Intro to an Upcoming Post
Note: This post is a continuation of the posts, “The Vegan vs Non-Vegan Dance” and “Being Understanding, Compassionate, Accepting, and Even Patient with Non-Vegans“
Until I personally experience walking in another’s shoes, I can only, at best, sympathize (with ego self’s logical mind) rather than deeply empathize (with integrated wise Mind/feeling Heart). Mulantis/Barbara
Note: Images on left and below found next to links (thank you) => 1) Pinterest (carrot group hug), 2) Pinterest (angry banana), 3) Imgur (happy and frustrated peppers), 4) Pinterest (sad slice of bread), 5)(child carrot hugging parent), and 6) (excited cats)
The following are subtitles of this post:
- Knowledge vs Wisdom (Experiential Knowledge)
- The Mental Battles Between the Various Categories of Food Eaters
- I Am a Judgmental Vegetarian/Vegan/Paleo-Dieter, ETC. in a Parallel Reality
- A Resurfaced Strong Attraction to Comfort Foods
- Very Joyful and Deeply Sad Moments While Observing Food Bloggers/Vloggers
- Maangchi: Joyful, Lovable, Fast, & Passionate Cook/Food Creator
- Miss Mina: Cute, Funny & Fun Food Explorer
- Strictly Dumpling (Mikey Chen): Smart, Loquacious & Adventurous Food Lover
- Seonkyoung Longest: Though I really don’t resonate with her overall presence that doesn’t feel authentic, I do respect that she came out with the video, “I’ve Been Faking A Lot,” which confirmed what I had already strongly sensed about her. Despite this way of being, I appreciate her genuine qualities like => Free-Spirited, Honest, & Fast Cook/Chef
- Being Apathetic or Excited While Eating Comfort Foods
- Exploring the Water of Vegan Drinks and Food
- Being Authentically Honest with Self’s Multi-faceted Preferences
- Self-Awareness, Body Signals, Discernment, Moderation, and Balance for All of Life (All That Is)
- Hugging the Inner-Child Within
- Practicing Neutral, Expanded Perspective of Soul/Spirit/Source Within
- Mirroring Stories of Two Mystic Comfort Food Addicts
- Continuing to Unconditionally Accept, Embrace, and Even Deeply Love More and More Aspects Within Self/Interconnected Others
Hugging the Inner-Child Within
Under this particular subtitle, I will share insights (and some related personal experiences) obtained from the following excerpt of a very helpful reading, “HOW TO RE-PARENT YOUR BROKEN INNER CHILD” under subtitle, “WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD LIKE?” (by lonerwolf):
At a basic and fundamental level, physical safety and nourishment is one of the most intrinsic elements of a loving relationship. We can see this in nature, with mothers and fathers nourishing their chicks, pups and cubs with food, shelter and protection. When this is lacking, however, the following issues can develop:
- Low self-worth resulting in physical neglect/abuse of oneself, e.g. eating disorders (anorexia, obesity), maintaining an unhealthy diet, self-harm.
- Intense safety-seeking behaviors (psychological complexes such as OCD) or extreme risk-taking behaviors (e.g. unprotected sex, obsessive daredevil feats, etc.)
- Addictions to drugs, alcohol, violence, food, etc.
- Sexual dysfunction or promiscuity (often due to sexual abuse)
Note: Image on right above found next to link => Pinterest (thank you)
An excerpt from the post, “Incorporating Delicious Vegan Food Without Needing to Become Vegan or Other Labels“:
Since that memorable moment—mostly my close connection with my First Sergeant and especially seeing her smile and laugh—I had a plethora of colorful experiences that expanded my perspective.
Some of these experiences have been recorded in the somewhat recent following post:
The Gift of Wisdom from the Experience of: Comfort Food Lover(where the witnessing of other comfort food lovers and/or addicts helped me to have compassion for them/self and better understand self/them—through their vlogs that included small gems of key, verbal and nonverbal expressions, and invaluable, heartfelt, personal stories that revealed deeply sad truths)
The following is an excerpt from a continuation post, “Embracing and Integrating Shadow Aspects of Self That’s Stuck in Poverty Consciousness & Emotional Eating“:
Today’s Update: The comfort food lovers and/or comfort food addicts that I initially mentioned in the above post, “The Gift of Wisdom from the Experience of: Comfort Food Lover,” have mirrored to me both positive and negative aspects—ultimately, they are all neutral aspects that exists within all of us (to varying degrees).
