Note: For my blog posts, I usually like to organize it into easy to read paragraphs, do a spell check and grammar check, and even add an image(s) and various font colors; but I don’t feel like it today, and that’s completely okay. Plus, this may be my last post for this year. If you’re meant to read this, I trust you will; if not, that’s perfectly ok too.
I shared the following message for video, “3 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (November 23, 2022)“:
Thank you Vic for sharing this video message. I cried in the middle of it. I haven’t watched any YouTube videos in a while due to…1) a mini family reunion trip that was like a roller coaster ride, 2) a baffling situation upon returning (a family friend of almost 20 years sending me a text message that I’m pure evil in her book, without knowing all the truths that me, my first-ex-husband/her current husband and my adult children didn’t tell her; plus, she has done certain things throughout her life behind closed doors that can be perceived as “pure evil,” but yet she was forgiven. She stated not to bother replying, so I didn’t), and then 3) the news of my nephew’s death that apparently happened while I was on the family trip (which explained why I found myself suddenly bawling while on a boat in Hawaii, and I told my husband I didn’t know where it was coming from; though afterwards, while swimming in the ocean, I saw dolphins swimming underneath me, and then about 200 spotted dolphins showed up soon after [will insert photos taken by a photographer from the dolphin and turtle excursion another time], that I saw while on the boat, and they reminded me of Soul Families). I deleted practically everyone from my phone contacts whom I no longer resonate with (who have habitually ignored my messages, who acted like they liked me when I could sense that they didn’t, and/or aren’t authentic relationships), called my mother in Korea and told her for the first time that I fully embrace all the negative labels that her and everyone else has labeled me, and wished her well, and had a conversation with my husband about a near future possible divorce that was shockingly peaceful this time (and that I was grateful for since we also talked about remaining friends). I have no doubt that I’m going through another phase of major changes and transformations—like back in 2001 where I suddenly joined the Army after experiencing 3 signs from “God,” leaving my two toddlers with my first husband at the time (and eventually divorcing him)—though I’m tired of all of it most of the time. Not sure I trust synchronicity anymore, since my life seems to be getting worse with not much to show for it, to the point where I don’t know who I am and what to do anymore since even my physical AND spiritual world desires seem to be vanishing or diminishing by the day. I appreciate your perspectives Vic, and whatever information is meant to benefit me surely will. I’ve bounced back many times throughout childhood and adulthood, so I’ll be fine. Last night, while lying in bed, I communicated to my Higher Self/Spirit/Universe to SHOW ME what I need to know since I was at the verge of hopelessness, and thanked ahead of time. This morning, I had a dream of chanting a Native American song while drumming. I’ve had a couple of dreams in the past of what seemed like I was Native American—after visiting Boynton Canyon and Airport Vortex in Sedona for the first time—so this part isn’t a surprise. Plus, I’ve been many other earthly and otherworldly version of WHOLE Self in dream state, to include symbolic realities, parallel realities and alternate realties. I was in a small hut facing an opened door, and it was sunny outside. I saw two black birds fly and then land at the front of the door, and when I noticed a raven—first time I recall seeing one in dream state, though I’ve seen many in physical reality—I joyfully shouted, “Namaste friend!” Then a rooster with some bright red feather rushed into the hut, followed by a chicken who approached my left side and whispered, “Chosen.” Upon waking up, I was reminded of some time this year, when I saw a license plate in Sedona, AZ that displayed the word, “CHOSEN” while I was enroute to get a rapid covid test at Walgreens (that came back negative). Shortly after coming home, I had a strong urge to continue reading a book that I had discontinued for a while, about The Return of the Anunnaki (by the way, the Anunnaki had been misrepresented by humanity at times). And on the page I turned to, I noticed the word “chosen” that I had apparently highlighted before, but didn’t recall. I communicated to my Higher Self, if this dream is true, chosen for what, by whom, and why. Sometimes I ask my Higher Self in a frustrated manner, “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I’M F!