I used to wonder how so-called “evil” aliens became the way they were, just the way I wondered how “bad” or “evil” human beings became who they were.
Like many human beings, were they also wounded souls who chose to become wounded wounders rather than wounded healers?
A while back, a series of videos about the Greys caught my attention due to their total time—9 minutes and 11 seconds. The angel number 911 continues to be the most frequently appearing number sequence/synchronicity for me for almost three years now.
Note: Thank you www.weirdworm.com for image on right.
Although I’ve mostly used the website Angel Numbers – Joanne Sacred Scribes to gain insight from this fascinating experience, I’ve also looked into other sources of information as well since 1) I had a strong feeling that there was more to the 9:11 meaning to complete the picture, and 2) I believe that God (of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies/Consciousness/Love) communicates to us in numerous ways; whether or not we choose to indiscriminately receive the message(s) is our free choice.
I also wrote a post called, “A Deeper Understanding of My Journey of 9:11, 11:11, 12:12 and 13:13,” which is a collection of information on the internet, my thoughts, feelings, insights, and personal experiences.
Note: Thank you playingwiththeuniverse.blogspot.com for image on left.
It wasn’t until I watched the video, The Grey Aliens, Part 4, that I first experienced having hope for even the Grey aliens.
If I recall correctly, the woman abducted in the video mentioned that when it became apparent to one of the Greys that she was frightened by its probing…it stopped, and she was grateful.
Despite the Greys being known for their lack of emotions, that particular one managed to feel for the human; it was able to express compassion by discontinuing to experiment on the woman.
Note: Thank you x-files.wikia.com for image on right.
Granted, I’ve read that there are different types of Greys, but the woman understandably wasn’t able to identify the exact type it was.
Plus, we’re not 100% sure that that particular Grey was one of the “good” Greys; we just assume that it was so because it obviously appeared to have been by its harmless behavior.
But what if that Grey was a so-called “evil” Grey that happened to have a change of heart? Then any form of change, regardless of how minute it is, means progress…and even little baby steps of progress assists in the overall evolutionary process.
Note: Thank you area51blog.wordpress.com for image on left.
The readings below gave me a deeper understanding of the nature of the Greys, which helped me to empathize with them, have compassion for them, forgive them, accept them, and embrace them as I chose to see them through the eyes of Universal Love.
As I searched for the truth, I believe the Divine within me provided me with some great insight; because it’s easy to speak the words of: not judging, forgiving, and loving one’s enemies (as Jesus taught us/Christ Consciousness), but it’s quite another to truly experience such wisdom at the depth of one’s heart.
Note: Thank you www.heartofeugene.org for image on right.
The following is from the reading, “Apex,”
“The Apex planet was one of the first developed societies in the Lyran Star Group, and thus, one of the earliest planets to ever sustain a humanoid civilization. Torn by duality and conflicts, the Apex planet nearly self-destructed in a nuclear war. Hardly any one survived. Those who did, had to live under ground for several generations, which changed the tone of their skin into grey, and forced their eyes to grow considerably, in order to be able to see in the dark. (Because of their physical appearance, some people refer to them as Greys.)
“After its planetary catastrophe the Apex planet was shifted dimensionally into another region of Time/Space. The Apexians eventually became the race of the Zeta Reticuli. (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra)”
Note: Thank you blueeyedennis-siempre.blogspot.com for image on left.
The following is from the reading “Zetas“:
“When it comes to their intentions here on Earth, two groups can be distinguished. Overall the intent of the majority of the Zetas is benign, despite the trauma that many individuals experience in their presence. There is, however, also a minority that is more interested in colonisation and conquest (the Orion / Draconian Agenda). This latter group is said to have colonies in the Betelgeuse system, and work together with Orion and Draconian Greys.
Unlike the Orion and Draconian Greys, the Zetas are a humanoid race. In fact, their ancestors looked pretty much like modern day humans do, and lived on the Apex planet in the Lyran Constellation […] Another side effect of the increased radiation was a decrease in fertility-levels forcing them to procreate through cloning and other artificial techniques. One of the reasons for the abductions is to increase the diversity of the DNA-stock used for these cloning purposes.”
Note: Thank you metrobloggen.se for image on right.
