The last 3 paragraphs of this post was initially an UPDATE to the related, previous post, “Pondering, Embracing & Integrating a Family Friend’s Text That I Am Pure Evil.”
It’s WAY TOO EASY to think, believe, and even say to self and/or others that one is only or mostly righteous, good, and even pure-hearted.
However, as I’ve shared before, I trust that Being PURE means Being WHOLE, Authentic, and transparently Honest (with self/Self/others).
Many and most within humanity more than likely don’t remember—as a Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Soul—seemingly countless lifetimes, whether on planet Earth, or other worlds within this Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse.
And when we don’t recall the plethora of characters we’ve played (to include “good” and “bad”)—in order to fully explore an abundance of ultimately neutral aspects of Life—we can easily judge so-called others for being wrong, bad, and even evil.
But WHAT IF…we did many unthinkable things to others, throughout however many lifetimes, that we don’t remember yet?
Could this knowing expand our perspective, further open our minds and hearts, help us to have deeper understanding, more compassion, and unconditional forgiveness (and unconditional love) for self/others?
I now fully trust that we are capable of SEEING (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture of interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
I’ve almost completed the helpful book, Activate Your Cosmic DNA 🧬: Discover Your Starseed 🌌🌠💜 Family from the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra.
As I’ve shared before within this blog, I’ve been able to relate to most aspects of multiple star systems that I’ve explored so far; so I now fully trust that there are multiple starseed DNA within.
Page 70 of this book was very informative, encouraging, comforting, uplifting, empowering, consciousness expanding (further mind & heart opening), and inspiring when it comes to why any of us had many “negative” experiences—to include violent, traumatic, and deeply heart-wrenching ones—from various earthly and otherworldly past/present/future lifetimes that we may recall from dream state and/or meditative states.
Update Post
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