I shared the following comment this morning for Peter Sageโs โUltimate Self Masteryโ online course (Week 7 โ Entrepreneur on Fire); and I also added additional comments shared with the creators of all the profound, ancient, symbolic images used within this post:
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay Side Note added for image on right: “The peony is significant both historically and mythologically, and thus is tied to many different meanings and symbols. Common peony meanings include romance [Unconditional/True Love (for self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond)], prosperity, good fortune, a happy marriage, riches, honor, and compassion” by FTD.com
Notes, Insights & Eureka Moments
The old version of myself—who was also a workaholic, but not to the extreme like Peter was (who doesn’t recommend this way of life)—would respect others who worked CRAzy-@$$ hours.
However COMMA I’ve learned that this very old, outdated and conditioned Collective belief, of needing to WORK VERY HARD, stems from poverty consciousness, which has been proven to be very ineffective throughout human history (i.e., there were probably BILLIONS of humans who WORKED THEIR @$$E$ OFF, but were still extremely poor or barely making ends meet).
So what’s wrong with that picture? Perhaps it’s about Being in the habitual state of Prosperity Consciousness [instead], where it’s more about Being our authentic best daily, doing what we truly enjoy, FEELING grateful and appreciative of all that we currently have, able to visualize and feel in the NOW what we will have in the future, and then being open to the flow of various forms of uplifting abundance to SHOW UP from the Universe within (and without).
Image [above] by Aadil Khan from Pixabay/Comment shared with creator of this image: Thank you for sharing this soul-igniting image of profound, ancient symbolism, to include the elephant spirit guide/animal totem/power animal, and the releasing/letting go of the old, and birthing the NEW. ^_^ I used it for post [shared the link]:ย
Eureka Moments:
I’m learning and trusting more and more about the energetic essence of Being in the state of Prosperity Consciousness (though I haven’t mastered it yet).
I’m building the confidence that it truly is about:
– following our inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom (until it becomes second nature)
– only doing what we’re inspired to from our Hearts/Spirit within (and then motivating ourselves to do them) with much fiery passion and excitement, which will make balanced “work” (NOT overwork) FEEL effortless as time seems to FLY by
– noticing the matching series of Divine Synchronicity that shows up—to include but not limited to: dream messages, seemingly magical and miraculous experiences, number synchronicity like 11:11 and many more, signs, symbols, animal spirit guide messages, and other stuff of Life that appear to be “coincidences” to the logical mind, etc..—confirming the connection/alignment of our inner and outer worlds
– and then experiencing slow, gradual, to even rapid amounts of uplifting abundance showing up in various forms (and non-forms)
Again—since repetition of thoughts can be very helpful in creating new beliefs—I’ve been noticing more positive experiences showing up lately (various abundance), that I’m very grateful for, though I do experience lower, vibrational states at times as well (which I’ve embraced since that’s part of being human).
As long as we don’t become LOST Souls within the state of separation consciousness—to include fear energy that can take over the whole ship/whole self IF we allowed it to—we can always BOUNCE BACK, since whatever higher vibrational frequency state that we tune into/achieve, THAT will be our SET core essence within, despite fluctuations at times; but it’s helpful to be aware of this.
Image [on right] by klimkin from Pixabay/Comment shared with creator of this image: Thank you for sharing this soul-igniting image of profound, ancient symbolism, to include: the sacred Heart/Unconditional True Love (for self/others)/Spirit within, circular gold coins (circle representing the Divine Feminine Goddess energy within ALL Life), and all the Prosperity Consciousness and Golden WEALTH that’s birthed from within, so that we may use the various forms of uplifting abundance—to include the neutral tool of money, that’s not meant to be misused or abused—in wise and highly beneficial ways for self/others/interconnected Life. ^_^ I used it for post: [shared the link]:ย
Actionable Ideas:
Practice daily, and more often, Being I AM Presence within the state of Unity Consciousness, that also includes Prosperity Consciousness, and even separation consciousness; hence Being able to SEE (with clarity) expanded perspectives of the BIGGER PICTURE, and UNconditionally embrace and integrate more and more NEUTRAL—not right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark within the contrast/duality/polarity of this physical world—aspects of WHOLE self (physical selves, to include human self)/SELF (Source: Spirit & Soul within), which helps us to fully, genuinely/truly, and generously share our Light & Unconditional Love essence (vibrational frequency) with interconnected humanity and other Life within this world and beyond.
