Whenever I watch certain YouTube videos that I intuitively FEEL drawn to—and not necessarily because they happen to show up into my awareness—I often end up sharing a long comment with them (where I gain a lot of insights), which then often turns into a post (though not always).
And I’ve learned to simply trust this process, that my logical mind has judged at times due to not understanding the method to the madness. Lol
Image by ImaArtist from Pixabay
I shared the following comment for this helpful video, “LEO | WHAT YOU DON’T SEE COMING NEXT | MAY 2022 TAROT” (and I’ve also shared with Mariah before, that despite her very young, physical appearance, she seems to be an old, wise Soul, and a clean channel of Spirit):
Thank you Mariah for sharing multi-faceted, Heart-centered, awesome you/You (with your great sense of humor), and your usual, helpful readings that include SPOT ON tarot card interpretations and invaluable insights/intuition/inner-wisdom.
I’ve actually been feeling “stuck” lately due to wanting to fully let go of a fairly new friendship that’s been revealing some unhealthy, red flags in the course of several months that I intuitively knew, but made excuses for due to wanting to Be Deep Understanding and Compassion to another.
However COMMA I realized this morning that I need to have compassion for myself as well, and FIRST AND FOREMOST, since we cannot fully, truly, and UNconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled, inner cup/heart.
And from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective—in order to SEE (with CLARITY) the BIGGER picture—I’m reminded that whenever whatever type of relationship MIRRORS to us whichever ultimately NEUTRAL aspects, (“negative” shadow aspects or “positive” Golden Shadows), it’s a golden opportunity to gracefully embrace and integrate them into Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (Higher Self: Soul/Higher Mind/Light/God & Spirit/Higher Heart/Unconditional Love/Goddess within).
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
So if another HABITUALLY—KEY WORD since we can all make so-called mistakes and reinvent ourselves at any given moment—crosses our healthy boundaries, what will we choose to do?
Well, if we don’t love and respect ourselves, then nothing; we’ll continue to be their punching bag (mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually).
BUT, if we’re doing our best to connect with our sacred Heart space within (where Soul & Spirit reunite) develop our Unconditional/True Love for ourselves, which includes healthy boundaries, then we will Be like, “ENOUGH, I deserve better than this.”
And whenever we reach such a high level of Consciousness/high vibrational frequency, then this powerfully benefits self AND others.
It’s almost as if the Universe is like, “How DEEP are you willing to UNconditionally LOVE your WHOLE self/Self, so that this expansive, unlimited love can effortlessly OVERFLOW to interconnected Life within this world and beyond?“
Because, once again, the DEGREE of our love for others will only be as GREAT as our love for ourselves.
I’ve been feeling very tired yesterday and this morning, but that usually happens during powerful, full or new moon phases and/or eclipses, where I also experience seemingly CRAZY@$$ dreams of mixed combo package realities from parallel and/or alternate Universes.
But like you basically shared, it’s about BOUNCING BACK whenever we FEEL down, so thank you for that great reminder.
Recently, something happened within that occurs once in a blue moon. It’s as if a light switch gets turned on, and I INTENSELY FEEL a POWERFUL PRESENCE within that makes non-hesitating decisions that can appear as “selfish” from the limited, 3D, human perspective.
After recently reading a section from the Goddess Sekhmet-Hathor book—about how certain spiritual techniques can assist with altering states of Consciousness, minimizing the resistance of our society-conditioned, fear-based ego aspect of self/Self, and further allowing our Soul to shine through—I intuitively and instantly KNEW what I had to do.
Because that morning, I received an email about an ayahuasca retreat, but wondered whether or not it was a good idea, and then thanked Heart/Intuition/Goddess within—ahead of time; the most effective and powerful form of prayer—for a crystal clear and direct answer (that S/He’s known for).
I also sensed to further research other options, and not necessarily go with the retreat from the email I received, since I prefer those who share transparency and helpful information in whatever service they offer—which is what these accelerated times are known for, NOT withholding Light (beneficial information, knowledge, and wisdom).
And sure enough, because I was willing to follow my inner guidance/Heart/excitement/breadcrumbs of joy, I continued to experience Divine synchronicity for this particular series of it, which has been happening almost daily since 2011 (starting with The 11:11 Phenomenon after leaving the old Army life).
I came upon a non-profit organization called Spirit Vine, which instantly reminded me of a vivid dream I had years ago.
I was up in the sky holding onto—with my entire body, and for dear life—what seemed like a long, rectangular, metal pole.
