When we think of some of the seemingly worst aspects of humanity, what earthly labels come to mind?
Perhaps: Materialist, Elitist, Bully (especially Adults), Thief, Gold Digger, Abusive Family Member, Narcissist, Con Artist, Ex-Convict, Traitor, Corrupt Politician, Cult Leader, Pathological Liar, Dangerous Manipulator, Sociopath, Psychopath, Communist, Dictator, Rapist, Child Molester, Murderer, Terrorist, Serial Killer, etc.
And even the lesser “wrong”/”unacceptable”/”negative”/”bad” aspects like: fat-@$$, lazy-@$$, dumb-@$$, crazy-@$$, jack-@$$, bitch, @$$hole, the wealthy, the loser, the pushover, too nice guy, bad girl, adulterer, hot head, etc..
I trust that all these extreme, negative aspects of the human being—along with all the extreme positive aspects, and everything in between—exists within all of us to varying degrees; they’re just repressed, suppressed, unbalanced, balanced, and/or expressed.
Though most of us would like to proudly say, “I’m a good person [ONLY],” if we’re truly honest with ourselves, we will realize that we’re more like a combo package of the good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.; and that’s okay
Granted, it helps the self and interconnected humanity that the non-beneficial, unaware aspects don’t take over the whole ship (whole self) in an unbalanced, out of control, crazy@$$ way since that would be like cancer cells slowly, gradually, or even rapidly killing the entire body.
Our ego aspect of self—due to its conditioning by society since childhood, and wanting to survive in this challenging world—does a pretty great job of mostly showing to the home mirror and the outer world the acceptable, right, good, and celebrated aspects of self, while hiding other aspects.
However, this doesn’t help us to be authentic/true to ourselves (hence others), and the so-called “negative” aspects will come out in unexpected ways when continued to be judged, ignored, rejected, denied, and suppressed, rather than integrated.
The good news is, I trust that when our ego aspect of self (male energy within) becomes aware/conscious (aka wakes up, 11:11), further opens its mind, and further connects with the Heart (Divine Feminine, Goddess energy within), it can then become its higher version of self (balanced, Divine Masculine, God energy within).
And the reuniting of all neutral aspects within whole self, to include The God & Goddess essence within is where miracles and magic happens, transforming our lives for the better….like Heaven on Earth.
I’ve mentioned this before within this blog, but it’s way too easy to only like the likable and love the lovable.
It’s so easy that I could say that a monkey could even do it.
But that would be a blatant insult to the monkey being, who’d be like, “You know that’s some jacked up BULL$h!+, right? Underestimating my intelligence,” while shaking his head side to side, picking out a bug from his furry @$$ cheek, and putting it into his mouth.
When it comes to spirituality, many of us may believe that Divine messages from a higher power—aka Soul/God/Jesus/Spirit/Goddess/Higher Self/Buddha/Source/I AM Presence/etc.—can only come through the church, a pastor, a priest, monk, some other chosen holy being, or at least from someone with a pure mind and heart.
However, I trust that Spirit doesn’t have any limits when it comes to communicating with its interconnected parts (of the whole); and as long as we’re willing to pay attention and notice, we can be open to receiving Spirit’s messages via various ways (to include from infamous spiritual teachers like Teal Swan—see comment I shared for her racism YouTube video toward the bottom of this post).
I recently enjoyed a few of Gregg Braden videos that were mind-blowing, fascinating, scientific, spiritual, profound, practical and very helpful (will add later at bottom of post), and it includes him mentioning that Consciousness —[aka Universe/Source/God/Spirit/Creator of All Creation/Goddess/whatever high power]—communicates to us in various ways as well, and the extra confirmation was exciting to hear.
For instance, for the past few months, I’ve learned much about powerful, unconditional love in a way that many spiritual people would frown upon, since TV shows are not considered pure.
But what is the meaning of purity anyway? I’ve shared what I trust about purity within this blog before, and it’s not the typical meaning that society associates with it, especially within the religions of this world.
I trust that purity is not only about the goodness of Life, but the unconditional acceptance/embrace/love of ALL of Life (All That Is) AS IS, knowing that EVERYTHING has a Divine Purpose that ultimately benefits the whole in soul growth/spiritual evolution. More about this later.
For most K-dramas I’ve watched so far, I’ve noticed that Koreans do an outstanding job of incorporating many, beneficial themes of humanity, like: revenge vs unconditional forgiveness, lies vs truths, shame vs pride, judgment vs acceptance/embrace, tragedy vs comedy, betrayal vs loyalty, corruption vs integrity, unhealthy vs healthy relationships, suppressed vs expressed emotions and feelings, logical vs intuitive, routine vs spontaneity, poor vs rich, fearfulness vs courage, serious vs free-spirited, boring vs fun, robotic vs adventurous, follower vs leader, disbelief vs trust/faith, stingy vs generous, insensitive vs compassion/empathetic, enemies vs friendships, fake vs authentic, insecure vs confident, gentle vs aggressive, mean vs unconditionally kind, heartbroken vs healed, imprisoned within vs free, hate vs love, etc.
