Note: This post is an update to a previous one titled, “Mysterious Body Markings that Look Like Orion’s Belt.” Image on right below found next to the well-written reading, “Merging Galaxies, Merging People,” which includes the following, related, nonconsecutive excerpts:
“The universe is full of astonishing things. But few spectacles are more astonishing or more beautiful than the creation of an elliptical galaxy, the coalescence of two independent galaxies through the sheer force of gravity […] Galaxies have always struck me as an adequate metaphor for the individual. Like galaxies we are comprised with an untold number of pieces, independent yet inexorably entwined, moving parts that come together to form the entirety of our personalities.”
Last night or this morning, one of the vivid dreams I had was related to the main theme of the post mentioned above—Orion’s Belt.
My Korean mother said that she (and her cousin) wanted to show me something. They both made a fist, interlocked their knuckles, and moved them side to side a couple of times. Note: I don’t recall ever meeting any of my mother’s cousins before, so it may be symbolic dream and/or a parallel (or alternate) reality.
At the end of this peculiar movement, I noticed three, tiny dots light up brightly on the top of her hand (above her forefinger and thumb area), that looked like Orion’s belt, and I recall expanding my eyes with much delight.
Upon waking up, I asked my Beloved Self—Soul&Spirit within/I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Source,/Higher Self—the meaning of the dream, so I trust that I will receive it in Divine perfect timing and order (will share insight upon receiving); but in case I’m meant to take initiative, I did some searches as well.
I searched ‘orion belt and knuckles’ and was drawn to the book, Free Hands Philosophy by N.J.S., where I typed in the key word knuckle in the search area.
After clicking ‘GO,’ I very briefly read about the patterns of our body and how they’re related to the patterns of the Universe (like microcosm and macrocosm).
Here’s another interesting excerpt from reading, “Orion’s Belt“—by The Awakened State: The Universe is Inside of You—that I was drawn to after clicking on one of the bottom links, ‘orion’s belt spiritual meaning’:
The constellation Orion is actually symbolic for the Egyptian God Osiris. If you know the back history of the Egyptian Stories. Osiris is supposed to represent the dying God of this Aeon where we are going through a transformation of rebirth where the chariot of ascension births the son of Osiris, Horus to awaken the golden Aeon of a New World. The old story of the Egyptians was that […]
The constellation of Orion is of vast importance in our sacred quest for full remembrance since it is the master template of duality in this dimensional universe. The three stars in the belt of Orion, what we call the EL*AN*RA (Mintaka, Al Nilam, Al Nitak in traditional astronomy), are the main control points or pins which hold our universe into position. It is through the central star in Orion’s belt, the Eye of AN,, that we shall travel as we make our journey through the Doorway of the 11:11.
Orion is divided into three zones. The upper zone is ruled by the star Betelgeuse. Here are the Councils of Light. The lower zone is controlled by the star Rigel and is the home of the Dark Lords. In the central portion of Orion is a Zone of Overlap which contains the EL*AN*RA. This area could be referred to as the Great Light for it represents the sacred, alchemical union of dark and light into One. It is served by Lord Metatron and the Council of the Elohim.
Note: See image of upward pointing triangle (Divine Masculine energy) merging with downward pointing triangle within this reading (Divine Feminine energy) , that I wasn’t able to copy and past accurately
Orion is like a large Antarion Conversion. Within its Zone of Overlap, all dualities have merged into One. Our present challenge is to create that Zone of Overlap within ourselves until we are irrevocably anchored into Oneness.
I initially searched, ‘orion belt and mother energy’—though I clicked on it after the above readings—and was drawn to the first reading, “Orion is sometimes referred to as the Three Mary’s” by the blog International Spiritual Experience.
However, upon clicking on the link, the above title was replaced with Orion Stars Initiation. The blog doesn’t allow copying and pasting, so I just read the helpful post.
Since I didn’t feel excited about contacting the blog’s team—as suggested if interested in further initiation—I have no doubt that it’s a sign that it’s not in alignment with my soul purpose to do so; I trust the message in this reading is suffice.
