My husband and I recently returned from a long-distance, seemingly CRAzy-ass, yet, wonderful, family wedding; and one of the Life lessons we further learned, was the benefit of Balance & Harmony within.
Why? Because there’s a time and a place to be super free-spirited and spontaneous, there’s a time and a place to be super logical and organized, and then, there’s a time and a place to merge a beautiful mix of both.
It’s like AWESOME TEAMWORK of the mind and heart—which l’ve been referring to as the integrated Mind/Heart—where the seemingly miraculous and magical happens in Divine perfect timing and order.
Image by Kris Ward from Pixabay
In a nutshell, though the wedding turned out beautiful overall, it unnecessarily stressed out some people, because the spontaneity part went to the extreme.
Now I love me some spontaneity and going with the flow, at times, but when it comes to planning events, to include major ones like a wedding (if even it’s a simple one), the intuitive heart can use some assistance from the logical mind.
Some of us had to wait for one to several hours for the bride and groom (and their hardcore, Christian group) to show up at certain times (on certain days) before the wedding, because they were so consumed by ‘going with the flow.’
The last of this type of irresponsible, lack of care for others, could’ve caused someone to miss their flight; so it shouldn’t be perceived as “NOT a big deal.”
Once again, going with the flow can be wonderful at times, but it definitely shouldn’t be misused and abused to the point where one isn’t aware (or don’t even care) to be considerate of others; hence, wasting others’ invaluable energy and time in the SCORCHING HOT and HUMID summer days of Florida.
Normally, I would do my best to honestly and tactfully communicate this to a family member; but I didn’t want to ruin their happy phase of marriage and the following honeymoon, so I let it go for now.
But because I love this family member, I will eventually have a heart to heart talk when it feels like perfect timing.
In addition, the bride and groom would inform others of change of plans, at the last minute, wanting to suddenly meet up at whatever time was convenient for them,
So I did mention that it would be appreciated if they could at least give us all a heads up, that way, we can plan our day accordingly as well (to include when to eat meals throughout the day).
Whenever we were bombarded with a lot of bible quotes that felt like the old and familiar religious, Christian recruitment tactics, I, too, shared, in a loving way, related short stories and profound wisdom similar to Jesus’ love-based (only) teachings.
And they included the effectiveness of WALKING the talk, LIVING THE WISDOM, and how ACTIONS speaks VOLUMES, which includes being considerate of others as well.
And that there’s no need to manipulate, control, convince, and change others, since this way of True Being will naturally attract others to you since, they’ll SEE the Light and FEEL the Unconditional Love that’s radiating from you.
Image by Marko Tomic from Pixabay
And it’s way more powerful than fancy, spiritual words that anyone can memorize and regurgitate from the mind, rather than authentically Be and express from the Heart.
To my great surprise, whenever I shared with this hardcore, Christian group what I strongly sensed from my Heart—to include, “It’s way too easy to like the likable, and love the lovable” topic— I not only noticed that it seemed to tone down the recruitment mode quite a bit, but I also had the golden opportunity to Be a witness to their deep, soulful look in their eyes during our very present moments, which were soul-igniting and profoundly heartfelt.
The following was initially an update that I shared today for the previous post, “Embracing & Integrating the Shaman Aspect Within WHOLE self/Self,” that’s related to this post, but I decided to turn it into its own post, and add a new story plus insights; and this update includes expanded perspectives of procrastination, as well as how balancing it with accomplishment of goals can benefit our lives:
As I’ve shared within this blog, to include a recent post, I often like to check myself, and be transparently honest with self (to the best of my current ability/awareness/state of consciousness), in order to better know self.
So one of the topics that came to my awareness, was whether or not I was procrastinating lately, something that’s highly frowned upon in our society, and understandably so, since the Collective Ego’s logical mind is all about constant DO DO DO, ACHIEVE ACHIEVE ACHIEVE, like an energizer bunny on CRACK.
