Note: This post is an update and continuation to yesterday’s published post, “A Mercury Retrograde Reading that Led to Reflection & Insights“
Last night, while continuing to create within the post mentioned above, I noticed 11:11, which ultimately reminds me of Twin Soul/Twin Flame connection, and later 12:12, which reminds me of Twin Soul merged with Divine Spirit/All That Is which = Trinity: Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ & Buddha Consciousness within/Spiraling Consciousness/Divine HUman/MerKaBa/Star of David Frequency/Balance & Harmony/Realization.
WOW, just saw 12:12 again today while searching for a Star of David Frequency image; earlier, while briefly Google chatting with my hubby, I noticed 11:11 again.
I absolutely LOVE experiencing Divine synchronicity, to include number synchronicity, because they’re signs and symbols that we are in alignment with Higher Self/Multidimensional Self within—living and simply Being in the present Moment of Now/5D+— and that just blows me away!!! ^_^
I trust that these sacred number codes (aka angel numbers/truth codes, etc.) triggered, yet, another memory and/or an inner-knowing within me.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => and image on left found next to link => (thank you)
I came to a realization (which 12:12 also reminds me of) that the seemingly very fearful and aggressive “day cat”/whom I named Shadow and the seemingly fearless and calm “night cat”/the unknown one are symbolic of the extremes within duality (the seemingly separate opposites), or more accurately polarity (the interconnected opposites within The One) like Day/Yang/Sun/Divine Masculine Energy/God Consciousness/Light and Night/Yin/Moon/Divine Feminine Energy/Goddess Consciousness/Unconditional Cosmic Love.
Note: Image on right above found next to link => (thank you)
Though I initially thought that the unknown stray cat might be a male since its bigger than slender Shadow, I now wonder if I had it reversed.
Afterall, within the animal kingdom, sometimes the females are bigger, like the Black Widow spider.
Speaking of this topic, check out my Black Widow Humor & Cosmic Affirmations Tote Bag (also on other items) in the Mulantis Store section of this blog (or basically on the left-hand column of this blog). 😉
Note: Image on left found next to link => / “Yin Yang Cats by Solreina” (thank you)
This morning, I slept in since I didn’t go to bed until late. I later asked my husband if he had fed Shadow at 7 a.m., and he shared a little heartfelt story.
He told me that Shadow was waiting next to the AC units, located right outside our patio around 6:30. When my husband brought out some fresh water, Shadow got a little closer.
When he brought out dry food, Shadow was right in front of the outer patio watching rather than being skittish.
My husband and I had set specific meal times for breakfast and dinner, but I consider them more like guidelines than rules; I like to go with the flow.
I also like to share with Shadow a small amount of table food every now and then the way we do for our wuvable dog Kami (pronounced like Tommy with a K), since it’s very apparent that they enjoy it.
Plus, I LOVE doing small things that may help them to experience their own version of Heaven on Earth. I look forward to getting Shadow a new cat house, toy, and whatever else that he/she could use next week.
When my hubby is in tuned with his Heart’s deep sea imagination, he can come up with some hiLARious stuff. Once, after I gave Shadow some table food scraps, my hubby said that it probably goes back to its buddies saying something to the effect, “Mmman, you should come see what I get fed over there…hot dogs, hamburgers…”
In addition to Shadow’s salmon or chicken dry food, Shadow seems to love hot dogs and cheeseburgers (like my husband), and it’s understandable since cats in general love meat.
I take less than 1/4 chunk of a hot dog and cut it into tiny pieces, and a thumb-size chunk (my thumb size) of burger with a little bit of cheese and cut it into tiny pieces.
However, I learned that Shadow doesn’t care for almond milk, organic peanut butter, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, or even a little slice of American cheese cut up (since some cats aren’t lactose intolerant), though some cats are known to love them.
So I suppose Shadow likes melted cheese on a burger, but not cold pieces of cheese; hmmm, like me.
But then again, just like humans, dogs, and other beings, cats come in a plethora of shapes, sizes, colors, personalities, etc.