@#ING EXHAUSTED.” I also had a dream of something related to Egypt (don’t recall what) and someone mentioning, “Descendants of the Sun” (which reminded me of a K-drama I had watched in the past with this title). Speaking of Egypt, I’m scheduled to go on my first, sacred Egypt retreat next month (since I’ve been strongly drawn to the idea for years), and recently noticed something conflicting and confusing, which made me question my ability to follow my inner guidance/intuition/insights/ideas/etc. I was supposed to perform my first round of open-mic comedy for “The Funniest Person in the Universe” contest in Phoenix on 11/17th, but noticed that rounds 2 and 3 (if I were to make it) were during the Egypt retreat. I initially considered simply performing that day for the experience, but then realized that I would be taking 3 available spots from someone else who could use those opportunities. I was excited about both the Egypt trip and the open-mic comedy opportunities, and experienced many series of synchronicity, so I wondered why they conflicted in schedule if they were both meant to be highly beneficial for self/others. But then again, after the recent experiences, especially with a family member’s death, I didn’t feel like doing open-mic comedy; so I suppose it all worked out for the best. and there’s always next year if I’m still in Arizona. Anyhoo, I did some dream work, to include incorporating insights with some online dream interpretations and meanings (from dream key words) that I felt drawn to, and recorded them in a dream journal (Google doc). I pretty much didn’t pay attention to various forms of synchronicity for a while, especially angel number messages and animal spirit guide message, because I became tired of all of it; but then recently found myself at least acknowledging and thanking them, though not focusing too much on them anymore. I haven’t felt like being creative in a while as well, but we’ll see. About two weeks ago, I noticed on my left, mid back a 2-2.25 inch pattern of multiple red dots in the shape of a parallelogram (it’s practically gone now). I intuitively and instantly knew it something other than a typical skin rash. I did some online searches, but wasn’t able to find anything like it, though there were other images of red dot rashes. I asked my husband to take pics, and then simply trusted that it’s something beneficial. This week, I received an insight to google certain phrases that included accelerated ascension symptoms, and came upon readings about DNA activation Light codes, which highly resonated with me. And sure enough, when I looked over at a Light Language card—Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck created by Jamye Price—that I had recently chosen, titled, “PLEIADES EXPANDING: UNIVERSAL CONNECTION,” the image was similar to this red dots parallelogram on my back. I also experienced many red dot rashes on the top of my hands and in-between my fingers—which I’ve sporadically experienced before within a decade—and like before, they went away after a week or so of intense itching. Cerave lotion for bumpy and rough skin helped too. Once in a blue moon, I also had little bumps on my skin that contained what appeared to be fluorescent yellow fluid, that I initially thought was pus, but wasn’t since it was very bright. I wondered if this was a beginning sign of physical body gradually integrating Lightbody. I realize I’m all over the place with this comment, but I don’t really give a rat’s @$$ right now. A repeating pattern that I’ve noticed for a while is the theme, “autism” showing up again—perhaps as one of the aspects of the Shadow Self/7 Essene Mirrors of relationships—-something that I’ve been attracting into my life sporadically for over a decade. And whenever anything repeats, it’s like the Universe trying to get our attention with a blinking neon sign. As I’ve shared before, I crossed paths with a total of 3 autistic people—one 5 year old whom I worked with at a preschool, along with 22 other kids, and two adults (husband’s cousin and a customer)—and then being attracted to K-dramas that include autistic people like, Extraordinary Attorney Woo (that I loved, especially the main character) and the current one that I’ve been enjoying (though the first few episodes aren’t that great), “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” (that I’m very grateful I continued watching because it’s so raw, authentic, honest, highly creative, profoundly wise, hilarious, deeply heartfelt, and much more). I’ve been noticing that it’s becoming more effortless to fully embrace and integrate more and more ultimately neutral aspects of our Full-Potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self/Self, to include labels like “pure evil” and “autistic empath.” I’ve been receiving many messages for a while to share my personal experiences,—which can also explain why excess heat was building up in my hands (what I’ve often used to express myself)—so here it is for whoever’s drawn to it in Divine perfect timing and order. Vic, I’m happy for you and your family—to include you guys considering a new family member—and may you all continue to receive all the uplifting blessings of Life.
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โPondering, Embracing & Integrating a Family Friendโs Text That I Am Pure Evilโย
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