As usual, I followed my inner guidance from the moment I woke up this morning, and went with the flow of what I felt like Being and doing.
I’ve been doing this for years now (though I haven’t mastered it), and I noticed that whenever I’m in alignment with Source within (Soul/Spirit), I experience Divine synchronicity—to include number synchronicity, like noticing 4:44 today while typing this paragraph, which reminds me of being connected to the angelic realm within; I simply thank them for their loving presence and assistance with my life path.
My ego aspect of Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within)—only using its physical, logical mind, rather than integrated Mind/Heart—-used to judge what I was strongly drawn to Be and do at times, labeling them as not rational, practical, important, worthwhile, beneficial, money-making, successful, etc.
However, I trust that we’ve reached an agreement (most of the time) for the ego aspect of self to simply Be its full-potential self (as mature Soul/Divine Masculine God-Self), and contribute as an Adviser to Spirit (Divine Feminine Goddess-Self) within while trusting in Divine Wisdom—that everything has a Divine purpose, highly benefits interconnected Life throughout this Universe and beyond (despite outer appearances), and happens in Divine perfect timing and order throughout seemingly countless earthly and otherworldly, parallel and alternate realities.
Perhaps the dreams recorded in posts, “Dream of Shouting at Ibis, ‘God Thoth, Wake Up!’”and then, “A Captivating Dream of a Flaming Energy Being I Called Enki,” are symbolic of waking up the ego self and deeply healing the remnants of its fear-based energy into its God-Self version.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Prime Disclosure 2) Pinterest 3) and 4) Kundalini Dance
When I noticed the video, “What North Koreans Think of America [Full] | ASIAN BOSS,” I became curious about their perspective. Though my first job in the Army as a Cryptologic Korean Linguist/Analyst revolved around doing in-depth analysis on the North Korean military, I’ve never heard the civilian people’s side of the story. I’m really grateful for this experience because it further opened my mind and heart. I even left the following comment:
Thank you all for creating, participating, and sharing this intriguing and informative video. ^_^ I was really impressed with the former, North Korean young men who seem overall very authentic, transparently honest, eloquent, open minded and open hearted (aka integrated Mind/Heart), highly intelligent (mentally and emotionally), and deeply wise.
I see a bright future for them, and I wish for their souls to experience much wisdom (obtained from profound, life lessons on planet Earth), great health, freedom, inner-peace, joy (to include much humor, smiles, and laughter), happy abundance (in various forms, both intangible and tangible), and last but not least…Unconditional/True Love (for ALL aspects of self and interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond).
The interviewer also did an outstanding job of asking a broad range of helpful questions, so I wish him all of the above as well.
Note: Images above found next to link =>1) 2) and 3) (created posters adding personal quote and using; initially shared in post, “To So-Called Leaders of This World: A Delicious Taste of Your Own Medicine”)
After watching another video by the same creators (ASIAN BOSS), I considered subscribing to this channel, but was then drawn to the video below, which changed my mind. Plus, when I briefly breezed through the titles of other videos, they didn’t exactly grab my attention.
The following is a comment I shared for the video, “Do Females Like Man Bun And Beard? | 뒷머리 묶는 남자와 수염기른 남자들에 대한 여자 생각 | 西洋ではヒゲと束髪が流行!美女達の感想は?“:
I checked out this video due to curiosity, but the title is far from accurately representing the collective opinions of females in general. Granted, I get that it’s very challenging to represent most of the females on this planet; however COMMA asking a tiny@$$ fraction of the female population—who come off a bit shallow and overly materialistic—doesn’t exactly do justice for this topic.
Hopefully, male beings who check out this video realize that they’re full-potential, Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within) is MUCH MORE than a first impression solely based off of outer body appearance, clothing, and shoes.
If a female doesn’t give a male a chance (and vice versa) because she’s SO turned off by his beard or bun (or an absence of them)—or any other ridonkulous reason such as, “OMG! He appears to be waiting for a flood!”—then that female may be missing out on connecting with an amazing being.
I’ve crossed paths with a few guys who didn’t exactly look and/or dress according to society’s small-box standards, fashion fads, expectations, etc. but they were some genuine, loving souls with character; so I’m glad I didn’t end up judging them from the outside only, because that only creates a blockage from all the wonderful opportunities we can experience while on planet Earth.
For almost three decades of my adult life, I’ve noticed that a handful of BAD@$$ men (AND women)—REGARDLESS of outer appearance and earthly backgrounds like race, ethnicity, color, size, attractiveness according to society, sexual preference, education level, financial status, job or career position, etc.—were highly respected and deeply admired for how they carried themselves (due to their overall, consistent, high vibes/vibrational frequency).
