I continue to enjoy experiencing various series of Divine synchronicity, to include a comment that I received recently from a reader named Lauren.
This name instantly reminded me of a bizarre experience I had while residing in Helotes, Texas a while back involving two people named Lauren with their two white, Great Pyrenees (image on right is not them, but reminded me of them).
I replied to Lauren today in the comment section of post, “To the Bipolar Aspect Within All Beings: Welcome to Your Amazing, Multidimensional self/Self,” regarding another post, “A Dream About Monad.”
I just realized that Lauren also reminded me to not give up on my seemingly meaningless life and Life in general, and that Divine synchronicity is truly the rainbow bridge communicating to us our inner world via our outer worlds.
Note: Images on left above found next to link => 1) AllPosters 2) Oh Honey 3) Etsy 4) Pinterest 5) Cantabria Wiki – Fandom (green and gold Omega), 6) The True History of Ancient Civilizations/Sumerians/Akkadians/Egyptians (original Omega) 7) The BAS Library – Biblical Archaeology Society: “an omega-shaped symbol was one of the attributes of the Sumerian goddess Nin-hursanga” (aka Mother Goddess) 8) The Hidden Records 9) The God King Scenario /Mother Goddess Hathor 10) Ancient Egypt Online Cow Mother Goddess Hathor 11) Scientia Press Mother Goddess Hathor, 12) WordPress.com /Phoenix Rising Analytics
I also experienced another series of Divine synchronicity recently.
Since wordpress.org (that my blog is part of) doesn’t give the option to reblog, I reblogged an article sometime this month or so that I resonated with (at the time) to my old blog, bobbieslife.wordpress.com.
However, I’m no longer interested in the ubuntu movement, though I highly respect and admire Michael Tellinger for his genius ideas and way of Being and living.
I’m just in the process of letting go of everything that no longer makes me happy, especially the stuff of Life that reminds me of the various forms of separation consciousness ( the extreme “us vs them”).
Shortly after sharing the ubuntu post, I noticed that a fellow blogger named Jonathan (blog name servingothers)—whom I used to interact with for a brief time before I created this current blog—liked the post.
I felt very grateful that he mirrored to me some great reminders, which inspired me to create this post; so thank you Jonathan, though you may never read this, and we will more than likely not interact again.
I deleted my old blog this morning, and it felt liberating, like all the other times I had let go of whatever didn’t resonate with me anymore.
I realized that I more than likely had a hard time letting go of my old blog in the past because 1) just in case my husband didn’t transfer all of its contents into my current blog a while back, and 2) not wanting to delete all the comments and small number of interactions I had with others within it ; however, I can simply treasure any form of pleasant memories within my heart.
Jonathan’s blog, servingothers (mentioned above) reminded me that I no longer resonate with that phrase that often reminded me of the old and outdated beliefs passed down throughout the ages from various religions and rigid belief systems, especially the overly patriarchal church, whose main goal was/is to instill much fear with humanity in order to manipulate and control them.
For instance, the Catholic Church is infamous for trying to convince humanity that their main intention is to serve god and humanity, but when we closely observe human history, and connect to our intuition, the truth is always revealed.
So what does serving others truly mean? Does it mean that humans whose main goal in life is to “serve others” believe that they’re so full of goodness that they’re destined to fix, change, transform, strongly influence, and/or rescue humanity and/or Mother Earth?
Do such humans (to include myself) even take a moment (let alone strive) to unconditionally accept, embrace, and even love ALL aspects of themselves?; and not just the positive/good/right/likable/lovable aspects, but the full, frequency spectrum within each being ranging from the contrast/duality/polarity energies of fear to love, darkness to light, wrong to right, etc.?
Perhaps many of us are more busy trying to serve or help others for ulterior reasons, while neglecting our own well-being/Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within); but how can we truly serve others when we can’t even serve ourselves?
Could the following be ulterior reasons for “serving others”?:
- to convince ourselves that we are mostly good or great, and that it’s the “right” thing to do (so basically calculating from only the logical mind, rather intuitively knowing and sincerely feeling from the integrated Mind/Heart)
- to convince others that we are mostly good or great, and that it’s the “right” thing to do (whether humans and/or E.T.’s)
- to convince a so-called higher power (like the bible god, God, Goddess, Higher Self, Holy Spirit, Source, etc.) that we are mostly good or great
- to be accepted, approved of, and/or loved by others (whether humans and/or E.T.’s)
- to only become famous as some spiritual preacher/pastor/priest/guru/teacher/channeler/priestess/life coach, etc.
