The following are subtitles of this post:
- Intro + Ascension Symptoms
- A Real Life Experience with a Lion + Old Dream of Rainbow-Colored Lions
- The Recent Dream of Lion
- Overall Interpretation of Dream
- A Passionate Response to Disloyalty
- Closing a Door on a Panther + Two Lions
- Fearful or Fearless with Animals in Dream State
- Other Dream Interpretations of Lion
- Symbolic Interpretations of Lion Spirit Guide/Totem
- A Highly Resonating 7D Video
- UPDATE inserted 6/28/19: A Year Later...“A Dream of Lion Cub and the Jewel I Discovered“
- UPDATE inserted 11/13/2021: “Dream: Unknown Creature, 3 Lions, Pulling Out One Lion’s Claws & Animal Telepathy“
- UPDATE inserted 4/28/2022:
Note: Image on right found next to link => Soul TV / “Animals as Spirit Guides” (thank you)
Intro + Ascension Symptoms
I had recorded a bizarre dream this past Monday in a dream journal (Google doc), but due to having frequent computer issues lately (i.e., it shutting down), I created a post today.
I’ve also been having the following experiences:
- hearing louder than usual tones in both ears (mostly in the right, and musical sounding)
- sensing inner body vibrations (similar to past experiences)
- seeing rapid movements of energy while looking at whatever object in a relaxed state (e.g., my cat’s litter box or mat)
- noticing small, red bumps on my abdomen (related to healing of solar plexus chakra) and hip (related to healing of sacral chakra) that don’t appear to be bug bites; plus, I’m the only one who sporadically gets them (that I’ve seen before and have gone away).
- In addition, I recently started using the essential oil ylang ylang, which I trust is helping to balance my energy bodies (especially emotional and spiritual energy bodies).
- The following quote is from the reading, “Ylang Ylang Essential Oil“: “For Chakra work, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is said to help balance the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.”
- I’ve been very sleepy lately; hence, I listen to my body signals and take needed naps or longer hours of sleep. I trust that a lot is going on with our evolving energy bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)
I also noticed that I drink much more purified water than usual during these phases, which is a lot considering I drink about 4 to 5 24 oz bottles per day—often times, waking up in the middle of the night at least once to drink up to one whole bottle.
In addition, I’ve been much more active in dream state, seemingly all over the place—mostly parallel or alternate earth realities.
I suppose the lion dream, and my pet cat dream that I mentioned in post, “Dream of a Talking Pet Cat in a Deep Well” were both from other dimensions, since these two, recent dreams are the second and third times that I recall having communicated with animals (which I trust is part of our innate, psychic abilities emerging, to include animal telepathy). Note: The first time mentioned in post/link within this paragraph.
I also trust that all these happenings are part of our ascension symptoms, where we go through major changes on all levels of our being—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—due to our changes in our state of consciousness.
A Real Life Experience with a Lion + Old Dream of Rainbow-Colored Lions
As mentioned toward the top, I feel that the small, red bumps on my abdomen could possibly be related to the healing of my solar plexus chakra due to yet, another otherworldly lion dream that I had a while back.
I shared the rainbow-colored lion dream within the post, “Intense Inner Body Vibrations Transferred from A Lion’s Magnificent Roar,” as well as a real life experience with an actual lion. The following is a related section from this post:
However, I’ve been making intention statements to fully release victim mentality—since I trust that the Divine Spirit is in all of Life—so I no longer need to pity any life form since Spirit within them may have chosen to have certain experiences through them.
Now that I’m developing a habit of reminding myself to be more aware of my outer world mirroring my inner world, and to learn/remember from all the reflections, I’m able to see and even imagine more than ever.
When I thought about the situation symbolically, I wondered if the lion’s transferring of its energies had something to do with triggering my own, ancient lion energies within me, to include having—-like the well-known saying goes—“the heart of a lion.”
UPDATE added 2/12/2024
Screenshot below matches dream of shouting, “Goddess!!!” and lion transforming into a supportive, gentle, and telepathically communicating one (recorded in this post):
I also mentioned “ancient” lion energies because, I once had a dream about rainbow colored lions which I shared in the post, “Dream Messages from My Multidimensional Self,” that include other dreams as well.
The following section (in gold font only) is this dream from the post/link above:
I was at some unusual outdoor market on a sunny day. I vaguely saw beings selling items (to include what appeared to be dried banana chips) in front of them while sitting on these elevated bleachers-like sections.
I went over to my left and noticed about half a dozen male lions (in different, vibrant colors of the rainbow) lying on their sides.
I was a bit scared to go near them at first, especially after hearing them make noises, but I then noticed that their bodies had been cut open (abdominal area) and then sewn back up or something.
The sound one of the lions made with its eyes closed was of exhaustion, suffering, and/or hopelessness. I felt sad for them.
When I turned back around, I noticed three beings (don’t recall what they look like), and I was being cautious as I walked toward them (probably because I sensed they weren’t friendly).
