I shared this gratitude comment with the creator of this image on right => Image by Ivilin Stoyanov from Pixabay:
Thank you Ivilin for shairng this vibrantly colorful and gorgeous fantasy artwork that reminded me of the profound, mystical symbolism of the merging of inner and outer worlds—the male and females energies within us as the higher, exalted, already integated version of the Divine Feminine Goddess/Moon/Yin/Unconditional Love (Dark/Unknown) & Divine Masculine God/Sun/Yang/Light (Known) essence within interconnected Life, and the reuniting of Galactic and Universal Soul Families. I used it for post: [this one]
By the way, I tested NEGATIVE for COVID-19, so I do NOT have it according to the results. I also added this sentence update to the related post, “INTENSE Body Discomfort on 1/2/2022: New Moon Energies, COVID-Related, Ascension Symptoms, and/or Unknown?“
What’s interesing to me is that I wasn’t really concerned or worried about, though I did wonder a few times, just out of curiosity.
Even on the day of the test, I felt very peaceful and completely trusting Trinity within—I AM Presence/I (God) AM (Goddess) & Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess.
And sure enough, I even saw 12:12 on my phone, which often reminds of I AM, and now as Trinity within since I’ve been having dreams that are symbolic of the Divine Mother Goddess within a decade, and the first time in 2001, shortly before joining the Army, recorded in post, โDreams of Jesusโ (i.e., red cloud of wind entering my body while walking around in desert).
On the way to my rapid test appointment in Sedona, Arizona (U.S.), I noticed the back of a vehicle to my right with the license plate that read, “CHOSEN.”
And I trusted that was part of this particular series of Divine Synchronicity, though I didn’t know exactly WHAT or even WHY that sign from the friendly Universe was mirrored to me at that time.
Granted, it did remind me of a few other synchronicities that I’ve experienced in the not too long past, starting from the first day of visiting Sedona, prior to moving here.
And these signs include:
- first day visiting Sedona:
- exploring a store called Son-Silver-West Galleries Inc—that sells Southwestern decor & hardware, including antiques, pottery, gardening tools & fabric; copied and pasted this info—and coming upon a license plate with my 3 intials and the number sequence 0144 that I got excited about, trusted it was mine, thanked Beloved within, and bought it (which reminds me of God/Light: 0 = completion and amplified power, and 144 – Light/also Soul Families)
- Noticing 3333 on TWO license plates within the same day, but more than likely NOT the same vehicle (the second time while on our way to Flagstaff, with my husband, where we initially lived for two years), which reminds me of the presence of the Ascended Masters (quadrupled energy amplifying #3)
- while living in Sedona: coming upon the following license plates within a brief timeframe, that I shared in my third YouTube video:
- WOKEN1 (one of the black care of a resident within my current, apartment complex)
- a Trident symbol (on a license plate of unknown person; plus, also saw this on a fancy black car, whom I know now)
- and I forgot the third one, but in video mentioned right above
What blew me away, is that later that evening—after seeing the “CHOSEN” license plate around 2:00 pm—I suddenly felt like reading the book, The Anunnaki Final Warning to Earth, and their Return in 2022, that I had discontinued like a month or so ago (due to some “negative” content, though I was strongly drawn to it at the time of ordering this book out of curiosity from a related dream in the past).
I also received an insight yesterday—related to all the shadow work/mirror work that I’ve been doing more than ever before (within recent posts)—to do my best to remain NEUTRAL about Life.
This is far more beneficial than being LOST within this physical world’s opposites/contrast/ duality/polarity that causes one to drastically drop one’s vibrational frequency (FEELING state caused by thoughts and beliefs, that we radiate out, which tehn circles back to us the same and similar energies).
Because when we FALL into fear-based, separation consiousness of the never-ending conflicts, battles, and even wars of “me vs you” and “us vs them”—rather than re-membering (as Souls) our interconnected ONEness/Unity Consciousness (that even Quantum Physics proves and supports)—we often have a tendency to judge self/others, and participate in the non-beneficial, ineffective, harmful and/or hurtful BLAME GAME.