The following is from the reading, “Dow“:
“The Dow are specific group within the Orion Greys. They are related to the Zetas, in that they share a common ancestry. They left their planet to look for a new home, but were submitted and altered by Reptilian races in the Orion constellation […]
The main source of information on the Dow is Alex Collier. This is what he had to say about them in his Letters from Andromeda, Vol 2., no. 3:
The Dow are a small group of Greys that are responsible for many abduction/detentions. They have very little emotional development, but do possess very strong telepathic powers […]
Genetically altered many times through many generations, the Dow became the slaves and pirates in service to the reptilian species, specifically the Orions and the Draconans. The Dow were deliberately altered genetically so that they couldn’t reproduce, ensuring they wouldn’t rise up in force against their captors. This forces them to stay very much in the survival mode, making them much easier to control. They would like to be free, but instead have become wanderers. They are no longer Reticulans, nor honored in their home systems, because of their abuse of power (service to self) and the fact that they are now on the same side as their owners. They, like their owners, have left a wake of destruction and slavery in their path.
(…) The Dow are out for their own survival and will do anything to us, without compassion or understanding of what their actions will or have done to us. I [the author Alex Collier] have been told to have understanding of their situation and possibly some inner compassion for their plight, but to fight and stay very clear of them as they are very dangerous to the human Terran race on Earth. “
Note: Thank you www.fotocommunity.fr and www.palmeintelectuale.ro for two images above.
After absorbing the above italicized and quoted readings, I gained a deeper understanding of the general nature of the Greys.
I can only imagine what it would be like for any species to experience the consequences of a nuclear war (regardless of who started the war), to include being forced to live underground, in the dark, for several generations (due to radiation).
Such a catastrophe would definitely instill a deep fear into the souls of any species. It’s no wonder the Greys have such little emotional development, and their intentions, communications, and actions often stemmed from fear energy.
Anyone who has ever been severely traumatized, and any civilization or country that has ever been colonized and oppressed by an aggressive other (whose vibrational frequency was very low/fear energy), can surely understand what level of psychological—mental and/or emotional—physical and spiritual damage that could do to the being(s) or species.
Note: Thank you fourthdimensionalrecovery.wordpress.com for image on left.
I went through phases in my life where I became numb…apathetic to the overwhelming darkness around me. I believe it was a coping mechanism, to help me to survive in unhealthy environments.
As a child, whenever I made minor mistakes, I learned not to make that same mistake twice. Once, in 5th or 6th grade, when my parents weren’t home yet close to dinner time, I got hungry and microwaved a hot dog.
When my mother came home from her friend’s house, she lost her mind because I had used a new microwave by myself (although I knew how to operate it), and she said that my dad would be pissed if he found out.
The beatings often felt like hours. I used to get down on my knees, rub my palms together, and beg my mother (in Korean) over and over again, “Mama, please forgive me…I’ll never do it again! I promise!”
However, as I grew older, I learned that begging was ineffective. I became an expert at blocking out my painful outer reality by just accepting the inevitable…just sitting still and silent and sometimes thinking, “Just kill me.”
Note: Thank you eguana.deviantart.com for image on right.
The more non-responsive I became, the angrier it made my mother at times, to the point where she would yell, “You’re just like your father…nothing but a cold-hearted Jap!” She was talking my biological father.
It’s interesting that the merciless abuser/accuser wasn’t aware of the ironic statement. But that’s what happens when our hearts become closed—we lose our mind’s ability to think clearly.
Of course, we can only suppress so much feelings (language of the soul); after a while, we eventually explode from within if we don’t heal in a healthy way.
Note: Thank you www.soaringfree.ca for image on left.
I didn’t realize it when I was younger, but my mother was a wounded wounder at the time, and alcoholism was fuel to the blazing fire of hurt and suffering within her, that I imagine and know she endured throughout her own childhood and adulthood:
- confusion (parents living mostly separately since her father had a mistress)
- unworthiness (e.g., not being a “worthy and valuable” son, being pulled out of school at 13 years old to help support the large family, to include her younger siblings, not being able to marry her first love due to her background and status that didn’t match his, etc.)
- sadness (family losing lots of money due to her father’s gambling and alcohol problems)
- anger (for the daughters in the family not being treated fairly, and appreciated by her parents, especially from her mother)
- hardship (having to work at other people’s homes throughout childhood, and then at bars when she became older, where women weren’t respected even more than usual)
- betrayal, heartbreak, and pain (being abandoned by her first “husband” and left with a baby—me—to raise by herself, and her second husband being habitually dishonest and unfaithful)
Note: Thank you nothingnerdy.wikispaces.com for image on right.
My mother often reminded me not to trust humans since most weren’t good. She also tried to convince me to stop caring about others, and to only be concerned with us two.