Whenever I watch or read anything, I like to remind myself to always follow my inner guidance first and foremost, and see what FEELS light/right/true within.
The following is a list of the American or Korean drama series that I’ve enjoyed learning from—despite the stories being mostly or all fictional—that have helped me to better integrate the seemingly worst aspects of society into whole self by introducing various, fresh perspectives (MINI SPOILER ALERT for sharing some themes and details of these shows):
- American drama series, Criminal Minds (watched years ago due to curiosity): A deeper understanding of the sociopath, psychopath, and serial killer—especially what all the extreme, mental, emotional, physical, and/or sexual trauma they’ve been through throughout childhood—that helped to develop more compassion for these lost aspects
- A-drama, Vikings: Observations of the subtle and obvious psychopaths who gradually opening their hearts, expressing love in various ways
- Korean drama series, Crash Landing On You (and Korean movie, Red Family):
- The dark and light sides of the communists, and their conditioned training, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, habits, verbal and nonverbal communication and expressions, preferences, desires, hopes, communities, lifestyles, etc.
- This is my favorite K-drama I’ve sporadically watched over three decades, because it often deeply moved with its interconnected heartfelt stories, characters that grow on you, unforgettable humor, deep eye contacts, authentic dialogues, raw emotional expressions, creativity, intriguing suspense, exciting action, and much more.
- This drama also helped me to SEE The Materialist, The Elitist, The Con Artist, The Rat, and The Snotty in a different light.
- I also love most of the songs from this soundtrack.
- K-drama, Itaewon Class:
- I love that this drama has some BOLD, authentic characters with deep character, especially the main male actor and female actress who courageously and firmly stand on solid ground in all that they are, say, and do (despite one being labeled anti-social, and the other a sociopath).
- This drama also helped me to SEE The Adult Bully, The Ex-Convict, the Gold Digger, and The Corrupt Businessman in a different light.
- I also love most of the songs from this soundtrack, especially the empowering lyrics, melody, and beats of three main songs.
- K-drama, My Shy Boss:
- This drama is great reminded not to be so quick to judge those who seem “abnormal” since they more than likely have their own strengths, to include subtle, yet, powerful gifts that can highly benefit others.
- It also touches upon unconditional acceptance/embrace/love of others not being ready for change, as well as the helping of interconnected others to transform so-called flaws, quirks, weaknesses into strengths.
- Though this part may seem impossible due to the patterns of our human history, this drama series even provides hope for the corrupt politician/narcissist/abusive parent.
- K-drama, Revolutionary Love:
- This drama truly shows the POWER of unconditional love for the self/interconnected others, and how it can transform life of this world for the better, especially at the workplace.
- If you’ve ever experienced a very frustrating and/or shallow person, I trust that this drama can not only help you to develop more patience and tolerance, but also a deeper understanding of how various, unknown, heartfelt factors can be involved with why a human being behaves, says, and acts the way we are, say, and do. Don’t be surprised to eventually fall in love with the once unacceptable and unlikable aspects.
- A-drama, The Umbrella Academy: My husband and I just started enjoying this recently, though it was a bit boring at first, and so far, I highly resonate with the female character’s ability to use her powerful emotions, a once dormant power that was suppressed due to the anxiety pills she was on. I also enjoy the introduction of new perspectives when it comes to other psychic abilities, to include time travel, bi-location, telekinesis, etc.
- K-drama, Descendants of the Sun: As I’ve mentioned in the blog before, there is a rainbow spectrum of aspects within any earthly category, to include special forces (i.e., everything from the very best to the very worst, and all that’s in-between). Though I’ve heard of others’ experiences of Special Forces guys being arrogant, personally, I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with some true, honorable, bad@$$, professional ones who seem like they’re from another world (especially the way they carry themselves with BOLD confidence, but not arrogance). So the Special Forces characters from this drama reminded me of such amazing Beings, who seem so incredibly balanced on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual (though they could probably heal more for the last two levels due to all the trauma they’ve experienced during adulthood and/or childhood). Like a lot of the top K-dramas, there are many aspects to these shows—authentic expressions, raw emotions, engaging dialogue, interesting characters, wisdom, unconditional love (for self/others), worthiness, humor, honor, friendship, loyalty, support, teamwork, action, suspense, romance, etc. (and its helpful contrasts)—that also do an outstanding job of building the characters. I consider myself ultra-sensitive, but I’ve watched plenty of international TV shows and movies that don’t move me at all, even if a character(s) dies (which is very unusual); and it’s because they did a crappy job of creating a great story, and building the character(s). This drama also reminds us of how extremely challenging certain careers can be. Granted, the end of the last episode seemed like it was rushed, in a silly way, but I trust they had their reason. And last but not least, the title of this drama instantly reminded me of God Enki/Thoth and his crew.
