Intro: I shared this comment with => Image by beate bachmann from Pixabay: Thank you Beate for sharing this gorgeous, heavenly image with profound, ancient, mystical symbolism, representing the integrated and merged version of the Divine Feminine energy/Unconditional Love Frequency/Goddess essence (upside down pink triangle) with the Divine Masculine energy/Light Frequency/God essence (right side up triangle). I used it for post: [this one]
For a little over a decade, I have shared both negative and positive aspects of my biological parents—Korean mother and mostly unknown, Japanese-American father—as well as my adoptive American dad, and even my step-mother.
And recently, all these ultimately NEUTRAL aspects of THE WHOLE/THE ONE are revealing to me the correlations to the Divine essence within both inner and outer worlds (i.e., 2 sides of the same Cosmic Coin)—aka Spirit & Soul/Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energies and Essence/Goddess & God/Unconditional Love Frequency & Light Frequency/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Mother & Father Creator/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Water & Fire/Higher Heart & Higher Mind/and many other different, yet, same earthly names/labels (already shared within this blog).
I intuitively know that it’s TIME to fully and deeply heal the old, outdated, and fear-based ways of perceiving the higher and highest version of self within and without, that has been repeatedly showing up in my outer world as invitations to notice, recognize, acknowledge, embrace, integrate, heal, transmute, and transform, or release back to to Source.
I shared the following comment yesterday for a module, “Mirror Mirror” within Peter Sage’s EMF (Elite Mentorship Forum) course, part of his EMT (Elite Mentorship Trainer) program, followed by a related YouTube video by Gregg Braden (who’s very graceful and eloquent):
3/22/22 (Tue)
Update: As I’ve mentioned below, I felt grateful for this very helpful and practical module and exercises.
But after going over this with my wonderful buddy, ______, re-watching this video, reflecting even deeper, tuning into further insights, and birthing NEW realizations, I was blown away by how AMAZING this module is with its ability to further heal at a profound level on all energetic levels—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
I realized that the triggers that have sporadically and negatively affected me for the past few months within EMF14, actually stemmed from negative, core beliefs that have been conditioned by my biological parents and my adoptive father.
And these subconscious beliefs more than likely originated from other Soul lifetimes, since I’ve been continuing to experience many related themes within parallel reality and alternate reality dreams (as well as symbolic ones)—and my main caregivers were merely mirroring these unhealed heart wounds to me how the rest of outer world reflects our inner world.
And what’s interesting to me, is that those who were in “authoritative” (or leadership) positions PLAYED the roles that mimicked my parents so that I could realize—in Divine perfect timing and order—the correlation, being 1 of the 7 mirrors within The 7 Essene Mirrors, gracefully taught by Gregg Braden.
And these NEUTRAL—NOT right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark—aspects SHOWED UP as Gill, Bruce, Erik B, Team Sage, and Peter.
And they (not the people, but the aspects) habitually reflected to me (like a MIRROR) what needed to be deeply healed via TRIGGERS.
Why? Because repetition is a very effective spiritual tool—like the outer world Universe holding a NEON BLINKING SIGN to pay attention to the helpful messages.
And these triggers were a pattern (originally from Soul’s lifetimes of unhealed wounds, and then mirrored by Earth parents) of: ignoring, dismissing, discriminating, minimizing, gaslighting, judging, criticizing, not being compassionate, not caring, not being empathetic, lacking integrity, not being respectful, being a hypocrite, being untrustworthy, being unhelpful, being unkind, etc.
This led to wanting to gradually and even instantly AVOID the EMF14 fb forum and live calls (i.e., Community, EMF and EMT), though the modules themselves FELT safe and highly beneficial.
So by diving even DEEPER into the Cosmic Rabbit Hole with an expanded, Multidimensional perspective, I was able to SEE (with more CLARITY) the BIGGER picture, and further deeply heal, though I’ve been doing spiritual, inner work for a little over a decade—to include dream work, shadow work, inner-child work, and the expanded version of shadow work (mirror work via The 7 Essene Mirrors).
I was also able to further realize—with more of the NEUTRAL aspects, especially the “negative” ones that we usually don’t want to associate ourselves with (mentioned above)—that I can be like them too, to whatever degree depending on whatever factors, circumstances, and situations.
And the more I choose to Be authentic, Be transparently honest with self/Self, an fully OWN both the “positive” and “negative” aspects of self/Self/others/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond, by SEEING them for what they truly are, which is ultimately NEUTRAL, interconnected parts of the WHOLE/THE ONE—having a Divine
Purpose as the GIFT of CONTRASTS within duality/polarity of physical worlds—the more liberated, empowered, and inspired I can Be for the highest benefit of All That Is.
And by realizing what VALUES matters most, and why, we can shift our perspective at will, hence, RECLAIMING our INNER POWER (Majestic self/Self)—integrated and merged Spiraling Consciousness (that Co-Creates Galaxies, Universes and beyond)/Higher Self/Star of David Frequency/MerKaBa/Lightbody/Source within/Universe within: aka Spirit & Soul Power (Divine Power)/Higher Heart (Divine Love) & Higher Mind (Divine Wisdom)/Goddess & God within/Yin & Yang/Moon & Sun/Water & Fire/Dark (Unknown) & Light (Known)/Unconditional Love Frequency & Light Frequency/etc., which can then REUNITE with Prime Creator/Creator of All Creation: Crop Circle 6666/Quantum Field of Unlimited Possibilities, The Wave (that includes The God Particle)/The Divine Mother Goddess/Holy Spirit (WHOLEy Spirit)/THE ONE of Many Names (Ultimately The Nameless)/Multiverse/Omniverse/Monad/Alpha & Omega as…
Thank you so much Peter—as well as all other Souls who have shared their Soul gifts up to this priceless experience—for expanding our individual and Collective Consciousness (to include raising our Global Consciousness).
