A helpful reminder for us all: Children’s’ vibrational frequency (especially babies) are the closest representation of Spirit’s whole/holy essence.
Note: Image on right found next to link => YouTube “Cosmic Baby – 1992 – Sweet Dreams For Kaa” (thank you)
When they’re feeling joyful, they smile and/or laugh—without needing to be so serious and appear in control of their emotions.
When they’re sad, they pout and/or cry—without needing to suppress it, unless they’ve been conditioned to do so in order to not be rejected and punished by their parent(s) or legal guardian.
Note: Image on left found next to link => 1Funny.com (thank you)
When they’re angry at another, they express their true thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and even actions–-without smiling to one’s face while secretly resenting or even hating on the inside.
When they’re thirsty they drink, and when they’re hungry they eat—without needing to deprive themselves for some ‘higher purpose.’
When they like, love, or don’t care for something, they’ll immediately show it—without being concerned with what others may think.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Talented Tots Childcare Centres and 2) Digital Library Services – Typepad (thank you)
When they breath, they simply trust/allow their automatic, yet, highly intelligent body to what it does very well—without needing to control it so much with their logical minds on what “correct” breathing looks like.
When they’re tired, they fully sleep—without needing to force themselves to stay awake by filling their bodies up with loads of coffee, Red Bull, energy pills, etc., in order to accomplish a to-do list, goal(s), and/or project(s).
Note: Images above found next to links =>1) Tenor GIF Keyboard and 2) giphy.com (thank you)
When they neutrally observe their world, they can be brutally honest—without needing to be polite, right or wrong, good or bad, etc.
When they’re curious about something, they simply ask (often times A LOT)—without the fear of being judged as ignorant, uneducated, dumb, stupid, annoying, etc.
When they’re passionate about something, they like to intensely focus on it—without reasoning with the logical mind what’s supposed to be best for them to do.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Mommyish and 2) Reaction GIFs (thank you)
When they have a dream(s), they like to announce it to the world with much excitement (if anyone cares to listen)—without worrying or not trusting that their dream(s) will come true.
When they’re living Life on a daily, they simply enjoy the present moment—without dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.
And so on and so forth.
Note: Image on left found next to link => Rafiq’s Readers, and images below found next to links => 1) Pinterest, 2) thehindu.com 3) jonvidarphotography.com 4) Be A Fun Mum 5) Huffington Post 6) Macomber Center 7&8) Be A Fun Mum, (thank you)
It’s only when society conditions children to fit into their own approved boxes, that children gradually hide their so-called unacceptable aspects of self/Self (the shadow self) while more often displaying the acceptable aspects of self (ego self/personality self that does its best to help us to survive in this world, which includes being accepted by society).
So perhaps it’s highly beneficial to remind ourselves, as often as needed, to simply Be like the free-spirited child within—with the adult added aspects of discernment, wisdom, and responsibility–-in order to thrive in this world as full potential/Multidimensional self/Self, rather than merely survive.
Note: Images above found next to links =>1) AZ Quotes and 2) Jung Currents . Images below found next to links =>1) Collective Evolution 2) Quotefancy 3) Fractal Enlightenment 4) Brian Collinson (thank you)
I was drawn to a video today in Divine perfect timing and order, and Bentinho reminded me of a wide range of aspects within the merged, Multidimensional frequency spectrum of Light/Love, which includes darkness and fear.
There were moments where I just wanted to hug the inner-child aspect of him who appeared somewhat uncomfortable, sad, very vulnerable, and innocent/pure. And there were moments where I was touched by his seemingly unshakable, wise, loving, and powerful Presence.
Sometimes, if I feel like it, I’ll share a detailed comment that I left for a reading or video as a post, just in case it’s helpful to others who cross this space.
I shared the following comment for the video, “Bentinho responds to some of the accusations (first day of Sedona Experiment #2)“:
I had a desire to check out this video from an expanded perspective, and I’m grateful that I did, because I was able to learn from the new experience.
I’d also like to share some neutral observations in case it’s helpful to interconnected others.
– The delicate kitten situation:
1) It’s way too easy to judge another for something they did when we haven’t been in a similar (let alone the exact same) situation that can include various factors as to why that being chose to do what they did. We can easily say things like, “I’m NOT ______(fill in whatever negative aspect),” “I could NEVER be like_____,” and/or “I would NEVER do ____”; but IF we’re willing to be brutally honest with ourselves, we’ll experience realization that ALL aspects (positive and negative) exists within all of us to varying degrees.
For instance, it is acceptable to general society to only perceive kittens as lovable and loving since that’s what “good” and unconditionally loving people do to little beings. However COMMA what’s often NOT shared by those who have kittens, cats, dogs, or other pets, is that they, too, have their shadow sides (like human beings); hence, they have moments where they might not be so lovable and loving. And if they’re being what appears to be jerk-like, we don’t have to just sit there and just take it, saying things like, “Ohhh, my pet owns me.”
We can all get along with mutual respect without anyone owning anyone. It’s important to have healthy boundaries, which includes expressing how one truly feels about a situation without being completely out of control (i.e., abusing animals).
If Bentinho’s kitten was indeed jumping in and out of the “thorn” bush, then, apparently, the bush wasn’t harming it. Anyone who has a kitten or cat knows that any time a cat or kitten doesn’t want to do something, they are VERY adamant about it with their body and vocal expressions, especially with their yowls, claws and teeth (ex. try giving the average cat or kitten a bath).