I didn’t understand then, but she was just exhausted from pain and suffering, and had developed a fearful heart; she only wanted to protect me from having similar experiences.
It’s understandable why some of the Greys are still in an extreme survival mode, to the point that they’ve become selfish. It all stems from deep fear…especially a major fear of not wanting to suffer again, or perish from the Universe…just like countless other souls.
I believe, the Greys, like all species throughout physical realities, just wish to survive…to matter…to have purpose in Life.
Note: Thank you www.thekingslist.org for image on left.
When you google “Grey aliens,” most of them look highly pissed off or extremely bitter about life; but then again, who wouldn’t appear that way after having to live in the dark underground for generations, and then being enslaved by another species?
On the other hand, some of the very evil-looking images could be false or exaggerated representations of the Greys created by fearful man. I wouldn’t be surprised.
Is Gunnery Sergeant Grampa Grey grumpy due to his ridiculously toned neck, chest and abs, and no one to actively probe? Or, are we just projecting our own negative characteristics onto aliens who have no interest in defending themselves?
I have a feeling that the images that I obtained from beforeitsnews.com (on right) and www.abovetopsecret.com (on left) were mad-made, rather than actual representations of Greys.
I mean, Ssseriously, are these jokers the severely constipated and highly irritated Three Amigreys? They look like multidimensional me during my multi-symptom pms phase.
Not too long ago, I wrote a post called, “A Flash Image of Celestial Beings,” where I was convinced that the flash image that I saw were friendly in nature. I also found an image online that matched the image that I saw, and the file name was, “Arcturians.”
However, I later found other exact images that were saved under the file name grey aliens. I’m not sure now whether those beings were Arcturians or Greys; however, it doesn’t really matter.
What matters is what I personally and very briefly experienced from their flash appearance—a peaceful and loving presence and feeling.
And until I happened to meet one of them in person (whether in physical reality or dream state), and communicate with them telepathically, I guess I’ll never know for sure. Or, I suppose I could follow my intuition.
Note: Thank you alysondunlop.com for image on right.
Anyhoo, if we choose not to forgive the Greys, or any other “dark” being, we might as well not choose to forgive many, many , many others beings throughout history, especially human beings, who have caused much suffering to humanity with seemingly never-ending abuse, violence, and wars.
The following are just some examples of such acts that stemmed from fear energy, just to briefly refresh our memory for this particular reading (as a reference point)…not to dwell in the past:
- Various empires throughout history
- Germany, Britain, Spain, Italy, Japan, Soviet Union, France
- The Roman Catholic Church (to include burning people alive for their beliefs)
- The “white man” oppressing and/or enslaving Native Americans and African Americans
Note: Thank you alinefromlinda.blogspot.com for image on left.
If we could easily find a Native American (nevermind full-blooded ones) within our state, we should ask them if they’ve forgiven their “enemies,” within their own country, for the practically vanishing Native American race.
I’m pretty sure they have, since they are very much known to have a deep spiritual connection with Mother Earth/Goddess, Father Sky/God, and the Sky People/Ancient Aliens, which sets a loving example for all others to follow.
Without forgiveness, the viscous cycles (for both human and alien beings) of the wounded becoming wounders would be never-ending.
Note: Thank you www.care2.com for image on right.
There would be deeper darkness, ignorance, judgment, manipulation, control, anger, hatred, rage, vengeance, condemnation, abuse, violence, and unnecessary suffering, rather than understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, embrace, unconditional love for self and others, hope, peace, joy, truth, wisdom, freedom, abundance, co-creativity, belief, trust, faith, conviction, inner-knowing and self-empowerment (Being fearless/Being Love).
Unconditional forgiveness is key since some wounded wounders may be too lost within their own darkness/forgetfulness of their true essence (Divine Love and Consciousness) to express remorse.
Note: Image on right above next to link => www.pinterest.com (thank you)
Perhaps it’s time to look at our own darkness within, and change ourselves first, before continuing to point fingers at all aliens (not just the “evil” ones), just because their foreign to us.
Perhaps then, we’ll be able to Be our true essence, loving souls of God.
After all, if all aliens wanted to destroy humanity, us doubting their capabilities to effortlessly do so would be like saying that: the Earth is flat, nothing exists that we can’t experience with our basic five senses (although bees can see ultraviolet light, bats can sense infrared light, and dogs can hear frequencies that humans can’t, just to name a few examples), and that we’re the only intelligent species in our vast universe alone.