These loving souls mirroring these gifts has helped me to let go of what no longer uplifts Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within); hence, transmuting, deeply healing, and integrating them into the whole self/Self :
- Mikey Chen: I unsubscribed to his channels a while back, though I still enjoy watching his videos every now and then that doesn’t involve him just stuffing his face back to back to back with multiple servings of food in one sitting, or him participating in mega food contests. I still think he’s very talented in the way he describes food to the fullest detail, he has a good sense of humor, he’s good at editing unnecessary drawn-out scenes from videos, and he’s very knowledgeable. Update (11/30/2018): I realized that I really like lovable Mikey Chen despite his obsession with food—and my husband and I enjoy his travel videos—so I subscribed to his Mikey Chen and Strictly Dumpling channels.
- Maangchi: I maintained my subscription with her because she continues to share intriguing recipes, and I still find her overall presence lovable, humorous, fun, straightforward, a good combination of traditional and unconventional, and uplifting, though every now and then she, too, can go a little overboard with trying to appear super happy.
- Miss Mina Oh: I unsubscribed to her channels a while back because her videos seem to be more tailored to the younger generation, and she has a tendency to go off into one too many unrelated tangents (i.e. shiny objects). I still think she’s very talented, smart, humorous, and so adorable, but I have no interest in watching videos like, her slowly eating a butt-load of food for 20 minutes or so. I also don’t resonate with her—and other YouTubers like her—who have a strong need to neglect self in order to please others (her fans)—whether that’s needing to meet self-imposed, strict deadlines for creating a lot of videos (also applies to Mikey Chen, whom I shared a comment with in one of his videos, that’s been copy and pasted toward the bottom of this post), and spending ridiculous hours editing and/or replying to too many comments.
- I left Mina this comment for video, “Riding the Train to Busan from Seoul ♦ Tour of KTX Train“:Mina, I’m grateful that you shared the message at the beginning of this video because it reminded me what NOT to ever do—neglect self’s well-being in order to please others. Our current, instant gratification society has many unaware people running around all super busy like ENERGIZER BUNNIES ON CRACK. However COMMA…Being SO busy that one feels the need to do CRAzy-@$$ things, like film videos for an unreasonable time of 17 hours straight is actually self-imposed. Why intentionally deprive self of any needed sleep, which causes you to feel delirious?Unconditional Love goes both ways, to self and interconnected others, and we can’t fully and truly give to others if our own cup isn’t filled.Mina, you have a lot going for you, especially your great qualities, to include (but not limited to) being very talented, smart, humorous, and so adorable. Remember to take care of yourself.You have a lot of fans, and I have no doubt that you’re a strong influence to many people, especially the younger generation. Why not teach them through your example what Unconditional True Love for self looks like (which starts from within), which helps us to fully and truly embrace interconnected Life within this world, Galaxy, Universe and beyond.Also, what’s up with merging that sudden, scary, demon face image into yours? There are more than enough old, outdated, patriarchal, shallow, horror movies out there that intentionally bombard humanity’s individual and collective consciousness with BULL$h!+ fear-based images and fear-based feelings (i.e., distractions) that get permanently recorded into our subconscious minds, and somehow negatively affects our state of being (vibrational frequency).I get that you probably did the above to be funny, but I trust that you’re MUCH more funny and interesting than the repetitive junk that’s fading out.You’ve incorporated a lot of humor within your blog and videos in highly creative, genius ways, to include your different characters of YOU and the beneficial channels that you’ve set up (ex. teaching Korean culture to the world in fun ways).I wish for you to re-member and simply Be your whole, full-potential, Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within). It’s NOT about perfectionism, but your innate ability to achieve excellence (to the best of your ability) in all that you truly are and all that you do.
