Note: This post is a continuation from the post, “The Divine New Gifts from Having Released the Old.” Also, poster on right below found next to link => (thank you). I printed out this very helpful poster and posted it on our refrigerator to often remind my husband and I on how to Be fully healed and balanced on all levels of our Being, at any given moment, until reminders are no longer needed.
Shortly after moving into our apartment, I shared with my husband that I realized that I had co-created the experience of moving.
Lately, I’ve been getting better at taking full responsibility for all that shows up in my reality, trusting that our soul/Spirit within sends us everything that most highly benefits our interconnected, individual and collection soul growth and evolution.
Granted, I still have my moments where I experience noticeable drops in my vibrational frequency; hence, reacting to situations, events, people, and things that stems from lower fear energy as my ego/personality self—the aspect of Self who is in the process of fully integrating with Spirit in Divine perfect timing and order.
During such seemingly disappointing moments, I do my best to have self-understanding, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and unconditional self-acceptance/self-love so that I can bounce back to a higher vibrational state of balance and harmony. Afterall, if I can’t even do so for myself, how can I do it for others?
About less than a month or so before the move, I recalled mentioning to my husband how I prefer the following: a smaller, more intimate place to live (since we had two extra bedrooms that were pretty much used for storage), and despite having a smaller area, I would like wooden floors (as opposed to mostly carpet), a marble kitchen counter-top, and no yard (since I find my husband mowing the lawn and pulling beautiful weed unnecessary).
I had also mentioned in the past how much I love the crape myrtle trees at our local park (and other areas) with their slender and smooth bark and vivid and colorful flowers.
Sure enough, our apartment complex, that’s now near my husband’s work, has mostly wooden floors (with the exception of the bedroom and closet), a marble kitchen counter-top, and no lawn (just a patio).
In addition, the entire front area of our apartment is lined with several crape myrtle trees, along with some big, old trees, well-trimmed bushes, large rocks, and sections of bright green lawn that we no longer need to maintain.
I love looking out our windows now since the scenery is so peaceful. At our old house, we were only able to see other cookie-cutter houses of similar, bland colors through our windows.
I even decorated our patio steel fence—which by itself appeared so cold and lifeless—with fake flowers of various shapes, sizes, and colors, which makes the view through the glass door to our patio a very stimulating and pleasant one.
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