- K-drama, Oh My Venus: First of all, the title of this drama—especially following the title of the drama mentioned right above–instantly reminded me of the Divine Feminine Goddess (especially the ultimate, Mother Goddess/Very Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666). This drama is one of my top 3 favorite K-dramas of all time, for various reasons (already mentioned in this post, plus additional themes like: courage, self-belief, confidence, determination, dedication, resilience, deep compassion, empowerment, trust, playfulness, unconditional forgiveness, and much more). It truly provides additional, expanded perspectives of the so-called “fat-@$$,” “lazy-@$$,” “the bitch,” “the @$$hole,” and even “the wealthy,” among other aspects. I’ve experienced every one of these aspects, to include Being wealthy within (though not financially yet), and I recently embraced and integrated them. This drama also helps us to develop a deeper understanding and compassion for whenever we struggle with weight issues, to include those of us who have experienced, or still suffer from, anorexia and/or bulimia. The main characters are truly “dripping with sexiness” inside and out (one of the repeating quotes mentioned throughout the show). This drama has also inspired and motivated me to get back into shape (to tone, not become skinny or overly muscular), and to bounce back to eating an overall, healthy diet (without going on any strict, limiting, yo-yo diets that are well-known to not last). Within the 14 years that my husband and I have been married (to include Army life), we did this before—including various healthy eating ideas without going overboard—and it worked well whenever we chose to implement the plan into our life. Since losing weight is mostly about what we habitually drink and eat—despite outdated, conventional beliefs of needing to work out a lot—we do our best to incorporate lots of purified water, organic vegetables, fruits, mushrooms + tofu, fermented foods, seafood, eggs, various meats (humanely raised), nuts (especially pistachios and almonds), organic apple cider vinegar gummies, and already-made Iconic and Evolve protein shakes [UPDATE 9/28/20: I discontinued drinking these for now since my body signals have been informing me that they don’t feel good anymore; but my husband still likes them], with small amounts of carbs. To my great surprise, I’ve been able to effortlessly not eat a lot of grains (the way I used to), like white rice, noodles, steamed mandu/gyoza/dumplings, and breads for less than a month now, though I loved them most of my life (though this may be a phase). I was practically shocked when I actually got tired of my two favorite foods of all time—Korean tteok-bboki and Chinese/Korean jja-jang-myun and jjam-ppong (could just be a phase as well). I trust that the powerful, accelerated, ascension energies have been a major influence, especially this past new moon early September of 2020. Although I’ve been handling ‘flu’/’light’ symptoms pretty well since 2011 (after I left the Army life), this moon phase was HANDS DOWN the most challenging on all energetic levels—mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Physically, I experienced: headaches, 1 migraine, inner ear aches, various body aches, tiny super itchy blister-like bumps on my hands that turned into a rash and then hives, constipation, mild flu-like symptoms, intense upper abdominal/stomach pain, pain while urinating, and fatigue. Whenever I remembered to receive assistance from the angelic realm, Higher Beings of the spiritual realms (to include Ascended Masters), and Galactic and Universal soul families, I would thank especially Archanagel Raphael and the Arcturians for rapid healing (their forte), and to help alleviate most or all of the pain that I was experiencing; and sure enough, some (like the left, inner ear aches, headaches, and migraines) went away within minutes. I digressed…anyhoo, in addition to eating overall healthy, my husband and I also give ourselves a weekly or biweekly TREAT day (not “cheat” day that has a negative connotation). Plus, since we’ve developed a habit of often reminding each other, and doing our best, to place priority on our FEELING state/vibrational frequency that we radiate out—especially high vibrations like: full presence/mindfulness, authenticity (to include: if feeling any negative thoughts, emotions and feelings, simply observe neutrally, embrace, introduce expanded positive perspectives, and continue to unconditionally love whole self), honesty, gratitude, deep appreciation, unconditional love (for self/interconnected Life), profound wisdom, deep understanding, compassion, unconditional acceptance/embrace of what IS, unconditional forgiveness, inner peace, humor, joy, creativity, etc.—we’ve been gradually attracting an increase of various forms (and non-forms) of uplifting abundance. Recently, our new neighbor asked my husband if he knew anyone who was willing to walk dogs (for good pay). I did a test walk, and though it was a bit challenging, I decided to help out. And our neighbor expressed much gratitude since he just moved to Sedona, and was more than likely experiencing a lot of stress due to a new job location (as a doctor), a new home, a difficult next door neighbor (older man/probably wounded soul), and a new city. Granted, the dogs are Springer Spaniels (hunting dogs), and they’re very strong pullers (and can be very hyper); but they’re overall such smart, lovable and loving dogs, and my husband–who often goes with me to walk, jog, and/or run with them twice a day—helps out with training them (since we used to have a Siberian Husky who pulled a lot too). The Dog Whisperer show, that we used to watch at times, helped. When our neighbor seemed a bit concerned about being a burden, I shared that I felt that we were all benefiting from one another—to include the dogs helping us to get beneficial exercise—and that we were meant to cross paths; he cheerfully agreed. During the morning walks, we also take our two cats, Shadow and Leo, in a well-made, large pet carrier that you push like a stroller. They seem to love