Note: Thank you www.staffinfoboard.co.uk for image on left.
The italicized section below is from my post, “Some Observations About Cell Phone Usage, Relationships, Self & Humanity“:
The following is a quoted paragraph from the introductory section of the video, “The Pleiadian Message – A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light” (<= click on title to view in another window if you feel the urge to do so)
Professor Michio Kaku, a well-known theoretical physicist, stated the following, “Take a look at our galaxy. There are a hundred billion stars in our galaxy. Now, take a look at the galaxies of the Universe; we can actually count them. In the visible Universe, our telescopes have the range to see a hundred billion galaxies. Well, how many stars are there in a visible Universe? Count them. A hundred billion times a hundred billion. That is an astronomical number! You have to be supremely arrogant to believe that we are the only ones in town.”
Note: Thank you www.therealconspiracyforum.com for image on right.
The following is from www.dailygalaxy.com:
“The intriguing remark was made by Lord Martin Rees, a leading cosmologist and astrophysicist who is the president of Britainโs Royal Society and astronomer to the Queen of England. Rees believes the existence of extra terrestrial life may be beyond human understanding.
‘I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we canโt conceive. Just as a chimpanzee canโt understand quantum theory, it could be there as aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains,’ Rees observed.”
Note: Thank you www.cosmicintelligenceagency.com for image on left.
While watching the video below, and as soon as the so-called “evil” Lizzie alien’s identity was revealed, I felt my heart go out to the being (who has forgotten its true essence) as I looked into its sad eyes.
I realized that it’s just a video; however, until I have an actual face-to-face meeting with such a being, that’s the closest eye contact that I’ll have with it; and if the character in the video moved me, I can only imagine how much more an actual real-life- situation would touch my heart.
Note: The lizzie image from the video that I was looking for didn’t show the complete picture, so I used another image instead. Thank you outofthisworldx.wordpress.com for image on right.
It’s one thing to deeply understand, empathize with, have compassion for, forgive, accept and even embrace “evil” alien and human beings, but I wondered how could one ever unconditionally love them? After all, they’ve merely forgotten their true essence.
I then imagined being a mother, holding a baby Grey or Reptilian in my arms, as it looked up at me with its innocent eyes.
Note: Thank you ww.rfadventures.com for image on left.
I noticed that regardless of what living creature that I see on this planet, usually through one of the animal TV shows, the baby versions of them are always so cute and precious.
And when paired with a parent(s), even the seemingly most viscous, unattractive and unlovable hyenas can appear gentle, beautiful and loving.
As intimidating as huge lions, brown bears, tigers and wolves seems to be, when I see their cubs, I can’t help but to smile from the warmth I feel in my heart.
Note: Thank you wendywolfe.wordpress.com for image on right.
As viscous as alligators and sharks seem to be, when I see the tiny baby versions of them, I just want to pet the little rascals.
Even if some creatures are created artificially—and without a mother or father—they nonetheless have a creator, who takes great pride in their creation, and has much love for it.
Note: Thank you en.wikipedia.org for image on left.
Perhaps a year before my Korean grandmother passed away, my mother sent me the last picture of her.
To my great surprise, the bridge and the majority of her nose had collapsed and caved in, and I believe this is due to chronic sinusitis (which I have as well) and the aging process.
The thought that immediately popped into my mind was that she looked like a Grey alien. The image on right is a close representation, minus the big eyes and forehead, and I’m not trying to be mean or facetious.
A part of me couldn’t believe that I would think of such a thing, but I then realized that it was more of an observation rather than judgment. Perhaps I’m projecting my deep belief about my own physical appearance onto her.
Note: Thank you ontbefooled666.wordpress.com facetious for image on right.
Anyhoo, my grandmother was either exactly my height (4’9″) or an inch shorter or taller. I’ve never compared our heights side by side, so I’m not sure. Plus, her top head seemed wider than usual, like an upside down triangle.
Using my imagination, I wondered of the possibility that she was a Grey hybrid, which would explain why she hardly ever expressed any emotions.
Ever since I was a child, I often stayed with her during summer and winter breaks, and I rarely saw my grandmother smile or laugh; and I’ve never seen her cry.
I don’t even recall being kissed or hug by her as well. I included a story about why I believed my grandmother was the way she was (as well as other family members) in a post called, “Facing the Unknown: An Examination of True Love.”
Note: Thank you arcturi.com for image on left.
So, hypothetically speaking, if my grandmother was a Grey hybrid, that would explain why my mother was the way she was…a wounded wounder.
