Not too long ago, a Soul Teacher—who often shares an abundance of helpful information, knowledge, and wisdom—taught something that instantly didn’t fully resonate with me (i.e., didn’t FEEL light/true to my Heart), though I was able to understand from a limited, logical perspective.
This is why I continue to choose to follow my inner guidance—Heart/intuition/insights/inner-wisdom (from personal experiences)/etc.—first and foremost, while wisely learning from others with discernment (via open mind and heart, aka integrated Mind/Heart).
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
This teaching—which was understandable from one perspective—was basically about receiving various forms of uplifting abundance (to include money), ONLY if one shared and contributed VALUE to others/The Collective.
I immediately realized that such statements can make even the most generous, unconditionally loving person—who may not exactly be successful, abundant, rich and/or wealthy in this world (according to this particular society’s limited definitions)—FEEL as if they’re NOT enough, IF we drop our vibrational frequency, and choose to believe this limiting belief that stems from a very subtle form of poverty consciousness (deeply ingrained, society-conditioned, poor people’s LACK mentality that one must EARN various forms of happy stuff of Life, though it’s true to a certain degree related to the material world).
And I further realized, that whenever we generously share with self/others/interconnected Life the most abundant, unlimited of riches and wealth (stemming from Prosperity Consciousness)—Light (God Essence) & Unconditional/True Love (Goddess Essence) within—there is NO logical measurement and earthly PRICE TAG of how valuable they are, because they are PROFOUND and INVALUABLE Cosmic Treasures, Abundance, Riches, and Wealth that is way beyond what the material tool of money can buy.
I recently thought, “IF I were to suddenly die of a heart attack, stroke, or natural death today, what would matter most? What would I prefer to do before this death happened?” [I trust that death is not The End, but a transformation of energy state where the Life of Spirit within All of Existence (All That Is) continues to explore, experience and expand its individual and Collective Consciousness]
And the answer is, to unconditionally and generously share whatever I FELT was highly beneficial for self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, rather than withhold it (hoard it) from others due to some unnecessary fears.
These fear-based thoughts or society-conditioned, fear-based, false beliefs can include: that I need to hold onto whatever I gained from this life (and other earthly and otherworldly lifetimes) and somehow, quickly make money from it in the future (otherwise, I’m not valuing my work), a so-called other may take something of value away from me (like whatever’s contained within this free blog), so I better hurry up and create a book(s) that I can sell (rather than wait around for Heart/Spirit’s inner guidance in Divine perfect timing and order).
This fear of others taking something away from us can only disempower us IF we allow it to (i.e., like others “stealing” my personal stories as their own, takin away profound wisdom gained I from experiential knowledge, copying my creative ideas, using my knowledge and wisdom without ever giving credit, etc.).
Like Ascended Master Jesus taught back in the day (paraphrasing here =>): If another needs something that bad, in order to steal it without respecting the material stuff (or even relationship) of another…simply give them EXTRA.
I fully trust that this intuitive knowing came from The Truth (yes, with a capital T), that there is an unlimited supply of earthly and otherworldly Divine gifts (especially spiritual in nature), and because we are ultimately all connected parts/aspects of THE WHOLE/THE ONE, giving to another is essentially giving to self, and vice versa.
Like the Arcturians taught, we are One Cosmic Heart, which is why it’s so important and highly beneficial for us to share the unlimited supply of Unconditional Love with, not just others, but to self as well.
Why? Because we cannot fully, truly, and unconditionally give to others from an empty or barely-filled inner cup/heart.
However, whenever we reconnect with our sacred Heart, and fill or refill our inner cup, then this Unconditional Love can effortlessly overflow to interconnected Life within this world and way beyond.
From an expanded, higher, Multidimensional perspective, there is no “me vs you,” “us vs them,” and “mine vs yours“—though our Souls have had seemingly countless Life experiences within duality/polarity of earthly and otherworldly physical worlds of playing this outdated, Atari video game-like system of separation consciousness, to include the individual and Collective Blame Game.
Granted, also existing in a physical world comes with its own set of laws and rules, which is completely understandable; and there’s nothing “wrong” with making money by sharing who we truly are and all that we value; but I trust that the question to be transparently honest about is, “What is our true intention?”
Does my intention only come from the logical, calculating mind, or from the inspiration of the Heart that leads the mind (as integrated and merged ONE)?
And last but not least…we can ask ourselves, “Do I choose a limited or unlimited definition of VALUE?”
Because our Souls—and all other interconnected parts of Spirit within ALL THAT IS—is WORTHY beyond measure, as IS (sheer existence, just like an innocent, free-Spirited, and pure baby who’s unable to contribute to society the way it measures giving value to others, but is immensely invaluable nonetheless).
I shared the following gratitude comment for the creator of this => Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay:
Thank you for sharing this attention-grabbing image that immediately reminded me of the symbolism for: The Cosmic Queen/Higher Heart/Priceless Gem/Epitome of Abundance, Riches & Wealth/Tree of Life/Green Colors of Heart Chakra/Unconditional Love Frequency (that includes Light/God Frequency)/Divine Mother Goddess/Holy Spirit/Prime Creator/Creator of ALL Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Monad/Divine Feminine Energy Essence/Yin/Water/Moon/Alpha & Omega/I AM/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/etc. I used it for post [this one]:
Received Inspiration for This Post From Previous One Below:
“Ending Conflicts, Battles & Wars Within“
From another website, Elite Daily:
Side Note Reminder: Again, I love to follow my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom, first and foremost, when reading, watching, listening to, and/or interacting with outer world. Just like various subjects that have subtopics—to include Star Systems (that Starseeded Souls resonate with one or more) and Asian and Western Zodiac signs—I’ve been noticing that I often resonate with all of them, not just my particular, earthly signs (though those match pretty well too, but not 100% accurate all the time). UPDATE: I just read the messages within the reading below for all 4 zodiac signs, and mostly resonate with all of them, as sensed before I read them, since I’ve had similar experiences before.
“The Blood Moon On Nov. 19 Could Be Life-Changing For 4 Signs“
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