the goal is to no longer disown. For instance, the society-frowned upon aspect called “callous,” like ALL other aspects, has its beneficial side.
So it’s not about this aspect taking over the entire ship (WHOLE self/Self) as the Captain, sinking the ship due to being out of control, but rather, allowing the actual Captain—Heart/Spirit/Soul/Higher Mind/Higher Self/I AM/God/Goddess/like energies—to LEAD THE WAY, while contributing its higher version/exalted self.
So it’s not about “callous” being misused or abused, but it’s also not about “callous” being disowned. Because, there’s a time and a place when this “callous” aspect is highly beneficial.
For example, if another continues to cross our healthy boundaries (i.e., very PUSHY, MANIPULATIVE, CONTROLLING, ETC.)—even though we tactfully asked them NOT to do so—then we can Be Callous when it’s time to LET THEM GO with gratitude (and WITHOUT ANY GUILT, to include not feeling sensitive or loving enough).
Because sometimes, others may not HEAR or understand (or even want to) the language of gentle kindness, compassion, empathy, assertiveness, tactfulness, and like energies, or persistently REFUSE to take “no thank you” for an answer, so we need to BUMP IT UP A NOTCH.
Yesterday, I finally LET GO of a fairly new friend of a few months, who matched the example I shared (though he wasn’t this way af first), that felt VERY HEAVY AND DRAINING over the course of almost two weeks (with bombarding, negative, lengthy emails and text messages).
So I made one last attempt to share a tactful message, while also maintaing strong boundaries, and even probably comming off a bit COLD (which I’ve fully embraced this aspect).
And to my great surprise, he agreed without lashing out this time, and trying to make me feel GUILTY.
So we wished each good luck, and immediately afterwards, it felt like a HUGE LOAD had been lifted off my shoulders. Since childhood, I’ve been quick to forgive others (especially my once abusive mother), but I’ve learned that sometimes, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
UPDATE: I also realized that rather than DISOWN the NEUTRAL aspects of PUSHY, CLEVER, MANIPULATIVE, CONTROLLING (and similar “negative” energies), i can use these aspects in a beneficial way.
According to an online dictionary, CLEVER means: quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.
So I/we, I can be CLEVER in learning Life lessons, to include highly beneficial spiritual tools like: inner-child work and shadow work (and even the expanded perspective of shadow work via Mirror Work, The 7 Essene Mirrors, gracefully taught by Gregg Braden.
I/we can also use the energies of PUSHINESS, MANIPULATION and CONTROL to focus on who I/we prefer to Be and do in the present moments of NOW, as well as MANIFESTING the NEW LIFE that I prefer to experience in the future (rather than use these energies in non-beneficial, fear-based ways on others).
So I’m reminded from within that EVERYTHING that SHOWS UP in our lives—even the aspects in so-called others that may appear to be “negative” and unpleasant—are ULTIMATELY, OBVIOUS BLESSINGS, OR BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE, since they (“POSITIVE” OR “NEGATIVE”) can GIFT us with INVALUABLE, PROFOUND WISDOM if we’re OPEN to RECEIVING these PRICELESS GEMS.
I have no doubt that it’s highly beneficial to find the GEMS within these “negative” versions of SHADOW/UNKNOWN aspects.
EnJOY many pleasant moments of NOW with all of your loved ones Soul brother! ^_^
Extra Related Insights
Intro: I shared this gratitude comment for => Image by 15496251 from Pixabay:
Thank you for sharing this image that reminded me of the importance of developing and maintaining healthy boundaries (part of Unconditional/True Love for self and Being Light within); and whenever we fill or refill our inner cup/Heart, it effortlessly OVERFLOWS to interconnected Life within this world and beyond. However, we cannot UNconditionally GIVE to others from an empty or barely-filled inner cup. I used this for post: [this one]
I shared summarized insights within this post with my husband this morning—since he’s been increasingly and genuinely interested and receptive to my sharing of Life lessons from both spiritual and physical worlds—and he, too, shared related, very helpful, personal experiences that added to our expanding, individual and Collective Consicousnes (aka Soul growth/spiritual evolution).
My husband has been very professonal and personable with all of his clients for almost 15 years—pouring his Heart and habitually going above and beyond for them, with a Heart-centered intention for them to experience their dream homes, while benefiting his own life.
