While following my inner guidance/Heart/intuition as usual, I experienced this particular series of Divine Synchronicity, that brought together further earthly and otherworldly puzzle pieces 🧩…
a deeper REALIZATION of who I truly am during the present moments of NOW (already)…
that’s been further revealed by my Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE Self/self’s gifts 💝💖, abilities, skills, and other strengths.
And since we are all energetically connected—that even Entanglement of Quantum Physics proves—what applies to me, can apply to you, and vice versa.
I’m simply sharing what’s possible, like an increasing numbers of other truly awakening (or awakened) Souls have been sharing through their own, personal experiences.
I trust that our personal experiences need to stem from doing our best to Be Living Wisdom daily…
since it’s not just about gathering data from only (or mostly):
books, videos, audios, blogs, podcasts, websites, workshops, events, retreats, etc…
or living vicariously through others’ experiences, to include merely sharing fancy quotes from famous, spiritual people.
And like Bashar—channeled via Darryl Anka—had shared in a Next Level Soul podcast…
humanity and beyond sharing with one another our INVALUABLE experiences…
helps us to EXPAND our individual and Collective Consciousness (our Soul growth/evolution).
Today, I felt inspired to play, by combining a group of crystals to wear daily, which I haven’t done to this extent before, within 13 years that I’ve been exploring and experimenting with crystals.
Throughout this timeframe, I’ve had vivid dreams of walking through unknown, peaceful places within nature…
that included many sparkling, translucent colorful, gorgeous, and mesmerizing crystals of various sizes and shapes.
Image by Facusio Creations from Pixabay
Most of these crystals were large to huge boulder size, and they appeared to have grown out of the ground.
Due to my curiosity about these fascinating experiences, I did some searches, and came upon readings about otherworldly, crystal cities, to include ancient Lemuria and Atlantis.
And I’ve shared (via this blog) many other past/present/future life dreams and other types of experiences related to these puzzle pieces 🧩 that led to ancient Lemuria and Atlantis.
So I have no doubt they are NOT myths.
Plus, there have been an increasing number of archaeological and scientific discoveries, that have led to the truth that these first two, ancient, extraterrestrial civilizations were/are REAL.
This is why I intuitively and confidently knew to choose the name, Mulantis 🕊️🐲|🐮🐯|💖 (pronounced moo- lantis), many years ago.
It stems from ancient Mu/Lemuria & Atlantis, and represents the REUNITING of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies within many physical worlds…
since within spiritual world, these seemingly separate energies are already ONE.
And this year, Mulantis became my official, new, last name as well…
along with my new first and middle names (that I felt very excited 🐸🤗 about—REINVENTING Self/self for my new life after my second divorce of almost 18 years).
And as shared recently, in the post below, I found out the Mu means Name in the Anunnaki language, which further confirmed why I chose this word as part of my name (related details in this post):
I’ve been going through another phase of MAJOR CHANGES 🍂🌱 & TRANSFORMATIONS 🐍🪲🐛🦋 on ALL energetic levels…
mental, emotional, physical 🧬 and spiritual.
Throughout this journey, I’ve learned that just like everything else in Life, when it comes to crystals, there are very powerful, authentic ones, fake ones, and others in-between (example, heated ones vs unheated ones, and other factors).
More about this in new post, “🕵🏻♀️🤔 Truths About Certain 🚩Bits from Famous Comedians & Expanded 😯🫨 Perspectives 👁️ 👀About Crystals 🔮, Zodiac Signs ⛎🪧, 🌞🌛🪐🛸👽, etc..”
But what matters the most, is our IMMENSELY POWERFUL BELIEF (like the well-known, HIGHLY EFFECTIVE placebo effect).
Because as you’ve more than likely experienced already—unless you’re still sleep walking and UNAWARE—this particular, physical world unfortunately contains…
A LOT of inauthentic, dishonest, deceptive, ineffective, unhealthy, harmful, toxic, and/or fake (despite the wonderful stuff of Life).
And this comes in MANY different forms, whether it’s people, businesses, many types of supermarket food, supplements, skin products, jewelry, makeup, and MUCH MORE.
And this is despite the increasing of highly beneficial products, awakening, Heart/Mind-led Souls, and other pleasantness of Life.
It’s so much so, that trying to figure out what’s REAL or NOT, can be overwhelming (if we allow them to shake our inner world foundation).
It can cause many within humanity to FEEL frustrated, sad, depressed, hopeless, angry, betrayed, enraged, and even feeling as though they’re losing their sanity (been there).
However, I became tired of disempowering ways of being and living.
