First of all, the following are some online definitions of altruism:
- The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
- Altruism is when we act to promote someone else’s welfare, even at a risk or cost to ourselves
- The definition of altruism is caring about other people and their needs without regard for your own needs
Here is an interpretation of Unconditional Love that FEELS LIGHT/TRUE to my heart: True/Unconditional love for all neutral aspects of the whole self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, without the lack or absence of care, disinterest, risk, or cost to self, since the unlimited, unconditional love energy of self (to include self-care and genuine interest in self) naturally and abundantly flows to others (at no risk or cost/loss), and what benefits self, benefits interconnected others, and vice versa.
I shared the following comment for the creator of the video, “Why We Do Nice Things For People – The Truth Behind Acts of Kindness“:
Teal, I appreciate that you brought up some great points as usual, which is very helpful. However, how you deliver a certain message can also have an impact on humanity.
When a human being is FULLY AWARE that what s/he is about to share with others can make them feel triggered, depressed, ashamed, etc., s/he will more than likely not seem SO happy—with a lot of smiles, laughter, minimizing, ridiculing, gaslighting, and sarcasm—about presenting such delicate information.
It would be like approaching an acquaintance while smiling and/or laughing and saying, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re butt-ass ugly (or fat, dumb, selfish, etc.)! But no worries, I have a perfect solution for you., to include one of the ultimate truths of the Universe (because I know everything).”
This communication method can come off as completely insensitive, lacking heart, manipulative (trying to create further separation among people by having them further distrust any form of kindness expressed by others), and mostly coming from the logical mind that can over analyze everything, even something as PURE as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (that includes unconditional kindness and unconditional giving).
Whenever we are in alignment with our Higher Self/Source/Soul/Spirit/God/Goddess/whatever higher power, and we love ourselves unconditionally, at whatever moment, we can truly and fully do so for another since we’re in the state of being aware that we’re interconnected as One (Unity consciousness); but we cannot give to another from an empty cup (what we don’t realize we have from within).
So the statement, “There is no such thing as altruism in the Universe since it implies separation,” is true to a certain extent, but 1) it’s also true that Unity Consciousness includes separation consciousness, and 2) to throw altruism and unconditional kindness/giving—that stems from Unconditional/True Love (for self/interconnected Life)—onto the same boat isn’t accurate since the former implies not caring for the self and only caring for others, while the latter implies caring for both self/others.
In addition, those who are not mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually mature, can take what you shared in this video and turn into a person who NO LONGER TRUSTS instinctively and purely giving from the heart at times, so s/he will over analyze every kind move that s/he would like to make, and that others make.
Humanity has enough trust issues with self and others, must we add on to that already HEAVY LOAD? Or would it make more sense to lighten the load? (like your very helpful and deeply heartfelt videos, from a while back, about trust and unconditional love for self/others).
Also, you have volunteers who work for you, so perhaps it’s time for them to stop providing this “selfish” act and take care of their own needs directly.
Teal, I have unconditionally embraced and integrated many positive and negative aspects of you—despite many within society labeling you as a cult leader, narcissist, compulsive liar, psychopath, etc.—and I’ve have grown to highly respect and admire you for the overall amazing Being that you are.
But sometimes, you say, behave, or act in ways that doesn’t exactly FEEL LIGHT; and it makes me question whether or not it was a good idea to recommend you to others. Granted, I do suggest to others to always follow their inner guidance first and foremost no matter what outer, soul teachers share.
I’ve decided to finally unsubscribe, though I’ve been learning from you for years. Though I still deeply appreciate your precious existence and important presence in our world, I strongly sense that it’s time to let go of the old and move on.
I’ve noticed a pattern of vibes from you that feels off at times, and I’m simply ready to enjoy more of Life, rather than be reminded AGAIN of what’s not right, light, good, and loving in our world.
I have no doubt that shadow work and inner child work is highly beneficial, but it’s not healthy nor joyful to linger too much in the dark. We’re meant to often enjoy Life as well.
During these times with the ongoing, worldwide, COVID-19 pandemic, humanity is going through enough challenges on all energetic levels—physical, mental, emotional, financial, material, and spiritual—so I trust that what we all truly need now is more encouragement, upliftment, empowerment, inspiration, and the realization that Light & Unconditional Love (for self/interconnected Life) truly EXISTS, and is IMMENSELY POWERFUL AND UNSTOPPABLE.
Thank you for Being an invaluable gift to humanity and beyond. I wish you and your loved ones an abundance of happiness.
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