Image [above] by WhisperingJane_ASMR from Pixabay/Comment shared with creator of this image:Thank you for sharing this image of mixed Prosperity crystals with profound, ancient symbolism, to include the vesica piscis—the merge/bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds—and the eternity sign of balance and harmony from within and without. ^_^ I used it for post [shared the link].ย
My Top 3 Takeaways
1) “You cannot catch the rabbit of fulfillment, by running on the track of achievement” and “You break the curse of the white rabbit by realizing that you already are that which you seek.”
2) I’m also glad that Peter was emotionally mature and intelligent enough, to allow the phase of grief to occur—due to the perceived loss, and for healing within; in addition, how awesome that he was able to then BOUNCE BACK and release guilt—a very low/dense/heavy, and non-beneficial vibration)—in order to move forward in Life, and share a more experienced and wiser version of himself.
3) “Inspired source vs motivation source […] Inspiration pulls you from within […] Is your WHY bigger than you?” […] stop worrying about what other people think, and follow your passion” [LOVE these quotes! ^_^]”
Image [on right] by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay/Comment shared with creator of this image: Thank you for sharing this cute and/or sad image (depending on perspective, Lol) that ignited an insight within. It’s the profound wisdom NOT to end up like this hamster in a “coffin” after living an unfulfilling life—arriving to our own deaths beds after going in circles chasing so many stuff of our outer world, because we believe that achieving of obtaining them will make us habitually happy (a never-ending, desperate chase for the next material thing to fill in a VOID deep within).
I’m reminded of Peter Sage’s invaluableย quote that I learned recently, “You cannot catch the rabbit of fulfillment, by running on the track of achievement” and “You break the curse of the white rabbit by realizing that you already are that which you seek [e.g., wisdom, inner-peace, freedom, good health, gratitude, appreciation, Unconditional True Love (for self/others/interconnected Life), healthy relationships, JOY, uplifting abundance in various forms that we currently have (even the seemingly small things), etc., AND most importantly, our ability to imagine, visualize and FEEL in the present moment of NOW (that we already are it and have it), what we desire to experience in the future (which is a very powerful method)]“ ^_^ I used it for post [shared the link].ย
Key Action Point[s]:
Be more aware of all that you TRULY desire to experience in Life from your Heart, and ask why (must be transparently honest with self).
Also be cognizant of the end goal of whatever earthly achievements youโd like to manifest in this particular, physical reality.
Whether itโs more profound wisdom, great health, inner-peace, freedom, money, joy, Unconditional/True Love (for self/others/Life of many worlds), a sacred union partner relationship (from within and then without), other healthy and uplifting relationships, a noticeable expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness, MANY more interconnected Souls often experiencing their own versions of Heaven on Earth, a more unified and spiritually evolved world, embracing and welcoming of merging worlds that mirror us, etc.
And then practice daily simply imagining, visualizing, FEELING and Being those states of energies (that already exist within) in the present moment of NOW.
Why? Since 1) the language of our subconscious mind (that creates 95% of our reality) are images and feelings, and 2) our FEELING and BEING states ARE our vibrational frequency state—the energy that we radiate out to this world and beyond, which then circles back to us since ALL of Life within this world and way beyond are interconnected as THE ONE.
Image [on left] by titus torome from Pixabay/Comment shared with creator of this image: ย Thank you for sharing this gorgeous, artistic image that radiates: raw sexual energy meets graceful elegance, Heart/Spirit inspired fiery passion, major transformations (butterflies) on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—as well as the flowing, intuitive, emotional, deeply healing, sensual, sexy, powerful, and creative essence of the Divine Feminine Goddess. ^_^ I used it for post [shared the link].ย
This morning, I read emails that I had received two replies to the comment I shared within this post, which was a delightful surprise since I rarely receive feedback for all that I often share.
I trust this stems from fully embracing the invaluable gifts that I have to offer to humanity and beyond, which wasn’t always the case in the past due to self-doubt.
The following are the positive feedbacks, along with my gratitude messages for them (I will leave out their full names for privacy reason):
R____: Really insightful. Thank you for your thoughts.
My Reply: You’re welcome R____, thank you so much for your helpful feedback! ^_^
S____: Very good Barbara. Very well written. Very well said. Like some girl said about me bc my writings were so long. “Dude needs to write a book”. I thought that was so funny. Haha.
