Recently, while checking out some videos from Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters Diving Deep), I noticed that he mentioned in practically every one of his videos his vegan challenge.
At first, it seemed like he was doing something very beneficial for humanity, but after several videos (that includes the same theme), the “good’ vibration felt off—like it was masked by a subtle, aggressive energy, but not the usual, negative definition of passive-aggressive.
The Urban Dictionary meaning fits best for this situation: “Passive Aggressive: A defense mechanism that allows people who aren’t comfortable being openly aggressive get what they want under the guise of still trying to please others. They want their way, but they also want everyone to still like them.”
That particular energy—that included the vibration of desperation—was very familiar, and I realized that it felt the same as the recruitment tactic from religious Christians, who can be very pushy at times while smiling on the outside and expressing a lot of “kind” and “positive”/”right”words.
Side Note: I left a few comments for Ralph’s videos, to include the ones that I found helpful, and the ones that felt off (i.e., his vegan recruitment and his Twin Flame teachings that was closer to soulmates and karmic relationships). When I recall which video I left the comment that’s related to this post, I will insert it at a later time.
I enjoy some of Ralph’s teachings and his very positive demeanor, but I like to follow my inner guidance (first and foremost) while watching any video, to include using discernment and inner-wisdom.
Side Note inserted 2/19/2018 (in plum font 4 paragraphs only): In this video, “12 Foods to NEVER Buy,” I admire Ralph’s great sense of humor, unconditional acceptance/embrace of non-vegans and whatever choices they make, and his transparent honesty when it comes to him not being a saint vegan (i.e. once in a while eating white rice, and even potato chips when he feels like binging).
Being Japorean-American, eliminating white rice from my diet is going to be the greatest challenge since it’s been a big part of my diet for over 44 years. It would be like asking a Latino person to give up tortillas, and a westerner to give up potatoes and/or bread; however, I have no doubt that whatever highly benefits us on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—is definitely doable.
When it comes to my own transition from my current diet to a plant-based diet, to maybe even a hard-core vegan diet and lifestyle, I’m intending to go with the flow, honor my body’s signals, trust my feelings (language of the soul), and do my best to unconditionally accept/embrace/love ALL aspects of self/Self at every moment (which includes self-compassion), rather than judge self for not meeting certain standards of human society.
I have no doubt that True Love (aka Cosmic, Unconditional Love) for ALL aspects of the Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within)—which helps us to FULLY love interconnected Life/All That Is throughout this Universe and beyond—is the ultimate enlightenment, and the highest vibrational frequency one can attain while Being and living in a physical world. I’m going to share this section as a comment for the above video.
I’ve also wondered where he gets some of his info from, that doesn’t always feel as though it came from personal experience (experiential knowledge/wisdom). Though he often gives source credit to people who were recognized by society, to include famous people, he doesn’t always give credit to the source of where he obtained some of his knowledge.
In one of his videos, he strongly encouraged everyone to share much knowledge, which initially seemed inspiring. But when he continued to explain why it’s basically selfish to not share, I had mixed feelings about his expression that felt manipulative.
Because the statement itself can initially sound as though it stems solely from selflessness, but when we pay close attention to very subtle energies, we can identify what’s off.
So the more people share knowledge, the more he can use it to create his videos without (keyword) giving credit to those who deserve it, unless, once again, the source is someone that society recognizes.
Ralph also reminds me of a former coworker named Donnel, who had the need to ALWAYS appear positive and smiling. It turns out that he was suppressing his negative thoughts and feelings at times because he wanted to be perceived as a very spiritual being.
I shared some stories in the post, “The Unexpected Encounters with Wounded Wounders in Sedona.” I highly resonate with Teal’s teachings (which I sense influenced Ralph at some point) in that it benefits us to integrate ALL aspects within us, rather than only facing the light aspects.
Today, I noticed the video, “Vegan Slams Dairy Farmers On Live TV,” and the participants were straight up aggressive, rather than subtle aggressive/passive-aggressive like Ralph Smart.
I intuitively knew that it was time to share the following comment—a great reminder for all of us who can easily get lost within our 3D, physical reality (planet Earth school of duality to polarity):
Thank you Jeffrey Finnecy for sharing a sentence within a comment below that’s very beneficial for all to hear => “The only regret I have since becoming vegan, is how often I find myself subconsciously judging people’s morals/intelligence just because they eat meat […].”
Choosing to be a vegan can be a very loving act and compassionate way of Being, ONLY when our healthy, physical energy body is in alignment with our other connected, energy bodies—mental, emotional, and spiritual.
If one is vegan, but is habitually judgmental (unbalanced mental energy body) towards those who are different, then s/he is NO better, more righteous, or more superior than those who are lost within the dark valley of separation consciousness (us vs them mentality).
The more we unconditionally accept, embrace, and deeply love ALL aspects of self (physical self)/Self (Soul Spirit within)—until we fall in love with the whole self/Self (Unconditional/True Love that starts from within)—we can fully do the same for interconnected Life, to include so-called others. The former is the deep healing of the emotional energy body, and the latter is the healing of the spiritual energy body.