Your precious existence, wonderful self/Self, and invaluable contributions to humanity and beyond is deeply appreciated. Continue SHINING BRIGHT! ^_^
The following is a comment I shared for the YouTube video, “Gregg Braden – Divine Relationship between our Earthy & Heavenly FATHER-MOTHER“:
Thank you so much Gregg for sharing this soul-igniting, deeply heartfelt, helpful video. More earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces have come together to reveal (with clarity) a BIGGER picture, and to further heal.
You—as past/present/future self/Self simultaneously existing in the NOW (from an expanded, Multidimensional perspective)—are so well-grounded (Heart & Mind aligned, with Heart leading Mind), authentic, refreshingly honest, Fully Present, aware/mindful, unconditionally loving (of self/others/Life), profoundly wise, graceful and eloquent.
Continue Being a wonderful gift to you/You/humanity/interconnected Life within this world and beyond; you are deeply appreciated.
Mulantis: Reuniting All
I shared the following comment for the helpful video, “Weekly Energy Update | 3/21- 3/27/2022 | Victor Oddo”:
You’re habitually SO helpful Victor, thank you so much! I appreciate you sharing about the Spring Equinox energies that I wasn’t aware of; but I did mention to my husband the other day that for the past few days, I’ve been feeling as though I’ve been drugged, having a very hard time waking up in the mornings.
Granted, whenever I experience back to back to back earthly and/or otherworldly dreams—to include parallel realities or alternate realities like recently—I have noticed a pattern of waking up feeling immensely drained, which is understandable since I have no doubt that it takes a tremendous amount of energy to experience all of that (to include integration and deep healing of who knows how many past/present/future Soul lifetimes).
In addition, during these powerful energies, I also hear various tones, SEE more light movement during meditations, and feel more tired throughout the day (even after drinking 2 cups of coffee: my max).
So I agree that sometimes we simply need to Be than do too much, in order to basically regroup, recover, and BOUNCE BACK to the fullness of Life.
This morning, I woke up able to recall my first ever dream of an anime reality that I was interacting within, and told someone that “we are” (the group I was with) samurai! Lol Over a decade ago, I had a dream of being within a cartoon, and seeing what appeared to be a bee with a human-like face, who led me to a grassy maze, but nothing like that since 2011.
Anyhoo, there were other details in this morning’s dream that I journaled and did a dream analysis for, and the main theme matches what you shared about further opening and deeply healing our Heart chakra, since I also saw a female, her pulsating back neck—needing to express intense emotions and feelings—and a rapidly aged, white horse (looked up key word dream meanings and animal spirit guide symbolism that FELT light/true to my Heart).
By the way, regarding TV shows, I started allowing myself to go with the flow more with how I FEEL at whatever moments; so I’ve been watching Netflix shows that I’m drawn to (and not just any), and I noticed that whenever I do, I always learn a lot from them, that are even included in various series of synchronicity.
Granted, I usually just watch 1 to 2 shows per evening and night, but I’ve learned to let go of any judgments and/or guilt that can be associated with just enjoying entertainment in moderation.
For instance, I’ve been practicing remaining more and more NEUTRAL to certain shows, and just trust what I prefer, like, and love (like whatever types of food, though the goal is incorporate more healthy foods while enjoying treat days).
Despite certain shows containing a lot of “negativity,” like Ozarks, I loved many aspects of it (besides the violence), to include most of the authentic characters who displayed some raw emotions, engaging dialogues, high intelligence, etc.
I have no doubt that such experiences of exploring the “dark” side of Life allows us to embrace and integrate them into WHOLE self/Self.
I realize more and more that IF we’re open to it, we can learn A LOT from various shades and hues within all the colors of the rainbow spectrum of Life (to include the various shades of gray).
I even started watching Inventing Anna—due to liking the feisty, straight-forward, female character from Ozark—and so far, it (like other shows that I’m attracted to) has further expanded my perspective/consciousness, to include learning more about a main theme, WEALTH, that I’m not familiar with when it comes to the outer world, though I’ve been practicing BEING INNER WEALTH, FIRST AND FOREMOST (i.e., Prosperity Consciousness) since that’s POWERFUL.
I even learned from the K-drama Squid Game—that I had no desire to watch at first, but later gave it try after my half-sister shared her experience (she binge-watched it)—and I felt grateful that I did.
Because it helped me to further let go of judgments about the “wrong” “bad” and “evil” of humanity, because any of us can do such fear-based actions under the same or similar, desperate circumstances.
So DESPERATION was one of the main themes that I was able to learn more about, and that “good” people can do unacceptable things at times depending on various factors.
This show also helped to have deeper compassion for shady people, and includes one of the most deeply heartfelt scenes I had ever seen within a TV show, which is Unconditional Love at its finest between strangers.
Thank you for all the other great points that I was able to relate to, and that I found very helpful. By the way, your shirt and hat perfectly match your necklace, so well done on the ensemble! ^_^
I’m gonna go make dinner now. You are deeply appreciated Soul brother, have a great week with your loved ones!! 😉
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