**Spoiler Alert!**
I’m so grateful for the Disney movie, Frozen. It is by far my favorite Disney movie. The kid in me is still alive and celebrating Life! ^_^
I was reminded of the following heart-warming/soul-touching Life Lessons throughout this amazing and brilliant movie:
- Concealing who we truly are (ALL aspects of ourselves) in order to please others, meet their standards, or even protect them (which stems from our own fear that something about us is “wrong” or “dangerous”) will prevent us from Being our True Self (which is also Joy, Peace, Love, Truth, Wisdom, Freedom, Creativity, Self-Empowerment (Fearlessness), and Abundance
- Continuously or continually suppressing feelings, rather than expressing them in a healthy manner, will eventually lead to chaos (also see related post, “To Live Like Free-Spirited & Loving Character Candy! ^_^“)
- fear and guilt are one’s worst enemies (like Neale Donald Walsch mentioned in one of his books)
- being desperate/needy (which stems from fear energy) for attention, affection, acceptance, approval and/or love will only attract to us the same energy (Law of Attraction)—something or someone else whose intentions, words and/or actions stems from fear, like the greedy Hans who had much fear within his being because he (his fearful ego self) had a strong need for material wealth/security, and he was willing to hurt anyone (who got in his way) to achieve his goal
- Letting go (and letting God) will allow us to Be Peace/Going with the natural flow of Life/Trusting Source and the process of the Universe—that everything happens in Divine perfect timing/Being Grateful for and Appreciating the Moment of Now, a state of Abundance (trusting that we have everything we need in every moment for our soul growth/evolution)
- Following one’s path of excitement (like children naturally do) is being in alignment with True Self/Integrated Soul/Trinity: God, Goddess/Higher Self and Divine Spirit/All That Is. It’s our True Self’s way of joyfully shouting, “YES!!! This is it! This is so much fun! This feels so alive!”
- Being free-spirited is our nature; hence, it feels so great. When we release man-made boundaries that we place upon ourselves (such as guilt and fear)…we become Free
- Sometimes, we can go through life tirelessly searching for our “True Love”…not realizing/remembering that we are the True Love that we’ve been yearning for
- When we are free from guilt and fear, as well as other boundaries that restrict, manipulate and control us, we’re able to co-create from our hearts beautiful and magical things/our soul’s dreams/Heaven on Earth into our outer reality
- Unconditional Love is the most powerful force in the omniverse. Although Anna didn’t realize that she was receiving unconditional love from her older sister, Elsa was loving her little sister the best way she knew how—via protection from what she perceived as harmful—herself. Despite a false belief that her sister was shutting her out, Anna was still willing to give her life for her sister. The Universal Law of Giving and Receiving is wonderfully played out in this scene—as Anna selflessly gave her life without expecting anything in return for herself (Unconditional Love), she was able to melt her own frozen heart (and body) transferred from Elsa’s fear energy. This is the magnificent power of the unconditional love within/Beloved I AM: Christ Consciousness—the perfect balance of Masculine and Feminine Christ energies). I initially thought it was Elsa’s hugging/crying/expression of her love for her sister that brought Anna back to life, but it was Anna and her very loving Self who co-created the miracle (an act of True Love)
- I’m sure most of us assumed that Kristoff (Anna’s true love) would surely kiss Anna and rescue her from freezing, especially after being shocked that the seemingly perfect prince act (Hans) was a facade. The surprising and beautiful ending reminds us (at a deep soul level) that True Love/Unconditional Love is always within us (always has been and forever will be); and we will not only deeply sense it in our inner reality in silence and stillness, but we will also see it reflected back to us in our outer reality, such as our own reflection in a mirror, as well as others (to include a “True Love” incarnated in the physical flesh right before our eyes). When we give this Unconditional Love to another, we will also realize/remember that this is indeed our essence, since we cannot give what we don’t already have
Note: Thank you all for images above (in order):
- disney.wikia.com
- moviepilot.com
- wellbehavedmormonwoman.blogspot.com
- crowningmomentoffacepunch.tumblr.com
- games.disney.com
- www.goodfon.ru
- www.glogster.com
- weheartit.com
- almacattleya.blogspot.com
- rebloggy.com
- bendaresall.blogspot.com
- frozendisney.wikia.com
- www.youtube.com
The following is from my homepage:
“Compassion is the highest frequency of love and fear is the lowest frequency of love.” Sacred Union: A Journey to Joyful Living […] Love (unconditional love frequency) has the power to transmute fear, and Light (information frequency) has the power to enlighten darkness (lack of information/lack of soul memory).