And if we’re habitually NEGATIVE within our inner world—with our NEGATIVE: self-talk, thoughts, fear-based outdated beliefs, emotions, pessimistic outlook on life, attitude, non-beneficial habits, fearful behaviors, etc.—then we must NOT be surprised when NEGATIVE stuff of Life (relationships, situations, events, etc.) keep showing up in our outer world reality.
However, if we choose to do our best to habitually Be positive within our inner world with various ways of showing Unconditional Love for self/others/interconnected Life—to include embracing and processing our authentic emotions, honoring our true feelings, and developing and maintaining healthy boundaries—then we will start noticing MAJOR CHANGES/TRANSFORMATIONS.
This will be on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, spirtual and even financial (various forms of abundance stemming from Prosperity Consciousness/realizing wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST).ย
And around 6-8 weeks or so—science-backed, average time it takes to manifest (from our merged Heart/Mind state) our habitual output of our energies/vibrational frequency—uplifting stuff of Life starts showing up.ย
So I chose to SEE the BIGGER picture of Life, by expanding my perspective to a NEUTRAL and Multidimensional one, (like Unity Consciousness), and LEARN and GROW from even some “negative” aspects of people, certain TV shows and movies, and even books (among other stuff of Life) that I’ve done before in the past.
Therefore, I will continue reading this book, until I FEEL intuitively guided from within—via Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/gut feeling/insights/ideas/and similar, love-based energies—-to discontinue whatever state I’m being/Being and whatever I’m doing (or not).
And though I had left off on page 87 of this Anunnaki book, I felt like reading a couple of pages before that to recall the details of that section.
And on pg. 85, I reread the part about the “chosen” ones (that I guess I didn’t pay attention to before), which I had NOT DOUBT was also part of this particular synchronicity (i.e., of witnessing the “CHOSEN” license plate yesterday and intuitively FEELING that more related insights were to come in Divine perfect timing and order).
Apparently, the chosen ones are all the “clean” ones that include people, animals, inanimate objects, etc. that the Anunnaki have chosen.
The following section in this color font inserted to this post on 1/26/2022 (the day after, due to new insights):
The word CLEAN can have different meanings depending on various factors, to include (but limited to): level of consciousness, perceptions, perspectives, interpretations, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, context, situation, standards, etc.
For instance, I’ve learned that what’s “clean” to one may not be considered “clean” to another due to different levels of standards (so it’s all relative).
Throughout my childhood and most of my adulthood, I used to belive that my mother was the cleanest and most anal person I had ever known.
ย I also later learned that my Japanese-American, biological father, whom I didn’t meet until my mid-thrities, was SUPER ANAL (detailed stories within post series shared within this blog’s category page, “Earthly and Otherworldly Puzzle Pieces“).
This explained why he had excelled in the military, like his father/my grandfather whom I never knew, shared within category page, “A Message for My Inner-Child and Interconnected Soul Families” (in addition to photos since my childhood).
So I have no doubt that the genetic factors (as well as environmental) of coming from super anal and ridiculously clean bio parents, had a majore influence on who I became as well.
And this combo package version was a super anal at times self, which explains why I was the only one who passed an extremely anal, Army white-glove inspection (for our new barracks) within out entire battalion (at my first unit), from an very strict, black female, Command Sergeant Major, that intimidated many Soldiers (stories shared within Army theme posts).
So while in the Army, stationed in Korean, and visiting my mother, I noticed one day, while observing her in the kitchen washing dishes—which she refused to allow anyone else help with since her standards were higher than everyone elses—I noticed that she didn’t meet my new standards, that was apparently enhanced, or even AMPLIFIED, while in the Army (i.e., it appeared as though she was half-assing the dish washing from my anal point of view, though I let it go).
After Army life—and the initiation of another extended, mystical journey of deeply exploring my inner and outer worlds—I’ve learned to embrace, integrate, deeply heal, and transform many unknown/shadow aspects (examples shared in recent posts, and within this blog in general).ย
And this included the related, polar/opposite/contrast aspects of anal (military approved) vs society-frowned upon, “very lazy.” I went through phases of feeling guilty and even ashamed about whatever perceived to be LAZY (e.g., phases of not working a 9 to 5 job, not cleaning house thoroughly, not taking a shower daily, not feeling inspired and motivated, etc.
