I shared the following message for video, “Oprah Winfrey । 30 Minutes for the NEXT 30 Years of Your LIFE“:
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Barbara D
0 seconds ago
Thank you so much for sharing one of the top most helpful videos that I’ve ever watched. I invested at least a half a day on pondering the profound and practical wisdom within this video, that includes invaluable messages that were further mind and heart expanding, encouraging, deeply heartfelt, uplifting, soul-igniting, empowering, inspiring, and Consciousness expanding.
As always, I followed my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom FIRST AND FOREMOST, only taking onboard what FELT light/true to my Heart (most of this video), and discarding the rest.
At one point, I was deeply moved to almost tears to what FELT like Oprah channeling the Divine (Spirit/Higher Heart/Goddess & Soul/Higher Mind/God essence).
So overall, I’m very grateful for this message. However COMMA regarding the story of the woman who wanted to share her “unacceptable” truths via an interview with Oprah: remember Oprah’s quote within this video, “You do the right thing even when other people think it may not be,” as well as Oprah’s quote (later within this video) about her believing in the sharing of stories.
If the woman sharing her business brought her peace, then not even someone like Oprah can ultimately deny her that experience due to Oprah’s own judgments about what is right or wrong, since “RIGHT” is relative depending one one’s perspective.
What IF the BIGGER picture included the woman’s son (and interconnected Souls) highly benefitting from the WHOLE truth being revealed?
What IF sharing such seemingly uncomfortable and unacceptable truths lead to PROFOUND WISDOM gained from important Life lessons learned, such as: raw Authenticity/pure WHOLEness—not just “right” “good” and “light” aspects, only half of WHOLE self/Self—Deep Understanding, Compassion, Empathy, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Love (for the self/others/Life)?
So rather than having a disempowering, fear-based belief that the whole truth will DESTROY another, why not choose an empowering, love-based belief (an unshakable faith) that the whole truth can CREATE a GREATER version of the self/Self/others?
Plus, there have been plenty of times where Oprah put her business out there, but, yet, that’s okay since the type of business she put out was labeled “right” and “good” to general society?
This way of outdated thinking and believing is similar to the Catholic church (and other religions of this world) who state that this world isn’t ready for whatever truths they keep hidden in their vast and secret libraries that only they have access to (as well as those who they deem “ready”).
But what if THEY are the ones who aren’t ready for the WHOLE TRUTHS?
My well-meaning, overly protective, deeply wounded within, and extremely secretive mother—who preferred to keep all of her skeletons in her closet—often reminded me since early childhood to basically NOT put my business out there.
This included my biological background (Japorean), since she said that EVERYONE hates the Japanese, especially Koreans, and to include the Americans.
However COMMA, during high school, I chose to share this “dirty secret” with my friends, because, though I didn’t have the words for the feeling, I intuitively wanted to be accepted for who I completely was (and NOT just half of who I was, at least biologically).
Oprah has shared a quote in the past, “This is who I AM,” when someone asked, “Who does she think she is?”
Well, if we are told to only share our “right” “good” “light” and “acceptable” parts of ourselves, then how can we ever UNconditionally, FULLY, and Truly love our WHOLE selves?
After leaving Army life, I even chose to create a very unconventional blog where I share Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, but with discernment (i.e., not very personal info like home address, phone number, SSN, etc.).
Because it has helped me to better KNOW WHOLE self/Self, to unconditionally love more and more ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of self/Self,/others/Life, and has helped me to develop a stronger and stronger, inner world foundation of, “THIS IS WHO I AM…TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.”
It’s WAY TOO EASY to only show the world our “good” “right” “light” and “acceptable” aspects of WHOLE self/Self. Such masks are too common within this world.
A related example regarding Oprah’s story about this woman, is Oprah also denying her interview with Mystic, Neale Donald Walsch (NDW), to be aired (according to him), because she felt that the world wasn’t ready for his unconventional messages.
