Yesterday, I published the post, “777 and 888 Inner Guidance Leading to Invaluable Experiences and Profound Wisdom,” and earlier today, I received new insights for a particular story within it.
It was right after noticing 10:10 on a clock, which is just one of the interpretations that I trust to mean “receiving higher frequencies of Light and Love from above, ultimately from Divinity within.”
So I not only added the new insights to the post/link above, but I also chose to create a new post from it since it contains, what I trust to be, profound wisdom that we can all incorporate into our daily lives, which will be a major game changer.
Granted, the overall wisdom behind the insights themselves aren’t new to humanity, since other spiritual teachers throughout history (and not just humans) have communicated about them; however, I trust that it’s important to share our insights and personal experiences just in case there is something new to learn and grow from on all levels of our being—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Plus, this post is much shorter in length for those who are still caught up in the very busy, instant gratification lifestyle—a phase of our accelerated, individual and collective soul journey/growth/evolution. 😉
What I’ve learned from past experiences—not sometime, but every single time—is that under the tough exterior of even the seemingly rudest, meanest, cruelest, unlikable and/or unlovable person, is a much softer, brighter and loving side.
A lot of times, it’s quite a challenge to see this tiny spark or flame of seemingly non-existent light in such beings; however, when we’re willing to look close enough, and deeply feel with our hearts, we will—without a shadow of a doubt—be able to see (with the ancient eyes of Christ within) who they truly are deep inside, realizing that all the unattractive “negative” characteristics ultimately stem from fear energy, which includes much hurt/suffering/inner wounds from this and past lifetimes.
For instance, over a decade ago, I learned a very helpful lesson from a former co-worker who had the reputation of being a major @$$hole.
Had he not been one, I would’ve never had the golden opportunity to experience a deeper understanding of defense mechanisms, that I shared within an old post titled, “Taking Chances.” There are many other examples throughout this blog, but that’s another story/stories.
Another, perhaps a more familiar example for many people, would be the character, Peggy, from the current and popular comedy show Mike & Molly.
Initially, she comes off as a really cynical, rude, sometimes blatantly racist (not in a hateful manner, but because of how she was raised), feisty—and the so-called “ugly” list can go on—-person that’s not exactly peaches-n-cream (not the urban dictionary meaning) to be around.
However COMMA throughout the show, we get to see a much lighter side of Peggy, even soul-touching moments where you can feel your heart space expand.
Now, let’s imagine that we were to raise our vibrational frequency higher than our typical, lower vibrating, fearful ego self (aka personality self/wounded inner-child).
In order to not allow seemingly unpleasant people to negatively affect our emotions—hence, taking our power away—-we can add humor to the matter (which can also apply to a situation, event, thing, etc.).
By doing so, we change our perspective, taking control of our physical mind’s judgmental thoughts and transmuting them into positive ones.
When we change our thoughts to beneficial ones, we’ll notice that we feel much better—our thoughts positively affecting our emotions; hence, taking control of our emotions’ well-being, and perhaps even getting a smile, giggle and/or laugh out of it. An example story of this is in the previous post/link mentioned on top.
By the way, I’ve learned/remembered that higher beings of the spiritual realms have a very great sense of humor, often finding many of life’s happenings throughout the omniverse very amusing—since they’re able to see way beyond the seemingly “dark’ illusions of the outer surface, and into the profound, invaluable wisdom that awaits within them like a luminous, rare gem deep within the floor of a pitch, dark ocean.
One of the ultimate, highly beneficial goals for humanity (as well as other beings not of this world) would be to effortlessly Be—not become, since we can instantaneously choose to Be at any given moment—a Master of our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions at every moment; hence, being able to co-create with our Divinity within our own version of Heaven on Earth reality, as well our highest self’s greatest version of self (aka Exalted Self, Full-Potential Self, God-Self/Goddess-Self, etc.)
If we’re not in the mood to add humor to a so-called “negative” matter, we can always take a step back and do our best to see the matter from another standpoint using: deep understanding (or even understanding), empathy (or even sympathy), compassion, unconditional forgiveness, embrace, and/or unconditional acceptance/love.