I have a cat and a kitten, and as lovable and loving as they are, my five month old kitten can be an @$$hole at times (yeah, I went there).
Examples: jumping up and down in the litter box at times though he doesn’t have to go, and then taking off running while leaving an unnecessary mess all over the floor; waking our cat up a few times while she’s napping because he wants to be groomed (which is understandable); waking up my husband and I up in the middle of the dark morning just because he wants to play—though he has water, food, a clean litter box, warmth, and he’s not sick—and continuing to do so several times every 15 minutes or so just when we think we’re going to fall asleep again, which can drive anyone crazy.
Are there moments where I feel like putting my size 4 foot up his tiny butt? HELL YEAH! Sometimes, when he goes overboard, I briefly grab him by the scruff (the way a mama cat does), look him in the eyes, and tell him to stop. We’re making progress because he does the first two less, and he no longer wakes us up in the middle of the morning.
By experiencing such shadow aspects of my pets, while maintaining healthy boundaries (the balance of loving self and interconnected Life), helped me to further realize what profound unconditional acceptance/embrace/love is. It’s WAY too easy to only like the likable and love the lovable (that’s conditional love).
It also helped me to deeply empathize with those who may end their relationships with their pet cats at certain points due to some of the difficult challenges that come with living with them (essentially cats being one of the Master Teachers of Unconditional Love).
One of my former, Christian neighbors ensured that our building residents knew about her deep love for shelter animals, and her judgment towards those who didn’t adopt shelter animals, and even left behind their pet cats. But while watching her two shelter dogs and cat, I learned (once again) that not everything is as it appears on the outer surface.
She was borderline neglecting her pets though she often made it her mission to blow her trumpet within the neighborhood that she’s a pet lover. I informed her by showing her what benefits them (i.e., washing their water and food bowls, cleaning the litter box more often so that it doesn’t have a potent odor, cleaning them, etc.).
On the outside, Bentinho can easily appear as the bad guy for what he did to the kitten, and my former neighbor can easily appear as the good gal for “rescuing” her pets. But the question is…what’s more authentic/pure?
Purity/holiness has been mistaken to mean only very good and very righteous. But I have no doubt that true holiness is intuitively knowing when to Be any of the aspects within the full range polarity of good vs bad, right vs wrong, light vs darkness, etc., the way Holy Spirit embraces All of Life/All That Is within this Universe and beyond.
2) As mentioned above, since ALL aspects (positive and negative) exists within all of us to varying degrees, ultimately, there is no psychic attack from OUT THERE. There is no bad guy(s) from OUT THERE. It’s very difficult to admit to our “negative” shadow aspects that are deemed unacceptable to society.
Therefore, we may experience conflict from within—our “positive” free-spirited, shadow aspect desiring to be transparently honest with self/Self and the world (though it leaves us very vulnerable) and our fearful ego self wanting to protect self from appearing as the bad or evil guy.
– When Bentinho became emotional at one point (in a subtle way), I strongly sensed that he was not only suppressing his deep desire to release/cry/heal/integrate, but he was also masking it with a smile (which is okay since we use humor at times to cover our true feelings). A spiritual teacher can cry and still be powerful.
What was fascinating to me was that moments afterwards, I heard a woman bawling in the background. I instantly received a reminder from within. Whenever we repress or suppress an emotion, it doesn’t go away. If we continue to suppress it, it will simply show up in another form (like another person).
Granted, this usually happens eventually, but in Bentinho’s case, it happened immediately. The woman crying so deeply was mirroring Bentinho’s unhealed female energy within the Multidimensional self/Self—the healed version Being the Divine Feminine Goddess part of Self—that just wanted to be noticed, recognized, re-examined, acknowledged, unconditionally accepted/embraced/loved, healed and integrated as part of the whole/The One.
Perhaps he realized this from a higher state of consciousness, and thus continued to smile while she was crying (which can seem very clueless, or even insensitive from the 3D, limited perspective).
As I shared above, authenticity/purity/holiness is the ability to Be ALL or any aspects (without judgment), and in addition, the choice to not Be any of them.
From the human perspective, it could be considered “good” and “right” for Bentinho to comfort the crying woman (one of his followers); however, simply allowing one to Be as they are at any given moment—without having the need to perceive them as being powerless, being victims, and needing to rescue them—is also pure compassion (Divine Feminine Goddess aspect of the Self).
– I’m glad I didn’t finish reading the letter from Bentinho’s blog a while back, because hearing him read it was heartfelt, soul-igniting, consciousness expanding, and beautiful.
As I’ve shared in a post in the near past, we can all be student and teacher to one another. Rather than placing soul teachers (to include spiritual teachers) into earthly labeled boxes of good, bad, right, wrong, light, and/or dark, we can simply benefit from whatever words, phrases, or larger teachings from all teachers—and express our gratitude and appreciation for their gifts—and discard or disregard whatever doesn’t resonate with us.
Afterall, we are all channels of Great Spirit—I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence within, ultimately, Source/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess—with varying degrees of our own filters that may sometimes cloud Spirit’s pure communication.
Additional note: I was drawn to this video today in Divine perfect timing and order, and Bentinho reminded me of a wide range of aspects within the merged, Multidimensional frequency spectrum of Light/Love, which includes darkness and fear.
There were moments where I just wanted to hug the inner-child aspect of him who appeared somewhat uncomfortable, sad, very vulnerable, and innocent/pure. And there were moments where I was touched by his seemingly unshakable, wise, loving, and powerful Presence.
<3<3<3 Mulantis
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