This afternoon, around lunch time, I noticed that Shadow came by our patio at least twice. She had finished her breakfast already, so when he briefly stared at her empty bowl the second time around, I knew he was still hungry.
My husband and I noticed that a trust is slowly but surely being built between Shadow and us, and all it takes is some time, patience and unconditional love. Each day that we become more familiar with one another, Shadow seems more comfortable.
We usually have the shades of the patio glass door open, and at the beginning of our relationship, Shadow would get startled and suspicious with mere eye contact or opening of the door, and would even scurry out of the patio gate at times.
However, lately, after each meal, curious Shadow will walk over to the patio glass door to perhaps check out what we’re doing; and as our eyes meet, we just have a soul bonding moment.
Once, when there was only the patio gate in-between Shadow and I, we just gently meowed at one another several times while maintaining deep, eye contact.
Note: Image on right above is an iphone photo my husband took of Shadow.
I look forward to being able to start communicating with animals using telepathy one miraculous and magical day.
I have in dream state (4D+) before, to include with two tigers standing upright in a wooded area holding what appeared to be M16’s (recorded in post, “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self“).
I also had the opportunity to practice other psychic abilities in dream state, like levitation, flight, psychokinesis, bi-location, etc.
So I trust that these once dormant abilities—within so-called “junk DNA” just because some scientists couldn’t figure them out and wasn’t humble to admit that they just didn’t know—will manifest soon in this 3D physical world in Divine perfect timing and order.
As much as my husband claimed that he didn’t care for cats before, it’s very apparent that he’s developing a loving bond with Shadow, even jokingly communicating to the cat (while making eye contact), “Oh I got my eyes on you” or playing the who’s going to blink first game (he said Shadow always wins).
My hubby can be very observant, so he’ll share with me in detail their precious moments. I’m so grateful to Spirit for giving us this golden opportunity to experience more unconditional love with another being.
Now, Shadow even sits right in front of the patio glass door at times—not fazed by our obvious presence on the other side of the glass door— just seemingly admiring the beautiful scenery of trees, bright green lawns, flowers, humans, dogs on leashes, etc.
Anyway, I rinsed out the cats’ bowls of food and water outside with a pot of boiled water mixed with dish wash soap, and then washed them afterwards in the sink.
After I replaced the old water with a bowl of fresh water with ice cubes (since it’s still hot outside), and set out some more food, I rang the dolphin chimes (i.e., a set of beautiful sounding chimes with various size, glass blue dolphins).
After a couple of minutes, I noticed Shadow trotting toward our patio. As usual, I briefly observed it as it started eating because he/she is so cute! ^_^
My hubby jokingly said that Shadow is probably like, “Man, this woman is kind of creepy, always watching me while I’m eating.” Yeah, I can imagine the cat thinking that.
I know why I’m so fascinated with Shadow. Besides the vivid dreams and profound spiritual reasons, I only recall having the chance to actually interact with a cat a few times during childhood and adulthood combined.
When I was in 7th grade, my mother used to feed a stray cat that came by our place. She would take half a can of tuna (save the other half), mix it with rice, and leave it out. Note: I skimmed through a few articles recently that stated that tuna isn’t good for cats for whatever reason (will further look into it later if I feel like it).
I recall once—probably during the weekend when there was no school (Department of Defense Dependents Schools/DoDDS)—seeing the cat trying to get the leftovers pieces of food with its paw, and though it was so adorable.
My mother and Korean relatives call out to cats by the Korean word for butterfly. As shared in my About page of this blog, even when my Buddha aunt (named so because she became a Buddhist monk) found a kitten in a trash area—after hearing it meow—and raised it within her mini temple, everyone called the cat 나비/Nabi (pronunciation”nah bee”).
I don’t recall ever questioning why that was so, and I don’t recall anyone ever voluntarily explaining the reason to me. However, looking back, I trust that they call cats by that name because butterfly (as well as cat animal totem/cat spirit cat) is ultimately symbolic of transformation.
