The following is a comment I shared for the video, “5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (July 10, 2021)“:
Image by WikiImages from Pixabay [image on right instantly reminded me of a purple dove, and then I noticed that it’s Orion Nebula, which seems perfect since the Arcturian books that I’ve recently read, and currently reading, includes transmuting, healing, and transforming this, and other, aspects of our Galactic and Universal Soul Families]
Thanks again Vic for sharing the helpful messages within this video. This is a long@$$ comment, but just sharing in case it helps anyone.
Regarding you talking about perceiving yourself as a monster: I’ve recently embraced the so-called monster aspects within me, so I wish others to be liberated as well.
Your mention of this topic was SO PERFECT IN TIMING. This instantly reminded me of one of the soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt quotes from the Lucifer episodes on Netflix that I’ve been watching, learning from, and enjoying lately.
I understand, that in the very broad Spiritual community, watching TV in general, especially “negative”/”bad”/”evil” shows can be frowned upon.
However COMMA I’ve learned, and continue to trust that we can learn from so many NEUTRAL aspects of interconnected Life IF we’re willing to let go of the conditioned judgments, assumptions, and separation consciousness, and further open our minds and hearts (hence, further expanding our individual and Collective awareness to Unity Consciousness).
Anyhoo, (spoiler alert) my favorite part of this series is when the character, Lucifer,. shared with Cloe his raw authenticity, refreshing honesty, and sincere feelings.
He basically stated that the character, Eve, continually wanted to put him in the “bad/evil” box, and Cloe continually wanted to put him in the “good”/”righteous” box; but he didn’t like the way either of them made him feel. Why? Because no one truly likes to be placed in a limiting box.
Like many of us, he just wanted to be his full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self—that includes (NOT excludes) the CONTRAST/DUALITY/POLARITY of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc..
He simply desired to BE FREE and Unconditionally accepted/embraced/and even deeply loved for all that he IS; and he fortunately realized that it needs to start with him (via self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and genuine self-love).
Victor, often times, your authenticity, and many other wonderful qualities shine through in your videos, and even in person a few times I crossed paths with you (to include your retreat in Sedona).
But to be transparently (and hopefully tactfully) honest, there are times when it seems that you’re trying to live by other people’s ways of being, teachings, standards, beliefs, habits, suggestions, etc. (which I’m sure many of us have done and even continue to be and do to this day as well).
I wish for all of us to experience more authenticity, freedom, and Unconditional/True Love (for self/others).
I’m very grateful for many outer, Soul Teachers I cross paths with (even via the internet); but I’ve learned that I don’t need to put anyone on a pedestal since, ultimately, our greatest teacher is the Master Teacher/Master Healer/Master Alchemist/Master of Frequencies/Master Builder from within—aka Higher Self/Source: Spirit & Soul/Higher Heart & Mind/Goddess & God/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine/Love & Light Frequencies/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/etc..
Your father may have mentioned how he respects and admires the Soul Teacher, Sadhguru, though he didn’t seem to share any compliments about your spiritual career, but as much as I highly respect and admire Sadhguru as well, he, too, can come off as a less evolved @$$ at times, with his extreme arrogance, his minimizing of things he doesn’t fully know about, his over-rating of a certain Being over another, etc.
And there are other spiritual teachers who are like this as well, who have moments where their egos take over the whole ship (whole self/Self); and if you’re highly or ultra sensitive to energies, you can sense this instantly and intuitively; hence, why it’s important to follow our inner guidance first and foremost.
So though I enjoy learning from others, I don’t have the need or desire to follow any outer teacher in an unhealthy, worshipping kind of way.
Regarding E.T.s: I agree that our individual and Collective awareness of them is expanding in Divine perfect timing and order for our highest benefit. Though I haven’t recalled dreams of various E.T.s for a while, I’ve been going through another phase of being drawn to read certain channeled books about our Galactic and Universal Soul Families since early June of 2021.
And I trust that this knowledge of the unknown (Light), along with profound wisdom, has helped with further expanding my consciousness of the interconnectedness of Life within this world and way beyond.
Granted, I always like to follow my inner guidance first and foremost with any outer data, since even channeled information (via various creative methods) may not always be accurate—fully and clearly conveying the purity of the complex messages—due the understandable human filters that’s been condition by general society.
Thank you for sharing about ‘imposter syndrome,’ that I’ve been ignorant to the meaning of my entire Life, though I think I’ve heard of it before.
The old self wouldn’t want to admit this truth since it could make me feel like a dumb@$$ to not be aware of commonly known knowledge; but I’ve been going through a phase lately of releasing the conditioned remnants of guilt and shame that are not beneficial to us. I’m reminded that we will know whatever we truly need to know in perfect timing.
One of many examples: I used to feel less about myself for not being able to remember many of the stuff taught in high school (and even some college courses), to include advanced math and history. But since then (decades later) I never had to use any math other than the basics, and a growing number of evidence over the decades has proven that a lot of human history is inaccurate.
I’ve had many experiences throughout my childhood and adulthood that have revealed to me, over and over again, that one of my greatest strengths, has been to effortlessly connect with many (though not all) people (to include strangers) from around the world, and often become a witness to them sharing their personal stories, passionate desires, darkest secrets, deepest heart wounds, and exciting dreams.
Even at my last Sedona job while working at a large boutique, I crossed paths with three young women—who were long-time friends now residing in different states—who shared, during our conversation, their gratitude for sharing profound wisdom, and that they would definitively participate in a spiritual event if I had one, and even buy my book.
Since I didn’t do or have either, I at least shared with them my blog, which I normally didn’t share with strangers, especially at my work place.
So when you mentioned ‘imposter syndrome,’ and then I looked it up, I realized, more than ever before, that I’m still doubting and minimizing my abilities, skills, and talents to a certain degree, which is why I’ve been avoiding the idea of even pursuing an official, spiritual career.
Why? Because though it may come natural to connect and communicate with others face to face, to actually put myself out there to officially teach spiritual matters (related to physical life) seemed intimidating, due to my fears of teaching something wrong or bad that could negatively affect another’s life.
I have a history of suicide or suicide attempts in my family, so I’m sure that contributed to my fears. But then again, I’m reminded that even Soul Teachers like Teal Swan, have experienced one of her followers ending her life, but Teal still had the inner-strength, courage, self-love and self-belief to drive forward since she more than likely benefitted way more people than she hasn’t.
Now that I have more awareness of this matter, I trust that this step will lead to other breadcrumbs (or even leaps) of profound wisdom, inner-peace, deep healing, transformation, unconditional love (for self/others), freedom, Life experiences, and joy.
I’ve been watching these videos for a couple of months or so about various moon phases—New Moon, Full Moon, Supermoon, and Solar or Lunar Eclipses—and they’ve been very helpful.
But once again, I may not resonate with all the information, and the comment I shared below is an example for the video, “New Moon July 9th! 5 Things to Know ๐ฎโจ“:
Overall helpful info, but it seems that certain Netflix shows are more beneficial to watch than focusing on politics, the latter of which is like a very draining, non-stop battling of the opposite parties. Granted, it’s not about becoming a couch potato, flipping through many channels all day, because one has nothing better to do, but maintaining a healthy balance of enjoying Life in various ways.
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