I dedicate this post to Gregori Rybinin, a reader who shared a soul-igniting comment that helped me to further open and integrate my mind and heart, as well as my eyes (both physical and third-eye). Image below found next to link => IC1805 – The Heart Nebula – ย Bob Franke
Crossing paths with one another is something we’ve all experienced in our lives; however, how often do we truly pay attention to ourย unique, yet, interconnected encounters (and not just with human beings)?
For instance, when we experience havingย a brief conversation with a stranger, who happens to say exactly what we needed to hear, do we merely brush off the moment as a meaningless coincidence, or do we take a moment to see beyond the obvious, outer surface?
Ever since I learned about shadow work, I experimented with the teaching to see if it resonated with my personal experiences (whenever I remembered to do so).
To my great surprise, the more I paid attention to whoever I was interacting with, what they said (and their tone), their body language, the surrounding environment, the situation, etc., I was able to see with much clarity much more than the outer surface.
I’ve learned through many outer reflections—outer world mirroring inner world—what so-called others were unconsciously revealing to me, like my unknown likesย and dislikes, “positive” or “negative” shadow (unknown) aspects (characteristics) of myself that I wasn’t aware of before, unknown beliefs (and even deep core beliefs) that I wasn’t aware of before, and so on.
Sometimes, when another comes to us for help, we may initially think that we’re only helping them, only to realize that both parties were assisting one another simultaneously.
When I expand my consciousness, I realized that this isn’t unbelievable because at Sourceย level (or Holy Spirit/Goddess (to include God)/Prime Creator), interconnected parts of Life are meant to highly benefit the whole/The One.
Though from the human perspective, this benefit should only come in the form of “good” things, people, events, situations, etc., from an expandedย perspective, benefits even come as blessings in disguise (the so-called bad or negative) that bring the gift of profound wisdom.
Another example isย when we receive a comment on our blog, do we merely perceive our reply as a simple exchange of words soon to be forgotten by one or both parties, or do we look deeper…feel deeper?
Granted, for many bloggers who receive numerous comments (whether positive or negative) may not have the time to fully digest a reader’s comment, and understandably so; it would be another part-time, full-time, or even over-time job.
In this sense, I’m very grateful that I hardly ever receive comments for my blog, because when I actually do, I noticed that I have a strong desire to give my full attention to a reader’s words (that they took time to share), and to provide a detailed response from my heart that shows my appreciation.
Today, I felt so grateful for receiving an unexpected, pricelessย gift just by making a decision to log onto my blog, something I haven’t done for a while.
I made an intention to write whatever flowed from my heart, though I had no idea what exactly, and sure enough, the Universe within gave me a golden opportunity.
Prior to being blessed with this gift, I checked my comment section as usual in order to delete spam comments, and to reply to any real comments (just in case there were any).
To my delightful surprise, I received a real comment (verified his email address and also noticed that his message wasn’t general, but specific to the post).
I intended to be fully present with Gregori’s comment (the reader), and as usual, the words seemed to effortlessly flow as my fingers rapidly typed away. Note: I noticed that I type much faster whenever I’m in the flow, which I find fascinating since I usually have to look at the key board every now and then since I had taught myself how to type rather than the official way.
What blew my mind was that after I replied to certain sections, I experienced an amazing realization of what was occurring on a multidimensional level. Note: I also found it very interesting that Gregori’s name means, “to be awake or watchful.”
The following is the comment left by Gregori (in blue font) for the post, “A Message to Scammers and The Scammed” and my response to it (in pink font):
Gregori Rybinin says
January 3, 2017 at 8:39 am
First I would like to thank the makers of this site. You might have saved my life. I paid 4 times. 250-300 all together. I am a deeply seeded spiritual person, there is nothing I can do. I lost my mom when I was young saw her one time. I still find myself crying because I was hoping to see her. I am a naturally strong guy. My abilities impress me, but my attachment to my hope left me clueless about how to be here. I will struggle some more probably. But Padre got me when he told me that I was deprived of love and he is right. I have to stand up for myself. I will not read his emails anymore thanks to this website. I will continue to stay strong and hope to goto heaven. I study martial art and I hope that can teach some souls about how to protect your loved ones. I am at the bottom rock emotionally sometimes but this helped me feel better. You wonderful women, thank you.
Hello Gregori, thank you for sharing your heart-felt story.
I highly appreciate your inner-strength, courage, transparency/honesty, and willingness to be vulnerable (which leads to self-empowerment).
A part of me feels sorry that you had to spend $250-$300 on a total of four sessions with this being named Padre; however, another part of me feels grateful that you only had to spend that amount of money (as opposed to a much larger amount), and that you becoming more aware of Padre (a blessing in disguise) was able to push you more towards the true teacher(s) within you (and each of us).
Because IF Padre (or any other “spiritual teacher”) had only been a benefit to you or me (or anyone else), then we would continue to reply upon beings like him to give us answers, rather than ultimately seeking the inner guidance within ourselves.
I trust that for all of us at some point in our spiritual evolution, we will fully awaken to the interconnected Master Teacher within each of us (from The One/Source).
