I trust the power of humor to quickly transform a lot of low/dense/”dark” fear-based energies since the energy of joy (to include humor, smiles and laughter) is a very high, vibrational frequency.
And when we’re able to transmute (raise the vibration of) low vibrations such as guilt, shame, and regret (just to name a few)—that stem from the very low vibration of fear within the Love Frequency spectrum (like the slow vibration of the color red within white)—with a very high vibration of joy or compassion within the Love Frequency spectrum (like the fast vibration of the color violet within white), then we can reclaim what was always ours, and simply Be our amazing, core essence.
Our Full-Potential, Multidimensional self (physical self/selves)/Self (Soul&Spirit within, God&Goddess) includes, but is not limited to…
Light (heartfelt and soul-igniting information/encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, and mind/heart opening/consciousness expanding knowledge)…
Divine Unconditional Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power (that’s not misused or abused), Inner Peace, Abundance (in its various forms), and…
Freedom (true freedom/a Divine birthright of the soul and connected physical vessel to simply exist and Be as is at every moment of Now; not the society conditioned freedom where humans are manipulated to earn their freedom by working towards their religious ticket to a place called heaven, or by participating in old and outdated, fear-based, conflicts, battles, wars, etc.)
In their natural habitat, animals fully live Life by exploring, playing, enjoying, learning, mating, birthing, raising (their young), drinking, hunting, and eating without needing to earn their food and freedom (to simply Be) from humans.
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Rebloggy 2) dr-myri-blog.blogspot.com 3) India Forums 4) Giphy (dolphins) 5) Rebloggy 6) YouTube 7) giphy.com (thank you)
I shared a comment/story for a video, and then added it to a related post, “Message from a Heyoka Empath: Let Us Embrace Being Different and Same.”
I then realized that it would be beneficial to create a post from it, and the following is the video, comment, and story:
- “Must SEE 🔥 The Crazy Wisdom of a Heyoka Empath | BeTheLight” I left the following comment for this video:
Wow. Thank you so much for this very helpful video that’s refreshingly new to me (from an outside perspective), spot on, encouraging, uplifting, inspirational, empowering, and consciousness expanding (mind/heart opening).
Recently, I had a so-called disturbing experience. The old self would’ve felt so stressed out and ashamed of myself, but to my great surprise, I busted out laughing like a mad-woman.
I basically went into Whole Foods wearing underwear, and left without it. And no, it wasn’t due to some sexy scene, like in a TV show or movie, where a woman walks up to a man and whispers in his ear, “I’m not wearing panties.” I’ve never experienced that either.
While exploring the isles of the store, I felt an unexpected, quiet fart followed by a small squirt—something I had never experienced before in over 44 years of my life.
I rushed toward my husband in another isle and asked with urgency, “Where’s the restroom?” since he had just returned from it.
When I returned after 10 minutes or so, he asked with a smirk on his face, “Did you have a GNL (gambled and lost) ?” I told him that mine was a whole other category since it was a surprise.
My husband had shared with me a while back the stories behind GNL’s that some guys in the Army would joke about while participating in field exercises, and I wondered how that could happen.
Well, now I have an idea, and I can’t be judgy towards such “nasty” accidents, to include the elderly who have to start wearing depends at some point. Sh!+ happens.
After checking out, and speed walking out of the store, I couldn’t stop laughing my @$$ off, and my husband joined me. I got a good ab workout.
I shared with him that I had never imagined such a situation, but that I’m very grateful that I experienced the ability to incorporate humor, even into a so-called “negative” incident—transmuting a typical, low/dense fear-based energy into a very high vibration (like humor/laughter/joy). ^_^
<3<3<3 Mulantis
p.s. Here’ something I may need if it happens again ;-p :
Note: Above image found next to link => pinterest.com (thank you)
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