looking out and about, and I love that this carrier has durable, black mesh on all sides, which allows them to get fresh air, and look out (while also feeling safe) from all directions—to include the top of the carrier, which also had a non-mesh cover to block the sun and/or rain. During the afternoon walks, we just take the dogs since its our cats’ nap time. To my delightful surprise, only the female dog barked at our cats a couple of times—probably due to excitement, and the fact that it’s in her nature as a hunting dog—but they’re not aggressive around them at all, which helps our cats to be comfortable as well. I don’t know how long we’ll all be doing this particular dance, but for now, I’d like to simply go with the flow within the Cosmic River of Life. I’ve also started creating digital artwork with a new tool that I bought recently, called, HUION Kamvas 13. And though there were moments of frustration—due to learning something new that I’m not used to—I love that there are so many options to play with and create. I also have two other projects that I’m passionate about—one of which I started a while back (open-mic comedy) and the other (a new opportunity to participate in Rent a Friend JOB/Joy of Being in Sedona; the “rent a friend” website says, “It’s simple. Just fill out the application and then you will be emailed within a few hours to confirm your membership! If you have any questions […]” but it’s been over a week so far [UPDATE added on 10/17/20 Korea time: It’s been a month since I haven’t received a response from the “rent a friend” position, but I’ve decided to let it go and move forward since it’s ultimately not my loss; I chose to trust that if it’s meant to highly self/others, then it will naturally happen in Divine perfect timing and order], and when I emailed the contact page to check the status, I received a reply from Jessica informing me that they’ll get back to me soon, then another email days later that the application didn’t go through, and then a third email to wait again. I resubmitted my application 3 times, and I told them that it was the last time as well. Hmmm, just in case they’re short staff, I’ll go with the flow.)—and I look forward to just taking breadcrumbs of joy actions, and showing myself that I can achieve whatever I desire to experience from my integrated Mind/Heart.ย
- K-drama, The Light in Your Eyes and the Korean movie, Miss Granny: The former title reminded me of the Light in our eyes as souls, and the latter title reminded me that we are very wise as souls, though our physical, Earth bodies are young compared to many Galactic and Universal physical bodies. After enjoying both of these shows, I looked over at my end table in front of our sofa, and noticed that I had the Light Language card, “Orion Releasing: Time” displayed for a little over two weeks (from Jamye Price’s Cosmic Ascension Deck). This was amazing since both the drama series and the movie are related to TIME., to include past, present, and future, parallel earth realities and alternate earth realities. I love how they helped expand my perspective on what it can be like to be in a different, physical body of a very different age, which can helps us to deeply empathize with interconnected others. I also love the theme of multiple realities all happening in the present moment of NOW (like 5D and beyond where the past, present and future occur simultaneously). Granted, though the scenes with the mentally and emotionally immature, older brother were funny at times, I didn’t care for the scenes where he babbled away while recording himself on social media. I then realized that embracing and integrating this frowned upon “loser” aspect that showed up as a contrast, can help us to Be more whole (since it’s the flip side of the same coin for “winner). For the last episode of this drama series, I cried the deepest cry while watching any TV show or movie from around the world. The profound scene moved me so much that I felt intense pressure behind my mid-chest area (heart chakra) and my nose, mouth and throat areas (throat chakra). The soul-igniting and heartfelt scene reminded me that even though we may believe that someone wronged us at some point in our lives (to whatever degree)—and thus, we still feel disappointment, resentment, anger, and even hatred towards them—this same someone may have unconditionally loved us at some point (even a seemingly small gesture or silent prayer), though we didn’t get to witness it at the time. For instance (an extreme example), it’s not easy to forgive parents who were both so-called narcissists and very unloving many times, but I now trust that they, too, more than likely showed some form of unconditional love to their child(ren), even if it was for a very brief moment (what the parents were capable of giving at the time). After all, we can only give to others what we believe we already have from within. So an empty or barely filled cup is unable to give much, but a full cup can effortlessly overflow to others. Once again, like all the other shows and movies I’ve mentioned within this post, one of the repeating themes is the power of Unconditional Love. And I’m reminded that whenever something REPEATS in our lives, it’s like the Universe—aka Source/God/Goddess/Soul/Spirit/Higher Self, etc.—jumping up and down and joyfully shouting, “Ya gotta check this out! You’re gonna LOVE this!!!” Update added on 9/27/20 to yesterday’s update (this particular, detailed bullet): I realized that the more and more we’re open to various, neutral aspects of the whole self (as The Observer within), the more we’re able to reach out and genuinely connect with interconnected Life at the Soul/Spirit level. Otherwise, if we believe that we’re way above these unacceptable, unwanted, unlikable, and/or unlovable aspects, then we won’t be able to take advantage of the golden opportunities to embrace, integrate, automatically transmute (to higher vibrations) and automaticallyย transform (to their highest, exalted, natural state) these “lost”/unknown/dark/negative/dense/low-vibrating energies from within (inner world) and without (outer world).