When we judge the unknown and unacceptable shadow aspects of others—that’s being mirrored to us from our outer reality to get our attention—it’s a a golden opportunity to start looking deep within, and examine (with transparent honesty) why we’re unable to accept this same aspect within ourselves (even to the smallest degree).
Because ALL aspects within the polarity range of good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong, etc. exits within ALL of Life (All That Is) to varying degrees.
When we realize the bigger picture with our expanding perspective/consciousness—like a hawk (symbolic of Spirit) that sees above the dark valley and is able to give guidance to those lost within it—then we will truly awaken to our full-potential, Multidimensional self/Self.
Just something to ponder: Cetaceans, like whales and dolphins, are known to have very high vibrational frequencies—due to their overall, unconditionally loving, peaceful, wise, joyful, free-spirited, and trusting nature—and are scientifically proven to be very intelligent. But yet, they don’t have a vegan diet, though they do have the option to only eat seaweed and other abundant, sea plants.
In addition, have you ever wondered if plants send distress signals (as part of their communication network) when they are being cut with a lawn mover, when they’re being eaten by a caterpillar, and when their roots are being yanked from the ground? If not, you may want to do some research.
I trust that it’s important to follow our own, unique body signals as to what to drink and eat (since our body knows what it needs), while ensuring that we’re not eating just to fill some void inside—a sign that we could highly benefit from inner-child work and/or shadow work to heal the mental and emotional energy bodies.
It’s also highly beneficial for us to genuinely feel grateful and show deep appreciation for all the blessings in Life (and blessings in disguise), to include all that we drink and eat, and even bless whatever we eat if we sense that it could use a raise in its vibration.
When we get too caught up in good vs bad and right vs wrong—to the point where hate energy takes over love energy—we can spiral down into the limited box of duality.
Every being on planet Earth and beyond has a Divine purpose, and is on their own path, exploring, experiencing, enjoying, developing, learning, growing, and evolving at their own pace.
The realization of Divine Wisdom is remembering the perfection of all of All That Is—meant to highly benefit interconnected Life and non life throughout this Universe and beyond.
Let’s remember to lead by example while going with the flow within the Cosmic River of Life, rather than putting so much effort into resistance, separation, judgment, discrimination, rejection, ridicule, condemnation, recruitment, manipulation, control, and/or force.
By doing so, we won’t have to convince others to follow our ways, because they will simply desire to do so from their integrated Mind/Heart (aka Soul/Spirit, Light/Love, Christ Consciousness/Buddha Consciousness, Yang/Yin, Sun/Moon, God/Goddess).
Let us remember to Be our core essence—integrated Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Power which = Freedom, Peace, and Joy.
<3<3<3 Mulantis
Added the following videos that highly resonate with me, and are related to the theme of duality/polarity within this post, and the overall blog:
- IT ALL MAKES SENSE ~Alan Watts Inspiration (3:32)
- Spirituality 3.0 (The Path of Choice) -Teal Swan- (17:39)
Some observations from the video, “Something We Want You To Know – Ralph Smart and Teal Swan“:
This video reminded me of a video I watched a while back with Neal Donald Walsch and Eckhart Tolle.
Even at that time, I wondered why Neale was more focused on the audience, the camera, and making different facial expressions that were distracting—to include sincere smiles, ingenuine half smiles, and VERY subtle vibes of slight jealousy and disrespect toward Eckhart.
Neale wasn’t being fully present with Eckhart, while Eckhart was expressing himself. It appeared as though Neale wanted the audience to pay more attention to him.
This, of course, was ironic considering both of their teachings include living in the present moment of now, as well as Being fully present with others.
I highly respect and admire all four of their teachings that I resonate with—while discarding whatever teachings that I don’t resonate with—but I’ve even noticed that Teal isn’t present (let alone FULLY present) at times with her own audience members while on stage.
Once, she was focusing on crystals that were on a table between her and an audience member, and I was surprised she wasn’t being present with their expressions. Perhaps Ralph was (knowingly and/or unknowingly) mirroring back to Teal one of her unknown, shadow aspects—her tendency to ignore her followers on stage at times.
I noticed that both Ralph and Teal videos feel much more present, authentic, and sincere when they’re in videos by themselves (with the exception of a few).
Perhaps in other videos that I haven’t watched yet, they’re fully present with others—Ralph with who he’s listening to, and Teal with her audience members on stage; that would be heartfelt and soul-igniting.
Dorothy’s Musings [one of the readers’ comments for the above mentioned video, “Something We Want You To Know – Ralph Smart and Teal Swan“]
1 day ago
This video feels weird… they way he looks at the camera is weird. Sorry not negative just feeling weird vibes.
[my reply comment] Dorothy, never apologize for what you sense and how you feel (especially if it’s subtle energy). OWN it. Feelings are the language of the soul. You may be a highly sensitive being, perhaps even an empath. Trust your Spirit’s inner guidance (emotional compass)—to include your intuition, discerning nature, your ability to detect very subtle vibes, and inner-wisdom. See my comment above if you’re drawn to the idea.