Next thing you know, we realize that the facade of the so-called very arrogant bastard (and not in a funny, lovable way) reveals that he has very low self-esteem and self-worth.
Or, that the facade of the bee-ah-ch—who often has to be aggressive to seemingly everyone around her—reveals that she isn’t truly confident, but very fearful of being hurt by another (since out-of-control aggressiveness stems from fear energy).
I would know…been there and done that, but it’s been a while since I no longer preferred being a full-time bitch, though it’s always available to me when needed, like every other “dark” or “light” aspect of self/Self/SELF.
There’s nothing wrong with turning on “the bitch” switch at the perfect time, perfect place, and for the perfect reasons—like when another seems to have a very, difficult time understanding the language of gentle kindness, reason, and/or tactful assertiveness; however, misusing or abusing it (like with many other things) will surely lose it’s effectiveness.
Chances are, someone’s who often a bitch will eventually, and more than likely, be brushed off by others with comments like, “That bitch must PMS 24/7/365! SOMEbody give her a freakin Ultra Potent Multi-Symptom Motrin!”
However COMMA when the usual calm, cool and collected woman turns on the magical “bitch switch,” and unexpectedly goes apeshit (even in a calm, yet, very intimidating manner), one might hear comments like, “Holy SssPirit! Who released the Mother of all Krakens?!”
Moving on. Now, let’s imagine (to the best of our ability) that we were to raise our vibrational frequency to the highest possible.
As Prime Creator or Infinite Creator (the rainbow, and then some, of all frequencies)—The Observer—there would be no need to either judge the seemingly unlikable person, or even admire him/her using humor or compassion.
The Observer would simply observe what is since He/She/It’s neutral—supporting ALL of Life/All That Is (though it may not always appear to be so), since they are ultimately parts of the whole/The One.
It would be like a human being merely observing two, tiny ants interacting with one another. We wouldn’t label one ant (acting a certain way) as “bad” and another ant (acting in the opposite manner) “good”; but rather, we would just notice what is at whatever present Moments of Now—where the past, present and future occur simultaneously.
Creator knows that every part of the whole (even the most minute and seemingly insignificant) has a Divine purpose within the Divine Plan that ultimately highly benefits the interconnected whole;.
And when something, someone, or as a group or great collective habitually ceases to do so (so-called “time” ranging from a short period to very long periods)—because it/they, either knowingly or unknowingly, chooses to no longer exist and participate within a particular reality—it eventually becomes nonexistent by death, transforming into a different state of energy for other life adventures that will benefit the overall evolutionary process.
Poof! The so-called “bad”/”evil”/non-beneficial life-form are transmuted, healed, and released back to, yet, another round of life experiences (if it prefers), or returns to Source.
Some religious beliefs state that the so-called “bad” or unevolved will keep on reincarnating in order to grow as souls, but I trust that’s only a truth, as opposed to the ultimate truth, because that’s still being stuck in separation consciousness—souls separate from Infinite Creator.
When seeing through unity consciousness, essentially, we are all already Divinely complete and perfect in parallel, “past” (before the Big Bang) or “future” (when everything reunites with Source) realities where, like the present Moment of Now, everything exists simultaneously.
I trust that even something or someone that may be considered “bad,” “evil, ” or unevolved has the choice to return straight to Source at any given moment, without having to go through some process.
Why? Because, ultimately, Infinite Creator—existing within ALL of creation throughout the omniverse—can do and Be whatever the hell or heaven it feels like doing and Being at any given moment; and who’s going to stop Him/Her/It? I trust that Infinite Creator is Ultimate Freedom.
It’s lower vibrating beings—whether human or non-human—who often believe that things absolutely must be a certain way, or the highway, since they and/or their teachers (of a highly intelligent background) must be 100% right.
A dear family friend of mine, profoundly wise Jim (whom I described in the previous post), ignited that remembrance within me when he shared with me a deep insight to a very personal, “tragic” event (that also happens throughout the world) that general society labels as “bad.”
That precious seed (a gift/blessing) planted in my integrated higher Mind/Heart flourished and led to other insights, and I’m very grateful to my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within for such Divine grace for us all—good, bad, and everything in-between.
