Sometimes, when we have unusual experiences, it’s refreshing to come across readings or videos that help us to better understand ourselves…they reassure us that something’s not “wrong” with us or that we’re not going “CRAzy.”
If you happen to use “angel numbers” websites to gain meaning from daily number synchronicities (e.g, 11:11, 111, 3:33, 7:11, 8:11, 9:11,10:10, 444, 8888, 9999, etc.), then this post may be helpful to you. If you’re like, “What on God’s green earth is this woman talking about?”…then check out the bottom of this post; I added a few links that explain the meanings of 11:11.
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The main “angel numbers” website that I use is because the meanings closely match with whatever I happen to be thinking of, feeling, or doing at the moment. I also like to use every now and then. Note: You can click on the titles to open the website in another window.
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Anyway, whenever I read angel number messages that included suggestions to work on positive affirmations, I understood the guidance, and followed it accordingly. However, whenever I read number messages that informed me that the angels would be sending me positive affirmations, I didn’t know what that meant. I figured I would come across some affirmations online or something.
The following is a section from the meaning of Angel Number 133 (in italics) by : Angel Number 133 is a message from your angels that they are sending you positive energies, intentions and affirmations. Be sure to pay particular attention to your thoughts, ideas and insights as these are giving you information about the next steps to take along your spiritual path. Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking.
Well, I just realized today what I believe is happening. I had asked my true self for clarification, and I believe I received it.
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I sometimes catch myself in the middle of the night talking to myself at a rapid rate, in what seems to be a half dream-state and a half awake state; it’s fascinating.
I believe the couple of times that I had made “I AM” statements at a rapid pace in the middle of the night (where I also couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or awake), I was actually sent positive affirmations from my angels…like they had mentioned in the angel number messages.
Note: I’m sharing the following info, because at one point, I didn’t even know the difference. Positive affirmations can include “I AM” statements, but “I AM” statements are just “I AM” statements.
It’s like they (my angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and my true self…I suppose my I AM Presence) had me saying back-to-back positive “I AM” statements while I was semi-conscious in order to help reprogram my subconscious/unconscious mind at a faster and more effective rate; so that my conscious mind wouldn’t be able to reject the positive affirmations as false. I believe I was meant to recall these statements so that I could increase my faith, to include fully believing the angel number messages from my angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters, which I sometimes doubted, due to my own underlying fears.
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We can eventually reprogram our subconscious/unconscious mind with repetitive positive affirmations (one method).
However, the reason why it must be repetitive, is because our conscious mind can easily talk us out of believing the positive affirmations, especially if we’ve been conditioned in the past to believe in more negative statements about ourselves and the world we live in.
For instance, while you’re practicing positive affirmations by saying out loud, “I AM Abundance!”…your conscious mind could sarcastically say in the background, “Yeah okay” or “Sssure buddy, whatever helps you to sleep better at night.”
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Even though repetition is effective during a conscious state, I believe it’s even more effective during a semi-conscious state; hence, we should use all of our available resources by asking our higher selves/true selves/angelic and spiritual realms/God-self/God, Goddess & Spirit, or whatever we choose to call our higher power to assist us with the process of transforming us into our lighter/faster-vibrating selves.
If we don’t consciously create our own realities with continuous positive thoughts, feelings, images and beliefs (that raises our vibrations/helps us to feel positive–joy, excitement, peace, love, compassion, etc.–which in turn helps us to tune into a more positive reality), we will unconsciously create our realities, which may not always be a good thing, especially if we have a lot of “negative” thoughts, feelings, images and beliefs stored deep within our unconscious minds.
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For example, I went through a phase earlier this year where I was confused at times. I was working on having a more positive outlook on life, thinking more positive thoughts, feeling more positive feelings, and seeing more positive images during my off-work hours; but yet, I was like, “Why am I still surrounded by a majority of negative people?”
Even though I focused on seeing them through the eyes of God (i.e., more understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love) on a daily basis, it got to the point where it was just an overload of negativity (extreme gossiping, back-stabbing, lying, laziness, bickering, arguing, bad attitudes, condescending remarks, pessimism, chronic complaining, and any other drama that one could imagine). I thought, “What is this? The freakin’ Jerrry Springer organization?”
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My new job started out like it was heaven on earth (thanks to the fascinating pre-k children and a couple of really kind co-workers), but soon transformed into a hell on earth. I started writing a post about it called, “My Exciting New J.O.B. (Joy of Being),” but then I avoided it like the plague because it caused too much emotional pain to even think about it. However, I decided to finish it soon.
