Intro: I shared this comment with the creator of this image on right => Image by Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war from Pixabay: Thank you for sharing this image that caught my attention since it perfectly represents the main theme of my post [this one]: . It reminded me of the Polar Bear Spirit Guide/Power Animal/Animal Totem, so I looked up a reminder, and the following excerpt is from the reading, titled, “Polar Bear Power Animal Symbol Of Purity Death Rebirth Transformation” by Ina Woolcott of Shamanic Journey blog: “Polar bearโs medicine includes the ability to navigate along the earthโs magnetic lines , introspection, ability to find sustenance in barren landscapes, purity of spirit, strength in the face of adversity, solitude, expert swimmer through emotional waters, finding ones way back from the brink, communication with Spirit, dreams, death and rebirth, transformation, creature of dreams, shamans, mystics and visionaries […] The white colour of the polar bear is very significant indeed, for it represents purity of spirit.“
I shared the following comment for the helpful video, “SCARY“:
Glad you resolved this. I’ve been feeling very down lately—a very low vibrational frequency due to transmuting old and outdated energies—so thank you for reminding me that we can easily perceive anything as “scary” from the limited, human perspective; but whenever we choose, at ANY given moment, from a Fully Present state to NOT be fearful, then it is so.
You have a great power within you (Heart leading Mind Power as integrated Heart/Mind)—that you’ve already shown via various SPOT ON YouTube video tarot readings, especially your authenticity and intuition—that NO ONE can take away, unless you allow them to do so.
All the fear-based energies of this world and beyond can do whatever immature actions, but at the end of the day, if we’re not even afraid to die—since death is merely a transformation of energy state (like ice to water to steam)—then we can even embrace Death as it stands before us, and even smile at it, like the character, Maximus, from the movie Gladiator said.
Plus, whatever’s meant to exist, be/Be, be revealed, be seen, be shared, etc., will happen in Divine perfect timing and order. It’s TIME for all of us to fully RECLAIM our INNER POWER.
As the Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor (or Goddess Hathor/Sekhmet) has shared, even so-called “evil” trembles in Her Presence since S/He is the Prime Creator—aka Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Holy Spirit (WHOLEy Spirit)/Divine Mother Goddess/Water/Yin/Moon/Dark or Unknown/Unconditional Love Frequency/Cosmic Heart & Womb/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/THE WAVE (that contains the God Particle)/Other Half: God/Higher Mind/Light or Known/Light Frequency/Original Soul/Fire/Yang/Sun)/I AM/Alpha & Omega/Eternity—of ALL existence within this world and beyond.
And those who we label as “evil”—aka very low vibrating/dense/heavy/fear-based energies, LOST Souls who have forgotten their true essence—“TREMBLE” in Her presence NOT because S/He is frightening (though S/He can Be, and they may feel afraid), but because Her Unconditional Love Frequency (that includes the Light/God Frequency) is SO IMMENSELY POWERFUL, that they cannot help but to SHAKE/VIBRATE INTENSELY, the way Her Presence and Her sacred healing instrument, sistrum, is known to SHAKE THINGS UP; hence, transmuting their very low vibrational frequency into a higher vibrational frequency/their core essence (i.e., solid to liquid, to even air-like Soul).
This profound insight that I just received while typing this message, instantly reminded me of a vivid dream I had of this experience within an ancient cave, and I titled it, โThe Dark Being and Jesus Within Meโ—under subtitle, โThe Disguised Nightmareโ of July 8, 2013—because the zombie/monster-like being started skaking, vibrating, dripping fluid, and then briefly transformed into what appeared to Be an olive-skinned version of Jesus in a white robe with dark brown, wavy, shoulder-length hair, and brown eyes of strong, souful eye contact (who didn’t look like the westernized Jesus with lighter hair and blue eyes).
So what I’ve realized from this experience, is to SEE (with CLARITY) the Light even within the seemingly pitch dark, because this core essence exists within interconnected Life of this world and beyond.
I’ve let go of this world’s religions over two decades ago, and since then, I’ve had a week of spiritual dreams [โDreams of Jesusโ]prior to joing the Army, to include where I shouted to Jesus in the pitch black darkness 3 times (in two different dreams), and this invisible I AM Presence helped me to RE-MEMBER more of who I am/AM.
So unknowingly since birth, and more knowingly (from a more aware state of consciousness) since 2001, I have been on a path as a Mystic/Shaman/Starseeded Soul/Systems Buster/Rainbow Bridge of Physical and Spiritual Worlds/and ultimately, as I AM Presence: choosing to be/Be whoever and whatever NEUTRAL aspects of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self at any given moment of NOW.
I trust that the Jesus/I AM Presence within is the integrated and merged version of Heart & Mind (Feeling & Thinking/Intuition & Logic/Compassion & Deep Understanding/etc.)/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Water & Fire/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Unconditional Love & Light Frequencies/Buddha Consicousness & Christ Consciousness/ultimately, 2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin.
Together these 2 of 1 (Twin Flame/Soul)—and NOT the shallow version that’s turned into a overly dramatic and romaniticized circus, but where Unconditional/True Love starts from within (Being WHOLE within first and foremost to attract another WHOLE Being/sacred partner)—merged with Holy Spirit is TRINITY, and are The One/Source/MerKaBa/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency/I AM Presence.
THE RETURN is happening in the past/present/future moments of NOW, where EVERYTHING is happening simultaneously from a Multidimensional, expanded perspective, for the highest benefit of All of Life and “non-life,” though S/He is also the “empty” DARK SPACE /the Cosmic Glue that interconnects All That Is within our world/Galaxy/Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse and beyond.
And the more of us RE-MEMBER—REUNITE as many parts of THE WHOLE/THE ONE (within inner and outer worlds)—the more powerful the ripple to TSUNAMI EFFECTS of IMMENSELY POWERFUL, UNSTOPPABLE and AMAZING CHANGES & TRANSFORMATIONS.
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