An analogy of “good” existing harmoniously with the “bad” would be when a white blood cell within the human body (i.e., a part of the whole) senses, identifies, locates, and destroys a returning virus (i.e., another part of the whole) that doesn’t highly benefit the whole body.
Without the “bad” virus, the “good” white blood cell would never be able to experience—hence, experiencially know—what it’s like to be a white blood cell that pretty much highly benefits the body.
It takes the harmonious dance of the opposites (e.g., “good” vs “bad” or “evil”) to gain a deeper understanding and knowing of the big picture. So is the so-called “bad” really bad, or is it merely a 3D illusion/a blessing in disguise?
This is why duality (the seemingly separate opposites of 3D life) can be used in a beneficial way when we choose to see it as polarity (the opposites not being separate, but interconnected, like fear energy—that our ego selves often operate from—merely being a lower, vibrating frequency within the love energy spectrum—that our Spirit operates from).
Note: Image on right found next to link => and I added quote from author noted in poster via ((thank you all).
And yes, I spoke of cells “experiencing and knowing” because I’ve come to trust that even cells—that we may often perceive as tiny parts of our body just busily doing their thing—contain highly intelligent consciousness (like all of creation) that know exactly what to do for multiple scenarios within the body, though our physical brains haven’t learned how to go about doing the numerous, automatic functions.
Rather than logically thinking about it like humans do, they just simply do and be their Divine purpose.
Of course, to live with such expanded consciousness can seem impossible for any being, especially human beings, but if we really think about it from our already existing (in a parallel, future reality), integrated higher Mind/Heart—of Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within—nothing is impossible…
WHEN, and only when, we truly believe that Divine Spirit/All That Is (existing within all of creation throughout the omniverse) is indeed “Almighty”/Omnipotent (All-Powerful), Omniscient (All-Knowing), Omnipresent (everywhere all the time, even outside of space and time), and Omnibenevolent (unconditionally accepting/loving ALL of creation throughout the omniverse, whether as Creator or Destroyer—that is, The Destroyer of that which no longer highly benefits the interconnnected whole and/or chooses to no longer exist within a particular reality).
After completing the Intro section of this post on top, I noticed 2:33 on my laptop clock. Whenever I notice any form of Divine synchronicity, to include number synchronicity—Angel Numbers/Sacred Number Codes/Truth Codes of the Archangeloi of Elohim, etc.—I’m reminded that I’m, indeed, continuing to follow Divine guidance from within, which is mirrored back to me in my outer reality.
Anyway, I looked up an interpretation to refresh my memory of the detailed message (since it’s one of the many repeating number codes), and the following is from a guidance tool that I often use, from a very helpful website called ANGEL NUMBERS – Joanne Sacred Scribes (note: I copy and pasted the first section—the breakdown interpretation of the individual numbers—at the end of the post to provide a “brief and to the point” summary-like reading at the beginning):
Angel Number 233 [<= click on link to go to website in another window] is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that they are with you, guiding and assisting you along your Divine life path.
They ask you to maintain a positive attitude, positive thoughts and expectations in regards to the direction of your life.
Have faith and trust that your present course is the right one for you and is in-line with your soul mission and life purpose. Stay strong in your convictions and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom.
Angel Number 233 is a message to do with faith and trust in yourself, the angels and the Universal Energies.
Number 233 is a blend of the energies and attributes of the numbers 2 and 3, with number 3 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences, and relating to the Master Number 33.
Number 2 carries the vibrations of duality, partnership and relationships, diplomacy and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness, happiness and fulfilment. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
Number 3 adds its influences of joy and optimism, creativity and self-expression, encouragement, enthusiasm and vision. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters and suggests that they are around you, assisting when asked.
The Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. The Ascended Masters also assist with manifesting your wants and desires and help you to find peace, clarity and love within.
Number 33 is the Master Number 33 (Master Teacher 33), and relates to guidance and assistance, understanding and inner-wisdom, spiritual awakening and upliftment.
I also noticed 2:55 and 3:33 (a frequently appearing sacred number code) in-between blogging and eating.
Like practically all the angel number messages, I often transform them into positive affirmations that I speak (not just think), to include powerful “I AM” statements and highly effective intention statements. Note: The number link right above is also from the same website mentioned above.