- K-drama, My Mister (update added on 10/2/20): So far, this intriguing show has expanded my perspective of the unacceptable, wrong, negative, bad, and even evil neutral aspects within us that we have labeled (as a society) as: pushover, good guy (or too nice guy), bad girl, murderer, loan shark, adulteress, hot head, blame-gamer, and failure in Life. The youngest brother said something to the effect that he feels the most sorry for his middle brother (though he’s technically the most successful) because he often struggles with desire vs conscience, and often chooses the latter. I imagine many of us can relate to this because our overly patriarchal society has conditioned our ego aspect of whole self to always be good, do what’s right, and obey the so-called leaders of this world without questions—even though many have been revealed to be corrupt—while often guilting us to deny our own true needs, wants, and desires. The relationship of the main, two characters grows with much authenticity, unconditional acceptance/embrace, and depth, and the warm and cool winds of unconditional love envelops their bonding presence in very powerful ways. The main male actor is what many women from around the world would describe as a heavenly man, perhaps even too good for his own good; meaning…he could definitely balance the abundance of unconditional love that he has for others for himself as well; then, he’ll be happy. He, too, shares some profound insights and conversations, to include a perfect reminder for all of us, which I paraphrased to: judgment starts and ends within us [i.e., so the POWER is in our hands]. When we judge ourselves, don’t be surprised if others do too, but if we choose not to, then it won’t matter to others as well. I’m ultra-sensitive (used to be highly sensitive, but my sensitivity has recently been heightened, something that many are experiencing now with the intense, transformative Cosmic energies). And because of this, those who seem very insensitive and/or cold used to bother me. However, the main character does an excellent job of expanding the perspective (i.e., people may appear distant, cold, and insensitive, but behind closed doors, we don’t know how much they cry).ย In addition, the cast did a very heartfelt job of showing what a truly loving, supportive and happy community can be like. I became emotional during these scenes because that’s something that I’ve been yearning to experience one day as well. Therefore, I had high hopes when moving to Flagstaff in 2017, and then to Sedona in 2019 (the latter known as the “spiritual” mecca). However, if something were to happen where I wouldn’t be able to return back there, I wouldn’t miss it at all (except the surrounding, breathtaking nature, myย 2 cats, and my soul brother/best friend-like husband [update: I actually would miss the heartfelt times with “others” in Sedona]). And the closest experiences I ever had to this seemingly elusive, heart-centered community, were in Virginia back in the early to mid 90’s, and sporadically in Okinawa from mid 90’s to early 2000’s. When it comes to a workplace environment, I love that the “good” characters shine much light on important qualities like: professionalism, communication, integrity, honesty, authenticity, teamwork, loyalty, effective training, camaraderie, great leadership, and more, while the so-called “bad” characters do a great job of providing perfect contrast so that the right and good can have the spotlight. Out of all the TV shows, movies, and real-life experiences, I don’t recall ever witnessing, watching, or hearing about an AMAZING CEO (perhaps I haven’t read much about CEO’s, since I trust that there are some out there, to include possibly very transparent companies like Numi teas). In this drama series, My Mister, the elderly CEO man is a BIG-hearted, authentic, straightforward, understanding, flexible, wise, compassionate, kind, calm, cool, and collected badass (how he supports the disrespected main female character), which I highly respect and admire. Imagine what our world would be like if there were more heart-centered CEO’s? The profoundly wise corporations would be even more successful for the long-term (and not just like the ancient empires) since truly appreciated, happy employees equates to genuinely earned honor, loyalty, sincere dedication, and greater quality of productivity and service). A while back, the head/owner of a corporate hotel in the Bell Rock area stopped by one afternoon for a meeting. And as he walked right by a group of employees at the front desk, he was apparently so busy that he didn’t have time to even wave goodbye or shout thank you (that takes a couple of seconds) as he was heading out the door; he didn’t even acknowledge our existence/presence, as if none of us mattered or contributed to his precious investment. I had a challenging time understanding that at the time, because if I was in such a high position of any company, I would be so excited to greet and even meet at least some employees for some soul interactions, and simply make time since the overrated business time won’t come to a dead HALT just by spending 5 minutes or so with people who actually support your business. I realized then, more than ever before, that it truly doesn’t matter what earthly status or position a person is in, or how much money one makes; if there’s a severe lack of Heart, then none of it is impressive. Man, if I made that much money—as Abraham Hicks often passionately says, “Ooohhhh“—my employees would be SO pampered! ^_^ When I expand my perspective—by further opening my own mind and heart—I realize that there could be valid reasons why this owner seemed so uncaring about his own employees from an outer perspective. Perhaps he was in a hurry, he had a brain fart, he was stressed about other personal matters on his mind, he wasn’t fully present, he had to take an emergency dump since he had been holding it in throughout the entire meeting, etc. Even when a well-known, very successful business woman (a regular) used to come for her massages at this hotel, each experience with her was just baffling. She apparently went off on an elderly employee once, before I started working there, shouting, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” And this elderly lady, who has a great sense of humor, told me that she replied with a straight face, “No” (to which I chuckled), though everyone and their mamas and grandamamas in Sedona