- Seonkyoung Longest: I unsubscribed to her channel a while back because I really had to honor how I felt whenever I watched her videos. Reminder: Feelings are the language of our souls. Though she shares some great recipes, and I still think she’s very talented, fast, free-spirited, and lovey-dovey (towards her husband), I’ve learned that I prefer reading her recipes rather than watching her videos, which became more and more challenging to view. I realized that I don’t resonate with her overall presence that doesn’t feel authentic, though I do respect that she came out with an honest video, “I’ve Been Faking A Lot,” which confirmed what I had already strongly sensed about her. Despite this way of being, I appreciate her genuine qualities.
- Despite whatever aspects I don’t resonate with the above mentioned vloggers, I’m very grateful that I crossed paths with them and all the gifts they have to offer humanity and beyond. I wish them great health, wisdom, inner peace, freedom, joy, success, unconditional love (for self and interconnected others), and other forms of uplifting abundance (non-material and material).
I was able to relate to all their spoken and unspoken, deeply heartfelt stories because I’ve been there and done that. The following were some of their wounded aspects that they mirrored to me (which were also mine):
- the parent who seemingly yelled at a child on a daily basis, and the other parent who seemed to act as if nothing wrong was happening
- the often disapproving, emotionally unavailable, unsupportive mother who only expressed love after an adult child achieved some type of material success
- trying to please the mother who only considers herself very righteous and good
- trying to trust others after experiencing heart-wrenching betrayal
- trying too hard to seem happy
- going out to eat food in order to feel better
- needing to overeat to get attention
- needing to overeat to try and fill the empty void inside
- trying to be accepted, approved by, and/or loved by society
Note: Images above found next to links => 1) Anglia Counselling and 2) Psychology Today
Update post, “Choosing Compassion and Unconditional Embrace Over @$$ Chewing“
Shared the following comment for overall, wonderful video, “TRADITIONAL STREET FOOD & Tofu Hotpot in Kyoto Japan“:
I briefly thought about visiting Kyoto before, but Mikey, you have convinced me that I would definitely LOVE to go explore one day. My favorite part of this video was the beautiful tofu restaurant with its magical ambience and heavenly food. Out of all your videos I’ve watched so far, this is HANDS DOWN the most captivating due to your most full presence that I’ve seen of you! ^_^
It was very apparent that you highly respected and admired the tranquil sacredness of this place, and though I’ve witnessed you devour and savor a MEGA LOAD of so many different types of foods throughout the world, your DEEP appreciation for their delicate dishes was crystal clear. It seemed like your vibrational frequency was sky high this day, and understandably so.
And once again, you have the natural and seemingly effortless abilities, skills, and talents to share your down-to-earth, authentic self on camera with much confidence (but not arrogance), eloquence, impressive imagination, engaging conversations, highly creative expressions, refreshing transparency/honesty, great sense of humor, mental and emotional intelligence, magnetism, cute lovableness and huggableness, and respect and kindness for interconnected others (especially when you call older ladies aunties). What’s interesting, is that I’ve also noticed that you come off much more personable when you speak Chinese (another gift of yours); perhaps it’s a cultural thing; so I get it now. Thank you so much for sharing such awe-inspiring moments with humanity and beyond.
By the way, I wondered why this video would even get any dislikes, and the thought popped into my awareness/consciousness of something that could possibly be a factor. Granted, you can’t please everyone, you don’t have to, and this is ultimately one of YOUR channels, and you have every right to fully and freely express as you please, but I’m just sayin’. ;-p
This is the second time that I’ve even noticed you mentioning eating a pregnant fish in a somewhat obnoxious way (another time in a different video), and I realize you’re just joking, but I trust that you’d be willing to be more sensitive about such things (a minor change) which would more than likely help vegetarians and vegans enjoy such videos as well (without becoming upset).
I’m neither, though I’ve experimented with both—and I do incorporate a lot more vegetables in my meals than I used to eat (because I enjoy them)—but I can deeply empathize with vegetarians and vegans due to having the highly sensitive empath aspect within me myself; and I have no doubt that you can attract many more fans with this tiny wiggle room of a change (simply a show of respect). For instance, you probably wouldn’t joke about slowly butchering a cow before eating a steak, right? Tomatoes tomahtoes.
Anyway, Mikey, continue Being an invaluable gift to your Multidimensional self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves)/Self (Source: Soul/Spirit within), and interconnected Life within this world, merging worlds, Galaxy, Universe and beyond. Much Light and Unconditional Love to you my Asian soul brother from another mother!! 😉
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