The following is a comment I shared for the video, “How Your Ego Survives Spiritual Transformation”:
Thank you Jason for sharing helping information; I’ve checked out and enjoyed three videos so far.
This may sound like a crazy@$$ idea, but if the ego is waiting behind the closed door because it wants to come for the ride, why not invite it?! ^_^
It’s like, if a child (immature soul) wanted to come for an adventurous, fun ride, would we not invite her/him while we ensure that we supervise the invaluable life experience (the way ancient Spirit can guide the less spiritually evolved soul)?
I can see your perspective for this video, and you made some great points; but I feel that the ego—which helps us to survive in this physical world (to the best of its conditioned ability)—has had a bad reputation within the spiritual community for some time now, to the point where there are certain “spiritual” teachers who even preach to others, “Get rid of the ego!” and even “Kill the ego!” which doesn’t stem from compassion/unconditional love/unity consciousness.
I came upon a “spiritual” man in his 60’s or so who was like this; and he made it his hard-core mission to walk around the vortex areas of Sedona, and anxiously preach to whoever he encountered, how bad and evil the ego and mind is.
So I basically shared that any time we make an enemy out of any neutral aspect of our whole self—within the duality/polarity of good vs bad, right vs wrong, light vs dark, etc.—we create resistance and suffering, within and without, due to being in the state of separation consciousness.
And that the so-called ego and human mind has the potential to be transmuted and transformed into their exalted/higher states of Being—like all other unconscious/not awake/shadow/unaware/”lost”/”negative”/low vibration/dense energies of our inner and outer worlds.
As we further open our mind and heart (expand our individual and collective consciousness), we can experience integrated Mind/Heart (an amazing, unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, beneficially powerful, and unstoppable TEAM)—aka the merged Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Soul/Spirit, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, God/Goddess, etc. (two sides to the same coin/ultimately The One).
Even the earthly labels of’ real vs fake’ is essentially the logical mind doing what it does best—separating, analyzing, and judging (even slightly) the differences—rather than SEEING (with clarity) the interconnected similarities of two seemingly different people or things (and the TRUTH that each has its Divine purpose, to include the gift of CONTRAST).
However, there’s nothing wrong with this comparison helping us, as humans, to better understand what is beneficial (for self/others), and what is not, as along as we don’t mistakenly believe that we are ONLY real, and others are ONLY fake.
I trust that we are all ALL aspects to whatever degree, though I, too, forget at times.
The following is an update added on 6/3/20 (to the comment for the video, and this post):
I realized this morning that our whole self is also capable of getting rid of, or even killing, the ego; hence, allowing the ego to return to Source to be transmuted and healed (just in another way that isn’t necessarily right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, etc).
I was also reminded from within, that the elder man, mentioned above, was mirroring to me the aspect of self that was also biased towards the heart in the past.
In addition, all soul teachers are spiritual to varying degrees, since they share blessings (knowledge, wisdom, and profound wisdom), or blessings in disguise (i.e., “negative” contrast/duality/polarity), so there are no “spiritual” teachers.
As mentioned before within this blog, I enjoy exploring various knowledge, wisdom, and even gems of profound wisdom shared by the outer world.
But I love to always follow my inner guidance first and foremost—honoring the Master Teacher/Spirit within us to the best of my ability—and only take in whatever FEELS light/true to my heart, and let go of whatever doesn’t.
Therefore, just because I highly respect and admire certain, outer teachings, doesn’t mean that I feel that everything they express is necessarily true and/or beneficial for self/others.
Other helpful videos I’ve watched by Jason Gregory:
- “Why You Need to Trust the Universe | TAOISM”
- “The Universal Dance of Yin and Yang”
Update added on 6/3/20:
I came upon a soul-igniting video by Motivation Manifested, where Gregg Braden shared the “Seven Hidden Teachings of The Bible | GREGG BRADEN Compilation,” that includes the intro of Thunder – Perfect Mind within The Gospel of Mary of Magdala (that I’ve never heard of before, but felt so grateful that I tuned into this Divine gift).
The following is one of the paragraphs from Elaine Pagels, from her interview in FRONTLINE’s From Jesus to Christ:
Thunder โ Perfect Mind speaks in the voice of a feminine divine power, but one that unites all opposites. One that is not only speaking in women, but also in all people. One that speaks not only in citizens, but aliens, and in the poor and in the rich. Itโs a poem which sees the radiance of the divine in all aspects of human life, from the sordidness of the slums, to the people of great wealth, from men to women to slaves. In this poem, the divine appears in every, and the especially the most unexpected, forms […] —ย
The following is from the website, Secret of the Vine:
From my own personal experiences, which are well beyond any ordinary human experience, or even awareness of such experiences, I see it, and experience this first hand as follows; This is the Goddess, answering a question. One simple question asked by possibly 3 different persons, or on three different occasions. This is Her direct response recorded and documented, and not actually a poem or artistic recreation or interpretation at all. These are the direct words of our Creator, word for word. The reason for the different apparent styles of writing, is due to the nature of the being She was answering the question to. She speaks in the language you speak, if She will speak to you. She speaks in a way that you will relate to Her. When I read these, I knew right away, it was Her. The truth which cannot be comprehended is clearly spelled out, and implied both, but not directly simplified. This is Her way. […]
The following are some non-consecutive sections of Thunder: Perfect Mind (but not all of it; we can read the rest on our own if we are drawn to it):
Note: I’ve added my own interpretations within pink brackets only
2) For I am the first and the last [Alpha & Omega, as shared in this blog’s category page, AM I : I AM]. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter […] I am the bride and the bridegroom [Spirit/Source: Divine Feminine Goddess & Divine Masculine God energies within all of us]
[…] 3) For I am knowledge and ignorance. I am shame and boldness. I am shameless, I am ashamed. I am strength and I am fear. I am war and peace. Give heed to me. I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.
