This morning, I woke up recalling a dream of flying in the air while holding some high-tech, mini box in my hand.
Image by Incygneia from Pixabay
One could easily assume that it’s a dream of an alternate, future reality; but I’m at a point in my spiritual evolution, where I’m confident that even the past—within certain, ancient, civilizations—included various technology that mankind has not been able to explain (though they do their best to do so).
Without analyzing, and even overanalyzing the dream, I simply recalled the overall interpretation of flight dreams—which I’ve experienced dozens of times in the past, though not while holding some gadget—that it’s ultimately about freedom.
I was free and happy, which was a relief, since I had been experiencing a lot of “darker” dreams for a while (which I’ve also embraced).
I’ve usually been dreaming of being in some gray environment, interacting with known and unknown people from different timelines.
For instance, in one dream (and like others), I was interacting with one of my high school teachers and a former, Army Soldier of mine, both of whom weren’t in my physical reality at the same time.
And for me, this reveals the 4D + dimensions, where EVERYTHING is simultaneously happening NOW, from a Multidimensional perspective.
There is no linear, 3D perspective of past, present and future, though there could be since Unity Consciousness also includes separation consciousness (just as one coin includes both sides, and the WHOLE includes all the interconnected parts).
Anyhoo, I have no doubt that I’ve been experiencing some more than usual, major changes in my life (saw 555, and other series of number synchronicity)—that are mixed vibrations of both intimidating (for my ego aspect of self) and exciting (for my Soul)—due to a combination of factors.
They include my use of the following spiritual/physical tools:
- Powerful crystal pendants that accelerate one’s Soul growth/individual and Collective Consciousness (for my sterling silver necklace) of: Libyan Golden Tektite, Moldavite, Malachite and Citrine; plus other collection of crystals that I’ve been placing in my pillow case, but today, decided to smudge them, and then arrange them on a large, wooden, circular platform to create a portal for Galactic and Universal dimensions to better assist me in co-creating my Heart’s desires
- Cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck by Jamye Price (especially the cards I had selected within a month or so, “Orion Releasing: Hopelessness” and “Pleiades Expanding: Wholeness”)
- Seeing the grasshopper spirit guide show up on two, different days at work—one with an amputated right leg, and the other with an amputated left leg. I trust that they were both symbolic of not being able to more forward in my life (toward full-potential self/Self) should I choose to stay at the current job. In order to take a LEAP in Consciousness—that the grasshopper spirit animal usually reminds me of—I had to honor my authentic emotions (inner compass) and true feelings (language of the Soul), further creating harmony between the inner male and female energies within
- Hearing the Raven spirit guide outside whenever I experienced another realization, confirming my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings
- The powerful influence of this month’s New Moon and upcoming Supermoon/Lunar Eclipse energies
- The mirroring of intensely, negative, shadow aspects—showing up as others/certain coworkers—strongly pushing me towards more of what I prefer to Be and do in Life, while assisting me to further embrace and integrate the darker aspects of whole self
- Learning and taking more actions to unconditionally love myself more, and realizing that I deserve better in Life (the best in Life)
- Hearing various types of tones again (to include musical ones), which I haven’t experienced in a long while (and reminds me of higher frequencies)
I plan on leaving Sedona soon, and simply spend some me time alone for a while, somewhere far away. It’s time, and I FEEL it from the depths of my being.
I also intend to meditate a lot in various ways, to include facing my own “dark”/unknown/shadow aspects of whole self/Self—whether positive or negative—during the meditative state.
I shared the following email letter to the GM of the largest boutique that I worked at, and I felt so relieved and grateful for her supportive, thoughtful, and heartfelt response (it’s a continuation from the final, Sedona post series that includes “The Non-Discriminating Energy of Various Forms of Abundance, to Include Money“:
Hi ______ [GM],
First of all, I want to thank you so much for your deep understanding, enthusiastic support, encouragement, upliftment, and empowerment lately, and just for being a caring Leader.
I realized that having felt so drained the last, two days of work (and even days after), more than likely stemmed from an overload of stress factors (that I’ve mostly shared with you already). I shared some more details, along with some relevant quotes further below, to best express how I feel about my current situation.
