Intro: I shared this comment for the creator of this image on right => Thank you so much Heather for sharing this EYE-catching, GORGEOUS, artwork-like image, that reminded me of the main message of the gecko (or lizard) Spirit guide, animal totem or power animal.
And that is, to LET GO of ALL the non-beneficial stuff of Life—disempowering thoughts, limiting societal beliefs, old and outdated habits, unhealthy relationships, addictions, unloving words, fear-based actions, busy robot life, not being fully present, excessive material collections, ETC.—and create NEW and highly beneficial stuff of Life, in order to experience our own versions of Heaven on Earth (like this colorful and beautiful Bird of Paradise flower in Hawaii). I used it for post: [this one].
Image by heather1063 from Pixabay
^^^end of intro^^^
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “Why I STOPPED Using Tarot Cards” (and I was inspired from within, and from Victor Oddo, to turn this into a post):
True, there are moments, timings, phases, and seasons for EVERYTHING—to include tarot cards, what types of food our physical body needs, visiting a psychic, smoking weed, [my example: angel number messages], ETC.-–and it’s NOT beneficial to MISUSE or ABUSE any of them, and to especially become ADDICTED to them.
Otherwise, these TOOLS—that can assist us in highly beneficial ways at times (when used with discernment and in moderation)—can end up CONTROLLING us, rather that us (aligned with the Divine within) Being the Captain of the ship—i.e., the ship being symbolic of our WHOLE self (physical self)/Self (Spiritual Self, aka Higher Self/integrated Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God within).
Thank you Vic for another AWESOME video, and having the COURAGE to simply Be your Authentic Self.
But from now on, I feel that you can simply SHOW UP UNAPOLOGETICALLY 100% of the time.
For example, NOT needing to even say things like, “Please don’t hate me”—though you said it somewhat playfully with humor—since haters will hate regardless.
People who judge us will continue to do so (even silently), even if we begged them not to; so why be concerned with that which we have no control over (other people’s thoughts, beliefs, opinions, values, judgements, words, actions, behaviors, habits, etc.)?
Many years ago, when Kat Williams did great comedy specials, he mentioned something to the effect that if you have 14 haters, then look forward to having 16.
Now I’m not saying that we should look forward to having so-called enemies, but that was his version of stepping UP and letting go of needing to care about other people’s judgments.
I also liked when he shared about us Being our own SUPER STAR.
Granted, from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, as long as we choose NOT to judge ourselves, it doesn’t matter what the outer world TEMPORARILY mirrors to us, since those seemingly current manifestations are actually from past thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc. that were often fear-based (approximately from 2 months ago, since science backs that’s how long it takes for the material stuff of Life to manifest from the quantum field of unlimited possibilities—something I learned from Peter Sage a while back).
I choose to fully trust that as we practice NOT judging ourselves, and unconditionally loving ourselves more—to the point where it becomes a highly beneficial, positive, daily habit—then our our world will eventually mirror to us (more often) this non-judgment and unconditional love from others.
There are almost 8 BILLION people on this planet, and I continue to remind myself that we cannot please everyone; and we don’t need to at all, since we didn’t come to planet Earth to kiss everyone and their mamas and grandmamas’ @$$.
So why not FULLY OWN all that we authentically and honestly express, to include our inner truths that no one has to agree with?
I’m still learning about this, but I trust that one seemingly magical and miraculous day, we will INTUITIVELY, EXPERIENTIALLY, and CONFIDENTLY know that we’ve MASTERED this beautiful and AMAZING thing called Unconditional/True Love for WHOLE self/Self, that will help us to truly and fully love others the same as well.
Vic, you are often SPOT ON with many helpful information, stories, insights and epiphanies that you generously share with humanity and beyond.
So I have NO DOUBT that it’s TIME to fully OWN it.
Have a pleasant Sunday my friend, and continue SHINING BRIGHT!! ๐
^^^end of comment shared^^^^
I sharedย this comment for the creator of this image on left =>
Thank you Briam for sharing this soul-igniting and heartfelt image ^_^.
Though one of the tags you used for this image included “lonliness” (that usually has a negative connotation to it), when I first saw this beautiful, multi-pastel colored image merged with the great contrast of a pitch black cliff—to include the alone (not lonely) Being standing in the center of all it (with what appears to be a white, circular, very high vibrational frequency, aura surrounding his upper body)—I was reminded of earthly labels like: breathtaking, Heaven on Earth, highly evolved Enlightened Being, inner and outer peace, profound connection with the Divine within both inner and outer worlds, integrated Heart/Mind Full Presence, and effortlessly expanding individual and Collective Consciousness. I used for post: [this one]
Image by Briam Cute from Pixabay
I shared this comment for the Creator of the image on right =>ย Thank you H. Newberry for sharing this peaceful and uplifting image that instantly reminded me of:
The Divine Mother Goddess, The Mystic, Cosmic Heart/Unconditional Love (for ALL of Life/All That Is), Unity & Prosperity Consciousness, The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities, Mother Earth/Nature, and much more.
Image by H. Newberry from Pixabay
The yellow dandelion is known to be symbolic of love, innocence, playfulness, happiness, and similar, high vibrational frequencies.
And it also reminded me of Her other Half of the Cosmic Coin—the Divine God essence within us as well, aka the Higher Mind/Light, and that which protects us (our own healthy boundaries).
Image by Leonardo Valente from Pixabay
This is similar to the way this flower seems to provide the perfect amount of cool shade for the Goddess figurine, so that S/He receives plenty of nurturing, highly beneficial sunlight, but she doesn’t end up CRACKING from overexposure to the scorching HOT Sun.
Image by svklimkin from Pixabay
Interconnected Life within this world and way beyond—that’s made up of this Cosmic Dance of Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Spirit & Soul/and other earthly names & labels (but ultimately The Nameless)—IS always within us, and all around us.
It’s like outer world mirroring inner world’s Heaven on Earth, when we’re ready to SEE with CLARITY this version of reality with integrated Heart/Mind, we will surely experience it. I used this image for post: [this one]
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