I even thought of the possibility that perhaps my mother used to call me a “cold-hearted Jap,” not only because my bio dad left us, but also because my grandmother used to say it to her during her childhood. Come to think of it, my mother doesn’t look full Korean, and a little different from her sisters.
Korea was a colony of Japan from 1910-1945. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories from that time period, to include many women being raped, which also happened in many other countries that were colonized by aggressive oppressors.
My mother was born in 1940, which made me wonder if my grandmother had been raped by a Japanese soldier. Even though my grandfather stopped by his main house every now and then, his frequent absence would’ve kept him oblivious to happenings involoving his own family.
Note: Thank you www.nccsc.net for image on left.
After I experienced getting to know my my biological father, after I first met him in my mid-thirties, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a Grey hybrid as well.
I once came to the conclusion that he was the most unloving human being I had ever met; but I later realized that he was the way he was because he, too, was a wounded wounder, and had forgotten his true essence.
I wrote a series of posts about him, to include, “My First Encounter with a Narcissist” and “Unconditional Love from Angels and Aliens.”
Note: Thank you myfavoriteandmybest.squarespace.com for image on left. When I found out that my biological father used to tell one of my half-sisters (as a child), from his first marriage, that she looked like Mr. Magoo, I thought it was interesting that he had projected his own looks onto her since he actually looks like an Asian Mr. Magoo; plus, he has an English bulldog who’s apparently a Hollywood star.
When I first met my Caucasian father when I was three years old (who would end up adopting me), I told my mother, “Daddy’s like a cat.” I wrote about that story a while back, in a post called, “My First Use of a Simile.”
I used to think that I had made that strange comment because of his bright , blue eyes, or I somehow sensed his cat-like personality.
However, I recently formed another perspective. What if I had a glimpse of his catlike/reptilian hybrid eyes?
Note: Thank you animals.desktopnexus.com for image on right.
I can imagine Creator desiring to experience the magnitude of His/Her Divine Love and Pure Light Consciousness; thus, experimenting with seemingly countless aspects of itself.
Since it’s too easy to Be love when one is surrounded by a much loving, positive and supporting environment, with minimum emotional challenges/growth opportunities, He/She would want to see what Light and Love would do in the presence of much darkness and fear.
Since He/She has already seen what many male and some female forms (with balanced masculine and feminine energies) accomplished with such a scenario (such as Jesus and other Ascended Masters) throughout history, He/She would want to see what many female forms, as well as male forms (with balanced masculine and feminine energies) would do in modern day, since women and female energy has been highly oppressed and suppressed throughout human history.
Note: Thank you www.cafepress.com for image on right.
As an example of one scenario, He/She would place a part of itself (of a high vibrational frequency)/a very loving/”good”/amnestic soul (perhaps a highly evolved starseed soul) among other parts of itself (of a much lower vibrational frequency)/the most “unloving”/”bad” or “evil”/amnestic less evolved souls, in order to observe and experience the outcome as it plays itself out on physical reality/Earth, where duality can be experienced to the fullest degree.
Would the majority of “low vibrating” souls be able to break the spirit of one, who has the potential to rapidly raise its frequency, but has forgotten its true nature?
Or would the one have enough will power, courage, inner-strength, remembrance, determination, discipline, dedication, perseverance, resilience, and heart/powerful love to enlighten darkness and transmute fear to love?
Note: Thank you new-delhi-dude.blogspot.com for image on left.
What if—hypothetically again— I (4’9″ of Japorean descent and 1/4 Grey hybrid from Grey hybrid biological parents/raised by 1/4 Grey hybrid biological mother and Reptilian hybrid step-father) ended up marrying a Reptilian hybrid (my 6’1″ tall first husband of mostly German descent, whom I now love like a soul brother), and had children, who would be an integration of human, Grey, and Reptilian?
Would I then be able to unconditionally love a human/Grey/Reptilian with all my heart?
Absolutely. I would even give my life for my children, most precious treasures. If my current husband or children ever needed a heart transplant, or something of that nature, I wouldn’t hesitate to give them mine.
Note: Thank you hybridchildrencommunity.com for image on right.
When my children were toddlers, and before I joined the Army, my family went to visit my mother and relatives in Korea.
I overheard my mother tell my relatives that because my children had Japanese and German blood in them, that they would for sure be unflinching and strong.
Although she used the adjective “๋ ํ” to express her habitual cynical thoughts, which has a negative connotation, I chose to replace them with positive adjectives.