While rereading the above dream, I received new insights. The lions’ abdomen area being sewn up may be symbolic of my solar plexus chakra not being balanced (or even all three of my lower chakras); hence, my old and outdated belief in the lack of self-worth throughout my life.
The rainbow colors of the lions could possibly represent the Lyrians (Beings from Lyra)—another extension of Infinite Creator—who can resonate with all frequencies and even fluctuate in their own frequencies.
They are known to be very free-spirited, highly evolved Beings who are used to total freedom of expression (which highly resonates with me)—“chameleons and independents of the universe” according to the book, We, The Arcturians by Dr. Norma Milanovich.
I now remember that the three beings that I wasn’t able to recall what they looked like were blurred shadow beings, perhaps symbolizing the unknown trinity already existing within me (and all interconnected others) in my Multidimensional 5D and beyond state/in present Moment of Now—where past, present and future exist simultaneously.
When I initially mentioned above, “I was being cautious as I walked toward them (probably because I sensed they weren’t friendly),” it was more than likely due to the fear of the unknown.
The Recent Dream of Lion
3/13/2017 (M)
This morning, I had a vivid, real life-like dream.
I was walking somewhere alone, and as soon as I noticed a grown, golden-brown lion up in a tree, fear quickly set in.
Strangely, I started rolling on the ground slowly and quietly, back in the direction I came from (to avoid being detected).
However, the lion saw me, and jumped down from the tree. Within moments, I felt its huge presence hovering over me, and it was intense.
I was so terrified of possibly being torn apart and eaten by it that I couldn’t bare to face him.
At one point, I think I said, “Please” and begged for it not to hurt me. Shortly afterwards, I shouted, “Goddess!”
Note: This is the second time that I recall ever calling out Goddess. The first time is mentioned in post, “Dream of Shouting to Goddess While Flying Through Wormhole.”
To my great surprise, the lion gently patted me several times with its massive, yet, soft paws; and then he embraced me in its arms. I felt safe and warm.
I don’t recall hearing the lion speak, but I do recall excitedly saying to him at some point, something to the effect, “You know how to talk!” to which it nodded its head.
At some other point, I think I had sex with the lion which seemed to transform into a human-like figure. That’s all I recall.
Overall Interpretation of Dream
Note: Since the last part of this dream can seem “disturbing,” I’d like to share a symbolic dream interpretation below. I, too, judged myself after having several different dreams in the past of having sex with earthly and otherworldly beings. However, I have let go of the need to ever ask myself, “What’s wrong with me?”
The following are interpretations—by Dream Moods—of the key words sex within the last part of the dream and the word lion:
To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. It represents psychological completion. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character.
To see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength, courage, aggression and power. You will overcome some of your emotional difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination. You have much influence over others. You also need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life. Alternatively, a lion represents your need for control over others. You have to be in charge.
After reading some other dream interpretations of lion (toward bottom of post), I sensed that I was incorporating the symbolic strengths of the lion (of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies), to include its animal spirit guide/totem medicine (last section toward bottom of post that I highly resonate with).
I also leave room for other interconnected meanings that I’m not aware of at this moment. I’ve asked Spirit for an answer, so I trust that I will receive one in Divine perfect timing and order.
By the way, I have no idea why I chose to roll on the ground, as opposed to tip toeing backwards. I did a brief search to see if I could find a dream interpretation for the key words roll or rolling, but nothing so far.
A Passionate Response to Disloyalty
Back in September of last year, I heard a story that raised some red flags, and I didn’t hesitate to express my own thoughts and feelings, as well as share another version of its ending.
The bottom line is, if a family—regardless of species, race, nationality, color, etc— basically adopts a child whose background is different from their own, and then raises him/her with unconditional love, does it make sense that this child grow ups and goes all ape-shit toward that family (e.g., slaughter them, eat them, kill them)?
Well, that was my main point in the post, “A Comment and Different Ending to Tony Robbins’ Lion Story,” in addition to some neutral insights.
Closing a Door on a Panther + Two Lions
From my recent dream of the talking lion, I sensed that I no longer had the need to shut out the lion energies fully surfacing from within; hence, I was able to experience facing one of my deepest fears—like the wolf dreams—and to unconditionally embrace it.
The following is from the post, “Fifth Dream of Black Panther and Message of Trinity“:
At one point, I slowly and cautiously walked away from the panther due to my continuing mistrust. At another point, I went inside a place (opening the door inward) and saw an old Okinawan family friend who was around his early fifties at the time I first met him. I think I told him what happened, and he gently pushed the panther out while closing the door on it.
Note: This is so mind-blowing to me because on 2/21/ 2016, I recorded in a book I’m currently reading, a vivid dream I had of being in a bright green backyard with two male lions strolling around, and then slowly walking away from them towards a house, opening the door with a gold key, and then closing the door on the lions (details in another post). I also had another dream of lions on 2/4/2016, which I plan on incorporating in the same post that I will title, “Dreams of Lion Spirit Guide”.
