While listening to week 3 audio for Peter Sage’s, “Ultimate Self Mastery” course, he shared some very helpful information, that included a brief story of an apparently, well-known and wealthy business man (Dan Peña), and what he learned from him; Peter also cleverly mentioned how one could learn what NOT to do (without actually referring to this old man).
Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay (Shared comment: Thank you for sharing this deeply heartfelt, soul-igniting image that reminded me of the Cosmic Bear Totem/Power Animal/Great Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess. I used it for post:)
Comment for YouTube Video:
Out of curiosity, I did a quick google search, and came upon the 2 minute YouTube video, “Dan Peña kills a Bear with his Bare Hands.” The following is the comment I shared:
From a human perspective: If you can’t see through this VERY sad old man, then you’re truly BLIND. His personality—an example of a GINORMOUS, unhealthy version of the individual, fear-based EGO—SHOUTS an extreme absence of Heart, and the epitome of NARCISSISM and CRUELTY.
So let me get this straight…it’s not that Dan Peña had to defend himself against these animals, because he was helpless in the woods, but because he’s so damn wealthy and bored out of his old fart mind, that he decided that he’s going to be an out of control, sociopath, serial killer (of animals) who has some DESPERATE need to STAB a sentient being that many RIDICUOULS ways (80 times!!!)??
HelLO RAPIDLY BLINKING, NEON, RED FLAGS. Sounds like somebody needs to drink a triple dose of chamomile tea and CALM THE F!@# DOWN; either that, or take a LONG-@$$, coma-like NAP for the sake of humanity and beyond. Nighty night.
I only googled and checked out this video, because I heard of this story while taking the Ultimate Self Mastery course, and couldn’t believe this character.
This guy may be considered successful by many within this @$$-backwards general society, but he’s NOT anything CLOSE to impressive; and those who put someone like him on a pedestal, speaks VOLUMES about their own absence or lack character as well.
From an unlimited, expanded, Multidimensional perspective, I realize that he is the way he is due to his unhealed, childhood wounds, and god knows how many lifetimes of human drama; but when a human being gets as old as he is (almost 76), there should be some attainment of WISDOM from Life.
It’s not all about monetary wealth that stems from a lack of integrity, and the gathering of material trophies at the expense of taking away other forms of Life.
TRUE WEALTH is DIVINE LOVE (Unconditional Love for self and interconnected Life), DIVINE WISDOM (Profound Wisdom), and DIVINE POWER (power that’s meant to be beneficial to self/others, and NOT misused and abused).
I have been a witness to many humans within this physical reality (to include around me) experiencing various forms of DIS-EASES and DOWNFALLS due to remaining STUBBORN to the old, outdated, patriarchal, fear-based energies.
These OLD ways no longer resonate with the VERY HIGH and IMMENSELY POWERFUL Cosmic vibrational frequencies that have been coming into planet Earth for the past decade or so, that are like RAGING FOREST FIRES and MEGA TSUNAMI WAVES of MAJOR TRANSFORMATION on ALL energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, financial, material, and spiritual.
So I will NOT be surprised to continue witnessing the inevitable (i.e., I strongly sense a premonition coming that his @$$ is going to spiral DOWN in Divine perfect timing and order if he doesn’t WAKE UP, along with like others, even if that includes me because I judge him from a human perspective, and I DO).
Comment for Audio:
I also shared the following comment for the above mentioned audio for Peter’s course:
I resonate with a lot of Peter’s quotes within this audio, to include the most powerful one at the end of this comment, as well as the one at the beginning, “Business should be an expression of your greatness, business should be a vehicle to become a better YOU, not to prove to the world you could beat it in a knife fight.”
However COMMA, here’s my input continuing from “a knife fight” (i.e., like a modern man, Dan Peña, HUGE EGO’s need to kill an innocent bear in a VERY cruel manner, that was GLOSSED OVER within this audio by the way, AS IF it wasn’t a big deal?).
To the interviewer within this audio: That was NOT “amazing,” and what kind of person—in their right state of mind and heart—looks up to a heartless man like this, despite his worldly accomplishments as a wealthy businessman?
I couldn’t believe this guy, so I googled and checked out the YouTube video, “Dan Peña kills a Bear with his Bare Hands,” found out he stabbed this bear 80 TIMES—like an out of control, sociopath, serial killer (of animals)—so I ended up leaving a detailed, passionate comment (human perspective vs expanded, Multidimensional perspective ) about this very sad man.
Let’s not mistaken actual insecurity, an absence of Heart’s compassion, extreme selfishness (narcissistic tendencies) and uncomfortable laughter as an answer to a valid question, for bravery, integrity sincerity, and honesty.
This guy may be considered successful by many within this @$$-backwards general society, but he’s NOT anything CLOSE to impressive; and those who put someone like him on a pedestal, speaks VOLUMES about their own absence or lack of character as well.
Fortunately, the Divine gift of CONTRAST can help us to learn all that we DON’T resonate with, and NOT do, if we don’t prefer them.
I shared other notes that I took in a Google doc, but deleted the rest within this comment since it’s not necessary. But here’s Peter’s most empowering quote (slightly paraphrased):
“If we stop fundamentally at I AM, everything after that is a choice (the freedom to choose). If we can be comfortable with I AM, we can choose the label after that consciously, rather than putting stuff on to avoid fears, trying to prove to the world and seek validation, win the approval of parent(s), etc.”
Profound Insight
Added later same day (and will add to the above mentioned YouTube video and Peter’s audio as well)
After crying/releasing/transmuting/healing, and then feeling inner-peace, I received an insight from within.
From an empowering, expanded perspective/state of Unity Consciousness, I can realize that this cruel character mentioned within this post is, yet, another neutral aspect of WHOLE self/Self.
Though this cruel aspect that showed up in my outer world may have physically stabbed a bear 80 times, I–-as well as MANY within humanity and beyond/Cosmic Collective Consciousness—have more than likely energetically “stabbed” (aka judged, criticized, condemned, denied, rejected, disowned, exiled, suppressed, ignored, neglected, gaslighted, minimized, ridiculed, blamed, disrespected, etc.) our intuitive/Heart/emotions, female energy essence within (represented by the bear, or Bear animal totem/Spirit guide/Great Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess) many more times.
I forgive myself/others for having forgotten our CORE part of Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self within the less aware state of separation consciousness.
Later same day, also added similar insight to post, “To This World: A Dream Reminder from Great Spirit as Two Cosmic Snakes” that I’m pretty sure was created and published before COVID-19 hit.
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