I felt scared, because in this physical reality, I have a major fear of heights, to where my palms and/or feet sweat profusely just watching someone in a video, TV show, or movie cliff hang, or some other crazy@$$, buck-wild activity.
So I gently whispered, “God, I’m scared“; and to my great surprise, the metal pole transformed into a brown, tree bark.
Then, a long, wide piece of it peeled away from the main trunk, wrapped itself around me, and then gently placed me onto the ground.
This dream reminded me of when my Korean mother told me during childhood, that when I was born, the doctors initially thought I was dead, since I didn’t cry even after they spanked me multiple times.
Plus, she said that I was the color of wood (though I’m full Asian: Japorean, half Japanese and half Korean).
I wondered why she didn’t use the Korean word for brown, but the word “wood” instead; but I later realized (decades later) that this key work (wood) was meant to remain in my memory for a perfect reason.
^^^^^^^^^^^ Side Note ^^^^^^^^^^^
This section was not included in comment since I just noticed it: I “accidently” typed “work” instead of “word” right above because I received an insight that the message relates to The Work of Spirit/Goddess within both inner and outer worlds—as a Rainbow Bridge of physical and spiritual worlds (like the Merlin aspect/archetype)—hence, example dream messages recorded in posts like, โThe Path of the Gentle Cow and Aggressive Tigerโ with the recent update:
UPDATE added 5/8/2022, Sunday, Mother’s Day: From post, “Recorded Personal Experiences Within Blog That Match Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet“:ย [which I realized this year IS symbolic of Goddess Hathor (white cow)-Sekhmet (tiger, or lioness)]
^^^^^^^^^^^ End of Side Note ^^^^^^^^^^^
I realized that the tree bark was symbolic of The Tree of Life —The Divine Mother Goddess/The Cosmic Womb & Heart/The Void/The Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities/THE ONE (1) that became (or created/birthed) 2 (original God/Light)/Alpha & Omega/etc..
Anyhoo, I booked my first ayahuasca retreat that had been calling out to me for years, but I kept putting it off due to old, outdated, society-conditioned, fear-based, false beliefs.
I just KNEW I had to for the expansion and highest benefit of our individual and Collective Consciousness; because what benefits the self, benefits the WHOLE, and vice versa since we’re all interconnected at an energy level.
Spirit Vine is the only place that I’ve found so far that grow and serve organic ayahuasca, and they include various, profound workshops that I’ve been intrigued about as well, to include past-life regression, since I’ve had many earthly and otherworldly dreams of past/present/future realities, that from a Multidimensional perspective, are ALL simultaneously happening in the present moments of NOW.
I will also be going on a sacred journey Egypt retreat this December, since it’s been on my bucket list within a decade due to having multiple dreams of connected themes, to include: toning in ancient Egypt (probably as a Priestess), roaring in two different dreams plus many dreams of earthly and otherworldly lions and tigers (that matched Goddess Sekhmet book [shared in recent post, “Recorded Personal Experiences Within Blog That Match Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet“]), as well as dreams of God Jesus/Thoth/Enki (same core essence, different earthly names).
I’ve been experiencing major changes for a little over a decade, but I’ve been strongly sensing that the transformations are going to be even greater this year of 2022, and not just for individual self, but at the Collective level as well, since (this is worth repeating), ultimately, we are all energetically connected within this Universe and beyond, and even Entanglement of Quantum Physics has proven this.
By the way, I do recall your mention of October of this year, and as shared in a comment for that video, I added a reminder to my phone calendar, to include sharing an update with you, since I continue to deeply appreciate that message that ignited deep, tears of joy.
Thank you again Mariah, continue Being wonderful you/You and a precious gift to humanity and beyond, and SHINE BRIGHT Soul sister! ๐
Additional Messages
I shared the following comment for the helpful video, “Full Moon Lunar Eclipse May 15th – 3 Things you Need To Know!“:
Thank you Melanie for sharing unconditionally loving and beautiful you/You, and your helpful message flowing with encouragement, empowerment and inspiration. You’re absolutely SPOT ON, there is NO GOING BACK, and I FEEL it more powerfully than ever before. Continue Being a precious gift to humanity and beyond. Mulantis: Reuniting All
Related Posts
“Ayahuasca: Integrating Various, Outer Perspectives, But Trusting Heart Guidance“
“Daily Dancing with Merged Goddess & God of Inner & Outer Worlds“
I shared the following for the helpful video, “Ayahuasca is David Hawkins’ Letting Go Technique on Fast Forward“:
Thank you so much Jordan for this very informative and helpful video overflowing with your love-based intentions, full presence, authenticity, honesty, heartfelt expressions (verbal and non-verbal), and Unconditional Love (for the self/Self/humanity/Mother Earth/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
I love experiencing series of Divine synchronicity, and this is one of them without a shadow of a doubt. Yesterday, while following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/path of excitement/breadcrumbs of joy, I watched several videos of David Hawkins (initially introduced by Peter Sage within his EMF course; I wanted to check out David’s vibes before reading Peter’s top recommended book, David’s Power vs Force).