I refuse to believe that so-called “bad” blood/physical genetics can overpower Divine love within, which is also in our spiritual DNA (not “junk” DNA). I wrote about my children in a post called, “Powerful Indigo Children Leading By Example.”
Note: Thank you cristinaskybox.blogspot.com for image on left.
Throughout my life, I went through phases of not remembering who I truly am or Being aware of my True Self, hoping or feeling hopeless, wishing or feeling numb, imagining or seeing nothing, dreaming or not desiring happiness, trusting or doubting, believing or denying, having faith or giving up faith.
Now, I can say that I intuitively know, from the depths of my heart, that EVERYTHING, to include every being (whether human or alien and “good or “evil” or in-between), will all evolve (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually) at their own pace, best suited for their own soul growth, at Divine perfect timing.
And as we balance the Divine masculine and Divine feminine energies within us, and align all of our energy bodies with Spirit, we merge as Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is in form, and we will experience our own version of Heaven on Earth.
Eventually, when all is said and done, we will all return to/reunite with All That Is and become One in Spirit.
Note: Thank you poietes.wordpress.com for image on right.
I once saw an online poster that read that there’s light even in the darkest of places (my two cents—to include in the hearts of “evil” beings), and that statement resonated with my heart.
The following reading, “Light Source Phenomenon” has been helpful:
“Everything is light. Things in Creation vary according to their frequencies, from the subtle to the concrete or solid. The light energy is excited from appearing static to highly volatile. Each and everything in Creation is governed by the rules of light. These rules exist in every dimension and through all dimensions. As the dimensions increase, so too does the light generated by its beingness. Love is Creation. In Creation, Love as Creator experiences itself throughout ALL that is.
Light developed in darkness, or that which is hidden. Light expanded in the darkness and through friction ignited itself into knowingness. Therefore light, exists even if darkness is perceived. Light moves throughout the Universe in varying degrees of visibility. It expands and contracts. Contraction of light is darkness, expansion of light is Light. Light is energetic. Light is energy. Light is everything […]”
If we choose to believe in an Almighty/Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and ALL-Loving Prime Creator of Divine Love and Consciousness (to include God/Goddess/Elohim), then we must accept that EVERYTHING are Divine parts of the Divine whole/All That Is.
Therefore, to exclude anything (even “evil” aliens, human beings and the devil himself) as being separate from the Divine whole would equate to the fact that that “evil” something or someone belongs to some other creator who has the same Divine tools to somehow overthrow the ultimate force/main player of the game/Prime Creator.
If that’s the case, then one must admit that one chooses to believe in a lesser being of higher power; hence, one could say something like, “I believe in a sometimes powerful (since the devil and anything “evil” apparently have enough powers to be a challenge to God, and since major miracles only happened over 2,000 years ago), somewhat knowing, every-so-often present, and conditionally loving god.”
Note: Thank you greeneagle20.blogspot.com (left), www.jewsnews.co.il (right), and science.nationalgeographic.com (left) for three images above.
The following quoted and italizised section is from the reading, “Uniting Science and Spirituality“:
“Perhaps the most important discovery ever to made in the world of physics was Einstein’s theory of relativity and his famous equation E = mc2. The equation reveals that 1 kilogram of matter corresponds to 25,000,000,000 kWh of energy, which could power a town for 3 years or a car for 100,000 years. The equation shows that energy and matter are different manifestations of the same thing. It shows that there is only one substance “energy-matter”, which has a dual nature and can manifest as energy or matter. The same can be said about light, which can either display the behaviour of a wave or the behaviour of a particle. This does not mean that light changes back and forth between waves and particles at will, but that it is in some intermediate state which can express both aspects simultaneously. It is possible that sub-atomic particles of matter are actually standing waves of energy. Low frequency waves vibrate slowly and behave like matter, and high frequency waves vibrate rapidly and behave like energy […]”
The following is another very helpful reading, “The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light“:
“From Science to God reveals intriguing parallels between the light of physics as revealed by Einsteinโs theory of relativity and quantum theory, and the inner light of consciousness that mystics have spoken of throughout the ages. Their goal has been to still the mind so that the light of consciousness might be known directly. Then, they claim, we discover that pure consciousness is, like the light of physics, beyond both space and time. It is our true Self. Moreover, claims the mystic, it is divine […]”
The quote below is from the book, Sacred Union: A Journey to Joyful Living, and should tie everything (i.e., energy-matter, low–high frequencies of light, very fearful–very compassionate loving beings, light vs darkness, good vs bad/evil, duality vs unity, god vs God, science and spirituality) together like a beautiful bow on a gift:
โCompassion is the highest frequency of love and fear is the lowest frequency of love.โ
Note: Thank you www.insidebainbridge.com (left) and qiana.flavors.me (right) for two images above. .
