This morning, I was drawn to an intriguing video that showed up in my outer reality in Divine perfect timing and order, and I felt excited to watch it since I love whales, though I’ve never physically encountered one face to face, in this lifetime, that I recall.
Granted, I once had a dream of one, which I shared in the post, โAdventures with Cetaceans in Dream State.โ; and though this dream was very brief, it was so vivid and felt so intense (like in real life), that I will always remember it like it happened moments ago.
Granted, I was afraid of the blue whale in this dream due to its ginormous size—and the fact that its face was right in front of mine—but when I came upon this gif today, I was reminded that even the shark (that humans are conditioned to fear as well) will quickly move out of the whale’s way, though the whale seems harmless (i.e., just wanting to eat its meal).
I later realized that Spirit was communicating to me—in the form of the whale spirit guide, that brings the sacred gift of ancient wisdom—by showing up in my dream state reality where I can freely shift my perspective at will should I become overwhelmed with fear.
She ignited my soul to remember to dive DEEP into my ocean of emotions, and to fully and freely experience and express the entire spectrum of it (in order to develop deep appreciation of it all), especially the highest vibration of it—the seemingly unfamiliar Unconditional Love (for self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
The female within the video, who shared her story, didn’t move me in any way—though the part of the story about the whale did—and I’m highly sensitive (even capable of being ultra sensitive), to the point where I often become varying degrees of emotional (to include crying) when I watch a sad scene in a movie or TV show, or even a heartfelt moment within a YouTube video.
For instance, I became emotional while watching Teal become emotional in her deeply amazing video about self-worth.
I’ve mentioned this before within this blog, where my mother shared a story about my very sensitive nature when I was around five years old.
While she and I were watching a sad scene from a TV show, tears started rolling down my face uncontrollably.
Due to fear of getting into trouble again—since crying was highly discouraged from my parents (due to their inability to heal from their own emotional traumas)—I turned to my mother and gently said while crying, “Mama, I don’t know why I’m crying.”
My mother told me that she was touched by that moment, where she felt compassion towards me—though compassion wasn’t a word that she used to describe how she felt—so she smiled and told me that it’s okay.
Looking back, that moment of crying while watching a TV show was acceptable to my mother since it wasn’t personal (i.e., related to self and/or my immediate family).
However, crying while my parents were physically fighting, crying while my mother was drunk, crying because I got hurt, etc. was unacceptable.
So though I’ve often repressed and suppressed my so-called negative emotions and true feelings throughout childhood and most of my adulthood so far—due to my ego self’s need to be accepted by my caregivers and the rest of society in order to survive in this world—I’ve learned to fully embrace my deep sensitivity in my mid forties, which I now consider an invaluable gift that can be used to highly benefit self, interconnected humanity, and beyond.
So despite not being blown away from this video—due to high expectations from the title itself—I’m very grateful for the insight that I received from the story, since it serves as a very important reminder for self/others.
I shared the following comment for the video, “Followed by a Whale — One Woman’s Unbelievable Story“:
I can understand her story, and I appreciate her revealing moments of truths that she may not have been aware of at times.
However, I feel that a soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, AMAZING version of this story, in a parallel reality, would be something like this:
When this female surfer paused for a moment and chose to connect with her Heart—rather than worry with her logical mind about worldly things like finishing a common event, or being very fearful of a shark that may be present—she realized that this playful whale encounter, and priceless two hour experience, was an extremely rare, Divine gift (perhaps an invitationย from Spirit/The Divine Mother Goddess to DEEPLY connect with her Heart, her invaluable FEELINGS, and BE fully PRESENT in the moments of NOW).
Therefore, she BOLDLY chose to:
– DROP the need to do some event that can be done at any other time
– DROP the need to perform in order to fit into the male’s world of excessive competition
– DROP the need to prove one’s worthiness to society
– DROP the need to fear what humans are conditioned to fear (in so many ways)
But rather, focus on the magnificent and precious LIFE that’s innocently calling for her attention, full presence, heartfelt interaction, and high vibrational FEELING state (vibrational frequency)—all parts of profound, Unconditional True Love (for self/interconnected Life within this world and beyond).
After fully expressing within this post, I noticed 1:11 on my laptop clock, which used to remind me of the typical meanings from various interpretations of these sacred number codes (aka angel numbers, truth codes, activation codes, etc.).
However, for a while now, I’ve chosen to trust my own personal experiences, and to follow my own inner guidance first and foremost, so 111 has been reminding me of the Divine Feminine essence—Unconditional Love Frequency/Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/the Divine Mother Goddess (one of many earthly examples: Goddess Hathor/Goddess Sekhmet)/Ancient Lemuria/Source: merged Goddess & God (Love & Light)—-that connects All of Life (All That Is) within this world and beyond. See category page, AM I: I AM for further details.
After adding gifs and additional insights, I noticed 1:44, which often reminds me of Soul Families (earthly and otherworldly), to include Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis (the merging of which is Mulantis/Goddess & God).
While enjoying a late lunch, I received an additional insight about the whale spirit guide, which I inserted into this post; I then noticed 2:56 on my laptop clock.
Though I rarely look up the interpretations of this type of seemingly random number sequence—since the usual ones I pay attention to include double digits (like the recent 4:33, 4:55 that reminds me of Galactic Families, 12:33, etc.), triple digits (like 111-999), quadruple digits (1111-9999), or palindrome numbers (like 1221)—I followed my inner guidance.
The following is the main message section of an angel number interpretation from a website that I often use—with discernment, only extracting what highly resonates with me and disregarding whatever info doesn’t—titled, ANGEL NUMBERS ~ Joanne Sacred Scribes, and it reminded me of the previous, two, posts I wrote about regarding Prosperity Consciousness and abundance, “The Realization of Already Experiencing Uplifting Abundance from Within” and “An Increase of Uplifting, Empowering, and Inspiring Abundance Showing Up in Outer World.“
Number 256 is a blend of the attributes of […]ย
Angel Number 256 is a message from your angels that the changes you are making will have positive effects upon your income earning capabilities, and you are now manifesting abundance and prosperity into your life. Trust that your material needs will be met, and you will be able to amply provide for yourself and your loved ones. Continue to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude and perspective to receive a steady flow of abundance and prosperity to provide for your wants and needs.
Angel Number 256 tells you that when you live your life being true to yourself and honest with others you manifest positive energies and desired results and outcomes. Use your natural diplomatic abilities and communication skills to overcome any perceived obstacles and challenges, and remember that they present in your life as tests for you to pass. You have the inner-strength and tenacity to endure and overcome any and all obstacles that may present in your life. Know that everything happens for a reason and within all experiences there is growth to be had and life lessons to be learned.
Number 256 relates to number 4 (2+5+6=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.
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