Four days ago, I shared the comment below for the helpful video, “Solar Eclipse | NEW Moon (UPDATED) Energy Reading (1- 5 – 2019).“
I’m sharing it now as a post because I’ve been recovering from a very challenging week on all levels of my being (mostly physical and emotional, though mental and spiritual as well).
Since I had typed the comment real fast—due to having plans that day with my family since my adult son was visiting—I left out some pertinent details, so I will add them here, along with photos. Note: The original comment will be in blue font, and the left out details will be in pink font (which will be added later)
The Comment:
Thank you again Victor for encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspiring humanity and beyond during these challenging times.
Lately, I’ve been feeling like the opposite of one who is able to live mastery, but I embrace this phase since contrast/duality/polarity helps us to compare and then realize who and what we don’t and do highly resonate with, and whether or not they’re beneficial to us.
RE: increase in ambulances: While living in Helotes, TX, I often heard and/or saw ambulances on a weekly basis. And ever since my family and I moved to Flagstaf, AZ, we continued to notice this show up in our reality, especially at the movie theater parking lot.
Recently, while my adult son was visiting, he received a phone call that my ex-husband’s adult cousin had a stroke and passed away in his forties.
RE: dreams, I feel that sharing them isn’t always boring. I recently had a dream of seeing different animals cuddling with one another that normally wouldn’t (i.e., domestic animals with wild ones, like lionesses), which I feel is a good sign.
I even witnessed my black cat named Shadow give birth to a piglet. I recall watching her circular, black vagina slowly expand, and her, the symbolic circle, the vagina, and the color black all reminded me of the Divine Mother Goddess.
I sensed that this dream was symbolic of Prosperity Consciousness and abundance (represented by the piglet) being rebirthed from within.
RE: Patty’s ability to channel Pleiadians, I think that’s awesome; plus, I’ve embraced the adjective, weird, which can also have a positive connotation.
RE: emotional processing (been crying a lot for almost a week, like a baby or kid, and I embrace my inner child as well)
RE: Synchronicity, yesterday,on way home from a tour with a Hopi guide, I saw:
– rainbow colors in the sky (but not an actual rainbow) near the sun with light pink aura (the former reminds me of the Hopi and rainbow serpent, and the latter reminds me of Arcturus, and I took a picture of it and will share soon via my blog) Note: The pics from my phone camera doesn’t fully and vividly represent this particular experience mentioned right above
– a pyramid-like mountain (photo on left)
– and 1:44 on car clock [I realized that I had more than likely seen this on the way there, since our meeting was at 2:00 pm at the Hopi Cultural Center, though our guide didn’t work there]; which reminded me of soul families.
– the cloud figurineย (photos #1 and #2 below) instantly reminded me of an image I had seen a while back that’s symbolic of the warrior aspect of the Ancient Mother Goddess (see photo #3 below which was found next to link =>Pinterest/”Mohenjodaro seal, Figure grappling rampant tigers. This motif is found on seals in Mesopotamia as well.”).
– the upside down triangleย (photos #4 and #5 below)ย also reminded me of the Divine Feminine Essence/Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Source/Divine Mother Goddess/Alpha and Omega.ย
In addition, the upside down triangle with two horizontal lines going through it also reminded me of the symbol for the Arcturians mentioned in the book, We, The Arcturians, when you flip it upside down, though they’re not exactly the sameย Note: Image #6 on right found next to link =>ย Golden Age of Gaiaย followed by this quote,”This symbol appears in Milanovich’s book as the symbol for the Arcturian spaceship Athena. Note the Greek name for the ship as well as the alpha and omega …”
I recall the planet Arcturus being the Yang to our planet Earth Yin; and I trust that the Arcturians highly represent the Divine Masculine, though the highly evolved version of the God-Self within us all is the finest representation.
I strongly sense that these recent, visual experiences are symbolic of the Goddess-Self gradually merging with the God-Self within our individual and collective consciousness.
Update in this gold font section only inserted on 1/26/2019: Continuation post, “Raven and Crow Spirit Guides Inspire Self to Explore Magick with Love-Based Intentions” that includes the two, personal pics right above that look like a new symbol that I came upon today (pagan symbol for earth).
The elderly Hopi man mentioned a few times of being an initiate, and also spoke of Atlantis (which they believe is located in the Bermuda Triangle).
He also shared stories of seeing the Dragon spirit in the sky within the three mesas (in alignment with orion’s belt), and I shared with him that it reminded me of a vivid dream I had of a green dragon calmly observing me while in the ocean (head and neck above water), which I wrote about a while back.
After touring the 3rd and 2nd mesas, I busted out laughing silently because my husband and my adult son appeared so bored and miserable.
Our guide brought up some fascinating info, but he was very monotone while mumbling half the time. So I asked him if we could do two hours rather than three since I had to drop a load soon.
While chuckling, he suggested I use the store toilet, but I told him I felt more comfortable at home. It came out to $180 total ($30 per person per hour), but I gave him an extra $20 tip since I imagine he did his best from where he’s at right now.
Plus, he also shared stories of how the Hopi people experienced much hardship, abuse, torture, and suffering from the Spaniards and their church back in the day.
He was surprised for the extra$$, and he asked if he could take our picture so that he could wish us a blessing while smoking tobacco that evening.
While shaking his hand and thanking him again, he whispered to me that he is the leader of the Hopi’s, and I was instantly reminded of the 3:33 that I noticed earlier during the tour, which reminds me of the Ascended Master Selves.
On the way back home, I started feeling strange, to include experiencing rawness behind my nose area. The next morning, I had minor flu-like symptoms—body aches, lots of thick and yellow mucus production, and feeling colder than usual. I sensed that visiting Hopi land had affected my vibrational frequency.
I once read a while back, regarding ascension symptoms, that we can experience flu-like symptoms prior to raising our vibration.
Anyway, since you share a lot of helpful info, just thought I’d share as well.
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