Having personal experiences of deep compassion reminds me, “This is what it must feel like to see such a being(s) through the eyes of Universal Love.” I had never imagined having such feelings for so-called “evil” alien beings, such as the Greys and Reptilians/Lizzies.
But then again, I’ve looked into the eyes of some merciless human beings (at the time) throughout my life—whether I experienced physical pain, heart-stabbing words, rape, unsuccessful suffocation, etc.—-and learned/remembered to have compassion for all of them, which stemmed from my Divine Feminine Goddess energy/consciousness side of Trinity within me—wisdom from the heart and gentle love.
Note: Thank you opentoyoga.wordpress.com for image on left.
None of those hurtful humans were “bad” or even “evil” people, although there were times when I wondered.
They were severely wounded wounders who were lost within their own darkness/fear/suffering, and just needed someone to give them a chance to see their own Light and Love within.
Note: Thank you focalpressphotographycontest.com for image on right.
I believe some of us humans deny the existence of, harshly judge, and/or quickly reject alien beings due to our own deep fears of the unknown…which is the greatest fear of all, next to death.
Being fearful is completely understandable, but not necessary. Although I’m still working on Being fearless and fully trusting All That Is, the following quote often reminds me that no matter who or what tries to do harm to us (psychologically—mentally and/or emotionally–-and physically), we can freely choose to Be Peace (eye of the storm), Faith and Inner-Knowing by receiving a truth into our hearts.
No one and nothing can ever harm our inner-spirits, and when we trust that everything happens in Divine perfect timing, and for the highest benefit of our individual and collective soul growth/evolution…we flow with Life rather than resist it and suffer.
Note: Thank you www.sagegoddess.com for image on left.
I believe quotes in the bible that stem from Divine Love are true, to include the following quote by Jesus:
John 19:11, King James Version (KJV)
11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above […]
When we choose to respond to all beings (human or alien) with Divine Love (our essence) rather that react from fear, I believe that it will create beautiful ripples throughout the omniverse, not just within humanity of our own universe.
Note: Thank you goz48.wordpress.com for image on right.
I believe it’s already happening right now (in the Moment of Now/Past/Future). For instance, the profound teachings of Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka) have greatly helped me, and many others, in our spiritual transformation process.
I added the following italicized section about Bashar on my homepage, to include a highly beneficial video:
Bashar on Abundance and Trusting What Is (I noticed that watching Bashar videos quickly raises my vibrational frequency to my essence/True Self, aka Joy (especially Excitement!), Peace, Love, Truth, Wisdom, Abundance, Freedom, Creativity and Self-Empowerment. Bashar, channeled through Darryl Anka, is a fascinating Being—refreshingly honest, humorous, highly intelligent, wise, confident, animated, captivating, magnetic, accepting, embracing, and unconditionally loving. This video is worth watching over and over again until we make it ours)
Note: Thank you in5devents.com for image on left.
The following quoted and italicized section is from the reading, “Essassani“:
“Daryl Anka channels Bashar, who is a member of the Essassani.
They are a collective that exist “on a different frequency of reality which is coincident with a parallel reality 700 years in the future, and that they are physiologically a hybrid race which is a genetic combination of the human and the Orion Grays, otherwise called the Dow.”
Note: The image on right may not look exactly like Bashar, but it’s my favorite Essassani image I’ve found on the web. Thank you www.saleire.com for image on right.
I also included the following related quotes from other highly evolved beings/aliens/Celestial Beings/Family of Light that I also have on my homepage:
Abraham-Hicks – Go from believing to knowing (Abraham, channeled through Esther Hicks, is a wonderful Being who shines and sparkles free-spirit, high intelligence, gentle kindness, deep understanding, empathy, compassion, playfulness, a great sense of humor, truth, wisdom and unconditional love. This video is also worth watching over and over again until we make it ours)
Note: Thank you www.youtube.com for image on left, and thank you www.pinterest.com for image on right.