I’ve noticed that my Korean family members were/are highly in touch with their intuitive side/right-brain. I even shared related stories within the posts, “The Words Mu and Lemuria: How They Became Significant in My Life” and “Further Expanding Mind/Heart with White Snake Dream.
Though my adoptive dad and mother were divorced at the time—but later married and divorced again the second time—we always went wherever he relocated his job so that we could still maintain close contact; and, he always moved right before us.
The continuous moves were due to my dad being a government civilian contractor at the time (equivalent to a GS-13 by my senior year) in Korea.
The morning my mother and I were moving to another city within Korea my mother shared something intriguing with me right before we departed.
She calmly and confidently said that the cat wouldn’t show up that morning because it knew that we were moving. I have no doubt there’s a very important reason why I’m still able to recall that memory.
I now realize that my mother meant that cats are intuitive and psychic (though she didn’t use those words); hence, intuitively knowing what’s going to happen in the near future.
To my great surprise, my mother was spot on; the cat who used to come by daily didn’t show up that day. Maybe it passed away from one too many tuna rice meals? :-/ Yeah, ok.
Looking back, I’m grateful that I didn’t form a deep bond with the cat because, as ultra sensitive as I was/am, I would’ve wept.
I now realize that practically moving every year or every other year was a blessing in disguise, though it sure didn’t feel like it then when I would go through cycles of making friends, parting ways, making new friends, and so on.
I easily bonded with others, so my Higher Self had set up that phase in my life so that I wouldn’t get so emotionally attached to people; otherwise, I would’ve become very sad when it was time to move on again.
I trust that I was being conditioned to adapt to constant change, which would later in life help me to better adjust to society’s fast-paced ways of living; and ultimately, it would help me to effortlessly go with the flow of Life at every moment—not matter where I’m at—unconditionally accepting what is, and unconditionally loving All of Life/All That Is without any emotional attachments.
The third memory I have of very briefly interacting with a cat is when I was stationed in Hawaii while I was in the Army.
I don’t recall setting out any water or food for it probably because we lived on the third floor, so 1) the cat wasn’t able to come into our balcony, and 2) the very narrow strip of common area (like a sidewalk where all the apartment doors were located) wasn’t meant for personal items to be set out.
However, I do recall saying hi to the large, orange and white cat who I wasn’t sure was a stray or a neighbor’s cat. But for whatever reason, at least a few times that I recall, when I came home from work, it followed me from the parking lot to near our door.
In addition, I was apparently drawn to remembering a cat’s demeanor even when I was three years old. I had apparently told my mother, upon first meeting my adoptive dad (a French-Irish-American), that he was like a cat (additional details of story/post/link shared in About page of the blog).
Now before I took that left turn, where was I? Oh yeah, while briefly observing Shadow enjoy his/her meal as usual, I had a strange experience.
Shadow’s semi-buggy eyes are honey colored, which I shared in the previous post. My husband and I even shared our multiple observations and came upon an agreement that they definitely are that color.
However COMMA, this cat’s eye’s are a light, yellowish green, and they’re not as bug-eyed. But yet, its body looks like Shadow’s small, slender body with overall, well-groomed black fur; in addition, it, too, has its top part of its left ear removed (more than likely from Trap-Neuter-Return/TNR).
And last but not least, the eye contact strangely feels different, which I don’t recall ever experiencing before.
You know, this whole time, my husband and I came to the conclusion that the two, black cats that we’ve encountered in our patio area are stray cats rather than feral cats because they always seem to be alone.
But what would be pretty damn funny is if these smart cats were actually feral cats being incognito, and who have their own mini divine plan.
AND/OR…I shifted into, yet, another parallel reality where Shadow has a slightly different appearance (to include eye color), as well as a much less fearful demeanor, due to my own increase in vibrational frequency.
Either way, hear me out. 😉 But first, I will share an intro:
I recorded one of my encounters with our black, stray cat (whom I named Shadow) in the post, “The Unfolding Mystery from the Unknown/Dark Aspects Within” under subtitle, “Insights from Angel Number 151, Black Cat, and Friday the 13th“; and these two images below were also used in the post/link above
I can imagine a large community of feral cats ,with mostly black cats, since they have a bad rap thanks to the now fading out, overly patriarchal society.