Well, apparently the Divine essence within him and interconnected Life knew he was ready, as well as the millions who were drawn to his channeled messages at their own pace (to include myself back in 2001), during his authentic Consciousness states of integrated Heart/Mind (to include many Consciousness expanding books).
I don’t know, perhaps Oprah intuitively SENSED that she didn’t want to represent NDW, because it FELT like he was coming from his ego self at the time rather than his Heart-led Higher Self.
I, too, have observed that NDW had a strong need to only be “good” “right” and “light,” which is what our individual and Collective Egos have been deeply conditioned to be by a very judgmental society, in order to survive in this world.
As much as I deeply appreciated all the invaluable messages that he channeled from his Higher Self/Source—Spirit/Heart/Goddess leading Soul/Mind/God—he didn’t seem AUTHENTIC/WHOLE during interviews (like he was trying too hard to be the super humble “good guy”, which seemed to backfire, since it was unnatural, not fully honest, and repelling rather than being magnetic).
There were brief moments where I wondered what it would be like to meet a Soul like Oprah, to connect with her at a deeply heartfelt level, to get to know her WHOLE self/Self—and not just who she portrays in public (despite her being authentic to the best of her ability)—and even what it might be like to do an interview with her (since she has the resources to reach many within humanity).
However, after finding out what happened with NDW and the woman Oprah talked about within this video, I further realized that I have no interest in putting myself in a position that allows another to limit all who I am in whatever ways, to include what truths I can or cannot share with the public.
This feels similar to what some man-made, limiting religions are known to do—as well as other “well-meaning” organizations like TEDx Talks [related post further below]—who outwardly show the world how “good” and “right” they are, while not transparently revealing that they, too, have rules as to what spiritual teachings are NOT allowed to be shared with the public (though they can be highly beneficial).
So this theme about sharing WHOLE self/Self with others relates to what Oprah mentioned within this video—only offering “GALLON-SIZE shares” with only “GALLON-SIZED people” who will be able to RECOGNIZE and truly APPRECIATE the VALUABLE shares.
I’ve realized that when we practice FILLING OUR OWN INNER CUP/HEART, FIRST AND FOREMOST—which will then effortlessly OVERFLOW to interconnected Life within this world and beyond—this is THE MOST POWERFUL, though we can also be receptive to others helping to fill our cup as well.
I deeply appreciate Oprah’s share regarding what ALL to expect with ENORMOUS SUCCESS, since it’s not all sunshine, rainbows and flowers; and that’s “imperfectly” PERFECT since ALL of Life is about ebb and flows (the Yin & Yang Cosmic Dance).
And the GOLDEN KEY is to do our best to remain NEUTRAL—as I AM Presence of merged Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Goddess & God—gracefully embracing ALL THAT IS, which is what a Mystic IS, how s/he perceives ALL of interconnected Life within this world and beyond, and what what s/he does (which Alan Watts taught so beautifully).
I have no doubt that the combo package deal of this world’s success also including the “unpleasant” parts, is why I was grateful that my blog was seemingly invisible in this world, which made it feel like a safe space to fully and freely express ALL of WHOLE self/Self while not needing to be bombarded by this world’s judgments.
However, I realized that goes against the original, Heart-inspired intention of wanting to generously share with humanity (via another way) whatever helpful personal experiences, stories, insights, profound wisdom, unconditional love (for self/others/Life), and other highly beneficial themes of Life.
So I’m going to trust that I’ve had more than enough PRACTICE of embracing WHOLE self/Self, and Be ready to be more visible to the rest of this world (even if the outer world continues to mirror “non-acceptance” at times).
I intend to take the most beneficial parts from this blog that I’ve been working on (as inner work/The Work) for over a decade, and turn them into 1 through 12 minute YouTube videos that many can relate to, since this instant gratification society is more likely to watch YouTube videos than read very long blog posts.
I will also continue to incorporate all that I’ve learned within open-mic comedy sets as well.