- to be accepted, approved of, and/or loved by a so-called higher power
- to only make money (without connecting to heart); though neutral money in itself can be a beneficial tool
- to go to a place called heaven
- to avoid going to a place called purgatory or hell
- to avoid negative karma or to work off “bad karma” from who knows how many lifetimes (to read insights about so-called karma, check out post, “The Lesson of the So-Called Bad Personality“)
- to attract positive karma
- to attract positive abundance through the “universal law of giving and receiving” (like the above bullets, the conditional giving of love, rather than unconditional giving of love—that Jesus and other ancient, Ascended Masters taught—just so one can receive the benefits)
- to ascend somewhere else other than miserable planet earth
- to go to 5D New Earth
- to only feel powerful, while dis-empowering others
Note: Image above on right found next to link => The Byers Family
Perhaps many of us are only fooling ourselves by believing that we are of some great service to so-called others, when we can’t even fully help ourselves.
Perhaps many of us are under the guise of helping others while having ulterior motives, like only helping ourselves.
Perhaps many of us like to convince others that they are powerless, so that they have to continually depend on our help so that we can feel powerful.
I recently came upon a reading that mirrored to me who and what I’d rather not Be or do. The blogger had an entire category page titled something to the effect of, Other Rants About Mystics and Shamans, and I was curious why she was so against them, so I read one of her posts.
She did bring up a good point in that just because someone took a bunch of course related to some form of spirituality—which many apparently have—doesn’t automatically make them a mystic, shaman, or whatever other man-made, earthly status labels (e.g. Reiki Master, psychic, Lightworker, Starseed, priestess, etc.), though I have no doubt that there are authentic ones on and within this planet.
What’s ironic is that when I checked out the blogger’s About page, she, too, had a list of courses she had taken and was certified for.
It then occurred to me that she was trying to convince others to avoid false mystics and shamans, and to use her mystic/shaman services instead; but I wondered if she was even the real deal.
When I expand my perspective (to see the bigger picture), I realize that such intentions, words, behaviors, and actions ultimately stem from fear.
Sometimes, from a limited perspective, I noticed that the more I witness this world and mostly fear-based humanity in general—and not the rare, authentic, whole beings (whether human or E.T.) that I highly resonate with—the more I’m turned off by them, to the point where I have no desire to interact with general society again (though I will whenever necessary).
And if that’s a reflection of aspects within me that I haven’t been able to embrace yet, then so be it; I don’t care anymore.
Also, thanks to having listened to certain followers—many, actually, via YouTube videos and a couple of events—of spiritual teachers like Barbara Marciniak, Teal Swan, Abraham-Hicks, and similar others, I found out what I absolutely have no desire to do—listen to a lot of back-to-back, arrogant comments and/or repetitive, pain in the ass questions (mostly from Abraham-Hicks’ followers).
Comments that are similar to, “I’ve been listening to you for however many years so I know about all these teachings, I’ve succeeded in so many ways, I do all these wonderful things for others, I’m so happy and satisfied with my life, but…I’m going to ask you a question that you’ve repeated many times throughout so many events/videos.”
You can tell through Abraham/Ester Hicks’ tone at times that even she/they get annoyed by their followers, though they’re pretty good at “placing a smiley face sticker on it” (their quote) by saying positive expressions like, “We love you so dearly, but…”
Note: Section in orange font (only) below shared in a few Abraham-Hicks’ videos about cats and money
I highly resonate with a lot of wise teachings shared by Abraham-Hicks, but I like to remind myself that it’s also wise to always follow our inner guidance first and foremost, since we all have our own filters, and the purity of Source’s messages can get distorted at times to varying degrees.
Abraham-Hicks mentioned at least once that they noticed their audience consists of a lot of intellectuals who try too hard thinking rather than feeling.
That was a great point, and I wondered why Abraham/Ester Hicks continues to attract—Law of Attraction, the core theme of Abraham-Hicks’ teachings—a lot of left-brain centered people who claim to know so much of her teachings (because they’ve been listening to her and/or studying her material for years), yet, seem unable to manifest all of their heart’s desires (especially money)?
Could it be that Abraham/Ester Hicks themselves haven’t fully embraced the whole spectrum of emotions—and have only accepted the positive ones, the way that our overly patriarchal society has been doing throughout the ages—hence, they keep attracting to them people who mirror this truth?
Why are Abraham-Hicks’ methods not working for so many? Could it be that there’s some missing puzzle piece to manifestation? Like acknowledging, embracing and integrating ALL emotions—and honoring all feelings (language of the soul)—and not just the positive ones.
