Many of us are familiar with the well-known saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Now this optimistic outlook on life can make one feel as though the piercing rays of sunlight can eventually disperse through the dark clouds (because it can be very effective advice at times), or, it can make one feel extremely annoyed.
Why? Go tell someone who’s experienced a series of trauma throughout their lives––e.g., lost loved ones from dis-ease, suicide and natural death, was fired from a job they were loyal to, lost their house and everything in it from a forest fire or hurricane, just got divorced upon finding out a decade-long affair (after having five children with this person), was gang raped, ETC.— the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!“ and see how that works out for ya.
You’ll be lucky if you don’t get resented, yelled at, dropped (as a friend), avoided (as a coworker), slapped in the face, punched in the gut, or kicked in the balls.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) CGStudio 2) Twitter and 2) YouTube
Because it’s so much easier said than done when it comes to the very challenging aspects of life that ultimately stems from deeply rooted, detrimental beliefs since childhood (and even adulthood).
And until one has walked, not one, a few, but many miles in another’s shoes—who has experienced a plethora of fear-based, “darkness” of life—s/he can merely sympathize at best (with only the logical mind), rather than deeply empathize with another (with integrated Mind/Heart).
Note: Image on left found next to link => JHUN CUNANAN –
Because, what if—after so many years, or even decades—you’re so damn tired of making the same, old, sour lemonade that has lost its sweetness because you seemingly ran out of the sugar (hope/faith) within your heart, and the lemonade no longer quenches your thirst on all levels of your being (physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually)?
Note: Image on right found next to link => Someecards
So now what?? Well, we can either go apeshit crazy and throw back all the lemons (like grenades) that we were given as blessings in disguise—while shouting at the top of our lungs, “F#!k you world!!“—OR…we can find new ways to incorporate those seemingly never-ending barrage of lemons into various, delicious recipes (with beneficial ingredients) that highly stimulate all of our senses and make us feel fully alive fear-based again.
Note: Image on left found next to link => The Endless Meal
Ever since childhood, I found ways to survive, and sometimes thrive, in a reality that often felt unsafe, unloving, and full of negative, earthly dramas. As an adult, I continued to do my best—most of the time—to basically shine some light onto whatever “darkness” I was experiencing.
However, there have been times where I felt completely powerless, alone, and hopeless, and I would deal with such low, energy states the best way I knew how during those times, which was to numb myself (i.e., escape from pain) by drinking a lot of alcohol (adulthood), smoking the most harmful cigarettes (adulthood), overeating comfort foods and other junks foods (during childhood and adulthood), and/or working my ass off as a workaholic stuck within poverty consciousness (especially in the Army).
When I had a little more faith, I’d run during my off days, instead of drinking, smoking, and emotional eating. When I had even more faith, I quit smoking altogether, and started incorporating healthier foods.
When my faith grew even more, I rarely drank alcohol, and even declined very high-paying (plus big bonus), clearance, contractor careers that required a lot of hours per day during deployments overseas.
And as my vibrational frequency gradually increased (while still naturally fluctuating) due to major changes on all levels of my being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—I started to desire different stuff of Life, to include but not limited to:
- unconditionally loving self more (to include but not limited to: self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-embrace, self-pampering, self-encouragement, self-upliftment, self-empowerment, and self-inspiration)
- yearning to form authentic and deeply meaningful, heartfelt connections, and to develop genuine relationships; hence, practicing being fully present with self and others (to the best of my ability at whatever moment)
- enjoying solitude time
- yearning to visit ancient, sacred sites on Mother Earth (so far, I’ve explored some major vortexes within Sedona, and recorded the amazing symptoms after each trip within this blog)
- desiring to tune into Prosperity Consciousness (unlimited abundance in its various, intangible and tangible forms, to include wisdom, monetary abundance and financial freedom)
- drinking lots of purified water
- incorporating more plant-based foods in my diet (though I don’t care to Be and live within limiting, earthly labeled boxes such as “vegan” and “vegetarian”)
- creating several vision boards and displaying them around our apartment
- reading various consciousness expanding books, and often watching related YouTube videos
- incorporating inner-child work and shadow work into my daily life (the former more on a weekly basis)
- deeply enjoying being around nature
- often doing dream work by journaling and/or blogging, researching, analyzing, and gaining insights
- often noticing the presence of Mother Nature showing up in my life (usually birds, bugs and insects; animals mostly in dream state), where I’m reminded of certain, key messages from animal spirit guides (I also look up new interpretations that I’m drawn to and highly resonate with)
- utilizing healing therapies:
- color therapy (throughout our apartment, with our clothes, what we eat, etc.)
- sound therapy (listening to healing music or a wide spectrum of uplifting genres within modern music, or once in a while singing and toning with individual and collective prayers)
- and aroma therapy (Gonesh incense like Sandalwood, Jasmine, Inspirational, and Magical; organic essential oils, and pretty much savoring anything that smells so good—to include food, bodywash, shampoo, conditioner, aluminum-free deodorant, though I do use a regular one if I’ve going to be actively out and about ^_^, etc.)
- utilizing various crystals that I’m drawn to and have experimented with whether it’s jewelry or at bedtime (one example: I used a group of crystals one night, within my pillowcase, and had a very vivid, bizarre dream that I recorded in post “Dream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window“)
- co-creating amazing, new stuff for Multidimensional self/Self and interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.
