I haven’t watched the mostly negative news for over six years or so, and I’ve also had no desire to focus on political matters.
However, I became curious about a recent theme that popped into my physical reality; I wondered what I could learn from the various perspectives from the Mark Zuckerberg trial (to include Mark’s, the CEO of Facebook) via several short, YouTube videos.
Note: Images found next to links =>Pinterest (right), Conscious Reminder (below left), and Humanity Healing Community (below right)
While watching the 1:17 short video, “Blumenthal on Zuckerberg: ‘We’ve seen the apology tours before.’“, I was glad that Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) brought up a great point.
There were also great points brought up by a handful of other senators (that I’ve seen so far from other videos clips), to include the one from Delaware, a few of the women senators (one from Cali), and the refreshingly straight-up and initially hilarious senator (from Louisiana), who basically told Mark Z.—after sharing some of Mark’s “magical” strengths—that “there’s some impurities in the Facebook punch bowl,” their difficult to read and understand terms and services agreement was a load of crap, and that Facebook was just covering their ass.
Granted, my husband brought up a great point in that terms and services in general (from any company), along with legal documents and laws/bills, aren’t easy to read either.
By observing several players of this trial, I was also able to feel compassion towards the very uncomfortable appearing Mark Z. for the first time—who was being grilled back to back to back—and the very frustrated people represented by the annoyed senators.
After watching the above video, I noticed one of the top comments from two weeks ago that read, “What can I say to make emotional people vote for me…”; and I had a desire to share some words that I have no doubt will be highly beneficial to whoever happens to read it.
Note: Images below found next to links => Meditation – Blog Crib (left) and Korn Ferry (right)
The following is my reply comment to the theme of “emotional people”:
One of the Divine gifts of being born on planet Earth is the golden opportunity to experience invaluable emotions.
For instance, we can read many romance novels, listen to other people’s stories about their love lives, and even watch romantic comedies.
However COMMA until we’ve actually EXPERIENCED (experiential knowledge/wisdom) falling in love, we will never truly KNOW what it FEELS like; it will only be a concept.
So what the heck does this have to do with the above comment that I’m replying to? EVERYTHING, since Life and non-life throughout this Galaxy and beyond is interconnected.
Every soul is emotional, but many people have been (throughout human history), and continue to be, good at suppressing their emotions and feelings—and unknowingly repressing them since childhood—due to the way our overly patriarchal society throughout the world has been conditioning people to be (in order to be accepted and approved of).
Examples: Old and severely outdated teachings throughout our world that haven’t been beneficial to humanity (especially children) include (but are not limited to): “You’re so emotional” (as if there’s something wrong with that person) “You’re WAY too sensitive!” “Boys don’t cry!” “What the hell are you crying about now?!” “You have to be tough!” “Just suck it up and drive on!!”
Emotions are our inner compass that reveals our authentic state, and feelings are the language of the soul.
For instance, when we feel angry about something, we can either express it in a healthy way (like honest communication)—rather than punching someone in the face or balls—or push it down with a straight face (though it doesn’t fade away) and allow it to eat away at our core where the boiling lava eventually explodes out of control at some point in our lives.
Unfortunately, emotional, heart-centered, and sensitive humans have often been mislabeled as weak, out of control, passive, among other similar, unsavory adjectives.
The truth is, a human who is in touch with their emotions and feelings is much more genuine, courageous, stronger, healthier and sound—mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually (Soul/Spirit within)—than a human who habitually wears a mask (a facade) that deceptively shows the world that they are anything BUT emotional.
What’s ironic is that those who often reject, ignore, look down upon, disrespect, ridicule, criticize, condemn, hurt and/or abuse emotional, sensitive, or highly sensitive people, are the very ones who haven’t accepted these same aspects within themselves; hence, unable to accept them in others.
Authenticity and vulnerability is true, inner strength and self-empowerment; hence, the saying that a real man [or woman] has no problem crying.
Crying is healing/unconditionally loving self (which helps us to fully love interconnected others)/consciousness expanding (mind and heart opening)/and integrating the many parts into the whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self (physical self)/Self (Soul/Spirit within).
It’s time to fully embrace all of our connected energy bodies, on an individual and collective level.
We embrace our emotional energy body by unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving more and more aspects of ourselves (to include our emotions and feelings)—the polarity (rather than duality) of the so-called good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, etc.; basically, the opposites sides of the SAME coin.
We embrace our mental energy body by continually introducing our minds to the bigger picture (the hawk’s bird-eye view), expanding our consciousness, having an overall positive outlook while not judging ourselves when we’re not thinking happy thoughts at whatever moments.
We embrace our physical energy body by taking care of it and listening to its body signals.
We embrace our spiritual energy body by seeing with clarity the interconnectedness of Life throughout this Universe and beyond, unconditionally accepting, embracing, and even deeply loving others the way we love ourselves, and treating others the way we like to be treated—especially with respect and kindness.
Source of poster on left => by By Jenny Florence, “Our Emotions Are the Voice of Our Soul“
I agree that our most important relationship is between our mind and emotions—aka Soul & Spirit within/integrated Mind & Heart/Yang & Yin/Sun & Moon/God & Goddess/Light & Love/Upward Triangle & Downward Triangle/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa/12:12/Realization/Spiraling Consciousness/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence.
Note: Image below found next to link => Merkaba (thank you)
4/28/2018 (Sat)
This morning, I noticed that I received a reply comment to the reply I shared yesterday by the person who posted the original comment (in this post above).
I’m very grateful that he replied because he helped me to receive further insights. The following is the reply to the reply comment I shared yesterday:
________ [username deleted]
16 hours ago
Barbara D I hope you wrote that just for me
My reply:
[Username deleted]: I don’t know for sure if you were being sarcastic, but it doesn’t matter either way.
The answer to your comment, “Barbara D I hope you wrote that just for me”: You/me/interconnected whoever else that might find it helpful.
Ultimately (the bigger picture), you are a shadow aspect of self that I chose to integrate upon recognizing it, since that buried (yet resurfacing) part of me has been conditioned (since childhood) to feel ashamed of my highly sensitive, emotional self.
I deeply love this part of me now, and I wish that for all of humanity and beyond.
The emotional aspect of us, when NOT balanced—due to being continually repressed and suppressed throughout childhood and adulthood—will show up in seemingly buck wild, crazyass, out-of-control ways; again, like bubbling lava that eventually explodes because the pressure is too much.
However, the more we embrace our raw emotions, and honor our true feelings—to include loving ourselves and making some time to do some shadow work and inner-child work—then our emotions and feelings will no longer seem like our enemies; but rather, they will be our greatest ally/friend/supporter/our True Love that starts from within/the most effective inner guidance system/the most powerful natural force within this Universe and beyond.
By the way, thank you for replying, because you helped me to receive further insights.
<3<3<3 Mulantis
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