Although I’ve watched the video below a few times before, I noticed that each time I watch it, I gain a deeper understanding of it.
The following quote from the video, “Transforming the Female Wounded Warrior to the Divine Goddess´¯`·.¸.ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ,” made me realize once again that all the souls whom I’ve crossed paths with throughout my life—and who at one point considered them “hurtful” in some way, shape or form—were only playing the so-called “bad guy” role in order to trigger the painful memories within my DNA, so that I would have the opportunity to release them and Be free.
“You see your Divine Self in all other faces and trust that as the faces flow in and out of your life, each brings its own unique way of mirroring your compassion back to you.”
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If these “hurtful” souls (especially the key players in my life) were only loving to me, I would not have had the chance to release what no longer positively serves me soul growth/evolution.
Plus, only or often being surrounded by loving souls would not have helped me to learn/remember to Be: deep appreciation for Life (especially the small things), profound understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, embrace and unconditional love to myself and others (from within), which are all priceless life lessons that are best learned from experiencing the extreme opposites, in an environment of duality/a very densely vibrating 3D, physical earth reality.
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In addition, by often not being surrounded by loving souls helped me to better release earthly attachments, and to start focusing on my life purpose and soul mission.
One of the things that I learned about myself is that I used to get easily attached to souls who even expressed a small amount of kindness.
Most people I’ve known mentioned that they have to get to know someone before they’re willing to fully open their hearts to them and trust them.
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My way may seem naive, ignorant or even downright stupid to others, but I noticed that I have a tendency to immediately perceive a genuinely kind soul as having lovingly pure intentions, whom I can fully trust, until they prove me otherwise.
I also noticed that I had a tendency to want to give the world to those who were very generous with their love.
For instance, if they shared a cookie with me, I would want to bake a few dozen for them in return.
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So I am very grateful, from the depths of my heart, to all the souls who shared any words or actions that stemmed from fear energy with me (i.e., judgment, resentment, ridicule, criticism, jealousy, anger, hatred, vengeance, condemnation, violence, and/or abuse), especially my own precious children and husband whom I love so dearly; because they have all helped me to re-member who I truly am—a Divine Soul/Higher Self/True Self/Multidimensional Self/Expanded Self/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is whose essence of Unconditional Love/Universal Consciousness is from within.
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There were many times that I felt deeply sad for not having the many loving experiences that most people get to experience in one form or another. The following are some of the main examples:
- raised in an overall healthy, safe,and happy family environment during childhood
- going to college right after high school supported by parents (mentally, emotionally, spiritually and/or financially)
- having a beautiful wedding
- having a happy family life while raising children from a healthy, safe and loving first marriage
- having close relationships with siblings, half-siblings, and/or step-siblings Note: Thank you for image on right.
- having at least one family member or relative living nearby, or at least on the same continent
- having several or many friends nearby
- having a successful career
- living in material abundance
- and last but not least…receiving unconditional love from biological parents
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However, I realized that it all worked out perfectly for me (and others like me) not to have experienced much of the Earthly pleasures.
Otherwise, I would have an extremely difficult time of eventually leaving this planet and returning home.
Even when I came upon the quoted and italicized section below, from the book, We, The Arcturians, by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich, it made me feel sad. The quote is one of the four answers from the Arcturians to the authors’ following question in bold and ALL CAPS:
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“The fourth difference is that of the rescue. What we mean by this is that the star children will have to be ‘rescued’ and taken back to their home planets, and will be indoctrinated back into their roles and forms when their missions are over. This will be quite a challenge for some. It will be quite an adjustment, for many do get attached to the physical world on Earth. But we are certain that the decision will be a quick one, and that the process will not be too difficult for the many who are serving the Command.”
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Before looking up and typing the above Arcturian quote, the title section of this post was blank.
However, right before I was about to type the quote, I noticed that I had “accidentally” pressed the “4” key three times in-between; hence, placing “444” in the title section.
I put the word accidentally in quotes because I no longer believe in coincidences; but rather, I believe that EVERYTHING happens in Divine perfect timing for our individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
Side Note: I frequently notice angel number synchronicities on a weekly basis, and I continue to receive/read messages (which I take in as guidance) from the website ANGEL NUMBERS — Joanne Sacred Scribes.