Fearful or Fearless with Animals in Dream State
I still find it amusing that sometimes, I’m fearful around animals within dream state, and other times, I’m seemingly fearless. I trust this has to do with my state of consciousness during those moments.
Two examples (that have been shared within blog):
- In one dream, I was chased by a small brown or black bear, and when I came upon a well, I splashed water onto it; I was fearful in that one
- In another dream, I was swimming and playing in what appeared to be a lake with a large, brown bear; and I also noticed a shark underneath me; I was apparently fearless in that one.
In real life, the above last bullet would so not happen; unless of course, my animal telepathy ability was fully turned on, and I felt completely safe around them.
I also checked out the draft post mentioned above, but I only saw a reminder note to a page number within a book I was reading at the time. I’m usually very meticulous with notes, but it is what it is.
I checked the Family of Light book (by Barbara Marciniak) that I had finished a while back—but is still on a small, living room table so that I can review highlights and notes whenever I feel like it—but there was no record of a dream on that page. I’ll look for it in another book I had read prior to this one when it gets light outside.
Other Dream Interpretations of Lion
The following nonconsecutive sections are some dream interpretations (as well as their links) that I was drawn to after typing the phrase, dream of talking lion:
Lion is a symbol of strength, courage and royal and proud thinking. Lion in a dream is seen usually by those who are really freed from prejudices that prevent many people from doing what they like.
Dreaming of a lion means, above all, the struggle, which you win and become a leader in many endeavors […]
If you see a lion, which talks to you, it is an excellent signal for the beginning of a new business that will bring you profit, though not very big, but necessary for you.
Psychological Meaning:
Lions are usually a regal dream symbol of power and pride. In a woman’s dream, it may represent the male aspect of her psyche. A Freudian interpretation may consider lions to represent the powerful and admired aspect of the father. It may also symbolize your ‘animal’ nature or your aggressiveness and will to power.
Mystical Meaning:
In Christian Symbolism the Lion can represent Christ. The lion can represent fearless leadership and is an ancient symbol – one of the most famous being the Sphinx at Ghiza.
A lion in your dream shows propitious circumstances, and in some cases strength and porousness in your life […]
A lion in a dream may be calling you to claim your own control over others.
Positive changes are afoot if…
The lion was friendly.
The lion was golden.
Social success could be yours if you notice a lion sitting down in your dream […]
To see the lion’s main is a positive omen it suggests that you will gain loyalty […]
women continue to be likely to be home-makers and nurturers males continue to be likely to be strong breadwinners. So, what does this mean for your dream of a lion. Simply, the dream means that you are showing more masculine tenancies.
Symbolic Interpretations of Lion Spirit Guide/Totem
The following nonconsecutive sections are some symbolic interpretations (as well as their links) that I was drawn to after typing the phrase, lion spirit guide: (can’t copy and paste quotes)
Lion Power Animal Symbol Of Brotherhood Feminine Energy (
Lion’s medicine includes brotherhood, letting go of stress, strong family ties, strength, courage, energy, self fulfilment, feminine energy, co-operation, community, Power of feminine energy, creativity, intuituion, imagination […]
Creature of the Sun Lord, beloved of the Lady,
Reveal to me the ancient methods of magic.
Walk beside me as I grow in strength and courage.
Show me when to keep ties strong and when to break them.
Help me to understand the times for work and the times for rest.
Mighty lion, lend me your energies […]
From the lion we can learn how to be fearless if we allow ourselves to relax long enough to learn from it.
Their is great myth and lore shrouding the lion. The Egyptians linked it to power and wealth. And also in ancient Egypt, a young lion symbolised the rising sun. So if Lion enters your life, you may experience your own true, radiant selves – your soul – rising to the surface. The Lion is the symbol of the sun and of gold, medieval alchemists associated Lion with sulphur […]
The lion represents and means many things. Some of these things are family, cooperation, and community. Lion people need to understand that one’s well-being is based on living and working in harmony with others, without giving up one’s individuality.
A Highly Resonating 7D Video
Added 4/20/2017
The video below recently caught my attention because it instantly reminded me of my earthly and otherworldly lion experiences:
Lion’s Gate, Seventh Dimension Earth
I left the following comment:
Thank you interconnected Lu/Celia/Higher Self/Beings of 7D/Ascended Masters/ultimately Soul/Spirit within/Beloved I (God) AM (Goddess) Presence/Christ Buddha consciousness within: for sharing a very informative, wise, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, and inspirational message.
Added 2/16/2018
- Lyran Feline Race – Lion People – Everything You Wanted to Know 2017 (Video 14:10)
- Blog post, “The Return of the Lyrian Feline Race (Star constellation Lyra)” by Mystic Wanderer
“Spirit Animals: LION SYMBOLISM” by Wild Gratitude
(Wow, last update was almost exactly a year ago; I trust there’s a significant reason for this, though I currently don’t know why. I will know in Divine perfect timing and order, and when I do, I will insert another update)
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