probably knows this business woman. Why? Because she’s often portrayed in fancy magazines and photos at various business locations with smiley facial expressions, friendly poses, warm and fuzzy stories of how it all began, and other seemingly positive information. Granted, I have no doubt that even the most sourpuss of people in this world—which I can be at times as well—have positive qualities within them that peek out at times (like a turtle or snail’s head). The last time I heard someone ask the question, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” to another, was Margaret Cho, a Korean-American comedian who was on one of the Bizarre Food shows with super lovable Chef, Andrew Zimmern, that I used to enjoy watching years ago (with the exception of him devouring raw bull penis and balls, and similar fresh from the animal’s body “delicacies,” though he refuses to eat spam and walnuts since they’re apparently repulsive). Anyhoo, so when I heard, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” the second time in my life, I thought, “Wow, these folks must strongly believe that they’re VERY famous (throughout the world), to even ask someone such a question. Because I’ve never even heard of Super Star kind of famous people ask such questions. Why? Because they don’t need to announce the crystal clear obvious, and they have true, BOLD confidence (NOT the faรงade). I came across one of Sadhguru’s YouTube video teachings, and he shared a hilarious story about some arrogant woman asking this same question, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”; and the airport staff woman made an announcement over the intercom, stating something to the effect that this woman needed assistance since she doesn’t know who she is. Anyhoo, one day, this famous business woman got all huffy and puffy because I reminded her (for the third time or so), that we could no longer give her the weekly member’s discount during the weekends (that she pretty much demanded in a very intimidating way; hence, not even our usually assertive Assistant Manager or Manager could say anything to her). So even though I tactfully explained to her that it’s to be fair to everyone else, she became so irritated, that after her extended massage that’s supposed to RELAX the whole self, she stormed over to the front desk with flaring nostrils, tight lips, and buggy eyeballs about to POP out of their sockets, and tried to take back money from her massage therapist’s tip—who’s been going above and beyond to give her the best massages for a while; hence, she chose him every time. So I got fed up with her BULL$h!+, and drew the line there. Though I had spoken to her in a very professional manner from day 1, I brought it down a notch or two, and casually and gently suggested (while maintaining deep, eye contact), “C’mon _ _ _ _, that tip was already from the discount rate, and I have no doubt that _______ [obnoxiously funny, thoughtful, and cool guy from England] will really appreciate your generosity.” I was prepared for her to go off on me, the way she’s known to do to even her own employees at times. However, to my great surprise, she became a little teary-eyed with what appeared to be disbelief mixed with the “I’m still pissed” look, and she quietly left the less than 20% tip alone. That seemingly awkward moment was worth it to me, since decent to great tips mean a lot to the massage therapists there (most of whom are awesome). I’ve learned from them, not only uplifting knowledge—to include hilarious moments that I intend to incorporate in one of my open-mic comedy sets—but also heartfelt moments. Even massage therapists have very challenging times during their shifts (that I wasn’t aware of prior to these new experiences), to include developing arthritis in the hands, as well as soreness within their own bodies from having absorbed others’ stressed/dense/low vibrational energies. Anyhoo, after Cranky Chef Cauldron grabbed her splintered broom from the lobby, and took off flying with her pet bats into the moonlight, I explained what had happened to my Assistant Manager—just in case this woman decided to complain to her another day about what I had suggested (in an exaggerated way). And my manager gently asked with a shocked expression, “You said that to her?” followed by a micro-expression smirk that revealed secret satisfaction. It seems that she implied that NO ONE would dare say something like that to this woman, who acted like she owned the town whenever she came around (and not in a loving and supportive way). I was reminded from within that we all can only give to others what we believe we have from within; so when our inner cup is full—because we trust in the unlimited abundance that is our core essence of Unconditional Love from within—then it will naturally and effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life. However COMMA if we believe that love energy is limited, then we can be the opposite of generous. On the other hand, call me judgy, because I now fully embrace this neutral aspect of whole self as well; I just need to ensure that it doesn’t try to take over the whole ship (whole self), but continue to be guided by Spirit/Goddess within. I thought at the time, even if I had just 1 of all those businesses owned by that woman, I’d give a very generous tip to anyone who provided excellent service, let alone someone who consistently provided this gift. I don’t have any businesses now, but I love sharing various forms of abundance nonetheless (to include big tips) with so-called others. I’ve worked various jobs in the customer service field while a civilian (not in Army), and it can be very challenging dealing with all kinds of personalities, especially the M-PITAs (Major Pain in the @$$es). When I expand my perspective, I’m grateful that this BLATANT CONTRAST showed up in my life in Divine perfect timing and order, which helped better define who I choose NOT to be (though I can be), since it helps me to deeply appreciate more of who I choose to Be. I’m also glad I eventually left the job in The Village area, though it was a pleasure working with most of the staff there (the best job I experienced in Sedona out of the eight or so, and the most fun despite its own share of challenges/mainly shadow work, which is rewarding at the end of the day). When I expand my perspective—by further opening my own mind and heart—I realize that there could be valid reasons why this business woman often