“And, of course, Prime Creator, First Cause, is the Dark Team as well as the Family of Light. Prime Creator, First Cause is all things.” A message from the Pleaidians => Sage of Family of Light
“We, the Arcturians, do consider our species to be a very giving group. In the understanding of the Universal Laws that have been presented to us by The Brotherhood of the All, there is no law more essential than that of giving love. That is the primary motivation and cosmic glue, so to speak, that activates the electron force of creation, which is Light. The law is simple: ‘The more you give, the more you will receive.” From the book, We, The Arcturians by Dr. Norma K. Milanovich
Note: Thank you www.philosophicalanthropology.net for image on right.
The following are just four, quoted sections (not all consecutive) of the very helpful and profound reading, “Cosmic Sea,” which helped me to better understand my dreams (in dream state), as well as Multidimensional SELF:
“Dear grounded ones, we are the Arcturians, here to continue our journey. We wish to remind you again that as each of you continues your awakening to your fifth dimensional SELF, you will remember your life โin betweenโ death and birth, other third dimensional realities, and lives on the higher dimensions. These realities are occurring all at the same moment of the NOW. Therefore, they are not โotherโ livesโthey are โparallelโ lives.
Your fifth dimensional stepping-stone, parallel reality will assist you in acclimating to your expanded reality at the point of your ascension. This fifth dimensional expression of your Multidimensional SELF is running concurrently with your third dimensional expression of your SELF. This concept of โit all is happening HERE and NOWโ can only be understood from our Multidimensional Operating System. Thus, release your attachment to linear and time-bound thinking, so that you can better understand how parallel worlds are interacting within a vast Cosmic Sea of many frequencies […]
Whenever you view an alternate life you have the opportunity to โre-writeโ it by replacing fear with unconditional love. That healing will then rush through your Multidimensional SELF, as well as through the body of Gaia. Since you are the sum/total of all the expressions of your consciousness, whatever happens in one reality is shared with all your parallel expressions of SELF. When you remember to merge with your stepping-stone SELF, you will regain your ability to view all of the many lives that are being played out in myriad times, places, and dimensions […]
On a personal level, you will split into two parallel realities when a situation occurs in which you can decide to choose love, unity and SELF awareness or choose fear, separation and dependency on external conditions […] We say a reality splits off, for whenever you make a choice based on fear and separation, you split off from the Truth that you are a Multidimensional Being and can perceive ALL options within the Now. The reality in which you chose love, unity and SELF is NOT the โsplit offโ reality for it remains in attunement with your SELF. On the other hand, whenever you make a fear-based choice, your resonance falls below that of your Multidimensional SELF, and you split off into a lower frequency parallel reality.”
Dr. Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians Invite You to Multidimensions.com (a while back, on my old website, I had added the older version of this blog to my category, “Readings That Resonate with Me”; but one day, while revisiting this blog, I noticed that it was being updated/redesigned, and I was excited about it. The link is the completed version)
Note: Thank you ritamarr.blogspot.com for quote below that goes with image on left.
“Physical self, Higher Self, Body Consciousness, Christed Self, Cosmic Self, Universal Self, Multidimensional Self, I AM That I AM Presence – all these are aspects of YOU”
The Courage to Live Your Dreams ~ Channeled February 28, 2014 (Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young)
The following quoted and italicized section is from the reading, “The Birth of a New Creation,” and the lion image goes with the uplifting message:
“We have the opportunity to remedy that decision, to look the fire in the face, step into it, naked and willing, to have the old and outdated burned off us, leaving only what is resonant with the new possibilities and potential of this time.
Of course, metaphorical fires often manifest as moments of extreme despair, profound shame, rage, griefโฆ whatever form our biggest and deepest challenge takes, thereโs a flame in the fire shaped just like it.
But surrounding each flame is also a greater one of hope, renewal, faith, potential and, most important of all, love. Not red roses and boxes of chocolate love. Not even unconditional parent/child love.
No, this is cosmic love. Itโs the love of the universe submerging us within its flames, even as we cry out for mercy, because this love hurts as it heals, burns as it purifies and breaks as it recreates a new.
This is the love that says โI will force you screaming through the flames because I know how wonderful youโll feel once youโre out the other side.
I know then you wonโt be able to thank me enough for this opportunity to begin again, fresh and new. When in fact, you wonโt have to thank me at all, because you are me, I am you, and weโre doing this together.'”
Note: Thank you all for the images above, starting with cosmic sea image on top left:
- link-omthsed.deviantart.com
- www.starshipnivan.com
- revistapapirolas.blogspot.com
- 1320frequencyshift.wordpress.com
- ritamarr.blogspot.com
- divinespace.co.za
- www.layoutsparks.com
- chanda-tejaswini.blogspot.com