I recently crossed paths with an amazing, gentle, unconditionally loving, profoundly wise, and highly evolved Soul (named Artie Wu), who seems to Be a TRUE Master Teacher and Master Healer—one of the Golden SHADOW (once UNKNOWN/within DARK unconscious, so unable to see clearly) aspects and extensions of full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self mirroring itself (to be KNOWN/LIGHT shining onto DARK, so able to SEE now with CLARITY).
Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay
He showed up in my outer, online world in Divine perfect timing and order, and I’m immensely grateful for him, ultimately gifted from the Universe within.
Within this post, I shared two comments—one for his VERY helpful healing program, and another for his free, sacred session (that can be replayed)—along with answers to questions he asked (to whoever participated in the sacred session).
I shared the following comment for “Finding Nourishment in the Sacred and Profane ” within Instagram:
I’m SO there this morning! 🤗 By the way Artie, I started your 7-Day Healing Program yesterday, and WOW🤩, it was truly PROFOUND, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and VERY helpful. I did a lot of journaling, and was able to gain further insights from your teachings combined with my personal experiences. THANK YOU SO MUCH Soul brother. 🥰 You are deeply appreciated wise one, and I highly respect and admire your authentic, unconditionally kind, and very comfortable, Full Presence.
The following are my answers to Artie’s questions for an exercise that anyone could participate in (ONLY IF we felt like it) for his, “Live Sacred Space Session with Artie 7-25-2021” via crowdcast (Artie’s questions are in blue font, and my answers are in pink font):
Side Note: I love his deep and stimulating questions, because they helped me to better organize my thoughts and see a bigger picture as to what I actually enjoy about existing, Being, living, exploring, experiencing, connecting, learning, growing, having fun, creating, sharing, and expanding my individual and Collective Consciousness.
What are the sacred things in your life that you have actually brought into the profane?
My authentic, full presence and interactions with Life at times, sharing of Light and Unconditional Love for self/others at times, effortless and joyful dancing, singing, sharing about my inner and outer worlds within my blog (to include earthly and otherworldly experiences, inner truths, raw emotions and genuine feelings, stories, insights, etc., and contrasts of right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, etc.), artwork, poetry, open-mic comedy, etc..
How did that work?
It worked great for me, overall, despite some challenges, to include the latter 3 examples (blog, artwork, poetry) that still seem invisible to this world, and the 4th example (open-mic comedy) which is in the air since I’m still pretty new to it (only did it sporadically since 2017 starting in San Antonio, TX, as a hobby, though I recently started rehearsing for a newly revised set to perform at Stir Crazy Comedy Club in Glendale, AZ, if a spot’s available for 8/4/2021).
Are you OK with that?
Yes, I’m learning more and more to unconditionally and gracefully embrace and integrate the authentic wholeness of self/Self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
Any adjustments you want to make?
Yes and no. Be more of who I truly and fully am, do more of what I love, and continue creating and sharing what I’m passionate about, and that I actually enJOY—whether or not I receive feedback from the outer world (especially this particular physical world), though there always seems to be at some point (even if it’s a little bit).
Another Side Note: Artie also made the sacred session available via YouTube, “Finding Nourishment in the Sacred and Profane – Live Sacred Space 7-25-2021,” and Facebook. If you click on the the title of the YouTube video (right above), the link will open to another page; I didn’t get a chance to copy the fb link, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find it with an online search.
The following is a comment I shared for the above mentioned YouTube video since there wasn’t any time to leave a detailed one towards the end of the live streaming of this sacred session (which truly is sacred):
WOW, simply AMAZING insights! ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH Artie and Gowri for this intriguing, profoundly wise, soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, and memorable, sacred session.
It’s incredibly invaluable, and I appreciate both of you generously sharing this precious, Divine gift with humanity and beyond. I feel so grateful for this GOLDEN (inner WEALTH) opportunity to experience even greater depths of our interconnected, core essence.
The continuing FUN is that there’s always space to even further open our minds and hearts/expand our individual and Collective Consciousness, and also simply Be Authentic, full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self (as IS) at every moment (to the best of our ability).
Though integrating the Sacred into the profane is “IMMENSELY TOUGH” at times—but not always, since it can be enjoyable as well—I’ve been intuitively and strongly sensing for a while (and even building trust) that doing so is Being the…
Image by Soundfrau from Pixabay
that helps us to unconditionally embrace and integrate/merge the spiritual with the physical worlds, ultimately 2 sides of the SAME Cosmic Coin, since there is no separation from a Unity Consciousness, expanded (not just high), vibrational frequency state.
Image by Monoar Rahman Rony from Pixabay
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