Oprah, I appreciate how you sharing one of your childhood gifts has shed further LIGHT onto my own keen observations since childhood as well—Being a Great Observer of interconnected Life—and Being a habitual Full Presence with others throughout adulthood.
You’re also a great storyteller, captivating with your heartfelt feelings included, and uplifting with your great sense of humor, and ability to PLAY various characters. ^_^
You may never read this unusually LONG@$$ comment (out of millions to billions), but if it’s meant to benefit you, I trust that you will in Divine perfect timing and order.
THANK YOU SO MUCH Oprah for sharing precious and invaluable you/You, and your generous and loving contributions to humanity and beyond.
Ahaya Mulantis🐮🐯💖
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Channeling EYES Essence of Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor
“Two White Tigers Honoring Goddess Energy & Related Series of Synchronicity“
From this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
“Realization of Goddess-Self, Ascended Masters & The Return of The Anunnaki” (& Related Post: “Recorded Personal Experiences Within Blog That Match Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet“):
Example Post About Wholeness from this blog’s category page, “AM I : I AM“:
“My Mesmerizing Spiral of God, Goddess and Divine Spirit Experience“
- UPDATE added on 8/25/2021: While following my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit within, and noticing and FEELING the trail of breadcrumbs of joy, I came upon the following information (Light) that instantly reminded me of the dancing, golden, spiral light that entered my left eye while meditating in bed:
- “The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., “Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God Inside the Human Mind.” The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all of these names to the Eye of Horus.” by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- “Why is the Eye of Horus so important? Eye of Horus, in ancient Egypt, symbol representing protection, health, and restoration. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Seth. … The eye was magically restored by Hathor, and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing.” by britannica.com
Thank you so much Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet Self
“Rare Heart-led Christians, Incomplete Religions and Bible & Old Blame Games“
“All YOU as WHOLE self/Self: Earthly & Otherworldly Past/Present/Future Lives“
“Various Perspectives Regarding Soul Families, Karma, Hopelessness & Clarity“
The following is an excerpt from the post, “Dream of Light Beings a Decade Ago & Seeing One in Physical Reality in 2020“:
And today, right before watching this video, I came upon this quote related to the frustration I had experienced in the hospital, “The Devi is present within all beings as restlessness, as frustration. within the reading, “Significance Of Devi Stotra.” [click title link for the rest of reading that will open in another window]
These quotes are related to the Light Being that I mentioned, “The Devi is present and manifest as energy within all beings” and “Wherever one sees radiance, shine and brilliance; it is none other than because of the Mother Divine.”
This quote is related to the shadow being I mentioned, “The Devi is present as Shadow, as a shade.”
This quote is also related to the MEMORY subject you talked about Sadhguru, “Memory in you is also a manifestation of the Mother Divine.”
This quote is related to dream state, “The Devi Tattva expresses itself in the form of Sleep. The Sleeping state in you is a form of the Mother Divine. As sleep, She is present in every being..”
This quote is related to E.T.s and aliens I mentioned, “It is the Devi, the Divine Consciousness that manifests as the multitude of particular (unique) species.”
There are those within the spiritual communities—whether the broad range of Spirituality, various religions, or other rigid and limiting belief systems—that teach and/or preach to humanity that one can only tune into the Divine if one is thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions.
However, I’ve learned via experiential knowledge (profound Living Wisdom) that this isn’t necessarily true.
And I realized this is due to the Divine Mother Goddess BEING ALL STATES of Consciousness within interconnected Life of this world and way beyond, and is NOT limited by the duality/polarity of physical worlds—the so-called right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, hot vs cold, fire vs water, etc. S/He is EVERYTHING/the Universe/Multiverse/Omniverse/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities (that includes the God Particle)/The Cosmic Womb & Heart/Prime Creator (who even created original God, Her other Half of the Cosmic Coin)/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/One of Many Names (but ultimately The Nameless)/Alpha & Omega/ETC.
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