Technology can be a great gift to humanity when used in moderation, and with discernment and wisdom.
However, I’ve noticed that lately, the obsessive use of iphones, ipads, ipods (and other types and brands of shiny objects)—and the seemingly negative impact it has on the users and their surrounding relationships—is spreading like wildfire.
And I have no doubt that there are a growing number of others (who are aware) who notice these mind-boggling and heart-breaking observations as well.
I’ve experienced crossing paths with many people throughout the world, worked various jobs throughout my life (to include the Army), and I have/had family members, friends, former co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances who either work and/or have worked in the customer service field.
Therefore, not only do I deeply empathize with those who get crapped on by rude people (to include inconsiderate iAddicts and shoppers), I’m very passionate about being a voice to self and others—especially loved ones, and whoever else may not be that expressive for whatever reasons, to include being passive.
And if that voice has to be blunt and equally (if not more) aggressive at times in order to get a point across—that hasn’t been so effective over the years using assertiveness and/or gentle kindness— then so be it.
Unfortunately, gentle and loving communication seems to be a foreign language to many people these days (regardless of age), who don’t seem to comprehend it, don’t trust it (because it’s unfamiliar territory), don’t give a damn because they mistaken it as weakness, or they simply don’t consider such communication styles or teachings interesting and/or important enough to acknowledge.
To my great surprise, from various personal experiences, rude people may often times discard a gentle kind and assertive approach, but actually stop and listen to “the language of rudeness”.
Why? Because they recognize the familiar, lower vibe, they trust that you’re truly fed up with their shit, they’re shocked that someone has the balls to throw back to them what they’ve so easily and aggressively dished out, and they’re prepared to receive a taste of their own, bitter medicine—often changing their negative attitude, and softening their tone, facial expression and non-verbal cues.
Note: Images above found next to links (thank you) => 1) 2) 3) and 4)
The following are some ways to identify how you, or someone you know, might be an inconsiderate iAddict (pronounced eye-at’-ic) (i.e., those addicted to iphones, ipads, ipods, etc. and habitually ignore others) or an inconsiderate shopper (e.g., a mess-leaving shopper who has no respect for others, to include the sales associates ).
Note: For additional stories, see post, “Some Observations About Cell Phone Usage, Relationships, Self & Humanity”
1) You’re often surrounded by family members, friends, co-workers, and/or neighbors who care about and/or love you…HOWEVER COMMA, you often don’t acknowledge their existence
and loving presence because you’re too busy giving most of your attention to your cell phone, ipad, video games, the TV, etc.
Hey jackass! It’s time to pull your big brainwashed head out where the sun don’t shine and deeply appreciate what you have.
Realize that there are many people in this world who either don’t have family members, friends, co-workers, and/or neighbors whom they can spend quality time with or care about them, or they live far away from them.
- 1a) Ex. Your family member often puts a lot of attention and love into cooking a delicious meal for you, and you can’t even take a nanosecond away from whatever the hell you’re doing on your damn phone or ipad to look them in the eyes and say something simple and genuine from the heart, like a thoughtful, “Thank you,” “This looks delicious!” and/or”This tastes so good!”
One day, your spoiled-rotten-ass is gonna have to cook your own damn meals (as an adult or divorced old fart), and maybe…just maybe…you’ll learn how to appreciate what others go out of their way to do for your habitually non-appreciating, punk-ass.
- 1b) Ex. You’re on your phone or ipad 24/7 from the moment you open your eyes in the morning to seconds before you turn the lights off for the night.
You can’t even take 30 minutes from your so-called “busy day” to have
a meaningful conversation with your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse and/or kids while being fully present with him/her/them. Guess what MF?
Ignoring/neglecting is the worst form of emotional abuse, and perhaps your non-loving ass needs to live alone for the rest of your life. Your loved one deserves way better, and their day will come.
- 1c) Ex. You’re out to lunch or dinner with a special someone, or a group of people, and you spend the majority of your time texting some BULLshit to someone else (who’s not on their deathbed), or your’e reading the latest online gossip, completely ignoring the very person (or people) you made plans with.
One magical day, don’t be shocked if no one wants to hang out with your boring, inconsiderate ass who only goes out with others because you’re so insecure to eat alone in public, or go out to public places by yourself.
FYI: No one likes to feel as though they’re invisible. And no worries, the people in your life will soon figure themselves out, as well as you, and move on to healthier and happier relationships where YOU won’t be missed. 😉
- 1d) Ex. You’re often so busy taking the next picture-perfect “happy” moment photos to display on Facebook or other Social Media for the rest of the world to see—your new wardrobe, next material or person trophy, the buffet table you set up for a party, group photos of happily posed faces, etc.—that you neglect your own guests the majority of the time at whatever holiday party or special
event you planned. Then you wonder why some people (who respect themselves) don’t return for another round of “Do I Know You”?
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1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) and 10)
2) You often text or yap on the phone like there’s no tomorrow; hence, you do inconsiderate things like not pay attention to traffic light, causing a line of others to miss their turn while you take your sweet ass time finally making that overly delayed left turn.