I have read the characteristics of Orion starseeds, and can relate to most of the information; however, I’ve also read or watched several other readings and/or videos (that I resonate with) of the characteristics of particular starseeds—to include but not limited to: Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrians, Sirians, and Andromedans—and I can relate to most of their characteristics as well.
So even though I’ve highly resonated with the theme of starseeds for years now, unlike many people within the New Age community, I still don’t know for sure what category I fit into; and I trust that it’s because I’m not meant to fit into any earthly and/or otherworldly box.
In addition, I don’t always resonate with all the so-called teachings of New Age—or any other belief system within the spiritual community—because I trust that following one’s inner guidance first and foremost (to include using one’s discernment and inner-wisdom) is of great importance.
So when it comes to also benefiting from outer teachers (in various forms), I just go with the flow. If I come upon information and/or wisdom that I highly resonate with, I collect it as part of my Multidimensional life journey’s treasure box; if not, I disregard or discard it. I also express whatever thoughts or feelings that I desire to share with others.
Additional Helpful Information: Dream Interpretations
“Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings: Knuckle” by AuntyFlo:
A knuckle is often associated with spiritual development, and can demonstrate that you have excessive energy in your life.
Knuckles are connected to the need of becoming aware of basic material. This dream means that you need to think about what you have, what you want, and then focus on stripping it all back to just stay with whatever makes you happy […]
To see someone’s knuckles in your dream signifies the detection of your private or educational desires. It is also representative of your fundamental strengths that you have not yet acknowledged in the waking life […]
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of knuckle…
Scared. Upset. Afraid. Worried. Anxious. Surprised. Confused.
The following section is part of the dream interpretation of Hand is by Tony Crisp/website Dream Hawk:
“Most frequently dreamt of part of body. It depicts how you express yourself in action or relationships; your grasp of life, of ideas, of opportunities. It shows the way you hold on to – or let go of – people, your children, situations – this is why people are handcuffed to take away their power. The hand is an extension of your power – to give, take, wound, heal, support or do. Sometimes it is hands we reach out to protect ourselves or others. With our hands we touch other people and the world around us.
The hands express the full range of human emotions and desires. Everything from violence to the tender caress, or skilful surgery or creativity, are manifest through the hands. Here are some examples: He clutched at my hand – I put my hand over the receiver – She had her hand on my butt and pinched hard – He caught my hand and begged me silently to listen to him – The woman tries to hand me a purple composition book […]”
The following are only sections within the dream theme interpretation that resonates with my heart, from, “What does Orion Constellation mean in your dream,” by AuntyFlo:
Positive changes are afoot if…
The Orion dreams are all positive and indicate positive changes ahead for you in the future. These dreams can be about any aspect of your life and sometimes are vague.
You take this dream as a positive sign for the future and get open to new possibilities.
Detailed dream meaning…
Do not pigeon-hole self when it comes to dreams about Orion. These dreams are good fortune for you in the coming future. Most of the time this is something vague coming ahead for you, however, this dream can also point the way for you […] Take Orion as a sign that says that you are headed for greener pastures.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life…
Starting a family.
Buying a house.
Getting a promotion.
Getting a new job.
Joining a new social group.
Learning a new skill.
Growing your business.
Starting something new.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of Orion…
Impressed. Happy. Quieted. Curious. Smart. Keen. Lost. Searching. Confused. Comfortable. Calm. Content. Nice. Loving.
After searching, ‘dream meaning of orion’s belt’ and coming upon the reading right above, I scrolled down and clicked on one of the links at the bottom page, ‘orion’s belt freckles meaning.’
I briefly scanned and skimmed through some readings, mostly forums, but then quickly lost interest due to some of the narrow-minded comments that I didn’t resonate with.
I was also going to share a couple of comments for the one’s sharing their personal experiences, but didn’t feel like creating new accounts.
I trust that whoever comes upon whatever information and/or wisdom within the ginormous space that is the internet, was meant to, so there’s no need to go on some mission to vigorously spread the word.
I’m done searching since I no longer feel like it; plus, I’m getting hungry, so time to enjoy some lunch! ^_^
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