Why did I judge myself so severely? Like the rest of humanity, this was due to societal conditioning, mostly from our caregivers, to include parents (and in my case, my Korean grandmother as well).
Within a little over a decade, I slowly, gradually, quickly, and even rapidly learned to LET GO of the need to judge self/others regarding many aspects within our WHOLE self/Self that are ultimately NEUTRAL (i.e., not the contrast/duality/polarity of right vs wrong, good vs bad, light vs dark, etc.).
And when it comes to the aspects called “lazy” and “anal,” I’ve learned that it’s perfectly ok to briefly Be these extreme opposite states at times (though reserved for when absolutely needed), and everything inbetween.
But the key is NOT to become UNAWARE (as human beings) and LOST (forgetting as Souls) within the extreme aspects, bur rather, doing our best in Life to express excellence (NOT unhealthy perfectionism), while also being deeply understanding, compassionate, kind and gentle with self.
Being these love-based ways are part of important, underrated, Unconditional self-love, as well as and being flexible with self/others for not feeling like (at times or all the time): going above and beyond, having lower standards due to whatever number of factors, as well as making mistakes and seemingly “failing.”
Granted, I haven’t mastered unconditionally loving WHOLE self/Self/others/interconnected yet—only experienced many seemingly brief to lengthy moments of Being aligned within integrated Heart/Mind (I AM Presence): Heart leading Mind—but I have no doubt that I’ve been getting closer and closer than ever before.
Related recent example posts:
- โMaking Progress with Mastering Relationships With Self & Othersโ
- โAn Epiphany, Insights & Solutions For Emotionally Triggering Challengesโ
So when it comes to “clean” people mentioned in the return of the Anunnaki book, I probably don’t meet meet their standards—though I don’t fully know all the details of them since I still have about 3/4 of the book left to read—and even if I don’t, I’m okay with that.
Why? Because we can only be/Be and do out best in Life, so that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I’ve also developed a stronger trust recently that my sacred inner guidance/Heart/intuition/inner-wisdom/insights/gut feeling/other feelins/exciting ideas/creativity/and similar, love-based energies/higher vibrational frequencies, ARE the HIGHEST STANDARDS.
Plus, as the well-known Swiss psyciatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung—and other mystics and spiritual teachers—has said, “I’d rather be WHOLE than good [as well as right/light].”
And this is so true; because IF we’re willing to be TRANSPARENTLY HONEST with ourselves, DIVE DEEP into the Cosmic Rabbit Hole—which will allow us to effortlessly and naturally be this way with others—we will REALIZE and SEE (with CLARITY) that we can be ALL neutral aspects of our individual and Collective WHOLE self/Self to varying degrees.
And I’ve shared many example personal stories throughout this blog, to include the recent posts (links further below).
In addition, I’ve experienced TWICE within a short timeframe, two, unrelated older women (customers from different days) mirroring to me what I needed to hear during that phase of my life.
I shared these stories in detail within the first set of Sedona post series for my first job in Sedona, Arizona.
And in a nutshell, they—a spiritual seeker of over 20 years, and a Reiki Master—loving and generously shared with me the exact same message, “You’re a CLEAN channel,” so I simply thanked them from my Heart.
No ones has ever said anything close to that before, that I recall, though I’ve experienced how many people from around the world have responded to our interactions (shared in the About category page).
I later learned, through brief online searches, that being a “clean channel” means the one who’s channeling is doing so from the highest expression of the Divine within, without their own ego filters.
However, I feel that I can be a clean channel, but I can also shamelessly express various aspects of my fear-based ego self as well (part of being a physical human).
And I’ve been sharing authenticity (to the best of my ability) within this blog of a little over a decade, though I growingly prefer simply Being love-based, profoundly wise, and empowered Higher Self—Heart leading Mind/Spirit leading Soul from within—expressing within me, as me, and through me at every moment effortlessly, for the highest benefit of interconnected Life within this world and beyond.