However, I have no doubt that we are our best versions, and perform our best, when our logical minds are in alignment with our intuitive hearts; and then Being and doing becomes a Cosmic Dance of ebb and flow, rather than being continually lost within ROBOT MODE (or even extreme, spontaneous, free-spirited mode, not realizing, that at times, some reasonable and logical energies can help).
Anyhoo, the answer to my question, of whether or not I was procrastinating lately, initially seemed like a definite, YES, to my logical mind—and this was also mirrored by the Collective outer world by many readings that seem to prove this.
However COMMA, I also like to look for gems of profound wisdom within our world, and not just what the majority thinks, believes, says, and does, since many within humanity have not been impressive with their conditioned ways of being, and it’s not about quantity over quality.
So I explored, and came upon the following mind/heart/eye-opening, expanded perspectives about the topic of procrastination, —that’s not just one-sided (i.e., it’s wrong, lazy, and/or bad)—that FEELS right/light/true to my Heart:
Below are non-consecutive quotes that stood out within the reading, “Why Procrastination May Be Good for the Soul” by Forever Conscious:
One of my favorite quotes found online is – “Procrastinators Unite! Tomorrow.” [That’s funny ^_^]
Procrastination is defined as the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be completed, but maybe there is something more to this from a spiritual perspective […]
So, what if procrastination wasn’t just avoidance out of laziness or even fear? […]
Spiritual teacher, Esther Hicks who channels the spirit, Abraham sums this up perfectly-
“Procrastination is the wisdom to not force something that you are not vibrationally ready for. If you have done the energy work you would be feeling it. Procrastination is what aligned people do when they are not in alignment. You don’t try to force it or make it happen.”
Of course, on a practical level this may not always be possible […] This is not really what I am talking about though. I am talking about deeper level, personal stuff […]
When you are in vibration with your decision, the flow and the ebb and the motivation all appears. You feel the compulsion to move forward naturally and the Universe responds in kind.
Procrastination is so much deeper than just feeling “lazy” or being afraid of making change. On a deeper level, it is that the change is not ready to occur.
Procrastination could also be a sign that there is more work for you to do where you currently stand.
Maybe procrastination is more about getting yourself into a place of alignment, then it is about encouraging yourself to pursue something without being fully in it.
Because when you are not fully in it, can you really be making your decision from a place of benefit?
As Esther Hicks continues-
“There is not enough action in the world to compensate for energy that is not moving.”
So, if you find yourself in this position. If you find yourself dithering, delaying making plans, trying to get yourself motivated to do anything.
Perhaps stop and ask yourself where this procrastination is really coming from.
Because chances are, is it not coming from a place of laziness or fear.
Chances are, your procrastination is really because you are not in the vibrational resonance with what you are trying to do.
The next time you feel procrastination coming along in your personal life, perhaps be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time you need, without judgement, to get into the right energetic space.
When you give yourself this freedom and this love, (because really to allow yourself this is so loving!), you may find that the inspiration just arises naturally and comfortably.
Give yourself permission to feel it. Give yourself permission to get to that place where you are so juiced up that you can’t wait to finally move forward and make your decision.
Life is better when you live it juicy and not in service to your ego mind, which will try to tell you that procrastination is bad and ineffective.
This is another helpful article, “11 common traits of highly intelligent people,” and the following is a related excerpt:
10. They procrastinate a lot
Mahesh Garkoti says smart people are likely to procrastinate on quotidian [quo-TI-dian; ordinary or everyday [daily], especially when mundane.] tasks, mainly because they’re working on things that are more important.
That’s an interesting proposition — but some scientists would say that smart people procrastinate even on work they find meaningful. Wharton psychologist Adam Grant suggests that procrastination is key to innovation, and that Steve Jobs used it strategically.
As Grant told Business Insider’s Rachel Gillett, “The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling on possibilities was time well spent in letting more divergent [tending to be different or develop in different directions.] ideas come to the table, as opposed to diving right in with the most conventional, the most obvious, the most familiar.”
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