My Reply: That is funny S____, it seems that some of us have a lot more to fully and freely express! ^_^ I do have a tendency to write long-@$$ comments, but I’ve embraced this aspect, since I’ve noticed that I start typing way faster than usual when I’m in the flow—i.e., automatic writing that’s available to all of us once it’s activated within, like other psychic abilities—and it FEELS right/light/true to my Heart. I really appreciate your generous, kind words, Being so uplifting, and taking the time to share your positive feedback with me; thank you so much. Perhaps we both need to write a book! Lol
WOW. The following are additional, positive feedbacks for the comment I shared (and then turned into this post), along with my gratitude messages for them (again, I will leave out their full names for privacy reason):
E______ : Beautifully said , I needed to go back and read it a couple of times. It’s amazing how you’ve turned everything into a coherent flow of transcript. Having a down day today and sitting with the feelings knowing they are part of the journey I am keeping up with the practice though and I am into the end of week five of breaking cell inertia. I liked how you recognised even with al you’re obvious insight that some days are just crap and that’s ok its about sticking to the path and putting good stuff out there whilst recognising that we are still human
My Reply: E______, I’m so glad that you chose to embrace and gracefully hold sacred space for your true feelings (the language of the Soul), which is Unconditional/True Love of self at its finest—to include the highest vibration within the merged Light & Love Frequency spectrum, which is pure COMPASSION.
And I have no doubt that as you fill your inner cup/Heart again—rest, relax, rejuvenate, recover, and recharge—it will naturally and effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life and beyond, as usual.
I’d like to share something extra with you, just in case it resonates (i.e., it FEELS right/light/true to your Heart), and is helpful in some way.
I was feeling very tired and down yesterday, and very briefly this morning, and I strongly sensed that it stemmed from this recent series of Cosmic high frequencies—to include the remnants of the powerful Full moon energies—assisting our Soul growth process/inevitable expansion of our individual and Collective Consciousness, which can show up as accelerated ascension symptoms.
In addition, last night through this morning, I experienced many vivid, earthly and otherworldly dreams—to include parallel reality and alternate reality ones—where I seemed to be releasing a lot of the old, outdated, fear-based energies from various lives, all simultaneously happening in the NOW from an expanded, 5D+, unlimited, Multidimensional perspective (since past, present and future are from the human, 3D, limited, linear perspective).
And many others have been experiencing these major transformations on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—for a while now, whether from an awakened and AWARE state, or unaware state.
I have no doubt that the more we are all cognizant of these inevitable changes, the better we can easily ride the ebb and flow waves within the Cosmic River of Life, without fear that something “wrong” is happening TO us, but rather, fully trusting that something highly beneficial is happening FOR us.
Though I may not know you E_______ (from a human perspective), at the Soul level, I can FEEL your vibrational frequency that radiates a very pleasant and comfortable core vibe—gentle loving, open-minded and open-hearted (integrated Mind/Heart), deeply wise, authentic, honest, courageous and strong (and I’m sure a lot more wonderful qualities).
So you WILL bounce back in Divine perfect timing and order; so simply Be for now, to include taking great loving care of YOU beautiful One; pamper yourself.
In case this helps as well, when I recently felt INTENSE energies within that weren’t so peaceful, rather than distract myself with various soothing and shielding techniques—that I learned about from Artie Wu (a Master Teacher/Healer, like Peter Sage and some others)—I went out to my balcony, sat down in a folding chair, briefly appreciated the beauty surrounding me, closed my eyes, and stayed fully present with a few lingering thoughts and my AMPLIFIED EMOTIONS.
It wasn’t about trying to fix, quiet, and change the thoughts and emotions, but simply BEING there for them, fully embracing/hugging/loving them like I would an authentic child who fully and freely expresses his or her essence (when s/he’s allowed to).
And sure enough, shortly after, I felt this PROFOUND and POWERFUL sense of tranquility within me and outside of me, and I felt so grateful for what felt like the unified version of full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self.
I forgot to do this yesterday while feeling down, because I was in robot mode that I didn’t snap out of until I became so exhausted that I rested on the bed for while, way before bedtime; but it’s okay.
Thank you so much E________ for sharing your heartfelt message. Let’s hang in there, ok?! ๐
A____ : Absolutely beautiful Barbara! You captured the teachings so well and eloquently shared your perception, which is similar to mine so I related heavily. I’m not as good at putting my thoughts and feelings to words, but reading yours has helped me do so! Thank you for sharing! ๐
My Reply: Thank you A____ (unconditionally loving ANGEL ^_^) for sharing your helpful feedback! I’m so grateful that what I shared was helpful to you as well.
I have no doubt that you, too, can eloquently express your thoughts and feelings into words, it just takes practice. I wasn’t good at it throughout childhood and most of my adulthood, but I’m still learning and growing.
This, and many other, once dormant, Multidimensional abilities are within us for sure. I also noticed that the more I fully embrace them, and really appreciate them, the more they SHOW UP.
You guys are about to make me cry tears of Joy. I DEEPLY APPRECIATE YOU, Soul Families. ^_^
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