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I shared the following comment for the very helpful video, “5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon & ECLIPSE (1-5-2019)“:
As often, you are SPOT ON Victor. Regarding sign 1 (A LOT coming up):
Out of all days, one of my cats Leo, decided that he was going to be a loud@$$ throughout the night and morning yesterday—though he’s healthy as usual, and he has plenty of water, food, clean litter box, quiet toys, soft beds, catio, tunnels, etc..
Because I was immensely tired, and had zero patience, I wanted to throw him off the balcony; however, since my adult son was visiting that day, I refrained from taking any violent actions. No worries about my cat’s life, I’m just kidding…sort of. ๐ When I expand my perspective, I trust that Leo was meant to wake me up multiple times in order to build up the tension.
On the way to the airport, I felt as though I was going to explode from within; though my physical body was exhausted, my mind was alert, so it was like a tug of war from within; and the attempts to take a nap went out the window.
I recalled your message from one of your recent videos to simply let go. So I just neutrally observed my passing thoughts which repeated that it was too late for a lot of things because I had lost so much.
And even though I had read certain angel number messages for almost a decade that the old would be replaced by better, I communicated to my angel selves and Ascended Master Selves that some things can never be replaced with better, to include so much lost time with my children in the past due to joining the Army (after following three obvious signs, though I wasn’t aware of synchronicity at the time).
While feeling what I was thinking, I started experiencing synchronicity, where I initially noticed 11:11 (on car clock), 12:12 (while checking flight info), 222 (twice, which often shows up during very challenging times), and then a series of synchronicity where a handful of vehicles passed by with license plates that showed number sequences that I often see.
What blew my mind was that I saw two different license plates within a couple of minutes that included the number 733, that I often see whenever I could use some upliftment; and it made me cry because it was as if the angelic and spiritual realms were communicating to me something to the effect, “Hang in there, all is well. We’re sending several back-to-back signs, to include a very obvious double sign, to emphasize our presence, love, support, and guidance!! ^_^”
While at the airport, I was reminded of a past scene with my children when they were around five and six years old (via a flash image); they’re adults now.
My leave time (vacation) from the Army was nearing the end, and my six year old daughter told me that whenever my ex-husband dropped me off at the airport, my younger son would start crying, and then she would as well. Her words felt like daggers to my heart, but I didn’t cry at the time due to the habit of suppressing deep hurt.
So because I had suppressed it during that time, at the airport yesterday, I suddenly and intensely felt a strong wave of sad energy emerge from the depths of my being, and tears rolled down my face uncontrollably.
I initially experienced conflicting thoughts and emotions because I don’t like to cry around lots of people, but I’ve also learned to fully embrace all of my emotions (our inner compass revealing our authentic state at any given moment) and feelings (language of the soul) and simply release.
Although the cry felt so deep that I could be bawling out loud (the way I cried during childhood at times), I wept silently while wiping off my tears. I intuitively knew that it was an old and once suppressed deep sadness that resurfaced in order to be fully released, and I felt grateful for the relief. And my husband, son, and I had enjoyed our day, and plan on continuing.
Regarding your other signs: On our way home, my husband expressed his concern to me about a certain matter, in a subtle way since my son was in the passenger seat.
And to my great surprise, I calmly and confidently shared with him, “Let’s not worry about it, it’s going to be okay.” And sure enough, shortly before passing through Sedona, he received an email, and everything worked out.
Thank you so much Victor for helping humanity and beyond to remember who we truly are, and to stay on track during these challenging times. You are deeply appreciated soul brother. ^_^
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