Note: This post is an update from the post, “Choosing to Follow Intuition from The Master Within” ; UPDATE (this magenta paragraph only; added 11-10-2015): The overall message in this video—Scorpio New Moon Wealth Forecast – 11:11 Scorpio Moon Of Miracles (Nov 11, 2015)—deeply moved me, because it provided further insight into what I’ve experienced lately, even though I didn’t understand all the details of astrology. I trust that my soul/Spirit within knows all this information though my ego self/personality self didn’t remember them. Thank you Tania Gabrielle.
<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Update: While attending a local Wholistic festival a while back, I came upon a booth where this Asian man claimed to do healing using the Language of Light, which immediately captured my attention.
During our conversation, Robert shared that he was a representative of the Galactic Family of Light, and especially worked with the Arcturians and Buddha (both of whom I highly resonate with, and consider them to be aspects and extensions of Spirit within).
However, I had ignored my intuition regarding the red flags that I experienced during my interactions with Robert because I (the inner-child aspect of me) had really wanted to believe that this person was the real deal; I was naive.
Examples of red flags include Robert implying that he was of pure energies by pointing to his white outfit, soon after I shared with him that I believed that my white snake or white cow dreams was symbolic of aspects and extensions of Spirit within—as animal spirit guides—sending messages.
In addition, my husband found out some information, and shared it with me after we left’s Robert’s section within the local Wholistic festival.
When Robert asked my husband what he does for a living, and my husband stated that he’s a realtor, Robert said that he had to start his spiritual practice because his real estate job wasn’t doing so good. My husband then added that it wasn’t so much what Robert said, but how he said it.
This made us wonder if his intention to be a “spiritual teacher” was solely (key word) for financial reasons; hence, very manipulative and pushy when it came to his insistence on helping me to “let go of everything” with paid sessions with him to include—releasing negative entities and negative implants within me (which his fear-instilling website is based on, among other services that creates much dependency/disempowerment).
Though I apparently chose to learn the hard way to Be Intuition, Discernment, Clarity and Inner-Wisdom, I was at least glad that I didn’t end up purchasing Robert’s “healing CD’s” and “Language of Light” hand-written on some papers that he also insisted that I buy.
In particular, as I was observing his “Language of Light” hand-scribbled symbols on some papers, it didn’t feel right.
In addition, though I did pay for one of his 30 minute services at his booth—where he apparently chants Galactic healing codes to release the negative attachments within me—I ended up with more pain.
And even though he voluntarily (without me saying anything ) mentioned before the session that he’s not the type of person who takes advantage of others—another red flag since there’s no need to say something like that unless one is trying to defend themselves ahead of time—by having them come back for further sessions, he later suggested (in email below), that I return, which is another red flag.
When you go to the website homepage (, and attempt to submit a personal experience after clicking on the tab, “Add your Testimonial,” tab, the following two error messages appear:
There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below.
An internal error occurred: 5348AB7C382C1.A807DC1.E1028A06
The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Go back and try it again.
I’ve heard of this tactic before, and I had a gut feeling that the two testimonials on his homepage—as well as additional ones on his “Testimonials” tab and page—were made up by Robert and his team since none of the names of people (who gave testimonials) were linked to any type of accounts.
Anyway, I went ahead and shared a testimonial (via name of this post) on Twitter (mulantis9999) instead (that I chose to reactivate today). I have no doubt that sharing such information/Light and wisdom/Love will highly benefit interconnected others.
I received the following reply from Robert Tang, mentioned in the post above:
Robert Tang <xxx[deleted]> To Barbara Oct 28 at 4:57 AM
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for the kind words! You have to let go of your mind and follow your heart in order to advance your practice. From what I see, you are still holding on too tight on everything. Let go and let God and no judgement to anyone! That’s my true advice. When you are ready, you should come to have a private session with me to clear more of your attachments. Wish you the best! Many blessings!
Love & Light,
Robert Tang
xxx-xxx-xxxx [deleted]
My last reply to Robert Tang is as follows:
Hello Robert,
Thank you for the offer, but I chose to fully trust in my Beloved I AM Presence/Christ within me for all that I ever need in life from now on.
I’ve learned from the Pleiadians—an extension of Beloved within me—that we project our own perceptions onto others and events, coloring whatever we want to see by way of belief.