Recently, I intuitively and strongly felt like going for my first ayahuasca retreat in Brazil, so your video perfectly tied the two together.
Depending on how this new experience goes, I will check out your version as well, just in case I’m called to join a similar experience in order have contrasts.
So glad you followed your own inner compass to create this video! Whoever’s drawn to it—in Divine perfect timing and order—will watch it and highly benefit from it.
Have a wonderful day, and continue to enJOY many present and pleasant moments of NOW. ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
I shared the following message for this helpful video, “Blue Ray Channel Ascension Energy Update Crown Chakra Illumination & Light Language Activation“:
For a little over a decade, I intuitively trusted that being very tired at times—to include having a difficult time waking up (feeling as though heavily drugged)—stemmed from not only accelerated ascension symptoms and various moon phases (full, new, eclipses), but a lot of vivid dreams of earthly and otherworldly parallel realities and alternate realities, and this message further confirmed this.
I had been participating in a 6 month course that strongly suggested to develop a routine to wake up very really (a “positive” habit), but it didn’t take long for me to decide to simply trust my own body signs that I needed much more sleep at times, despite my individual and Collective ego’s logical, lower mind easily judging ‘sleeping in’ as being lazy and non-productive (old and outdated beliefs). Thank you Shekina.
I shared the following comment for the video, “Empath Sensitive/Emotional Balancing & Healing Sound Meditation/Blue Ray frequency” (that I’ve also shared personal stories within the blog):
Wow, I strongly FELT these otherworldly sounds within my heart chakra space, and I was mesmerized by the gorgeous, colorful, shiny objects! Lol
The sound and feeling reminded me of my first, amazing reiki experience in Sedona by wonderful Sohanna.
While she was playing a huge, white crystal bowl, I INTENSELY FELT the sounds within my heart chakra through throat chakra areas, among other almost unbelievable experiences.
I found out after the free session—provided by my employer at the time—that this crystal bowl was apparently activated by the Arcturians for the Higher Heart Chakra, which I felt excited about.
I’ve highly resonated with them ever since I was intuitively drawn to read their channeled book, We The Arcturians sometime before 2014, and even saw a flash image of a small group of them who looked so adorable (saw a matching image online after doing some searches).
While reading this book, I’ve also had amazing experiences, to include unbelievable ‘acute hearing’ twice—experienced it before reading about it, and then experienced it again—where I heard others at a distance suddenly very loud and clear, as though they were talking into my right ear (followed by brief beeping sounds in my left ear).
Anyhoo, I’ve also highly resonated with other Galactic and Universal Soul Families, to include the Pleiadians, Sirians, Adromedans, Lyrians, Anunnaki, etc., as well as the Blue Rays guided by Shekina. Thank you Shekina! ^_^
I shared the following comment for the video, “Why am I an Empath? Mother Earth Calling to the Star Seeds/Blue Ray’s Divine Feminine Mission“:
This message was overall helpful, but also wondering if we’re underestimating Mother Earth’s POWER. I feel that if S/He wanted to, she could effortlessly FLIP THIS WORLD UPSIDE DOWN, to include “cleansing” Herself of EVERYTHING on and within Her.
From an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, I trust that ultimately, NOTHING and NO ONE (to include Mother Earth) is a victim (a disempowering, fear-based belief), but rather, a Victor (an empowering NEW belief), despite temporary, outer circumstances that seems to state otherwise.
I shared the comment below for the video, “You Have the Right to Know Who You Are/Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace“:
Thank you so much Shekina. Your invaluable existence, powerful Full Presence, and unconditionally loving and generous contributions to your Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, is deeply appreciated. Continue SHINING BRIGHT and Being a Divine gift to All That Is. Our world and beyond is a much better place because of wonderful Beings like You. ^_^ Mulantis: Reuniting All
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