When I first started working for this company, _____ [male owner of the company] somewhat jokingly mentioned that once I prove my worth, he’ll determine what pay I will be receiving after the training phase.
Though I really appreciate the two, generous, raises that he and ___ [his wife/female owner of the company] decided to give me, could you please let them know that I came to the profound realization that my Soul worth (like everybody else’s) is NOT defined by others, to include the material world’s hourly pay.
Also, please tell him I said thank you so much for his opportunity (to work for him), unconditional kindness, sincerity, authenticity, honesty, thoughtfulness, uplifting feedback, and overall wonderful Soul essence.
And I’m also glad that he didn’t just fill available positions with any “warm body” (the way he said he used to), but actually selected new employees with discernment.
Since you all have more new employees, I’m confident that you’ll be more than fine without my presence at the company.
Plus, _____ [Sales Director] is back, so she can train more effectively as the original, official trainer; and I’m sure the employees will show her the respect that she deserves, since she’s also the Sales Director.
B____y did mention (multiple times) that she could use some extra money and hours, so unless things have changed since recently, she’ll probably be more than happy to take at least a couple of my shifts.
I’ve decided that it’s best that I don’t return for my own well-being (and others); and that may seem selfish to others, but I don’t expect anyone to understand.
I’m in the process of learning to unconditionally love more and more aspects of whole self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), and that includes developing a solid foundation, core belief that I, too, deserve better in Life.
An empty, or barely filled, inner cup cannot fully and truly give to interconnected Life.
I’ll be going away soon on a solitude journey to fully reconnect with my Soul within, even away from my husband and cats. I could also use this time to fully heal from my mother no longer being in my Life.
_____ [GM], from the depths of my Heart, I wish high-speed, multi-talented you, gentle kind soul B__b, raw authentic and wild-spirit S__a, uplifting J__s, fun R__a, and very comfortable M___n (plus others), various forms of uplifting abundance in your lives, to include much: profound wisdom, inner and outer peace, gratitude and appreciation, every stepping stone of Soul success, monetary abundance, true freedom, joy (to include contentment and a great sense of humor), and Unconditional Love for self/others (that includes self-compassion, SELF-CARE, unconditional self-forgiveness, sky high self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, healthy boundaries, self-empowerment, self-motivation, self-inspiration, and more).
I trust that the more we fill our inner cup (Heart), the more it will effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
As mentioned above, I just want to share the following relevant quotes with you (that don’t apply to you and those names I’ve mentioned next to yours; take great care):
“Working 9-5 for five days a week really adds up, whether or not you realize it you’re spending a pretty substantial amount of time at work. Liking where you work and who you work with makes a major difference when it comes to stress levels and overall happiness. If the relationships you’re forming aren’t mutually beneficial you’ll find yourself feeling drained. The mental cost of interactions should always factor into which environments and social circles you dedicate your time to. A good environment should energize you, not empty you. Feeling apathetic about your current situation is a clear sign it’s time to move onto greener pastures.”
“Letting go of negative relationships will allow you more time to focus on the positive ones.
The best way to determine who these individuals are is to think about how you feel after spending time with them […] If you feel drained, fearful or agitated after spending time with someone, it’s a sign they aren’t good for you.”
“People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen
Noticing Toxic Relationships
It is sometimes hard to be aware of a toxic relationship, especially when it is with someone who has been in your life a long time such as a parent, a sibling or a best friend. We often say things such as ‘Oh that’s just what she’s like’ or tell ourselves ‘Well, that’s the way it’s always been’, but that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it. As our awareness grows, we start to notice the ways in which people affect our emotions and begin to see when a transfer of energy (either positive and negative) takes place.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn 10.
“The only thing that changes our life long-term is when we raise our standards.” – Tony Robbins
“Surround yourself with those who only lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey
“When you surround yourself with positive people, you’re more likely to adopt empowering beliefs and see life as happening for you instead of to you. Just as you benefit when you surround yourself with people who make you happy, you suffer when those in your business or social circles are negative or narrow-minded.”
