I shared the following comment for the welcome video of the “Ultimate Self Mastery” online course by Peter Sage —whom I had never heard of before, but I’m so grateful that I did today—that also includes: 1) The Learning Genius Toolkit 2) How To Start A Business With No Money and 3) 5 Day Challenge | Change your peer group – Change your life (Bonus):
First and foremost, THANK YOU SO MUCH Peter for generously sharing precious, magnetic and wonderful YOU, and your invaluable gifts, with humanity and beyond.
It is apparent that you are a highly intelligent (mental and emotional with open mind and heart), and very wise Soul Teacher (among other Earth titles, to include awesome Coach), able to transform the complex into understandable information for many; I also love your creative use of analogies and examples that I find very helpful (and more than likely for many others as well).
While watching and fully enjoying your online, intro event today (that I was strongly drawn to), I thought, “FINALLY! Just what I’ve been desiring to experience—something that’s truly: stimulating on all energetic levels (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), soul-igniting, heartfelt, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and consciousness expanding.
So I trust that the rest of this Self Mastery journey will gift many of us with more amazing experiences, enjoyment, growth, and delightful surprises.
Peter, you and your team are deeply appreciated.
I haven’t felt this high level of excitement in a while, and I’m continuing to build the trust that the vibration of excitement is, indeed, our Soul’s way of shouting, “YES, this is it!!!” (learned from fascinating and profoundly wise Bashar, channeled via Darryl Anka, though I haven’t mastered it yet).
Plus, I noticed additional YES signs from the Universe (within/without) that showed up as number synchronicity—seemingly dozens of people typing 222, 333, 444, and 555 in the chat room during a brief moment within the intro event, when the minutes part of the time wasn’t near any of those last, double digit numbers, regardless of different time zones.
I took screenshots to remind me of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity.
And last but not least, I had a vivid dream of suitcases last night or this morning, and I came upon this dream interpretation (out of many) that felt right/light/true to my Heart:
“A suitcase in a dream foretells a trip ahead, possibly a very long one [like this year-long, online course that I have no doubt will be worth making a commitment to], and one that you must take with no excuses [i.e., not allow doubts, insecurities, poverty consciousness, and other forms of fear to take over the whole ship/whole self]. A suitcase is also the symbol of untapped feelings or potentials [i.e., Self Mastery potential], the depository of features and qualities that you do not use very regularly.”
The funny thing is, I looked up this dream interpretation AFTER I decided to purchase this course, which worked out perfectly, because it helped me to further build my confidence to always follow my inner guidance (since the more we learn to trust our Heart/intuition/inner-knowing/gut feeling/inner-wisdom/insights/etc., the more powerful it will become).
I FEEL SO GRATEFUL for this form of uplifting abundance showing up in my life (among others)—in Divine perfect timing and order—and I’m trusting more and more that it stems from doing our best to often Be in the high vibrational frequency state of Prosperity Consciousness, that includes Being Authentic, and unconditionally embracing/loving full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (and not just what our society/Collective Ego considers “good” and “right”).
And when our inner cup (Heart) is full, it effortlessly overflows to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
While exploring the unknown of this journey, I have no doubt that it will be highly beneficial for us all to often remember to Be WHOLE self/Self.
I’ve learned this important Life Lesson from personal experiences/experiential knowledge/living wisdom, as well as from other profoundly wise Soul Teachers, such as: Carl Jung, Alan Watts, Teal Swan, and like others.
And though Soul Teachers who often teach about the positive in Life—such as Abraham-Hicks, Victor Oddo, Sadhguru, etc.—have also been very helpful, I feel that the most profound teachings are truly about authenticity and UNconditional/True Love (for self/interconnected Life).
Even Peter Sage mentioned authenticity in the online, intro event, which was another keyword that further grabbed my attention.
Yesterday, while my husband and I were driving to Flagstaff to enjoy the day, I noticed an unusual email message.
The reply below—to my comment within this post—was a delightful surprise, since someone like Peter Sage seems like he would be a very busy man. Granted, even if it was one of his staff members who replied in his place, it’s still very thoughtful.
Peter Sage has left a new reply comment on “Welcome! Start HEREโ”:
Thank you so much for taking the time to share, Barbara! We seem to be aligned in many ways and it is, of course, no coincidence that you are here. Enjoy the journey! Peter
Upcoming Post, “A Closer Look at Why We Share Comments, Compliments, Gifts, Stories, etc., OR Not“
Related post, “Example of a Seemingly Balanced & Whole Man Contributing to Hope for Humanity“
Related post, “Dreams of Tiger, Boar & Horses & Insights About Balancing Love for Self and Others“
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