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For those who understand the significance of this will instantly connect; however, for those who don’t yet, I will provide an explanation for what I believe to be true.
For me, and many others, seeing 444 (an angel number synchronicity) reminded me of the presence of the angelic realm, to include the Archangeloi of Elohim (who places such coding in our heart centers in order to help us to re-member our True Selves), and I thanked them as usual.
Once, right after finishing my post, “Choosing to Be My Own Best Friend,” I saw 4:44 on my laptop clock for the first time and wrote a post titled, “4:44.” Since then, whenever I see this angel number, I’m also reminded that I’m on the “right” track/in alignment with my True Self.
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The following quote, also from the video above, reminded me this time (although it went over my head other times) of my older sister-like Korean neighbor in Okinawa (who was the closest human being to Jesus that I ever met), whom I wrote about in several posts, to include “Inspiration,” “Liberating Wings of Freedom (Rising Above Childhood and/or Adulthood Abuse),” “Choosing to See Through the Eyes of Universal Love,” Embracing a Setback to Set Forward,” and “My Faith in God Requires No Evidence Outside of Me,”:
“Choose someone who is already radiating and demonstrating the clear Goddess energy in her own life, as she can transmit high frequency energy and assist in the graceful transformation of Wounded Warrior to Goddess.”
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She even looked like a Goddess—beautiful inside and out—with her very long, wavy orange/bronze hair (dyed of course), almond-shaped chestnut-brown eyes (large for natural Asian eyes), narrow and softly rounded nose, a China-doll like lips, clear and smooth skin, and a petite figure.
While typing the above quote, I gained another insight that brought more of the puzzle pieces together.
After I formed a close relationship with my soul sister, I had what she called spiritual dreams for about a week, which I wrote about in the post, “Dreams of Jesus.” I now believe this stemmed from her transmitting high frequency energy which ignited a spark within me to start my healing process.
I now realize that my soul sister was the personification of the balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies within her, merged with Pure Spirit as One (Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is); hence, she seemed practically flawless in her Being.
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The quote below, also from the video above, is a huge horse pill for me to swallow because my current/second husband, whom I love dearly, doesn’t have an interest, let alone passion, about connecting, communicating and communing with his Higher Self/Soul/True Self/Trinity: God, Goddess and Divine Spirit/All That Is within him.
I believe the saying (that even one of the Pope’s announced publicly) that “hell” is not some physical place, but the extreme suffering (darkness/lack of information and fear/lack of love) one experiences from their deep belief that they are separate from the whole/Source, which is an illusion.
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“How to Recognize a Goddess: The Goddess has let go of all that is not divine. She enjoys and expresses her femininity with courage.”
My husband’s a very loving soul to others, but he seems to lack love for his physical body (still often smoking one of the most harsh cigarettes), which doesn’t allow all of his energy bodies to become aligned with Spirit since toxins (in whatever form) lower one’s vibrational frequency. I’ve informed him of this matter, but I can’t and don’t care to control what he chooses to do.
Perhaps he’s mirroring back to me my shadow self’s deep and dark desire to end what it’s lower mind perceives as my “miserable” physical life…which stems from deep fear-based beliefs that’s not divine with a capital D.
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My husband, my two children and my dog are the last of the strong earthly attachments that I have, and the most challenging ones to overcome.
However, I intuitively sense deep down within my heart that ALL is perfectly divine (though not yet Divine) in its current state and soul evolution, and will all work out in Divine perfection.
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So I therefore release all of my doubts, concerns/worries/anxieties/stresses, guilt and fears to my angels and Ascended Masters to be transmuted and healed; and then, I choose to receive/inhale/absorb/download as much loving energies/high frequencies that I (my energy bodies) can handle in a balanced and healthy manner for the greatest benefit of our individual and collective soul growth/evolution.
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I’m currently reading the book, “Beloved I AM: Christ Within,” and it has some amazing messages of profound wisdom and unconditional love, as well as beautiful and captivating artwork, unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
The following quote is just a sweet taste of the description of the book from its website (there’s a FREE PDF book sample that you can download, and you can also receive a $10 coupon by signing up for their newsletter ^_^)
“All worlds are changing and your heart is becoming awakened by the transformation of consciousness, the Christ Consciousness. In these times the feminine energies are being empowered and the masculine is being healed to be in harmony […]”