“It can often be uncomfortable to step away from relationships that are lacking. You don’t want to burn bridges […] But it’s essential not to feel obligated because […] you [believe you] owe them something. Determine what’s driving your decision to stay in these relationships, so that you can change your mindset and free yourself. You’ll be more prepared to focus on what really matters to you […]”
“Maybe you’ve just gotten used to having certain people around or are worried about moving on. Don’t let fear ruin your life. When you actively choose to surround yourself with people who make you happy and who share your ambitions, it elevates the standard of what you will or won’t tolerate in your life.”
“The next time you question your road to success, take a look at the people around you. You are who you surround yourself with, so stop wasting your energy on people who bring you down with negative energy. Take all that focus and transfer it to your new goal: learning how to surround yourself with people who are positive, smart and supportive.”
“To surround yourself with people who will take you to the next level, you need to spend time where they are.”
“The environment you work in and the people you spend your time around have a huge impact on your progress as a person. Being in the right place with the right people can make all the difference in your future. If you ever find yourself questioning where you are in life that could be a sign it’s time to move on, check out the list below for just a few reasons why finding a positive environment and social circle is one of the most important things you can do for your future.”
“When you spend any significant amount of time around someone you start to absorb each others mannerisms and habits. When you’re soaking up parts of other people you want to make sure the people you’re around are a positive influence […] Since the people around you the most of hours of the day are more than likely going to be leaving some sort of imprint on you, you will want to be sure that these are positive ones.”
Added on 5/22/2021
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “What Is The Purpose of Life? Life Is An Adventure by Teal Swan“:
Mulantis Reuniting All
2 minutes ago
Thank you so much Teal and team for this soul-igniting, heartfelt message that deeply moved me, and helped me to cry/release/heal more of my wounded heart. You are appreciated.
Added on 5/24/2021
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “Full Moon May 26h! 5 Things to Know ♊️🔮✨“:
Reuniting All
1 hour ago
Thank you so much Alina for this informative and helpful video, to include the breakdown of the various moon names, the energetic effects, the profound interpretations, and the exercise questions. I, too, have shared my personal experiences if you’d like to check them out. And what a great reminder at the end of the video! You are appreciated wonderful lady/Soul. ^_^
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “How I Strengthen My INTUITION✨“:
Reuniting All
1 second ago
Thank you Alina for sharing authentic, honest, free-spirited, lovable, loving, enthusiastic, passionate, wise, intuitive, and informative YOU (among other wonderful qualities). ^_^ I also deeply appreciate the great reminders to: trust our intuition/inner guidance/love-based inner voice/inner-wisdom/insights/gut feeling, reclaim our inner-power, and surround ourselves with those who unconditionally accept us and honor us for who we authentically are.
Continue Being an invaluable gift to => your full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: integrated Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine/Goddess & God/etc., ultimately two sides of the same WEALTH coin), as well as to interconnected humanity, merging worlds, and way beyond. 😉
p.s. I’m adding 5 purple emojis here in writing to let you know I watched this video until the end. I googled how to do it for a YouTube video, but since I didn’t get a quick answer, I don’t plan on investing more of my energy and time into this. Take great care! Barbara
I shared the following comment for the YouTube video, “How Not to Let Ugly Situations Mess You Up | Sadhguru“:
Reuniting All
1 second ago
Thank you so much Sadhguru for your profoundly wise and helpful message, that can assist us with bouncing back to our authentic, true state of Being. Continue Being an invaluable gift to your full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: integrated Heart & Mind/Spirit & Soul/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine/Goddess & God/etc., ultimately two sides of the same WEALTH coin), as well as to interconnected humanity, merging worlds, and way beyond.
Your precious existence, wonderful full presence, and priceless contributions are deeply appreciated.
Wishing you and your loved ones various forms (and non-forms) of uplifting abundance, to include profound wisdom, inner-peace, true freedom on all energetic levels (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual), great health, every stepping stone of Soul Success, gratitude and appreciation, lots of money to be used in highly beneficial ways (for self/others), Unconditional Love (for self/others), and pure JOY (to include much humor).
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