[UPDATE for above paragraph added on 1/29/2022: I realized Spirit within interconnected Life and non-life IS the EPITOME of AUTHENTICITY—THE ONE/THE WHOLE/Unity Consciousness/Unconditional Love (that embraces All That Is), that also includes physical worlds’ separation consciousness, the opposites/contrasts/duality/polarity of the so-called right & wrong, good & bad, light & dark, fire & water, hot & cold, sun & moon, etc. New post: “Integrating: Trust in Ultimate Teacher Within, Authenticity, Gaslighting, Living Wisdom, Human, Flaws, Humor, Racism, Significance, Humbleness, Arrogance, etc.“]
I’ve been exressing gratitude for this and other prayers ahead of time—FEELING, to the best of my ability, as if my prayers have already been answered—known as the MOST POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE form of prayer.)
There are many types of channeling of many different aspects and extensions of the sacred Divine within interconnected Life of this world and way beyond.
And the Divine/Source/Unity Consciousness/ONEness/Goddess/God/Universe includes, NOT excludes, separation consciousness, the duality/polarity within physical worlds.
It appears as though I have digressed from what I was sharing above (the return of the Anunnaki book mentioned above); but I trust that they’re all puzzle pieces leading to the BIGGER Galactical and Universal picture.
According to this return of the Anunnaki book so far, one who eats meat is not considered “clean,” and though I’ve experienced being a vegetarian and even vegan during certain phases of my life, my current life incporporates meat due to a clean version of the keto diet that my husband initiated, and that I felt like experimenting with him as well after learning more about it.
And in a nutshell, since I’ve laredy shared information about this within this blog, we both noticed the benefit of this diet, to include:
- years of sciatica aches and pains going away for me
- back aches and pains going away for both us (from ruck marches in the Army)
- weight loss that actually stays off
- ess cravings for junk foods, clearing of skin (no more pimples)
- and more
And what I find even more fascinating is, is that when I discontinued the clean keto diet—of mostly vegetables, eggs, some meat and seafood, and weekly to biweekly treat days (since extreme diets have been proven to be ineffective)—familiar body aches started coming back. In addition, after I would eat certain junk foods, my body would quickly communicate to me that whatever food and/or drinks don’t benefit me.
- Whenever I eat foods that contain the harmful version of oils, that a lot of restaurants and fast food places are known to use—I experience constipation for days
- however COMMA beneficial oils like organic: olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, and Udo’s seed oil, that has the needed ratio of 2:1:1 of highly benefical omegas 3, 6 and 9, my body hasn’t a problem with so far
- Whenever I have dairy products, I don’t feel well shortly after, though I do enjoy me some pizza, butter, and certain desserts every now and then
- and yes, I’ve tried vegan pizza a few times, and didn’t really care for it too much, though my husband and I enjoy certain vegan dishes as well
I’ve also noticed a pattern that whenever I go through certain phases of my life, I no longer like to eat and/or drink what I used to like; and I’ve learned to trust that these seemingly drastic changes are highly beneficial for the major transformation on all energetic levels—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.
For instance, sometimes I have strong craving for meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, junk food, etc., and other times, I will literally becomeย disinterested or even repulsed by them—like the mere, barnyard-like odor of meats, being tired of eating salads, not interested in or craving for fruits, and feeling disgusted by junk foods, to include fast food.
So I’ve learned to pay attention to and TRUST my body’s signals more and more, that I feel very grateful for. I’ve noticed more this past few years, but at times, I intuitively and strongly sense that certain foods and/or drinks will be the LAST in this last lifetime (without a shadow of a doubt).
Yesterday, I felt this way, and entertained the idea of eating KFC (that I sensed would be the last time).
My Korean mother used to love KFC, hence, I ate it since I can remember (around 5 years old), esepcially while we were traveling cross country.ย eatAnd we would eat the bucket of original fried chicken with rice (carried around a tiny rice cooker) and a littel jar of kimchi bought from a now politically incorrect “oriental” store (what they used to call back in the day).
So it seems that this “like” for KFC had been conditioned by my mother and adoptive, American dad since a very young age (like all children basically having little to no choice in what they prefer to eat, though many wiithin the younger generations had more options, besides 3rd world countries).