However COMMA, like many other Souls who are generous with sharing various forms of Unconditional Love (to include kindess and care), he, too, had to learn the invaluable importance of developing and maintaining healthy and strong boundaries.
He shared the following examples—some of which I was already aware of since he had briefly shared them with me before—that were very helpful:
- For the habitually late clients for showings of houses:
- He discontinues working with them because it’s disrespectful to him and the people who owns homes that they’re seeing (i.e., wasting everyone’s invaluable time, focus, and energy)
- Plus, Realtors can have more than one, or even multiple showings in one day; hence, if one client shows up late, then it can quickly become a negative, dominoe effect, taking other clients’ time with their own showings
- For coworkers who take up a lot of time wanting help:
- He loves helping others, but he informs them that he’s available (for example), for 30 minutes on whatever day (even same day if it doesn’t interfere with his schedule of important tasks that need to be taken care of).
- Otherwise, it can quickly turn into hours of basically a training session, that doesn’t allow him to take care of the important things he needs to take care of
- Also, if they show up late (for example 15 minutes late), then they get 15 minutesย left of his invaluable time
- For clients and coworkers who don’t meet halfway:ย
- He believes in the “Law of Equal Energy”; hence, if a client says they want to buy or sell a home, but yet, habitually aren’t willing to put forth the required efforts to do their part, then he knows that he can’t control others to do anything
- But at the same time, he doesn’t need to be bending over backwards to meet their needs, if they’re not even willing to help themselves
- For those who message a lot:
- He informs his clients that he sets aside time to respond to non-urgent text messages and emails
- Exception, when another asks, “Can we schedule a time to talk?” he’ll reply right away
Regarding the title of this post, “Wisely Using Negative Aspects of Others & Self to Assist Us with an Amazing NEW Life,” it occured to me once I was done typing, that it also applies to the following insight that I shared in a recent, previous post, “Synchronicity: Update About Covid-19 & Galactic & Universal Puzzle Pieces“ under subtitle, “Personal Insights for Above Interpretation”:
[Though I haven’t been resonating with most TV shows for a while now—and most movies as well, to include the new Matrix movie (only enjoyed the first one)—I still watch certain shows that I’m really drawn to, which I trust my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/passion/excitement/inner-wisdom/gut feeling/other feelings/insights/ideas/and similar, love-based energies.
So the above dream interpretation sentence (didn’t read the rest to keep things simple) is SPOT ON, since Iโve been enjoying watching probably the last season of one of the seemingly and mostly โnegativeโ and not recommended [by various groups of “spiritual” people] Netflix TV show, Ozarks, (with my husband).
I actually find this show very interesting, intriguing, and even exciting—which I trust is part of the process of embracing, integrating, and transmuting unknown/shadow/”dark”/”negative” aspects into WHOLE self/Self.
And this includes mostly the following, along with very helpful and effective Divine gifts of CONTRASTS/opposites/duality/polarity:
- fascinating, authentic, BOLD, confident, assertive, and great acting/convincing characters
- highly creative stories
- high mental and emotional intelligence
- transparently honest interactions
- engaging conversations
- raw emotions and feelings
- excessively “negative” and “darkโ situations—like cartel life, drugs, extreme gambling, murdering, out of control psycho path and sociopath ways of being, and similar energies—that I have absolutely no interest in experiencing in this lifetime (though vicariously through fictional others is fine for such situations during certain inwardly guided phases of Life), etc.
In addition, I recently started rereading The Return of The Anunnaki in 2022 book on 1/24/2022, while experiencing a sereies of synchronicity (mentioned in previous post; link shared within this post).
And yesterday, I came upon a genius idea about how the Anunnaki on their Nibiru planet created a ‘heaven on earth’ type of world that’s beneficial and effective, unlike our general society that includes a lot of unnecessary corruption, to include, but not limited to:
- misuse and abuse of power
- excessive hoarding stemming from greed
- overly aggressive and unhealthy competitions
- deception
- extreme manipulation and control
- unreasonable distribution of abundant resources among humanity .
So this part of the book so far highly resonates with me, FEELS light/true to my Heart, so I started looking forward to reading the rest of this book (with healthy boundaries and discernment), though it initially seemed to be of mostly โnegativeโ content; hence, why I discontinued for a while.]
I have no doubt that this reminds me to SEE (with CLARITY) the gems of LIGHT within the so-called darkness.
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