I (like many others) used to believe that freedom was something I had to earn, especially during the start of my Army days.
However, after I left that old life, I learned that true freedom is our soul’s birthright, though our world’s leaders have suppressed much of this truth throughout the ages.
One thing is without a shadow of a doubt.
I absolutely LOVE the experience of FREEDOM; and I realized that this energetic state of Being must start from my inner world—to CHOOSE to Be, think, believe, feel, say, do, eat, drink, etc. whatever I truly FEEL like experiencing from the depths of my soul and heart (and not because of some desperate and harmful attachment or addiction).
For example, we can appreciate and savor a delicious meal in moderation (FEELS uplifting/light), OR stuff our face in an uncontrollable manner until we feel like throwing up or passing out (FEELS depressing/heavy).
It FEELS so incredibly liberating to simply choose to Be and do whatever I feel like Being and doing, though I could definitely use more practice.
So what FEELS like FREEDOM?
If someone were to give me the following two options, I would definitely choose option #2 (though an option #3 is preferred):
- only eat very healthy food for the rest of your life, and live until you’re 120 years old!
- eat whatever you truly enjoy for the rest of your life, and live until you’re 70 years old!
- eat whatever you truly enjoy for the rest of your life, and live until…your choice!
If someone were to give me the following two options, I would definitely choose option #2:
- only be and do what society tells you to be and do for the rest of your life, and you’ll be labeled as a good, righteous, smart, and obedient citizen (while you’re being labeled as a dumbass behind closed doors)
- Be and do whatever the heck you TRULY feel like Being and doing for the rest of your life, and not give a rat’s @$$ whatever labels society places on you
I’ve learned—by experimenting with being a vegan, vegetarian, and other diets—that if someone desires to be in a certain category, like a vegetarian, they’ll simply be drawn to the idea and become one.
However, there’s no need to continue persuading, convincing, and insisting; this only pushes people away since they can sense judgment of their preferences.
The logical minds of humans like to manipulate, control and place everything in earthly labeled boxes of what is right or wrong, good or bad, dark or light, etc.
I have no doubt that there are many people out there—who are on vegan, vegetarian, and other diets that they ACTUALLY enjoy eating habitually—who are very healthy on all energetic levels.
However COMMA not everyone who’s a vegan or vegetarian (for example)—who seems healthy on the outer surface—has a high vibrational frequency (due to a combination of all the energy bodies being in harmony).
Though their physical energy body may be somewhat healthy, their other energy bodies—mental, emotional, and spiritual—may not be, which will, in turn, negatively affect the physical body at some point.
For instance, my husband and I were at a restaurant in Sedona a while back, and I noticed a woman—who was sitting at the table next to us—place her special order to the server in an impatient, demanding and rude manner.
She ordered a plate of steamed vegetables with no seasonings (which she strongly emphasized).
Shortly after her meal arrived, I glanced over one last time out of curiosity.
Sadly, this woman looked so miserable while picking at her non-flavored veggies, though the rest of her family members seemed to be enjoying what appeared to be meals from the menu. And this is just one of many examples.
I wondered if she felt obligated to eat this way for the rest of her life due to certain limiting beliefs—that contracts the MENTAL ENERGY BODY—like this was the only “right” and beneficial way.
If we aren’t FEELING positive emotions while we’re eating—which contracts our EMOTIONAL ENERGY BODY—because we’re not being true/authentic with ourselves about what we truly prefer, then how does this benefit our overall well-being (vibrational frequency state/FEELING state)?
If we believe that being spiritual—a common theme in Sedona, where it’s known the be the “mecca” of spirituality—has to be certain ways, and is not allowed to be outside of those caged boxes, then this will surely contract the SPIRITUAL ENERGY BODY.
We can gather all the spiritual knowledge and wisdom from around the world via books, YouTube videos, websites, etc.—and even mimic and regurgitate them—but none of that truly matters until we do our best to habitually LIVE these highly beneficial ways of Being.
I’ve known, met, and witnessed more than enough people from around the world—especially within Sedona—who initially seemed overall “healthy” on the outside with their type of strict diet, exercise, yoga class, meditation class, hobby, job and/or career title, etc. that they were so proud of (on the outside), but discovered that they truly weren’t WELL overall.
They were only DOING these things because society had convinced them to follow what society deemed was right, good, light, and/or beneficial for them.
I feel that it’s important to incorporate highly beneficial foods and drinks into our bodies that we actually enjoy.
I still enjoy vegan and vegetarian foods, but I also enjoy eating meat whenever I feel like it; though there have been plenty of times where I didn’t feel like eating meat, so I listened to my body.
Granted, I haven’t had a need or desire to eat veal or lamb for a while now (though I hardly ate it before then), because I learned that they’re forced to live in a tiny cage that doesn’t allow movement until it’s time to slaughter.
I also saw a video once that made me feel angry and sad. A small truck drove up to a cow and her calf, one of the men grabbed the calf, forced it into a small cage—where there were other caged calves—and as the truck started to drive off, the mother cow started running after her calf.
However, if I get too caught up on not eating what’s alive, then I wouldn’t be able to eat most foods since plants are alive at one point as well (if you want to get technical).
Whenever I go on hikes, I enjoy sharing some water with some trees, especially the ones that appear extra dry, and if the area hasn’t had rain in a while.
I even have household plants in our home that we provide purified water (that we also drink) and organic food for (that we also incorporate most of the time whenever certain ones are available). If not, we buy local without needing to compare.
My husband and I chose to be discerning when it comes to grocery shopping—to include buying meat that’s been raised and processed humanely (when it’s available)—but we also chose to not be so uptight about other options,at times, that may not be considered very healthy; we just simply follow our inner guidance.