seemed so GROWL/HISS/ROAR, and why she seemed so uncaring about her own massage therapist from an outer perspective. Perhaps she was a tight-@$$ on his tip because she strongly felt that this corporate hotel overcharged everything (which she did complain about once), maybe she’s just a tight-@$$ PERIOD, maybe she gives her massage therapist other forms of gratitude gifts, perhaps she gave him extra cash tip in the massage room, perhaps she gives him discounts at her businesses, etc. Yes, I digressed WAY out into…not dark space, but OUTSIDE the field area, but no worries…back to an ultimately related subject. In this drama series, My Mister, I was also deeply moved by the great reminders that the Buddhist monk friend shares about: 1) what we should all consider when it comes to happiness; for instance, would we want our own child(ren) to choose a mediocre, unsatisfied life? If not, then we need to start taking care of the self, and it’s ok to do so; 2) how we can unconditionally embrace All of [interconnected] Life [aka All That Is]. I also highly respect and admire the way the main female character (though only in her 20’s) often knows what she needs, wants, and desires, and is able to meet them (like Teal Swan’s “Meet Your Needs” YouTube video) via her confident, assertive, intelligent, clever, and effective communication and actions (though at times she can come off a bit too verbally aggressive). I realized that I will highly benefit from integrating more of these “dark”/unknown aspects—in order to balance the aspects that are considered acceptable (to society), right, good, and often giving to others only—and I intend to do so. For instance, I plan on going away for at least a couple of months soon (by myself), where I can spend some solitude time far away, and experience the remaining major transformations on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. But before I continue, I’d like to share one of my favorite, K-drama songs that I left a comment for (click on title link below to check out):
- “[๋์ ์์ ์จ OST] Sondia – ์ด๋ฅธ (Grown Ups) MV” And of course, the total time for this YouTube video is 4:44, which has been reminding me of the angelic realm for almost a decade. And due to recently reading new angel number messages from Sacred Scribe, as well as other signs, symbols and messages from the Universe within via Divine Synchronicity, it now reminds me of the Arcturians and Soul Families as well, more than likely because of their same or similar vibrational frequencies. There are also other Galactic and Universal Soul families as well, like the Lyrians, Pleiadians, and Sirians—and unknown tall blue beings, and unknown tall translucent beings of light yellow Light—to include some earthly names that they’re known for; and perhaps even the Anunnaki if I sense correctly from past dreams that I had shared in this blog a while back):
- LOVE this hauntingly beautiful song; and the K-drama, My Mister, is not only one of the best I’ve watched so far, but it overflows with much: authenticity, refreshing honesty, integrity, raw emotions, true feelings, deeply heartfelt stories, close community, humor, highly effective CONTRAST (differences that help us to truly appreciate its opposites), logical + Heart intelligence, profound wisdom, intriguing situations, suspense, action, deep understanding, compassion, empathy, unconditional forgiveness (and its opposite), the end of the “blame game”, genius insights, soul-igniting dialogues, and the further opening of the mind + heart to match Soul & Spirit within (aka expanding our perspective/soul growth/spiritual evolution/individual and collective consciousness). And last but not least, one of the memorable quotes within this drama series—included at the end of this video by the main female character—deeply moved me, because it’s so true.To express this in my own words, even a seemingly small verbal and/or nonverbal gesture—like a heartfelt encouragement, genuine compliment, soul-igniting smile, or warm bear hug—can make a big impact on our lives.So of course, a generous version of such heart-centered words and actions can magically transform our lives in immensely powerful ways.
- “[๋์ ์์ ์จ OST] Sondia – ์ด๋ฅธ (Grown Ups) MV” And of course, the total time for this YouTube video is 4:44, which has been reminding me of the angelic realm for almost a decade. And due to recently reading new angel number messages from Sacred Scribe, as well as other signs, symbols and messages from the Universe within via Divine Synchronicity, it now reminds me of the Arcturians and Soul Families as well, more than likely because of their same or similar vibrational frequencies. There are also other Galactic and Universal Soul families as well, like the Lyrians, Pleiadians, and Sirians—and unknown tall blue beings, and unknown tall translucent beings of light yellow Light—to include some earthly names that they’re known for; and perhaps even the Anunnaki if I sense correctly from past dreams that I had shared in this blog a while back):
- I AM reinventing self by fully embracing full-potential, Multidimensional, whole self/Self (Soul/Spirit – God/Goddess – I AM Presence within).ย Welcome, the remnants of Shadow Self, and thank you for your gifts (perhaps even blessings in disguise). I’m willing to:
- face any remaining, unnecessary fears (though a certain amount of fear is healthy, and helps us to be cautious, and prevents us from doing things like running across the street without looking first, or even recklessly throwing ourselves off a cliff)
- take some risks
- balance planning with spontaneity
- fully let go of the need to be concerned with, or worried about, others possibly or probably judging self; as long as I choose not to judge self, then my outer world will eventually catch up mirroring to me my inner world, state of Being, in Divine perfect timing and order
- fully love, treat and pamper self, unlike I’ve ever done before, to the point where it may even be considered selfish by society (but don’t care anymore; the old and outdated ways of this society can kiss my Japorean-American @$$)
- be gentle on self, to include resting, recovering, and relaxing when needed; and sometimes simply not doing anything if I don’t feel like it
- embracing ALL aspects of whole self from a neutral, unconditionally loving, higher perspective; if I feel like crying…I will cry, if I feel like venting…I will vent, if I feel like being unproductive…I will, ETC.
