I shared the following comment for Peter’s Inside Track (audio version of book) Companion Program, Ch. 6 Summary Video 2 (out of 1-3) that includes an intro to Indigo Children (which Peter and I are, among others; and this is just one of many earthly labels of Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self); the previous parts of this update (for video 1) added to related post, “Thank you Heart/Spirit/Goddess for Deep Compassion & The Divine Gift of Death“:
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Comment for Video 2 of 3:
Regarding the part about Jesus: Peter, you’re even aware that The Church has excluded, manipulated, revised, hid, and distorted the bible in various ways—to include but not limited to The Lost Gospels and The Dead Sea Scrolls.
Therefore, religious Christian leaders heavily taught (in a one-sided manner) that Love was for others; hence, GIVE GIVE GIVE only to others, which explained why there were (and continues to be) SO MANY within humanity throughout the ages, running around trying to give (mostly conditional love), heal, save, recruit and rescue others, when they were the ones who needed deep healing, saving, and “rescuing” due to neglecting themselves of Unconditional Love within, that Jesus was known to generously share because he honored the Heart/Spirit/Goddess within him.
Plus, this NOT completely interpreted, “turn the other cheek” teaching is one of the most influential reasons why SO MANY WOMEN, especially back in the day, believed that they should stay in ABUSIVE relationships, because they were supposed to be “good” Christian women and wives by “turning the other cheek” and “forgiving” OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
I know this (intuitively and experientially) because I was one of them, I knew other women who were like this, and because none of us had learned about Unconditional Love for the self (only for others).
THAT’s just one of many reasons why it’s been a HUGE problem with this type of OLD, OUTDATED, FEAR-BASED, overly patriarchal “spiritual” teaching.
Because once again, Unconditional Love is like the ebb and flow of the Cosmic River of Life, meant to highly benefit the self AND others.
Because like you teach as well, we cannot truly, fully, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup.
Only when we fill or refill our inner cup/heart, can our Heart’s POWERFUL Unconditional Love frequency effortlessly overflow to others, and the rest of interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
And from this state, if another happens to SLAP us once (a sudden reaction from their fear), we can turn the other cheek.
But if the slaps (or any other forms of violence) becomes HABITUAL, hence, turning into ABUSE, then it’s definitely time to set HEALTHY BOUNDARIES and/or LEAVE the UNHEALTHY relationship.
Because ABUSE can not only come from so-called others, but can be done to the self as well—aka HABITUAL (key word):
self-abuse, self-neglect, negative self-talk (that exasperates negative, false beliefs about self), absence or lack of self-compassion and self-forgiveness, not willing to stand up for oneself, being a doormat, being a victim to outer circumstances, allowing others to define who we are, allowing others to manipulate and/or control us, allowing others’ judgments to negatively affect us (aka GOOP like you teach), being stuck with low self-esteem, not developing and maintaining healthy boundaries, not willing to express one’s inner truths, to include true feelings, etc..
And YES, like you, Gill, and Bruce concluded as part of your “most challenging warrior award” to me on EMF14 graduation day, I can share MASSIVE amounts of information, knowledge, and/or profound wisdom; and I fully EMBRACE it, and don’t give a RAT’S @$$ about GOOP (like you teach).
But remember, you, too, have shared MASSIVE amounts of the same, you too can be overly assertive—border-lining aggressive, like during most of the EMF and EMT live calls, though enthusiastically positive and kind during USM calls—and like you’ve shared in your first reply comment to me, you and I are very much alike (though very different as well).
The following is an excerpt of a post I shared on 5/22/22, [“Simple Daily Question: Do I Prefer to Feel Disempowered or SELF-EMPOWERED?“] related to just one of various Multidimensional abilities of Indigo Children (and other similar and different earthly labels, to include but not limited to: ultra-sensitive Blue Rays and/or starseeded Souls):
My intuition is increasingly becoming RAZOR SHARP; hence, I can STRONGLY SENSE others’ vibes—their presence, their vibrational frequency/FEELING state within that they radiate out.
So even if another says the “right” or “good” words—or even if they do their best to put on a fake smile and/or adjust other non-verbal cues to include their body language—if they are NOT Heart-centered, and these verbal and non-verbal expressions are merely coming from their logical minds trying to manipulate, calculate, control, etc., then I can quickly identify it.
Even if someone is more logical mind centered, and has gathered A LOT of spiritual information/data, mostly from books, videos, websites, blogs, online programs and/or courses, events, retreats, extensive research, etc.—rather than via personal experiences/experiential knowledge/profound wisdom—I’ve learned that this doesn’t automatically make them an expert in spiritual matters (let alone mystical matters: direct-experiences with the Divine).
Because it’s not about how much the logical mind collects from the outer world, but how the mind follows and becomes aligned with the Heart within inner world; thus Becoming integrated and merged Mind/Heart, as ONE.
Parts of This Post Series
- “Thank you Heart/Spirit/Goddess for Deep Compassion & The Divine Gift of Death“
“How Time Reveals What We Feel Obligated to Do, and What We Truly EnJOY Doing“
“Reuniting the Narcissist & Empath Aspects Within Full-Potential, WHOLE self/Self“
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