So I wondered, why is it that I still experience, once in a blue moon, still feeling completely powerless, alone, and hopeless, and even suicidal at times? This video has been very helpful => “When You Feel Like You’ve Gone Backwards… – Teal Swan.” I shared the following comment:
Teal, you’re one of the main, outer, bright lighthouses—ultimately mirroring the Light and Unconditional Love within—that helps guides me (and interconnected others) in the right direction whenever I feel like I’m drowning within the dark, seemingly merciless, sea storm. Thank you once again for Being an invaluable gift to humanity and beyond. <3<3<3
Recently, I experienced what felt like hitting rock bottom.
No matter how difficult life was throughout my childhood and adulthood, one thing that I often held onto was my faith (though not strong at times) in some unknown, higher, loving essence—like God/Jesus/Soul/Spirit/Higher Self/Goddess/I AM Presence aka I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Prime Creator: Divine Mother Goddess.
But as expressed in the recent post, “Goodbye Old Belief in a Compassionate God/Higher Self/Goddess/Source/The Nameless,” I strongly believed, and basically stated for the first time, that I no longer believed in a compassionate higher power; that’s how I knew I hit rock bottom.
The final button of experiences that led me to that belief was shared within the post, “An Additional Challenge of Sedona to Continue Integrating Shadow Aspects“; and other similar experiences shared in posts like,” The Unexpected Encounters with Wounded Wounders in Sedona” made me realize that there’s a pattern going on that I need to pay close attention to, since they (the repeating, neon, blinking signs) are trying to teach me something that can be beneficial for my life.
I was drawn to the video, “How to Change a Belief – Teal Swan” this morning while following my inner guidance as usual—simply Being authentic Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within) to the best of my ability, and only doing whatever I felt like doing.
I noticed for years that whenever I choose to go with the flow within the Cosmic River of Life, I experience Divine synchronicity throughout the day (to include number synchronicity, like 1:44 I noticed on my laptop today while typing away ^_^), which I trust are outer signs from the Universe within that I’m on the so-called “right” path, and in alignment with Source within.
Though I had watched the above video/link once before, a while back, it didn’t fully sink in at the time, probably because the student (me) wasn’t ready to fully absorb that particular, profound teaching of the outer teacher (Teal), who, like all outer mirror reflections, was ultimately mirroring the Master Teacher (I AM Presence) that exists within us all.
I left the following brief comment to express my gratitude and deep appreciation for this video (in-depth comments I shared in a handful of other videos):
Once again, thank you so much Teal for helping humanity and beyond to expand our consciousness. Your profound teachings have made a great impact on my life. Continue Being the unconditionally loving, Master Teacher that you are. <3<3<3
This time, while watching this video, I had a strong desire to put Teal’s teachings into action. I’ve watched dozens of her videos so far (though not all yet), and though she shared various exercises, I didn’t do most of them because I didn’t feel like it at the time.
Granted, Teal did mention in at least one of her videos that we don’t have to do any of her recommended exercises since simply watching and/or listening to them helps to raise our vibrational frequency.
I highly resonate with that expression because I’m working towards fully trusting—and perhaps intuitively and confidently knowing one day—in Divine Wisdom, that everything that happens throughout this world and beyond (despite outer appearances) happens in Divine perfect timing and order as Divine purpose and perfection.
When we expand our consciousness from limited, 3D, only logical mind perspective to Multidimensional perspective of integrated Mind/Heart, we realize that everything that happens is not the contrast/duality/polarity of good or bad, right or wrong, dark or light, etc., but simply and neutrally existing as is to ultimately assist in the expansion of the individual and collective consciousness (aka collective soul and Spirit growth/spiritual evolution, which includes all of our energy bodies—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
While watching the above mentioned video, and reflecting upon past, similar experiences, I realized that it would highly benefit Multidimensional self/Self to identify and deeply look into my core beliefs, since powerful beliefs create our reality.
The following is a section I transcribed from the very helpful video, “How to Change a Belief – Teal Swan” and that I’m using as a brief intro before identifying, analyzing, and changing my outdated, detrimental core beliefs :
The only thing I need to decide about beliefs in order to change them: “Beliefs are neither true or false—since everything is subjective—they are either beneficial or detrimental to me.”
If unable to decide if they’re beneficial or detrimental, make a list of both. Then decide what I’d rather believe. “Let your non-beneficial beliefs be your inspiration towards beliefs which you want to believe.”
Step 4. “Determine the emotions that are holding you to the belief like superglue, because of the payoff that that belief is creating for you.
For example: If I believe that I’m not good enough, if I’m being very honest about the emotional payoff, it might look something like, ‘I get pity when I feel like I’m not good enough, and when I express that to somebody, that pity feels like people care about me.’ Or, when I think thoughts like, ‘I’m not good enough, I give up the responsibility of having to try something new.’
We have to decide whether the emotional payoff is worth the limitations of the beliefs which we’re holding. Nothing will help anybody to change something that they don’t want to change.
So the first step really, which we are calling the fourth step, is to really decide whether you want to change that belief or not. That dedication is going to help unglue the superglue of the emotional payoff which is keeping you tied to that belief. And once you decide that you really want to change a belief, and that superglue starts to get weak, the belief begins to get weak as well.”
Note: The example above was very helpful because I have no doubt that the belief, “I’m not good enough” is one of my detrimental, core beliefs since childhood.
Upcoming continuation post:
“Identifying and Changing Self-Limiting, Core Beliefs”
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