- fully and truly enjoy Life
A couple of months ago, while enjoying a Gregg Braden video where he introduced a poem within one of the lost gospels (Mary Magdala), The Thunder Perfect Mind, and I after reading it, I pondered about it, as well as some of the vivid dreams I had of the Goddess essence, personal experiences, and the series of Divine synchronicity that seemingly brought them together like earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces..
One day, I silently communicated to Beloved Self within, something to the effect, “I trust that you are Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Very Holy Spirit/The Great Spirit/Monad/Divine Mother Goddess/Alpha & Omega/I AM Presence/I (God) AM (Goddess Presence)…
But how do you do the seemingly impossible of unconditionally accepting/embracing/loving ALL aspects and extensions of Life (aka All That Is) within this world, Galaxy, Universe, and beyond?
It seems so difficult at times to unconditionally love all of self/interconnected Life.
I received the reminder that Divine Wisdom is knowing that EVERYTHING—every interconnected part of the whole, to include the opposites/contrast/duality/polarity of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.—has a Divine Purpose that ultimately benefits All That Is.
Everything IS perfect AS IS at every moment, despite outer appearances and what the earthly and otherworldly physical mind can comprehend.
I shared the following comment for Teal’s racism video, ” “:
I liked this video a while back, but then I found out something today๐ฉ. Teal, to my great surprise, I came upon a post from your blog which CONTRADICTS YOUR TEACHINGS about RACISM, non-judgment, making others a part of yourself (part of Unconditional Love), unconditional kindness, higher perspectives, etc. (inserted my comments within the brackets [ ] below):
“It is ironic that one would think bathhouses were all about hygiene maintenance, but it has been my observation that Asian bathhouses boast some of the lowest hygiene levels of any public health service. . . .[This isn’t completely true, but if it was to you, then why did you continue placing yourself in such unsanitary environments that you clearly couldn’t stand? What happened to self-love that you often preached about?]
Stephanie and I removed our clothes and upon entering the bathhouse, the immediate impression I had was that I was entering a harem. The place was littered with women [so rather than perceive the many women as interconnected souls who desired to be there for whatever personal reasons, you refered to them as though they’re a bunch of TRASH?] and at 11:00 pm no less as most Korean spas are open 24 hours a day. . . .
Stephanie and I both elected to get scrubbed down. Admittedly, I felt a bit like a cow. They washed our bodies with dish soap. Asian businesses based around beauty have not yet embraced the idea of organics. They washed our bodies with dish soap [why allow ANYONE to wash you with DISH SOAP? Sounds like an issue with loving yourself, to include maintaining healthy boundaries—again, something you often preached about].
I have sensitive skin and so it hurt like hell and โsofterโ doesnโt really mean anything to a washing woman who speaks no English [When we REALLY want someone to discontinue a hurtful action, then we have the power to stop it, especially as grown@$$ ADULTS; true? We can use non-verbal cues and/or informal sign language, a universal language, or simply get up and leave. Again, you’ve also preached often about not losing oneself into victim mentality, and empowering self, so what’s all this?? The truths finally revealing themselves?].
Iโve decided that the least relaxing thing on earth, is being ordered around by older angry Korean ladies. Asians in general are not gentle with bodies [Just curious exactly how many Asians you’ve personally experienced this with, or are you going off of a handful of experiences?]. . . .
While we were there, we went into the part of the spa called the โcommon areaโ where both men and women are allowed to comingle [sic]. And it felt exactly like a cultish commune. . . “ [Teal Swan, I have no doubt, that many people who are aware of you, can agree that you’re not exactly in the position of throwing “cult commune vibe” rocks at Korean glass bathhouses.]
Just FYI: I’ve experienced many Korean bathhouses, mostly in South Korea, and the conditions range from what you’ve experienced to immaculate, paradise-like, environments that includes healthy foods and drinks.
So like MANY THINGS in Life, it’s not all black and white; and one would think that you, out of all people, would be clearly aware of this.
There have been many critics who have publically put you into various, unsavory, earthly ๐ฆs—examples: narcissist, cult leader, dangerous “spiritual” teacher, compulsive liar, sociopath, psychopath, suicide catalyst, etc.—but I refused to put you into those boxes as well , because I believed you’re much more than those limiting, negative labels.
However, I now realize that you can strongly show the tendencies of those criticisms at times with your contradicting verbal and nonverbal communication, teachings, behaviors, habits, writings, and actions (though I trust that we all have within us varying degrees of ALL NEUTRAL ASPECTS of the Multidimensional WHOLE SELF).
This post, along with other surprising evidence I found out about you today, has revealed more about your “spiritual” TALK that’s NOT habitually followed by your WALK.
I trust that it’s now time to not only respect and admire the mostly “positive” aspects of Teal Swan/interconnected Life—that I’ve been doing for several years—but to balance and integrate all the “negative” aspects of Teal Swan/interconnected Life as well, which I naively ignored (most of) a while back, believing it was mostly BS made up by Teal’s haters. I was wrong.
I now realize it’s time to fully open my mind, heart, and ๐/๐.
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