You mentioned something that just blew my mind (WOW)…”I am a deeply seeded spiritual person, there is nothing I can do.” I can relate to that statement because I just realized that it reflects one of my own beliefs at this moment, which I wasn’t even aware of prior to reading your comment.
It seems that “I am a deeply seeded spiritual person” and “there is nothing I can do” contradict one another. I feel that because you and I believe (or intuitively know) that we are a deeply seeded spiritual person, that there is ALWAYS (and ALL WAYS) something that we CAN do (since we are all an extension of Source). Thank you for this mind/heart/eye-opening experience!!! ^_^
Gregori, I deeply respect and admire your ability to embrace and honor your feelings (and emotions) through crying, because it seems so rare to cross paths with a man who is in touch with this particular Divine Feminine aspect.
I trust that you “losing” your mother when you were young was all part of the Divine Plan meant to make you the strong and loving soul that you are today.
Perhaps her absence in the majority of your life has ignited a deeper yearning to remember the Divine Feminine essence within you (the Ancient Mother Goddess/Source/Prime Creator/Holy Spirit), which would eventually lead you to integrating and balancing the male and female energies within you as Divine Masculine (aka God) and Divine Feminine (aka Goddess).
Right after typing the above, I realized that those words of wisdom were meant for me to take in as well, since I, too, had an absent mother the majority of my life. Though she was physically present from birth to certain parts of adulthood, she was emotionally absent.
WOW, I’m deeply grateful that you showed up at this moment in my life. Though it appears on the outer surface as though I’m merely replying to your comment on my blog, I realize that it’s so much more than that…we’re meant to mirror to one another much dark (ignorance) and Light (uplifting information), as well as fear and Love (wisdom) while sharing healing energies.
By the way, I have no doubt that you will see your mother again in the form that you remember her as, so as long as your soul desires to have that experience.
When you choose to trust that this will be so by making an intention (as well as trusting in your natural abilities and strength) then you can detach from so-called hope, which will feel liberating.
Thank you so much for sharing, “I will struggle some more probably”; you just mirrored back to me an unconscious, core belief that I wasn’t fully aware of, though I had sensed it before. You words have confirmed what I needed to remember.
I’m reminded that we will only struggle if we choose NOT to pay attention to and honor our own feelings (language of the soul) and emotions (our inner guidance system).
For instance, if we’re in a job that we often don’t feel good at (because we don’t enjoy it, and it doesn’t align with our higher self), but we choose to stay because our fearful ego self is afraid to let go of it (e.g., due to money issues), then we will continue to struggle and suffer.
However, if we follow our path of excitement (even to the smallest degree), by following our Heart’s inner guidance, and boldly leave that job that we’re miserable at, then we will no longer struggle trying to swim upstream, but rather, gracefully flow with the river downstream with ease; and then everything in our lives will miraculously and magically fall into place in Divine perfect timing and order (for our individual and collective benefit).
Granted, we may go through a brief phase where we feel terrified of whatever we had let go of recently (our fearful ego self adjusting), but we can gently, lovingly, and patiently introduce to our ego self (using our imagination) an expanded perspective (“the bigger picture”) of our heart’s desires that can manifest in this physical reality (our version of heaven on earth).
What a great insight! => “But Padre got me when he told me that I was deprived of love and he is right. I have to stand up for myself. I will not read his emails anymore thanks to this website.”
I trust that you were drawn to this website because of your deep desire to unconditionally love yourself—which includes assertively standing up for yourself by creating and maintaining healthy boundaries.
You, Gregori, co-created (with your higher self) this experience; ultimately, you gifted yourself with this form of love. ๐
You don’t have to “hope” to goto heaven. I trust that you will experience your own version of heaven on earth through your heart’s intent.
I find martial arts interesting (especially Bruce Lee), and I’ve often wished that I had learned it during childhood since it would’ve been a good measure of protection from so-called bullies; plus it looks really cool performing it.
However, though I’ve had opportunities to learn it as an adult, I didn’t have a strong desire to, so I didn’t pursue it.
I wondered why, and I sense that it’s because it highly benefits my soul to remember that ultimately, if we are in a fear-based vibrational state where we feel that we need to protect our self or loved ones from some danger, then (by Law of Attraction: like energies coming together) we will attract whatever it is that we or they need protection from.
On the other hand, when we come from a state of trust (that all is well is our lives) rather than distrust (that something’s going to go wrong or something’s after us), then we will attract to us like energies (in whatever form) that shows us that everything is going well (e.g., great health, unconditionally loving relationships, abundance in various forms, inner peace, much freedom, wisdom, joy, etc.)
I, too, am at the bottom rock emotionally sometimes, but remembering to unconditionally love more and more of self throughout the moments/days/weeks/months/years helps me to bounce back to integrated and balanced whole self (that’s always within us/our essence/core vibrational frequency).
In addition, you sharing your soul-touching story has helped me to feel much better as well. Again, thank you so much Gregori. ๐ You are deeply appreciated.
Please continue to be an invaluable gift to self/Self, interconnected HUmanity, Mother Earth, merging worlds, and beyond. Keep shining, glowing, sparkling, radiating, blazing, igniting, uplifting, inspiring, empowering, and spreading your Heart’s warmth/love. ๐
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