In this day and age, not everyone on and in this planet are human. There also exists star seeded souls (and other otherworldly Beings) in human form.
And even within the category of starseeds, there are many different star systems. [Update inserted on 4/13/20: Next post, “A Gratitude Message to 3 STAR Beings of Sedona Who LIVE By Example“]
So to try to put all souls into one box of what we should all be, think, believe, feel, behave, say, do, eat, drink, etc. only makes perfect sense to those who have the limiting belief in the one type of human body (or “human vehicle”).
I trust that whatever form of human being we are, our bodies will have the ability to process whatever food and drinks we take in, and benefit from the energy it becomes.
Highly intelligent, deeply loving, and very joyful dolphins are known to have a very high vibrational frequency.
And though they have the option to eat seaweed and other sea plants only, they simply enjoy eating what they know highly benefits their unique bodies, which is fish.
I mentioned this before in a post a while back, but after tasting this one super food meal drink (that claimed to be THE BEST)—that tasted like someone had just mowed the lawn, and poured the cut grass into a cup of water—I couldn’t drink the rest of it.
When we try to force ourselves to drink and eat what our body clearly rejects, it’s time to recognize the truth, and let go of the need to be so aggressive towards self.
Granted, I’ve had good to great tasting, healthy shakes as well, and still enjoy one whenever I feel like it; but it’s not something I choose to permanently live on (at least not now).
For instance, I met a really nice older lady (a nurse) at a Teal Swan event a while back, who was convinced that we (humans) must only drink small cups of vegan shakes (as meals) every day.
And she was concerned that her friend and I were eating too much salad for lunch (though it was a small bowl).
I respected her choice, but refused to allow her reality to become my reality, by eating whatever I felt like that day.
I also ate New York style pizza another day, because I never had NY pizza in NY before; and I enjoyed it.
So what’s healthy to one, may not be to another; it’s all relative. But when we become stuck in trying to meet another’s definition of the “ideal” standard diet, it could literally drive us crazy.
If I recall correctly, there’s even a group that doesn’t believe in eating at all.
And hey, whatever rocks their boat! If it works for them, and they’re truly happy, then that’s awesome.
There’s been times where I wasn’t hungry at all, so I didn’t eat two or three meals that day; and I survived.
And who knows? Maybe one day, humans won’t have to eat…EVER.
Granted, that would be a tragedy for people like me since I REALLY enjoy delicious food from around the world.
But just like spiritual teachings, there’s no need to be a hard-core, aggressive recruiter, when it comes to our preferences.
I made that mistake by going through a phase a while back of trying to convince family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, acquaintances, and even strangers (through this blog) to be vegan (since I had recently discovered a new way).
Even the crickets checked out, and understandably so. I even became tired of only vegan food.
Sharing in various ways—to include information, knowledge, and wisdom—- is loving.
However COMMA manipulating via persuasion (to make one feel guilty and/or ashamed), pressuring, controlling, and forcing, is NOT (since they stem from fear).
It’s time to allow ourselves and others to Be FREE. This is Unconditional/True Love (for self/interconnected Life).
Added on 4/11/2020
When it comes to watching YouTube videos—whether I subscribe to the channel or not— I only watch whatever I feel drawn to at any given moment, and not just because it shows up in my reality.
In addition, as mentioned within this blog, regardless of who the outer soul teacher is, I like to always follow my own inner guidance first and foremost, ONLY taking with me what FEELS light, and letting go of the rest.
As mentioned in the previous post about Master Teachers/Healers, I appreciate the YouTube channel, Spirit Science, for being :
highly creative, keenly observant, free-spirited, and lovable (voice and cartoon characters). I respect and admire their creative way of consolidating a lot of helpful information that can be mind expanding, though I don’t recall their videos being deeply heartfelt or moving.
This video, “Spirit Science ~ The Hidden Truths of Covid-19” provides some very helpful information and images related to this post (I shared a slightly revised, shortened version of this section below, as a comment for this video).
But once again, not everyone wants to be a vegan, and be convinced to eat mostly raw vegetables throughout the day, and every day, for the rest of their lives (though it’s highly beneficial to incorporate into one’s regular diet).
And what they didn’t mention, is there are farm animals in our world that are raised and processed humanely.
So it’s not about the typical, implied message that’s often found within the spiritual community of:
“You are aware, loving and spiritual—with a high vibrational frequency—ONLY IF you choose to make the right decision, and live a vegan, vegetarian, or other similar diet lifestyle.”
As mentioned within this post, not all those who eat super healthy are very aware, and unconditionally love themselves (and is thus, able to unconditionally embrace others).
I would choose to be around an overall, authentic and genuinely loving omnivore or carnivore, ANY DAY over a vegan or vegetarian who is habitually judgmental (noticeably, subtly, or secretly), acts like an ass, and thinks they’re way above everyone else; AND vice versa.
Granted, not all those on vegan, vegetarian, and other similar diets are like this, and I’d like to trust that there are many who are overall, UNCONDITIONALLY loving (not CONDITIONAL love that says, “I will respect, accept, embrace, and/or love you ONLY IF you: are or aren’t this, do or don’t do this, believe or don’t believe this, eat or don’t eat this, drink or don’t drink this, ETC.).
I’ve only known two ladies, while in Sedona [added David in update post below], who actually LIVED BY EXAMPLE when it comes to UNCONDITIONALLY loving self/others/interconnected Life; hence, it FELT very comfortable to be in their amazing, full presence.
Continuing in post:
“A Gratitude Message to 3 STAR Beings of Sedona Who LIVE By Example“
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