Just when I thought I had found the perfect job (although the pay was less than half of what I was used to in the Army as a Sergeant First Class/ E-7), everything spiraled downward…for a little while… in order to spring back upwards. It makes sense now why I didn’t title the post, “My Exciting New Job.”
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In a nutshell (details in upcoming post with previously mentioned title), I learned/remembered many things from that wonderful job experience, mainly 1) although I believed I was pretty much healed, and I was ready to go out and help others…I wasn’t; I still had negative thoughts, feelings, images, and beliefs deep within myself that I had repressed or suppressed throughout my life (which takes time to heal); hence, they showed up in my physical reality; all the “negative” people were serving as a mirror, reflecting my own inner turmoils that I had not yet acknowledged, let alone healed; I was later very grateful for them…giving me one of the greatest gifts of life…the most important lesson to first love myself unconditionally enough to where…if I wasn’t happy with my outer reality, then I should do something about it–first change my inner reality…
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…and 2 ) although I was willing to settle for this job for the rest of my life and live a pretty simple lifestyle, my true self/soul had bigger plans for me, and knew that I, too, had much bigger dreams within me that I had suppressed due to a lack of faith in myself. I learned valuable lessons, but it was time to move forward…to continue my journey into the great unknown, where I would find the greatest treasure of my life…my true self. Together, I believe we can “become the grandest version of the greatest vision” (a Neale Donald Walsch quote) we ever had about ourselves as One. With my true self/my true friend by my side…I AM Unstoppable. 🙂
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Meanwhile, I will ask for all the help that I can receive, from the angelic and spiritual realms, so that I can fully heal and Be my true self.
As we work on raising our vibration and maintaining it for as long as we can, I believe we can connect with higher realms, to include the angelic realm, and ask for guidance, assistance, support, help. wisdom, and love. I also believe that we can receive rapid healing from other beings of the spiritual realm as well.
Since we have free will, the angelic and spiritual realms will only intervene if we ask them to help us. Yesterday, I even asked the Arcturians (beings of pure love who are from a 5th dimensional civilization, and apparently have the most advanced healing techniques) to help me with rapid healing (of the physical, mental, emotional and etheric/identity bodies).
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When I woke up in the middle of the night last night, not only did I see 2:22 a.m. (and thanked my angelic and spiritual realms for increasing my faith), but I also heard the usual fluctuating, musical tone in my right ear, which was much louder than usual.
It actually startled me for a second because I wasn’t used to any of the tones being that loud and intense, but I ended up just laying in bed in somewhat silence and stillness…enjoying the creation sound of Gaia, which always reminds me of love. I also felt that my request to the Arcturians had been granted (the process of rapid healing).
The following reading elaborates on the tones by The Golden Light Channel: Click here ==> Higher Frequency Sounds ~ A sign you are shifting into the Higher Dimensions: Archangel Metatron, Council of Angels, and Pleiadian Council of Light The following website elaborates on Arcturians and other higher beings ==>
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Last night, I also placed the Rose Quartz crystal in my pillowcase after reading ==> click here: The last few times that I did place this crystal in my pillowcase, I had back-to-back dreams of love. The reason I’ve been using mainly the Brazilian Agate crystal and Moldavite necklace was to first clear and balance all of my chakras and energy bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric/identity) at an accelerated pace. I believe crystals are great tools; however, I realize that ultimately, all the power we ever need is within us.
Anyway, I had a positive dream about a family gathering: my mom, dad (who had raised me/passed away) and my Korean relatives (to include my grandma, who had also passed away). Note: I often see my family and relatives who have passed away in my dreams.
I suppose this was a part of my “heaven on earth”/5th dimension dream. When I came upon the following readings, more of my dreams made sense (i.e., why I kept seeing my family and relatives who have passed away; why I had dreams of beautiful places that I had never seen before, like huge, colorful and bright flowers that were almost as big as me; why I felt such a profound and indescribable love I had never experienced before with an unknown being that may have been my twin flame; why I was observing my Korean grandfather, who I never met before, walking around in a village and talking to people back in the day, etc.):
- a lack of self-worth: My bio dad’s over-achieving father (who also succeeded in excelling in the U.S. military), was apparently hard to please.
- My bio dad was often told to literally prove his worthiness.
- So my bio dad went out and accomplished as much as he could in the military (excelled), gathered up all the material things that he could, placed as many labels of high status as he could upon himself, collected all the awards, ribbons, medals, pins, belts and plagues that he could, told as many stories as he could about his accomplishments to whoever was willing to listen, so that he could prove to the world (especially his dad) that he is indeed worthy.