4) But I am she who exists in all fears and strength in trembling. I am she who is weak, and I am well in a pleasant place.
I am senseless and I am wise […]
5) For I am the wisdom of the Greeks and the knowledge of the barbarians. I am the judgment of the Greeks and the barbarians.
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt and the one who has no image among the barbarians.
I am the one who is hated everywhere and who has been loved everywhere.
I am the one whom they call Law, and you have called Lawlessness.
I am the one whom they call Life, and you have called Death.
I am the one whom you have pursued, and I am the one whom you have seized.
I am the one you have scattered and you have gathered me together.
I am the one before whom you have been ashamed, and you have been shameless to me.
I am she who does not keep festival, and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless, and I am one whose God is great.
I am the one whom you have reflected upon, and you have scorned me.
I am unlearned, and they learn from me.
I am the one whom you have despised, and you reflect upon me.
I am the one whom you have hidden from, and you appear to me. But whenever you hide yourselves, I myself will appear.
6) But I am the mind of all and the rest of infinity. I am the knowledge of my inquiry, and the finding of those who seek after, and the command of those who ask of me [<= This reminded me of the dream I shared in post, โThe Dream of a Talking Lion & Interconnected Stories,โ where I shouted to the Goddess for help], and the power of the powers in my knowledge of the angels, who have been sent at my word, and of the gods in their seasons by my counsel [ <= This reminded me of the dreams I shared in post โDream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Windowโ], and of the spirits of every man who exists with me, and of the women who dwell within me.
I am the one who is honored, and who is praised, and who is despised scornfully.
I am peace, and war has come because of me. I am an alien and a citizen [This reminded me of dreams of also being E.T., shared within this blog]. I am the substance and the one who has no substance.
and much more.
The following are non-consecutive sections for another interpretation of Thunder, Perfect Mind by (again, only take in what FEELS light/true to your heart, and discard whatever doesn’t, since it’s highly beneficial that we trust our inner guidance first and foremost since we all have our human filters):
โThunder, Perfect Mindโ contradicts much of the modern, established religious theories and beliefs of Christianity and Judaism. This document emphasizes a divine power that is not only feminine, but it (she) contradicts a whole host of theological dogmas.
The view of this text is completely Gnostic: divinity cannot be reduced to belief or theory, it must be experienced to be understood.
Those who remain trapped merely within the intellectual (theories, ideas) or sentimental (beliefs) are excluded from the experience of truth. The great value of this document resides in the emphasis it places on this fact: so long as we continue bottled up with dualistic notions (belief and disbelief, theory A vs. theory B) we remain in darkness.
Thunder, Perfect Mind
Note: Again, I’ve added my own interpretations within pink brackets only
I was sent forth from the (Christic) power [the Ultimate, Divine Power of Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation/Divine Mother Goddess], and I have come to those who reflect upon me (in [various forms of] meditation [aka Being fully present, even while interacting with interconnected Life]), and I have been found among those who seek after me (within themselves through rigorous self-analysis and psychological work […]).
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me (in [various forms of] meditation), and you hearers (โwho have the Vishuddha earโ, that is those who have understanding of the esoteric teachings), hear me.
And do not banish me from your (inner) sight (see me within all things, in all moments; that is, Remember Your True Self).
Do not be ignorant of me (do not sleep; awaken your consciousness, and seek to know me through knowing yourself: that is Gnosis).
I am the mother and the daughter (of the Initiate, because I give birth to him, and he gives birth to me).
I am the members of my mother (I am She who is the womb of everything, and I am born of Her).
I am the barren one (the Black Madonna, the unfecundated Divine Mother, who sleeps in those who have not awakened the sacred fire) and many are her sons (egos).
I am the silence that is incomprehensible (the Emptiness, the Void) and the idea whose remembrance is frequent (because I enliven all phenomena).
The following are example interpretations that I don’t completely resonate with, and I share the reasons within the brackets at the bottom:
I am shame (of your crimes) and boldness (to redeem them).
I am shameless (in my honor); I am ashamed (of my childโs foolishness).
I am strength (of Athena) and I am fear (Pehar, the fear of God).
[I feel that “I am shame” and “I am ashamed” ALSO means that even the Divine Mother Goddess can experience being and feeling ashamed (part of unity consciousness), and NOT ONLY “of your crimes” and “of my childโs foolishness” (a state of separation consciousness and the ‘blame game’). She can Be ALL of the neutral energies, human interpretations, and MUCH MORE, which includes the entire spectrum within the Light/Love Frequency, ranging from the low fear vibration to the high compassion vibration.]
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