Someone in that line could’ve had very loose stools waiting to explode out of their sphincter, but HEY, that’s not your problem is it?
OR…you end up causing an accident to which you might insensitively reply to the severely injured couple, “Oh, I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Crippled that you each no longer have a leg because I was texting some BULLshit while driving, and ran into you at 75 mph. Can I make it up to you with a cup of Starbucks?”
Note: Images above found next to links (thank you) => 1) and 2)
3) While standing in line at a store, a friendly cashier—who habitually does a great job of providing great customer service—cheerfully says to you, “Have a Merry Christmas ma’am/sir!”…
HOWEVER COMMA, your holiday-non-giving ass completely ignores the kind soul (who has to work during the holidays) because you’re “too busy” not giving a shit—texting (non-urgent matter), chatting, and basically BULLshittin’ on social media about how great your life is, and/or how you contributed to society in some way that day.
Note: For an example story, see post, “A Message for You Wonderful Soul.”
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
4) While shopping at a store or mall, and sorting through neatly folded clothes—that sales associates took time to set up—you throw all the ones you don’t like onto any area but the original spot it came from; hence, creating an unnecessary mess for other customers to come upon, and the sales associates has to clean up.
And to make matters worse, you often create a shitload of a mess when others have to work during the holidays–like a tornado hit the clothing section. Who does that shit? Allow me to enlighten you.
It’s MF’s who have lost touch with their hearts, that’s who. Perhaps one day, you’ll end up working as a sales associate so you’ll know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of inconsiderate customers who basically shout indirectly and silently to sales associates, “F U! I don’t respect or appreciate your petty position and what you do, and it’s not my problem you need to clean up after my big mess.”
You might whine due to your two-size too small, stained g-string jammed up your ass, “But I only have so much time to shop today. Plus, it’s their job anyway.”
I call BULLshit!! MF, you have time to F around on your phone in-between everything you do, but you wanna make some sorry-ass excuse that you didn’t have a second or two to either 1) hang or put back the one or more piece of clothing or other item you were looking at (rather than throw or leave it on the floor), and/or 2) do your best to fold the clothes you checked out back to what it somewhat looked like before your lazy-ass picked them up?
I’m reminded of the related scene about the retail store Ross from the stand-up comedy special, “What’s Wrong with People?” by Sebastian Maniscalco, which thankfully lowers my blood pressure.
And yes, it’s often part of a sales associate’s job to organize clothing and other items within the store… HOWEVER COMMA you don’t have to be an ass and make their jobs even more exhausting than it already is—especially during busy sales days like Black Friday where humans desperately run over everyone and their mamas and grandmamas like a freakin’ stampede on crack.
In addition, it’s not their job to wipe your nasty ass in the process. I can understand why some sales associates become bitter after a while, because they often have to deal with a bunch of selfish and rude MF’s.
On the other hand, I do realize that there are lazy and/or rude sales associates as well, but we can create balance with some give and take of respect and kindness (too easy).
If every soul had a Wounded Wounder’s mentality—rather than a Wounded Healer’s integrated Mind/Heart—then the vicious cycle of “I’m always going to treat sales associates like crap because all those MF’s are lazy and rude” or”I’m always going to treat customers like crap because all those MF’s are lazy and rude!” (both untrue extremes) will never heal anyone.
However, I’m a firm believer for standing up for self and others when being mistreated by anyone (to include customers), even if people in leadership positions (like managers) don’t have the courage to stand up for their employees and what’s right.
I shared a personal related story in the old post, “Rage,” and in this rare case of blatant disrespect and bullying from a customer, I chose to add to my treasure box of truths within me that the customer isn’t always right, the way society conditions us to believe.
Note: Images above found next to links (thank you) => 1) 2) 3) 4) (“When Piggy People hit the stores all hell breaks lose and the retail slaves pay the price with hours of cleaning up after the messy swine.”) 5) 6) and 7)
5) Throughout the days/weeks/months/years, you continually post to Facebook (or other Social Media) a ridonkulous amount of crap that no one ssseriously gives a rat’s ass about.
Once in a while, if you wanna share an amazing drink or meal that you had…great!
But no one wants to know what you often eat and drink throughout every freakin week!
Or even how many times you wipe your ass after taking a massive, wet dump! Just sayin…TMI.
And instead of posting one too many selfies throughout the week that gets old real quick, how about you start a healthy and highly effective habit?
Look into the mirror every morning (mirror work) and tell yourself (inner child/soul within) how much you unconditionally accept/love all aspects of self, how beautiful you are inside and out, how intelligent you are, how amazing you are, and other encouraging and uplifting words that will actually raise your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Then, you won’t constantly and desperately seek the acceptance and approval of society with their fb “likes” and comments that are often checked off the block out of sheer obligation or pity.
You’ll then learn to always (and all ways) validate the ALL of you which is not only liberating, but very empowering.
Note: Images above found next to links (thank you) => 1) 2) and 3)
6) You spend a ass-load of time on social media—hiding behind all the facades, like in fb—yet, you don’t even know how to truly/genuinely and confidently interact with others on a human-to-human level, or even be fully present with them, because you’re so conditioned to not being authentic self.