So I’ve decided to start the process of RECLAIMING my Inner Power…
by doing my best to NOT allow outer world circumstances to determine how I choose to Be and live.
Here’s a very powerful video I recently watched, “Only State Of Being Matters | BASHAR.”
So we can simply do our best in Life to DISCERN whoever and whatever we PREFER to experience…
and then fully TRUST our decision no matter what…
since we can CHOOSE to BELIEVE, that whatever we chose, will highly benefit us—as obvious blessings or blessings in disguise—PERIOD.
As I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this post…
Today, I felt inspired to play, by combining a group of crystals to wear daily, which I haven’t done to this extent before, within 13 years that I’ve been exploring and experimenting with crystals.
If I recall correctly, though I’ve combined up to a few crystals to wear in the past, and one through dozens within my pillow case and/or purse, today is the first time I’ve combined this many to wear.
So far, I trust them to be the MOST POWERFUL Crystal 🔮 Combinations for my pendants on necklaces, and two rings:
1) 🆕 Yellow Sapphire 2) 🆕 Green Jade 3) Moldavite (Moldavite stories in crystal post above) 4) Libyan Tektite/ Desert 🏜️ Glass + Tiny Citrine 5 & 6) Citrine + Remaining Shangaan (Ancient Lemuria ✴️ & Atlantis 🔱 Crystal) 7) Purpurite Ring & 8) Rutilated Quartz Ring.
UPDATE added on 6/20/2024: It felt a bit too INTENSE 😳😄 yesterday evening, so I took off the Yellow Sapphire & Jade.
Moving forward, I will intuitively choose which combinations to wear on what day, to include all of them (if I FEEL like it).
This is a personal preference, that I felt guided to do, due to trusting my intuition (though I haven’t done this in the past 13 years of deep, inner work).
So I don’t recommend this for others—unless you feel intuitively ready as well—since there may be various to many factors that can make the results different to varying degrees.
Examples stories in Crystal post above.
Update screenshot and this paragraph added on 6/22/2024 FOR BELOW PHOTO of 🐈⬛👁️: Related screenshot of SAPPHIRE, and the MIRRORING🪞of Divine’s EYE(s); there are gems of wisdom within religions and other belief systems, though they still box 📦 in and limit the Divine with man-made teachings that are fear-based, and stem from separation consciousness:
The photo on left is the recently bought, authenticated, Yellow Sapphire crystal from India (via Etsy).
And this is the second time I experienced noticing cat eyes while observing something (other than my two, pet cats’ 🐈⬛🐈 actual eyes 😸).
And the moment I noticed the cat eyes, and strongly FELT the PRESENCE 👁️…
it instantly reminded me of Goddess Hathor-Sekhmet—as well as Sekhmet-Hathor (below)—which is why I was drawn to this particular shape of the pendant (out of many options).
The first time I noticed cat eyes within something I was observing was years ago.
It was while watching a video that my former husband had recorded of me…
while I was standing next to a painting and altar at the Temple Of Goddess Spirituality dedicated to Sekhmet in Las Vegas, Nevada.
This was right after visiting her black statue within the main, tiny, temple area, where the video shows it becoming windy all of a sudden.
As shared within post, “Channeling EYES Essence of Divine Mother Goddess Sekhmet/Hathor“ (to include 2 videos and photos)…
I noticed that the glasses that I was wearing reflected, green-tinted, cat eyes, which blew my mind 😲😃🤩🥰.
By the way, I watched this video via my iPhone, so I was able to ZOOM IN, and witness a much closer and clearer version than the YouTube video.
But you can probably download the YouTube video to your phone, and watch it, if you’re curious.
(click each screenshot for a much larger image; plus, you can zoom in, and then click 🔙 to return to this page)
Anyhoo, while organizing and cleaning out my files today, and listening👂to binaural beats titled, “Wealth DNA 🧬 Codes 🎶”—for all energetic levels (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual (and even financial)—I TUNED INTO…
all the screenshots further below—of various puzzle pieces 🧩 coming together—that once seemed unrelated when I had saved them in my phone on different dates.
As I’ve shared within this blog before, we can TUNE INTO present moments of Enlightenment when we’re in alignment with the Divine within…
with MERGED heart and mind, aka Higher Heart & Higher Mind, or Heart/Mind.
Now, the more we TUNE INTO these states, to the point where it becomes more HABITUAL…
then we’re that much closer to MASTERING our inner world—and Being our Divine Human Self—which can powerfully affect our outer world as well…
and the degree of effects depends on our consistent STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, and level of mastery.