As mentioned in the previous post, “How Releasing a Heavy Belief Gifted Me with Unexpected Joy,” the following is the comment I posted for the soul-igniting Teal Swan video titled, โSpirituality in The Information Age,โ which inspired me to share my inner-truths and insights via blogging:
Mulantis ReunitingAll 6 hours ago (edited)
First of all Teal, the creative ensemble of your space has captivated me throughout the entire video! ^_^ I LOVE how the vivid and neutral colors of the wall, sofa, plant, and your gorgeous outfit complement one another, and are also found in your eye-popping painting.
Thank you Teal and team for another mind and heart expanding video. I feel that you (Teal) have an invaluable gift of transforming the very complex, life themes into something digestible, which is pretty genius (though I and/or others may not always fully comprehend what you’re expressing for whatever reasons).
I also highly respect and admire that you’re not solely about creating the QUANTITY of videos, but rather, you’re about co-creating the QUALITY of your fresh content that includes very helpful reminders. You mentioned in one of your videos that you only make videos when you FEEL like it within a week, which FELT spot on with following one’s inner guidance and Being in alignment with Source within, in order to clearly channel an overall clean message with minimal fear attached to the outcome (e.g., regarding the sheer number of videos published).
Because I noticed that when a creator of a video is overly focused—with only their logical mind, rather than integrated Mind/Heart—on absolutely needing to post a video by a rigid, daily schedule, despite how they may FEEL (due to a promise they made to their viewers), the content can become, at times, very redundant, anxious, preachy, arrogant, demanding, manipulative, controlling, draining, and/or overall fear-based; and hence, lack the soul-igniting and/or heartfelt quality.
I also respect that you’re not worried or obsessed about the number of followers you have, which doesn’t even come close to defining your amazing, Multidimensional whole self/Self, and it’s no ancient, Japorean secret that so-called followers can easily be bought these days within social media (so it’s not ALWAYS impressive than someone has many followers).
It used to BAFFLE me (and I’m sure others) whenever I noticed that someone expressing some shallow and/or fear-based words and/or actions would have hundreds of thousands to millions of followers, but yet, highly evolved Beings (like you and a small number of like-minded others) who generously share highly beneficial, profound messages, would only have a fraction of the amount of followers.
But then I realized that it’s NOT about the quantity alone. Like one of the popular quotes states, Hitler had millions of followers (who were clearly NOT aware), and Jesus had a much smaller following. I supposed that’s why your type of information is considered esoteric.
On another note, I feel that it’s liberating to simply go with the flow, and tune into whatever one highly resonates with at whatever moment (whether that’s a person, place, thing, event, idea, etc.) since I trust that the various puzzle pieces (that initially appear separate) will beautifully come together in Divine perfect timing and order for self/interconnected Life’s highest benefit; hence, there’s no need to judge, control and place limits upon what one should do or don’t do, should be or don’t be, etc.
I enjoy gathering soul-igniting and/or heartfelt gems of knowledge and profound wisdom from the outer world, as well as inner world and match them with personal experiences (experiential knowledge/wisdom REALIZED).
And one of the things that I’ve noticed and learned is that no matter what “spiritual teacher” or wise soul I’m drawn to at whatever “time” in this physical reality (and all their differences)—which could even be a small child who shows through her pure words and/or actions how to BE unconditional kindness (a seemingly rare gift)—there ARE certain harmonious, universal messages that surround the main theme of Unconditional Love of self/others (the ultimate life lesson).
Therefore, though I may not resonate with EVERYTHING that one particular spiritual teacher teaches (since we all have our filters)—-and have even been frustrated with certain fear-based and fear-instilling teachings that FELT off or downright NOT good—I’ve learned to EMBRACE whatever special gifts that they had to generously offer that were: authentic, triggering (from love-based intentions), soul-igniting, encouraging, deeply heartfelt, uplifting, empowering, motivating and/or inspiring.
Some examples of outer spiritual teachers that I’ve been strongly drawn to (in the past and/or now) are well-known spiritual teachers like yourself (Teal), Abraham Hicks (whom you were known to learn from as well), Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka), Alan Watts, Victor Oddo, and even Joel Osteen (yes, a religious teacher/pastor; though I’ve chosen to set myself free from the world’s religious boxes a while back, I enjoyed some of his motivating, uplifting messages within his sermons), as well as Neale Donald Walsch (the last two teachers from back in the day).
I used to get so passionately angry when certain spiritual teachers (or people in general) would basically vomit a MEGA LOAD of doo doo that’s meant to instill fear into the hearts of others; but I noticed that as time goes by, I’m less fazed by it, and I would simply become better at moving on to whatever else I was excited to learn about, do, and or just Be (even to the smallest degree), rather than continually focus on what upsets me (that I’m unable to change).
So even though the internet can be extremely overwhelming with the whole package deal of duality (good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.), I’ve learned to make it simple by just trusting and following my inner guidance (to the best of my ability), which seems to perfectly match me up with whatever I need to tune into at whatever moment to highly benefit self/Source: Soul & Spirit/God & Goddess within/interconnected Life.
I also think it helps to be AWARE of all the NON-beneficial stuff in this world, but not to become LOST within the plethora of distractions, since we can only do our best to change what we can change at whatever moment; and as you often reminded us, major change—transformation on all energetic levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)—needs to start from within (i.e., ensuring our habitual thoughts, beliefs, emotions, feelings, intentions, behaviors, verbal expressions, actions, etc. are beneficial to our lives).
Whenever a soul(s) chooses to follow a so-called false spiritual teacher for whatever amount of time, I have no doubt that it’s part of the Divine Plan since there are no accidents, and there are technically no “wrong” paths. Hopefully the contrast of fear-based teachings will help us to learn what DOESN’T make our hearts sing, and thus, motivate us to choose a more enjoyable route.
Or better yet, we can deeply appreciate whatever neutral gifts (positive or negative) we (student and teacher) receive from any interconnected soul (student and teacher), and simply do our best to LIVE the treasure box collections of love-based wisdom while enjoying planet Earth and other worlds within this Universe and beyond (as Multidimensional Beings).
By the way, I noticed 4:44 this morning on the thermometer clock—though the oven and microwave clock showed a different time of a few minutes—and I was not only grateful for the loving and supportive presence of the angelic realm (ultimately our angel selves within and without), but I was also reminded that ALL IS WELL at every moment of NOW, despite certain, seemingly not so pleasant, earthly circumstances and current challenges within our individual and collective lives.
This is a long@$$ comment, but I haven’t felt like expressing myself in writing for a while due to feeling hopeless at times, so I thank you much for the inspiration.
Teal, you have a magical way of bringing out so much within me—the good and bad, right and wrong, dark and light, etc.—and I have no doubt that it’s contributing to the expansion of our individual and collective consciousness in a powerful way.
I’m very grateful for your very precious and immensely invaluable existence. Continue to BE an amazing gift to your Multidimensional, whole self/Self, humanity and beyond; and may you forever remember your Divine worth as well, which no world or worlds can ever put a price tag on (as you basically reminded us in your deeply moving, self-worth video that no other soul teacher has ever taught me so lovingly and beautifully).
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