There are at least a couple of Abraham/Ester Hicks’ YouTube videos that teach about how to be and live like a cat, because to them, cats are pure positive energy.
However, anyone who’s ever lived with cats know that cats, like dogs, are capable of freely and fully expressing the entire spectrum of emotions ranging from extreme fear (e.g., tail becoming fluffed) to deep compassion (gently approaching with a silent meow when an owner feels down) within the integrated Light/Love frequency.
And I have no doubt that when a cat growls or hisses at another cat at times because it’s close to their nap time, or they don’t feel like being bothered at the moment, they’re not judging their own behavior as good or bad, right or wrong, dark or light, or not being connected to Source, etc.; they’re just being authentic (expressing how they truly feel at whatever moment).
So Teal’s teachings of integrating all aspects within us makes sense and feels right; after all, continuing to suppress negative emotions and feelings doesn’t make them go away; but instead, causes all the unresolved issues to bubble up and then boil like lava, to the point of uncontrollable, inner volcanic explosion.
As I mentioned in a recent post, of integrating spiritual teachings that highly resonate with us—while discarding whatever information doesn’t feel right—it’s important for us to always follower our inner guidance first and foremost.
And as long as we remember not to spiral down in negative thoughts and emotions and end up feeling completely lost, it’s okay to feel the way we feel at whatever moment without judging ourselves as not being in alignment with Source (Soul/Spirit) within.
Good luck trying to convince a young adult—who was brutally gang raped recently, and is unable to have children in the future—to THINK their way into feeling better since they’re out of alignment with Source.
Or how about someone who just lost their loved one? So if one is going through a mourning phase, and feels like crying a lot—even though their logical mind reminds them that their loved one is free now—does that mean that this person is out of alignment with Source within?
No. I have no doubt that being authentic about how we feel at whatever moment is being in alignment with Source within.
Healing to deep healing has its own “time”—whether it’s instantaneous, moments, a day, days, weeks, months, years, decades, a lifetime, lifetimes, etc.—and does not reply upon another’s logical suggestion to basically “stop being stuck in who you are not/you are out of alignment with Source.”
Until we’ve walked in another’s shoes for many miles, we have no idea what it FEELS like. Without the personal experience (experiential knowledge/wisdom), one can at best sympathize with another (with only their logical mind), but NOT deeply empathize with another (via integrated, knowing Mind/feeling Heart).
I realized that if I choose to continuing believing in the old and outdated belief of “outer world mirroring inner world,” I will more than likely never fully love self (let alone others) in this lifetime or even others, especially at the rate this world seems to be spiraling down at times.
Perhaps this is a golden opportunity to see the aspects that still don’t resonate with me through the ancient eyes of my Beloved I AM Presence within—I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence, aka integrated Mind/Heart, Soul/Spirit, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness/ultimately Source/Very Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Divine Mother Goddess.
I can choose to perceive these yet to be integrated aspects from a neutral view, and simply let them be as they are, no longer allow them to negatively affect how I think and feel; wow, that feels better already.
I noticed recently the sudden increase of caring less and less what others think, intend, believe, want, say, behave, and do (especially my husband, who’s been my greatest challenge for a while); and it truly takes a huge load off.
I realize that he’s being and doing the best he knows how from his state of consciousness at any given moment. I also trust that whenever we’re done learning from one another via contrast/duality/polarity, we will either grow closer to one another, or peacefully be drawn to different paths (as Abraham Hicks taught).
For a while, I used to believe that certain, unpleasant aspects in others always has to do with something unbalanced about me; but I noticed throughout the years that I having a growing appreciation and deep enjoyment of my own peaceful, loving, joyful, wise, and free, Multidimensional self/Self presence, to include brief moments of not so positive states (e.g., feeling bored, sad, apathetic, unmotivated, lazy, irritated, angry, etc.)
I also greatly enjoy the presence of a few others on this planet, and that of Mother Earth, Mother Nature (especially trees, flowers, birds, and other plants and animals) and beyond (like the sun, stars, and highly evolved Beings from other planets like Arcturus, the Pleiades, Sirius, Lyra, Orion, Andromeda, etc.).
I AM letting go of the old and outdated need to serve others the way that humanity has defined it, and I will only help so-called others whenever I really feel like; I choose to always follow my inner guidance first and foremost.
I intend to only Be whatever aspect of self/Self at any given moment, simply live and enjoy Life to the best of my ability, and mostly focus on experiencing my Soul/Spirit/Heart’s desires to the fullest; and if that happens to benefit interconnected others as well, then that’s great too; it if doesn’t, so be it.
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