The contents of this post was initially a continuation of a section of the post titled, “The Magic of Synchronicity ^_^.”
However, I decided to extract the information and create its own space (as a new post) because the insight was very helpful to me; and perhaps it may be helpful to others as well who may not wish to read a long post/link above.
Note: Image on right found next to link =>
I’ve learned (as a human being)/remembered (as a soul) that often practicing—saying silently or out loud while meditating or watching a video that shows the movement of an actual violet flame—the Violet Flame mantra, while visualizing the flame engulfing our physical body (and/or loved ones, and even Mother Earth/Gaia) is a very powerful tool to help transmute any “negative” energies deep within us that no longer serve our individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
After experiencing the insight below, I sensed that I have a more profound understanding of the Violet Flame mantra, although there’s always room to expand our consciousness.
Note: Image on left found next to link => (thank you) .
The following italicized section was initially a continuation from a section of the above mentioned post/link:
The image on right reminded me of the violet flame mantra—“I am a being of Violet Fire. I am the purity God desires”—that I forgot to use at the park.
From my perspective—my personal interpretation of this image and how it relates to the violet flame mantra—the blue figure within the violet flame is symbolic of our ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy (part of soul) since the color blue is usually symbolic of our masculine energy.
Surrounded by the violet flame, our ego self’s low vibrational frequency (it forgetfulness of its true nature) is raised to its true essence.
Therefore, the following mantra can be further explained within the colors blue, red, violet, gold and white, “I (ego self/wounded inner-child/unhealed masculine energy of soul) am a being of Violet Fire (which is the healed, integrated and balanced energies of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Consciousness)…
I am the purity (the remembering, transforming and inner-knowing of ego self’s true essence—pure consciousness) God (another version/higher vibrational frequency of ego self/already healed, integrated, and balanced Divine Masculine Energy/Consciousness from a higher dimension of Multidimensional Self as Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is ) desires (deep, inner yearning from the heart that cannot be fulfilled with outer earthly desires/material satisfactions/forms such as people, objects, thoughts of the lower physical mind, etc.).”
The last time I meditated on the Violet Flame mantra was during Joel Osteen’s, “A Night of Hope” concert, which I wrote about in a post called, “An Unexpected Experience of ‘A Night of Hope.'”
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you) and image on left above of => symbol of “As above, so below“/Merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energies with Divine Spirit/All That Is/Christ Consciousness/Merkabah/Star of David Frequency/12:12/Transcendence/Flower of Life => found next to link
Note: 1st image on right below is similar to the one found next to link => (thank you); added quote using
Note: Very creative and captivating images right below found next to link => and all by Jack Haas (thank you): (2nd image) Enlightened Matter, (3rd) We Glow, (4th) Deep Integration, (5th) Celestial Life Generator and (6th) Aquarian Awakening
Ever since I was reminded to continue using the Violet Flame mantra—which I forgot about for a while—I decided to make an intention statement, “It is my intention to always remember to use the tool of the Violet Flame mantra, especially during moments where I find it very challenging to be a “greater” version of self/”higher” vibrational frequency state or just Be Divine Presence within me in the Moment of Now (where time and space don’t exist; hence, like the Arcturians taught, there is no “greater” or “higher” version of self, just Self), who is always effortlessly doing and Being the following (effortless because whatever we’re doing is in alignment with who we truly are/Divinity within us/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is):
- living and Being in every Moment of Now with much awareness (as Observer), mindfulness, balance, harmony gratitude and appreciation for all of Life
- co-creating and experiencing/enjoying Life within us, as us, and through us
- trusting that every small, seemingly insignificant step of the journey is just as important as the destination; hence, each step is honored as such and given its best attention (i,e., doing even small things with excellence, to the best of one’s ability in every Moment of Now)
- seeing the spark of Divine Spirit/All That Is in all of Life (e.g., “Namaste”), not just in human beings, animals and plants, but all other living creatures and extraterrestrial life throughout our multiverse.
- trusting the process of Life/going with the flow/following path of excitement and passion which informs us that we’re in alignment with Divinity within us/the Divine will within us/our life purpose/our soul mission
- welcoming/accepting everything—to include “negative” and “positive” stuff and synchronicities—that shows up in outer reality, realizing that they are all merely reflections of our inner reality that reveals to us what we need to work on changing within if we’re not happy with what we see. For instance, seeing much negativity in outer physical reality is a sign that there’s a lot of stored/repressed/suppressed negative energy within us (as much as we may not want to admit) that needs to be triggered by others or stuff of like vibrational frequency/Law of Attraction (i.e., “negative” people, “negative” situations, “negative” things, etc. ) in order to be brought out to the surface so that it has the opportunity to be noticed (with awareness), recognized (as something very familiar to the heart, but not necessarily to lower mind of the ego self due to its pride), acknowledged (as coming from within and not outside of oneself), released, healed (transmuted with unconditional love energy), and integrated into soul to be balanced, as whole Self, to include Multidimensional Self.
- understanding that both “negative” and “positive” stuff and synchronicities will most highly benefit our individual and collective soul growth/evolution as “positive” joyful blessings/life lessons/wisdom or “negative” disguised blessings/more challenging life lessons/profound wisdom/priceless and heavenly treasures
- and intuitively knowing that everything happens in Divine perfect timing and Divine order
- Being Balance/neutral/ not taking sides of the duality of “good” vs “evil” and “right” vs “wrong”; hence, not needing to participate in the earthly dramas/”living in this world, but not of it”
- having a Multidimensional perspective, to include the ability to see the many sides of a situation, rather than have tunnel vision (narrow-minded thinking from the lower mind of the ego self) of judgment, doubt, mistrust and ultimately fear
- seeing with Unity Consciousness the interconnectedness of everything throughout this multiverse and beyond in the intricate cosmic web of Life; hence, every one our thoughts, intentions, emotions, words, and actions (whether positive or negative) send out powerful ripples that affect the whole web itself, to include back to us
- intuitively knowing True Self as ultimately limitless and fearless; pure unconditional love
I came upon this reading while searching for images to match sections of this post; the image (on left) next to the link reminded me of a dream that I had a while back, which I wrote about in the post, “Adventures with Cetaceans in Dream State.”:
Note: Image on left found next to link =>