Therefore, when it’s time to actually make some human contact while going with the flow, you’re all awkward and shit because you realize that a lot of people can see through all of your BULLshit…and you feel exposed.
FYI: Your true essence is being authentic at every moment to the best of your ability, and it starts when we follow our heart’s inner guidance—that our soul/Spirit communicates through—and stop having the need to continually please others and follow the herd mentality.
OR, you’re so busy convincing others how happy or miserable you are on a daily basis—with the intention of dragging others into your world where you’re their main focus and concern— that you can’t even take a a few moments of your “super busy day” to sincerely reply to others attempt to communicate with you (to include via text message, voice mails, e-mails, personal fb messages, etc.).
If whoever you’re avoiding isn’t your “friend”…why did you friend request them to begin with? To obtain info to gossip about to others?
And if they friend requested you, and you don’t sincerely like them, why have them on your fb friend list? For the numbers?
You’re not kidding anyone with your 591 plus fb friends. Appreciate the few, true friends that you have.
Note: Two images above found next to links (thank you) => 1) 2) and 3)
7) Though you’ve seen plenty of commercials at movie theaters that texting is not allowed during movies because it’s disruptive and inconsiderate, you brush off the messages like you often do with
everything else in your life that’s not in your phone.
Like the one real-life incident, one day, someone may ask you to turn off your phone, you’ll brush them off, and as one heated comment leads to another…
Your dumb-ass may get a major ass-whoopin’ or just shot at by someone who has a very, very, low tolerance level, has severe PTSD, has experience with weapons (and carries one often), has extreme anger issues, is an alcoholic, is high on drugs, and/or is a sociopath or psychopath—pick one…the consequences of piss poor, rude-ass choices are many within today’s sometimes unpredictable society.
However, once again, technology used in moderation—and with much discernment and wisdom—can be highly beneficial to us all.
However, the same tools can also cause our humanity to spiral down like a raging whirlpool, where we end up drowning in the very thing that we used to enjoy.
Intention Statement:
It is my intention to effortlessly and clearly see the bigger picture—as Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me/Goddess-Self (of balanced male and female energies)—of all the life lessons that my soul needs to learn from these outer, recent experiences of dark and light mirroring my inner reality, of who I choose not to be, and who I truly am, and to be done with this phase of my soul journey in Divine perfect timing and order so that I can fully let go of everything that no longer serves my soul evolution, and tune into the parallel reality of my Heart’s desires where I can simply continue to enjoy my own version of Heaven on Earth with all of my loved ones.
I realize that, lately, I’ve been having a lot of anger resurfacing from recently triggered events—especially another version of “Transformation of the Children of the Corn” that I always knew was on its way one day—to be looked at again, reevaluated and redefined to most highly benefit my individual and collective soul growth and evolution.
However, I choose to embrace my raw emotions for today, just go with the flow and trust my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within that I’m always at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, regardless of how my ego self my sometimes judge self on the outer surface.
Note (this section in white font inserted on 2/25/16 while working on post, “The Words Mu and Lemuria: How They Became Significant in My Life“): I was reminded (from within) what I had shared in the post, “A Dream of 3 White Horse, Mare and Horse/Mare” a while back:
I then silently communicated to Spirit within, “Whatever you wish to experience through me, I choose to trust you that it’s for the highest benefit of all interconnected souls, the way it is for all of Life. So be it.”
After having allowed myself to just feel what I felt without judging myself—a sign that I was getting better at unconditionally accepting/loving ALL aspects of self [which in turn will help me to fully do so for others as well]—- and gaining some insights, I silently cried myself to sleep to further release hurt energy to be healed and transmuted.
To be honest, I’m a bit tired of having heart-felt talks with certain remaining family members who choose to continue disrespecting and punishing me (even in their subtle ways) because they have their own beliefs of what I did or who I am without knowing all the facts or willing to fully talk about it.
It seems like the talks work for a little while, and then things go back to how they were. I realize that we can’t force others to respect and/or like us, and I have no desire to do that; however, I can no longer be in any relationship that doesn’t include respect for one another. My inner child has been through enough disrespect and hatred the majority of my life.
I choose to respect and love myself whole-heartedly, to the point that no one can take that away. I already told my husband that I’ll never ask him to cut ties with his kids, to include his oldest, young adult son, who’s currently visiting.
However, I won’t continue initiating these seemingly ineffective honest talks with his son every time we bump heads throughout the years; because it takes two hands to clap.
And I will eventually cut ties with ALL unhealthy relationships before long, even if that means letting go of my husband as well—in order to discontinue my unhealthy relationships with all of his kids who continue to make it very obvious that they don’t want to have anything to do with me.
I don’t deserve that kind of treatment that’s been going on sporadically since 2005; no one deserves that.
My intuition tells me that after this passionate anger phase, I will go through a major releasing phase where much crying/healing will be done prior to fully reinventing self/remembering Self. So I will trust that all is well in my world, and that order always follows chaos.
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Continuation post, “A Cosmic Perspective of the Internet Addicts Who Starved Their Children“
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