This includes, but is not limited to their:
– authenticity (which is rare)
– unconditional kindness (as opposed to much CONDITIONAL kindness within our world; example: the very immature boy trapped in a man’s body who’s REALLY nice to a female because he only wants sex, but then reveals his true colors—a jerk or @$$hole—when he doesn’t get what he wants at his timetable. I say, “F@#* him!” because BAD@$$ females deserve MUCH BETTER)
– profound character
– deep understanding that true intimacy is not just about a few minutes (if that) of physical sex, but
about emotionally connecting with another being first and foremost, to the point where that other,
interconnected being is intensely attracted to you on ALL Multidimensional, energetic levels
(physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) which can result in Cosmic Orgasm
– refreshing integrity and transparently honest communication
– gratitude and deep appreciation for life
– free-spirited, adventurous, and/or simply exploring aspect who knows how to enjoy life and have FUN
– ability to actively listen
– assertive demeanor with healthy boundaries
– confidence without arrogance
– intelligence (mentally and emotionally)
– wisdom (to include discernment)
– great sense of humor
– sincere willingness to Be fully present with another (i.e., connect at the heartfelt, soul level)
– gentle, yet, deep eye contact
– willingness to embrace ALL raw emotions (inner compass that reveals our authentic state at any
given moment) and express them in healthy ways
– willingness to honor ALL feelings (language of the soul) and follow their inner guidance
– and/or last but not least…their profound, Unconditional Love for self and others (to include self- respect, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-empowerment, self-worth, self-esteem, self-inspiration, etc., which helps us to fully Be this way for interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond).
Just to be clear, it’s not about being perfect, but about integrating the whole self that radiates much excellence—the entire rainbow spectrum of Light and Love of the Soul/Spirit within.
If anyone has read this long@$$ comment thus far, you were meant to because the message highly resonates with your soul.
I trust that this description is not only my personal opinion of the ultimate Dream Man (aka “Real Man” or full-potential man)—or ultimate Dream Woman (aka “Real Woman” or full-potential woman)—but it’s what seemingly countless humans (and non-humans) are deeply yearning to experience in a soul-igniting, heartfelt, intimate, romantic relationship.
However COMMA we must remind ourselves that Unconditional/True Love starts from within; and as we unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love ALL aspects within us—the opposites/contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, dark and light, etc.—we can then integrate them into our WHOLE, Multidimensional being; by the way, Inner-Child Work and Shadow Work helps to accomplish this.
Once we integrate the male and females energies within us, we can then cross paths with our perfect match (another WHOLE, Multidimensional Being) who mirrors us—aka ONE and ONLY Twin Soul (in the spiritual realm)/and then Twin Flame (actually manifested in physical reality, whether in this world or another).
And the two, whole Beings WILL, without a shadow of a doubt, do INCREDIBLE things together—the seemingly IMPOSSIBLE—not just for themselves, but for humanity, merging worlds, and beyond (in accordance with the Divine Plan meant to be highly beneficial for All of Life/All That Is).
Now THAT’S True Love at its FINEST—Divine Love (Unconditional/True Love) merged with Divine Wisdom (that everything has a Divine Purpose and happens in Divine perfection) and Divine Power (power that doesn’t misuse or abuse).
Until that seemingly miraculous and magical moment, let’s unconditionally love more and more aspects or ourselves, and continue to deeply appreciate all of the life lessons that we learn from our many soulmates (within a Soul Family or Soul Families) from past/present/future (all simultaneously occurring in the present moment of NOW from a Multidimensional, expanded perspective/consciousness).
By the way, I personally think men with 5 o’ clock shadows or beards can (key word) appear very sexy and hot. I strongly sense that this deep attraction stems from having been drawn to male Beings, in past lives, who have experienced the Sacred Reunion within themselves (i.e., integrated the Divine Masculine God with the Divine Feminine Goddess essence). One example: Ascended Master Jesus who had Light/Christ Consciousness merged with Wisdom/Buddha Consciousness.
Note: Image on right—found next to link => Ashtar Command—is the closet image I could find on the web that resembles the mysterious Being whom I very briefly saw in an otherworldly dream recorded in post, “The Dark Being and Jesus Within Me” (under subtitle, “The Disguised Nightmare” of July 8, 2013). I also had a Divine mystical experience in dream state recorded in post “Dreams of Jesus.“
Continuation post, “Appreciating Various Gifts from the Universe Within, Ranging from Seemingly Tiny to Ginormous“
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