They’re often associated with bad luck, witches, and being so-called evil,—and they’re also known to have long life spans (about 20 years)—so it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of them end up getting abandoned (or not adopted) for those reasons.
On the other hand, I have no doubt that some cats become abandoned, not because of ignorant and unloving humans, but because life can come with a lot of major and/or sudden changes (e.g., a new family member who’s allergic to cats, financial difficulties, unexpected military deployment, etc.)
And if people—under such urgent circumstances—are unable to give away their cats, I can understand why shelters may be the next best option.
Anyway, I can visualize a wise, old, black cat—like the unknown one that we encountered in our patio recently; I’ll name him/her Midnight since we only saw it once in the middle of the dark hours.
Note: The two images on above right and left found next to links => and (thank you)
Midnight, being the matriarch of the feral community would stand on higher ground as she telepathically communicated to her family in some shabby building:
“Now remember, use discernment when it comes to interacting with society; use your heightened, basic, five senses and beyond (especially your sixth sense).
I have experienced a wide range of humans, ranging from angelically loving to extremely fearful and unloving, so keep an open mind and open heart.
Blackette, don’t forgot to update the roster and distribute the information accordingly. Thank you for all that you lovingly do!
We will continue to rotate those with black fur at that one apartment complex, coordinates xxxx xxxx.
Since many humans think all Caucasians look alike, all Asians look alike, all Latinos look alike, all African-Americans looks alike, etc., chances are…they will more than likely think that all black cats look alike. So let’s carry on with the great work!
However, do be careful not to make lengthy eye contact, since some (who are paying attention to detail) may notice subtle differences.
By the way Panthera, outstanding job with the fierce acting the other dark morning! I’m so proud of you! You were so convincing, and we were able to help the Asian-American woman further incorporate into her life an invaluable life lesson—to unconditionally accept what is at any given moment, despite outer appearances that may seem negative (like a natural cat fight).
Hey! Who’s that nodding off back there? It’s that you Coalt? This isn’t catnap time! Wake up (11:11) and pay attention knucklehead! This is very important for all of us.
If our plan is compromised due to sloppiness, we will have to go to Plan C, D, E, F, or G, and none of them are as interesting as this one since we have the opportunity to directly and further learn more about interconnected human beings, and teach them wisdom as well.
Smoky, you’re gonna have to work on healing that binge-eating habit of yours at that fast food restaurant dumpster.
Rather than continuing to suppress what’s naturally surfacing from within for re-examination and deep healing, have compassion for self, honor all of your feelings (the language of the soul), and freely express them (to include crying) in a healthy manner.
I temporarily took you off the roster because humans can easily be tricked with many illusions—like black cats looking alike, everything shown by their media being true, multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies caring about their health and well-being, etc.—but they’re not all blind and brainless.
You cannot be a sub for any of your teammates on Team Black at that one apartment complex when you’re almost twice their width and can’t fit through the patio gate bars.
We love you, we are here to assist you, and we have faith in you; however, you need to take initiative as well, and develop some strong will power and discipline, since we can’t change for you.
A lot of humans are starting to eat better quality foods, which fortunately influences what they feed their pets as well.
So once again, the plan doesn’t get any better than this guys, so let us Be Full-Potential Self—individually first and foremost, which in turn highly benefits us as a Collective Soul.
Now I open this stage for questions, comments, suggestions and harmonious discussions.”
Audience: Many soft purrs communicating deep understanding, peace, joy, and love.
<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3 <3 <3<3
Thank you Spirit within/Prime Creator/Divine Mother Goddess for our encounter with our family-like members Shadow and Midnight, these profound insights, for all that you lovingly do for humanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond, and for just Being ALL that you amazingly are! ^_^ I love you so much. <3 <3 <3
More stories and photos in upcoming post, “Continuing Updates of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow” (changed to, “Stories of a Black Stray Cat Named Shadow” published 3/2/2017)
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