Added 2/17/2018 (Saturday)
My curiosity led me to check out the following videos, and I’m very grateful that I did because they were soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and mind and heart/consciousness expanding:
- VEGAN 2017 – The Film (47:00/mind and heart opening, and heart-wrenching during certain scenes)
- I left the following comment for the above video: Thank you all for sharing. Continue to Be an invaluable gift to Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.<3<3<3 Mulantis
WHY DOCTORS DON’T RECOMMEND VEGANISM #5: Dr. Michael Klaper & Dr. Pam Popper (25:48/more mind-opening)
- I left the following comment for the above video: Thank you Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Pam Popper, and like others for being self-aware, brave, BOLD, honest, highly intelligent, determined, compassionate, empathetic, caring, and I trust much more.Continue to Be an invaluable gift to self (physical self/selves)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), interconnected humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond.<3<3<3 Mulantis
- One of the viewers posted the comment: “Everybody knows a plant-based diet is superior. I can’t believe this is still a debate in 2017/18” to which I replied:
Statements that start with, “Everybody knows______” is in itself ignorant and immature (a neutral observation by the way).It reminds me of those who also like to add, “DUH!!” to an answer, or “You don’t even know what ____ means?!” (in a condescending tone) which can come off pretty arrogant and even @$$hole-like.
Choosing to be vegan can be a deeply compassionate, highly intelligent, and very healthy way of living and Being.
However COMMA if we’re very judgmental as well—believing that we’re so much smarter, better, more righteous and more superior than non-vegans—than it defeats the purpose of Being whole, harmonious, and loving.
Being very judgmental stems from an imbalanced mind (having toxins or energy blockages within the mental energy body).
In addition, it’s not just about having a healthy physical energy body, but also being aware of our other connected, energy bodies.
We heal and integrate our mental energy body (connected to our physical energy body) when we develop a habit of having an overall positive outlook and habitually creating positive thought forms that benefit our lives and others.
We heal and integrate our connected emotional energy body and spiritual energy body when we can unconditionally accept, embrace, and even deeply love ALL aspects of self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within), which helps us to fully do so for interconnected Life/All That Is.
When we treat others like idiots for not being aware of something, it can really discourage them from wanting to ask questions and/or learn.
Let’s teach one another with patience, deep understanding, empathy, wisdom, and unconditional acceptance/embrace/love, which is much more effective and highly beneficial for humanity and beyond.
<3<3<3 Mulantis
Continuing update…
I look forward to also checking out DOMINION 2018 and the Neflix documentary, What the Health (which I added to our list).
I’m going to experiment only eating a plant-based diet by taking the challenge one day at a time, and see how it makes me feel—since our bodies may be different, and feelings are the language of the soul.
So far, I drank a vegan shake for breakfast and lunch, and plan on having Korean spicy noodles and cucumbers for dinner—until we go grocery shopping again at Whole Foods (which was 1 or 2 times per month + Safeway).
My husband and I have been sporadically drinking the Vega All in One Shake (my favorite: mocha flavor) for a couple of years now, but neither one of us are vegetarian (let alone vegan), though we’ve been focusing on buying more grass-fed meat, cage-free eggs, and cruelty-free milk (which I’ve learned are all deceptive advertising techniques).
It would be nice if my husband joins me in the plant-based diet challenge, but if not, I’m intending to have strong will power nonetheless.
Under the “Why Vega” section of the Vega website (further below), I’ve learned a little more about being a hardcore vegan—which I’ll do further research on— and I admire that they’re very accepting of everyone who’s on the path to incorporating a healthier lifestyle, rather than judging non-hardcore vegans as not being good enough.
After all, when a non-vegan witnesses a hardcore vegan who has an attitude that—obviously or even subtly—shows an air of superiority, s/he will more than likely be turned off by it; hence, slowing down the whole vegan movement.
An analogy would be some hard-core Christians who like to talk the talk rather than walk the walk of Jesus’ true teachings (love-based only, rather than altered ones), to include judging anyone who isn’t Christian, and even worse, condemning them to hell just because they have different beliefs and values.
For some people, it will be easier or even effortless to make the transition from one type of diet to another; for others, it will be more of a challenge (to varying degrees) due to various societal conditioning—to include food addictions that stem from much deeper issues related to the inner-wounds of the mental and emotional energy bodies.
The following is an excerpt from the above mentioned section, “Why Vega“:
As a term, “plant-based diet” is often used interchangeably with “vegan” (a diet and lifestyle that avoids all animal products in food, cosmetics, and apparel). While those who identify as vegan eat an exclusively plant-based diet by definition, eating a plant-based diet can fall along a spectrum with as many variations as there are people to make choices about food. We’re not fans of narrow definitions and welcome everyone—no matter where you fall on the spectrum of a plant-based diet. Whether you’re adding one new plant-based food or 20, there are benefits to be found from making plant-based foods a bigger part of your life.
I have a gut feeling that I’ll be sharing a post about my new plant-based diet experience in the near future, which may also transition to becoming an actual hardcore vegan. We’ll see.
I’ve decided to make this update its own post titled, “Being Understanding, Compassionate, Accepting, and Even Patient with Non-Vegans“
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