- What he fails to realize is that he’s worthy without all the stuff of the outside world. And that’s what I had failed to realize as well.
- a lack of acceptance and respect: My bio dad being Japanese-American back in the day, where racism was even more prevalent in the U.S. and around the world (especially against Japanese people) made it difficult for him to feel accepted and respected by society.
- My sisters and I had conversations about this topic, and came to the conclusion that if we (in our generation) experienced racism growing up, we can only imagine what our dad, or even our grandfather, had to experience while they were growing up.
- My bio dad was apparently the first Japanese-American kid to be allowed in a non-segregated school in the states; I found an article online about it, and it made me sad.
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- I believe my grandfather (Charles Sugi), whom I’ve never known, was so strict and demanding with my dad because he wanted to toughen him up for the harsh world that he knew his son was going to be in.
- Although my bio dad apparently told his father, “I’ll see you in hell” before my grandfather passed away, because he felt so hurt by him, I believe that my grandfather truly loved my bio dad the best way he knew how. I was once told by my step-mom that most old people in Asian societies are used to tough love…it was a way of survival for families back in the day.
- a lack of self-love: When my bio dad was very briefly married to his second Caucasian wife–right after he left my mom and I–he was told to divorce her by his higher leaders so that he wouldn’t jeopardize her career as a lieutenant.
- He’s not confident about his height and looks, which explains why he avoided taking any pictures with me…although we never took one together; plus, he made a joke saying, “Thank God you don’t take after me” although I told him that my mom often reminded me, when I was growing up, that I was a mirror image of him. She also said that he had a pretty face; I suppose that’s an old way of saying he was a pretty boy. He thinks I look like my mom. I think I look like my grandfather; I saw his obituary photo that my husband found online while I was deployed in Iraq. As soon as I saw both my bio dad’s and grandfather’s photos, I had no doubt who they were. When I sent my mom, who’s in Korea, a copy of the photos, she was shocked, and even she said that it was definitely my bio dad. I’m grateful now that I at least had an opportunity to meet the man who I often wondered about for 35 years. Miracles do happen considering the only info I had of him was his name and his duty station where I was born near.
Note: Image on right by Since it’s been a few years now that his third wife passed away (due to cancer), less than a year or so since his girlfriend passed away of cancer as well, and about several months since his favorite dog (who he calls his closest companion) was diagnosed with heart disease, I imagine he had moments of solitude to reflect on his life. I hope so. However, I understand that everyone is mentally, emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually evolving at their own pace, so whenever he’s ready to heal, he’ll do so. It’s not my role to help him be open to love. I can only change myself.
I would also like to share with you a post that is music to my ears (also from Archangel Gabriel through channel Shelley) ==>
The following are just some of the readings and videos about starseeds that I’ve come across so far that resonates with me (hope this helps): Click on a title below to open another window and view ==> Enjoy!!! ^_^ Note: Image on right by
Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails (I love Humanityhealing videos; they overflow with profound and captivating wisdom, beautiful images and heart-warming music that evokes tears of joy)
Starseed: Disclosure (right after I watched this video, I heard the louder than usual fluctuating, musical tone in my right ear)
What and Who Is a Starseed?
The Star Seeded Souls (I love videos by Humanity Healing…their soul-touching words of wisdom, profound music, and beautiful images uplift my spirit)
Starseed Evolution
Starseed Network
Starseed, Walk-in and Lightworker Series: Starseed Challenges
Ascended Masters & Awakening To Our God-Self (As soon as I came upon this post, I saw 4:44, and thanked my angels,Archangels & Ascended Masters for this gift; I also shared with this amazing blogger that I felt as though I finally met a physical being whom I can deeply relate to on various topics in a very short amount of time; the four posts that I’ve read so far resonated with me–themes that include angels, Archangels & Ascended Masters, starseeds, aliens, dream journals, Spirituality, sharing unusual personal experiences, etc.)
Starseeds Awaken To Yourself (I love the “Wisdom and Guidelines for Multi-Dimensional Humans” poster within the video; when this video was at the time 2:22–out of 5:52 minutes–I saw a spark in my left peripheral vision, which I haven’t seen in a while, which reminds me of the presence of my angels)
- The Way Of The Starseed
- Starseed Characteristics – who and what are we
The following is from, and has been very helpful to me (hope it helps you as well):
Follow your excitement!
Finding your Purpose in Life.
Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose”. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose”.
Mechanically, “excitement” is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking+Intentions of the physical dimension self are sharply aligned with the Thinking+Intentions of its own Higher Self.
So excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that :
1. This activity is “you” (truly aligned with your Soul).
2. Because it is “you”, this activity is effortless for you.
3. Because it is “you”, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.
Following your excitement is following the “signs” your Higher Self is giving – to lead you in the most DIRECT way possible to what it “hopes” your free-will will choose to do, which is the same as your life’s Purpose. The catch is this:
Even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it!
Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is just “perfect” for furthering your Life’s purpose.
IMPORTANT consideration:
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”. Bashar defines “integrity” to mean, NOT any particular moral standard, but instead: Realizing that everything is a whole (integer), and you are one with the whole. And therefore, (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you.
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY“.
If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it.
Fear or anxiety is excitement with a negative judgement projected onto it.
Fear/anxiety = Excitement plus negative judgement
Remove the negative judgement, and you have Excitement.
Fear/anxiety with the negative judgement removed = Excitement
Trusting your Timing
We, as our Higher Self (Over-Soul) actually creates Time (as we experience it).
Our Higher Self exists outside Time and Space.
It projects portions of itself into specific time/space holograms (time/space matrixes), which we then experience as an incarnation.
So, from the point of view of any one incarnation, there is time, there is “past, present, and future”.
But from the point of view of the Higher Self, there is no Time. It’s all happening NOW. It’s just one big Eternal-NOW. So keep in mind that our Higher Self is creating the actual “time” that we are experiencing in a linear fashion.
When we intensely want to do something now, and it is easily possible to do it, no problem. We just do it.
But if we intensely want to do something now, and it is NOT possible to do it NOW, we are then at a critical decision-junction:
We can choose to interpret this as
“I am not getting what I want.”
Or, we can choose to interpet this as
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then there must be an excellent reason for this.”
Which of these choices we make is critical in determining the outcome, as this choice is equivalent to selecting a BELIEF, and we then experience the outcome aligned with that belief.
If you choose to interpret the situation as
“I am not getting what I want.”,
then, sure enough, you will continue to not get what you want.
But the alternative is this:
Choose to interpret this situation (of not being able to do what you want to do NOW) as
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, there must be an excellent reason for this.”
You see, often our Higher Self “arranges” time in such a way that we do not get what we want when we initially want it, only because it wants us to first accumulate certain experiences, certain skills, certain appreciations, certain connections with other people, certain awarenesses – FIRST! So that when we do get to experience this thing we want, we will then be appreciating it and enjoying it on a much deeper and more profound level.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, REMEMBER: Your Higher Self is merely delaying this experience, so you get some other experiences first, so that you may enjoy and appreciate this thing you want EVEN MORE, when you do get it.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, TRUST YOUR TIMING.
Do not buy into the belief that
“I do not get what I want.”
Instead, remind yourself:
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then my Higher Self must have some experiences it wishes me to have first, so that when I do
get what I want, I’ll be able to enjoy it even more. I’ll be able to enjoy it on a much richer, deeper basis.”
Positive Synchronicity
When you “follow your excitement” in the moment, each “now” moment, this leads to “Positive Synchronicity” –
things “magically” working out in a way that is delightfully & surprisingly pleasing.
When you ignore your excitement, and are instead led by your fears and worries, this leads to “Negative Synchronicity” – upsetting events – the very things you wished to avoid.
“Positive Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your preferences and desires.
“Negative Synchronicity” is the occurrence of events that are perfect reflections of your fears and doubts.
Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Money is only one of many valid tools to achieve this abundance. And it is not always the most direct tool to use – for doing what you need to do when you need to do it.
“Receiving” the Reality you Desire
A radio does not have to create the program it wishes to hear. It merely needs to receive an already-existing program. And it makes itself an effective receiver by matching frequencies, synchronizing frequencies – creating a similarity of vibrations – with the program it wishes to receive.
Likewise, you don’t have to create the reality you desire, because it already exists – among the infinite probable realities all simultaneously co-existing. All you have to do is make yourself an effective “antenna”, so that by similarity of vibrations, you can receive that reality. And this makes it physiologically “real” for you.
First, you have to be that vibration. Then, you automatically receive that reality.
You must “see” the reality you prefer as now existing in the moment. Then, it will become tangible in your outer reality.
A radio uses a channel tuner to select & receive any one particular station – out of all the programs that are simultaneously existing all around the radio.
Likewise, there are infinite probable realities that we could “receive” and experience at any moment. How do we select which one of these we wish to “pull” to the foreground to experience ?
We select and receive specific “versions” of reality by our beliefs.