For instance, if we believe that we must persuade others that there are unloving forces outside of themselves (i.e., negative entities, negative implants, negative attachments) that are out of their control, in order to instill much fear in them and cause them to have victim mentality, and bring in much business to survive, then we will do everything in our power to convince others that they are powerless from within, and that they need us to help or rescue them with our services.
However, if we believe in the inner-power within us—our own Divinity/Master within—then there’s no need to rely upon others to heal us since Spirit is within all of life/All That Is.
You stated, “From what I see, you are still holding on too tight on everything”which is a very broad statement—especially the word everything.
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps you’re the one judging others and not seeing clearly—through the ancient eyes of Christ within?
Hence, you assume that you fully know me from one brief sitting (i.e., using the word, “everything”), where I actually shared with you some pertinent, personal information, knowing that it would make me vulnerable to those who could use it against me.
I have let go of many, many things in this lifetime—more than you’ve probably had in several lifetimes—though I have a little more inner-work to do.
I appreciate the offer, and I have no doubt that you have some good qualities, but I will not return for your services, or even recommend you to others because 1) your words, demeanor, actions, and service was not heart-felt (let alone deeply moving) in any way, shape or form, which is very unusual since I’m ultra-sensitive, 2) I strongly sense from mere observations (not judgment) that you may be using the “Galactic Language of Light” as a facade for your own benefit, 3) rather than providing more healing, loving energies, you attempted to instill more fear energies (another red flag), and 4) your methods disempower others by convincing them that they are victims to negative forces outside of themselves, rather than empower them by reminding them of their own Divinity within.
May you receive all that you continuously give out to humanity, Mother Earth/Gaia, and beyond a thousandfold.
Good luck with your business.
p.s. A post that I’d like to share with you, “A Message to Scammers and The Scammed“
Light and Love, Barbara
Added 11/26/15
Bashar – on Negative Forces (a very helpful reminder/short 1:39 video)
Added 12/8/15
The daily, inspirational reading below, “Daily Message ~ Monday December 7, 2015”—is from a very open-minded, unconditionally accepting and loving website (Trinity Esoterics) that I highly resonate with—and it helped me to better understand my experiences that I wrote about within this post.
The following is a quoted section of the first paragraph of the reading/link above:
“Many human beings starting out on a spiritual path begin with disempowered spirituality. This is a curiosity that is expressed by seeking someone to tell them what to do or what the future holds, or hiring others to do their spiritual work for them. An example of this might be going to see healers, psychics, or spiritual teachers who posture themselves as above or more evolved than others and who actively try to create dependency upon them, rather than encouraging the client or student to develop their own skills and discover their own inner mastery […]”
Added 6/5/2016
Post, “Spiritual Teachers Who Barely Know Darkness & Fear to Truly Know Wisdom of Light & Love“
Added 8/3/2016
The following quoted sections are related to this post, and are from the very helpful reading, “THE ART OF CHANNELING FACT VS. FICTION” (click on link right above to open in another window) by website The Awakened State:
Nothing is separate at all.
Therefore if you believe negative entities or “evil forces” are real and that you need protection from them also realize:
Psychic Attack is nothing more than a delusion you created for yourself around your insecurities and illusions of fear brought on by separation. Regardless everything is connected to you. If you’re afraid of evil or negative entities you’re essentially afraid of a part of yourself […]
The moment you decide to become free, unlimited and fearless realizing the universe is taking care of you, you suddenly discover this is merely FEAR disguising itself in your reality.
The tricky part is learning to see this, accept it and most of all get out of the denial of it.
You would be surprised how many people will argue about how “evil” and negative entities are real just to keep their ego comfortable.
Our fears and insecurities are crafted around our dualistic perceptions of reality. This is what shapes our individual perspective from the next person. However when we do this without realizing the connection our perception is still stuck in duality producing an Us vs. Them.
This is rooted in an illusion of separation that we create through our identity of the Ego. This is a natural survival mechanism of the Personal identity. The Ego likes staying in it’s current reality, anything that questions the survival of the identity creates a resistance.
However in actuality we’re a collective consciousness experiencing life together as reflections of the other.
We are a unity! Nothing is separate from you including me, Hi 🙂
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