As I’ve shared before within this blog, I love learning about interconnected Life within this world and beyond, especially from authentic, profoundly wise, and unconditionally loving Soul Teachers from my outer world (to include children, Mother Nature, highly evolved E.T. Beings, etc., and not just spiritual teachers).
And as I further explore, experience, enjoy, learn, grow, and expand my awareness/consciousness, I notice how I’m building a deeper and stronger trust of my inner world, which helps me to more fully follow my inner guidance/Heart/Spirit/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights…our Master Teacher within (as well as Master Healer, Master of Frequencies/Master Alchemist, and Master Builder) .
Image by Comfreak from Pixabay
I shared the following comment this morning for Peter Sage’s “Ultimate Self Mastery” online course (Week 6 – Understanding Human Behaviour):
Thank you Peter for sharing some helpful information as usual, especially the four-way seesaw analogy that expanded my awareness (eureka moment at the end).
Granted, since I like to follow my inner guidance/Spirit/intuition first and foremost, and be discerning—rather than blindly and fully take in everything that anyone teaches—I chose to ONLY take on board what highly resonates with me, what FEELS right/light/true to my Heart.
I trust that the additional perspectives that I shared below can help expand our individual and Collective Consciousness, as long as we’re willing to further open our minds and hearts (to integrated Mind/Heart).
Regarding Peter’s quote, “Being able to get to true joy by trying to balance those first four needs will never ever work.”
I can understand Peter’s perspective, but unfortunately, unconditional love for the self has been (and continues to be) severely underrated in our society, especially with the patriarchal religions having conditioned many throughout human history to just sacrifice themselves and GIVE GIVE GIVE to the church and others, while often neglecting the self; hence, why so many church people get burnt out by doing an excessive amount of church work to the point where they often don’t take care of their own well-being.
Unconditional Love is a Cosmic Dance of ebb and flow, meant to highly benefit the self AND interconnected Life within this world and beyond; it’s NOT a one way street.
Nature has NOT been conditioned by mankind with separation consciousness, and to NOT love themselves; hence, they’re naturally in a state of Unity Consciousness (interconnected ONEness), their inner cup is naturally full, so of course they can effortlessly GROW and CONTRIBUTE to others through Prosperity Consciousness.
However, we humans cannot fully, truly, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled cup/Heart; hence why there’s so much CONDITIONAL giving within our society (IF we’re being transparently honest with ourselves).
Regarding Peter’s quote, “A class four experience is something that doesn’t feel good, isn’t good for us isn’t good for others, and it doesn’t serve the greater good at any level. And a great example of that is something like anger, or maybe crime or violence.”
Yes, but the emotion of anger has earned a bad rap within humanity; hence, many people SUPPRESS frowned upon anger, which is very unhealthy. Why?
Because it doesn’t go anywhere when we SHOVE it DOWN; it just boils and bubbles like lava, stews, and then suddenly explodes in an out of control manner.
It’s like the passive high school kid, or the passive-aggressive guy who works at the post office—who habitually suppresses their anger (due to not knowing how to express it in a healthy manner, or afraid to)—and eventually end up doing a school shooting or going ape$h!+ CRAzy postal.
However COMMA when we learn to express the anger that we feel in a HEALTHY manner—honestly and tactfully, understanding the trigger, identifying the core belief, etc.—then we can better resolve conflicts within relationships.
Ultimately, anger is a neutral emotion, like all the others, since EMOTIONS are simply our inner compass that reveals our authentic state at every moment, and we can use it as a guidance tool to know how we TRULY FEEL. Example: One may smile at another on the outside, but not so much on the inside.
Regarding Peter’s quote, “My point here is this, most people spend their entire lives trying to change the stuff in their life. Trying to get a better [_____ ] Spending their whole life stirring the stuff when all we really had to do was change the context and focusing on growth and contribution is one of the fastest and most powerful ways of changing context.”
Importance of INNER GROWTH (which helps CONTRIBUTE to humanity and beyond/individual and Collective Consciousness): MANY people throughout human history have gone to the grave without even fully knowing the meaning of UNconditional Love (for self/interconnected Life).
Regarding Peter’s quote, “How do I know that? Same way you do. Because, the last time you put a smile on somebody else’s face, rather than yours, the last time you contributed to somebody else, rather than yourself, you felt different. There was a certain part of you that resonated with a feeling that you just can’t duplicate by patting yourself on the back or doing something for yourself.”
This sounds like minimizing the IMPORTANCE of unconditional self-love. Right now, more than ever before, humanity needs to learn (as a human)/remember (as a Soul) to do things like: smile at oneself in the mirror (rather than judge self’s appearance), treat oneself to something one actually enjoys (rather than often hopping on the bandwagon of what others prefer), pat oneself on the back (rather than be hard on self), etc.
Unconditional Love is unlimited and abundant; hence, there’s more than enough for self AND others, and it’s NOT just about GIVE GIVE GIVE to others while believing that one doesn’t really matter (again, the teachings of The Church, other limiting religions, and rigid belief systems).
When our inner cup/Heart is full, it effortlessly overflows to interconnected Life within this world and beyond. Example: Those who TRULY and UNconditioanlly love more and more NEUTRAL aspects within WHOLE self/SELF, naturally desire to truly love others, to include sharing much encouragement, upliftment (to include genuine compliments, and not just flattery), empowerment, inspiration, and information (Light) that expands our individual and Collective Soul Growth/Spiritual Evolution/Consciousness.
Eureka moment: The four-way seesaw analogy reminded me of my need to constantly balance all of my energy bodies of masculine and feminine energies within (two sides of the same coin)—mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
But I realized that our vibrational frequency will continually and naturally fluctuate since our entire essence is full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (physical selves, to include human self)/SELF (Source/Spiraling Consciousness/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa: Spirit & Soul/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies/Goddess & God/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Heart & Mind/Water & Fire/etc., I AM/I (God) AM (Goddess)/I AM Presence).
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