We select and receive by our 100% trust in “what we know is so”.
Here’s the “physics” of how this works:
Just as a radio must first vibrate at a particular frequency in order to “receive” the one particular broadcast (from all of the possible simultaneous broadcasts) that happens to be vibrating at that same frequency, likewise…
Each belief gets you vibrating at a unique set of frequencies.
These frequencies then attract, by sympathetic resonance, those holograms vibrating
on the same frequencies.
That is, out of the “background” universal matrix of infinite possible holograms (all of the infinite possible “versions” of reality that are simultaneously existing), those holograms and symbols that synchronistically vibrate at the same frequencies as the frequencies of your belief, get “pulled out” from this matrix and “received” by you as the actual “external physical experiences” that you then sense as “real” – that you sense as “objective reality”.
So each belief is a unique set of frequencies which is a template that determines which holograms you attract into your experience.
What we believe and totally “trust to be so”, sets up the alignment from which we receive that particular “version” of reality. This trust or “knowing” is the mechanism by which creation takes place. Without believing, we would create no reality and be non-existent. At every given moment, we are always totally believing something.
All possible “versions” of your reality already exist. In fact, they are all here – right under your nose – right Here, right Now. However, most of these “versions” are invisible to us, and they become “visible” only when we “tune” ourselves (via our beliefs), to be compatible and resonant with the frequencies of any one particular “version”. Furthermore, since Time is only a local “illusion” that does not really exist, everything you ever hope to “become” or “attain”, you have already become and attained. If it’s “invisible” to you, that’s only because your beliefs do not yet have you vibrating in a manner that is synchronous with those versions. You contain it ALL – all possible “versions”. And all these here/now versions are in various states of visible/invisible for you, depending on your beliefs relative to any particular version. You “see” and “objectively experience” the versions that are synchronized with how you are vibrating, and it’s your beliefs at any given moment that determine how you are vibrating.
anxiety | “Anxiety” is the energy of excitement, but filtered through a belief in something undesireable or unpreferred. |
doubt | “Doubt” is not a lack of trust. It is a TOTAL TRUST in an undesireable or unpreferred reality. You do not need to “develop” trust, since you are always 100% TOTALLY TRUSTING in SOMETHING. You only need to FOCUS your trust on a preferred reality, rather than an unpreferred one. |
excitement | “Excitement” is the energy that occurs when one is in resonance with their own Higher Self. This is a “signal” from your Higher Self (which always honors your free will) to encourage you to act or move in a particular direction. “Excitement” can therefore be used as a “compass heading” to move & act in the direction that your Higher Self hopes you will move – for your highest joy. If you “follow your excitement” consistently, you will end up fulfilling your Life’s Purpose. |
failure | “Failure” is giving up on your Intention. As long as you do not give up your Intention, failure does not occur. |
fear | “Fear” is the emotional reaction to believing in a reality (likely outcome) that you strongly do not prefer. You can use fear to your advantage, by: #1. Fully “owning” it and acknowledging that you have it. #2. Asking yourself “What must I be believing to have this fear?” #3. Once you discover that belief, you can REPLACE it with the opposite belief, at which point the fear quickly dissipates. |
forgiveness | “Forgiveness” is not an “action”. It is the cessation or stopping of the continuous action of continuously blaming someone for something. Since blaming requires energy, and forgiveness is the stopping of this action of blaming, it actually is easier to forgive, than to continuously be blaming another. So be lazy! Forgive! |
hope | “Hope” implies doubt. It suggests you are holding a belief that there is a significant possiblity of NOT achieving your desired result. |
integrity | “Integrity” is the automatic result of “sensing” and knowing that you are a part of the whole universe. Since the universe is holographic, each part contains the whole. Everything and everyone is really “YOU”! When one realizes this, thenautomatically, one treats others with the respect and consideration that they themselves would want to receive. This is “integrity”. |
negative | That which separates, or polarizes. (as opposed to “positive”, which unifies & integrates) |
positive | That which unifies, and integrates, and creates oneness. (as opposed to “negative”, which creates separation) |
trust | Trust is the same as “what you believe”. You are always totally trusting in something. There is never a lack of trust. So the only relevant issue is: WHERE are you placing your trust? Accordingly, “doubt” is not a lack of trust, but a TOTAL trust in something you do not prefer. |
try | “Try” implies you are keeping the back-door open for failure. The word “try” presumes you are believing there is a large possibility of NOT achieving your goal. “Trying to do” something is totally different than “doing” that something. |
Check out the website above for more interesting info.
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