And sure enough, though I bought a two-piece meal, I only ate one leg (that tasted overly salty, unlike how I remember it to be), and less than a few bites of the biscuit and mac and cheese.ย I only took a few sips of the Pepsi, and threw it all away.
Throwing away a meal is the polar opposite of what I’ve been conditioned to do since childhood (especially during my extended visits to my Korean grandmother’s house during most summer and winter school vacations. I, as well as my slightly older, two, sister-like cousins, were taught to finish every single grain of rice in the bowl (which I’ve let go of the need to do this a while back).
And this is understandable since food was scarce throughout the world for most of humanity back in the day (due to ineffective distribution). Plus, the majority of humanity were conditioned to be stuck in poverty consciousness (poor people’s mentality).
However, times have been changing, so we can all WAKE UP (11:11) to Unity Consciousness, that includes Prosperity Consciousness (trusting in the various versions of abundance, riches, and wealth within FIRST AND FOREMOST, especially the unlimited Light/God/Higher Mind & Unconditional Love/Goddess/Cosmic Heart that’s always available to us.
So when it comes to this “clean” topic within the return of the Anunnaki book, I communicated to them (during meditation), that I didn’t really resonate with the idea of the “non-chosen” ones basically going bye-bye, IF this particular future reality—within unlimited possibilities and seemingly countless probabilities—were to physically manifest in this particular world.
Granted, I admit, there have been times where I was SO INTENSELY DRAINED and EXHAUSTED of all the CORRUPTION and BULLSHIT of this world, that I (like my mother) wished for THE END of our seemingly hopeless existence.
Regarding The Anunnaki
I had a vivid dream once (shared in blog) of noticing a group of females (though don’t recall the faces) setting up an area with tables and products.
I checked it out, and noticed various makeup displayed, so I reached for and looked at a small eyeshadow case that had various blue shades of blue.
And the female adult said to me, “The Anunnaki don’t where those colors.” So I asked, “Who are the Anunnaki?”
In this physical reality—where I extensively learned about the effectiveness of FOLLOW-UP questions in the Army Human Intelligence Collector school—I would’ve asked, quetions like, “Are you implying that I’m an Anunnaki from a past/present/future world reality?” and “So what colors do the Anunnaki wear, and why does it matter?”
Anyhoo, I’ve also read the God Enki—who created humanity and also helped certain ones (like the bible story of Noah and the ark, and other similar stories throughout this world)—and one of his sons, God Thoth, are also Anunnaki.
I’ve also shared within this blog of my bizarre dream state and meditation state experiences related to the Anunnaki after reading a few of Zecharia Sitchin books.
Some of these that I can immediately recall are:
- โDream of Shouting at Ibis, โGod Thoth, Wake Up!โโ
- โPuzzle Pieces of Recurring Blond Male Dreams & Various Versions of God Thothโ
- โA Captivating Dream of a Flaming Energy Being I Called Enkiโ
- โA Dream of Shouting, โGOD!!!โโ (where I saw an image in one of Zeachria’s books that looked exactly like the unknown, otherworldly female in this dream)
- will add more example stories later if I recall
I shared some example posts of the Divine Mother Goddess in the “AM I : I AM” category page of this blog:
- โA Dream About Monadโ [UPDATE post: โA Major Puzzle Piece to The Monadโ]
- โDream of Pregnant Woman with Cube Belly and Smiling Childโ (Divine Mother Goddess
- โThe Words Mu and Lemuria: How They Became Significant in My Lifeโ
- โDreams of Toning, Synchronicities and Ancient Sound Healingโ (Goddess)
- โDream of Shouting to Goddess While Flying Through Wormholeโ
- โThe Path of the Gentle Cow and Aggressive Tigerโ
- โGifts from Raven & Black Panther: Transformation from Powerless to Powerfulโ
- โThe Dream of a Talking Lion & Interconnected Storiesโ (the friendly, and ginormous lion later reminded me of Mother Goddess Sekhmet)
- will add more example stories later if I recall
A while back, I shared another related post where I mentioned noticing that I had spoke in the third person within the earlier blog posts, and wondered why.
There are various interpretations about WHY one speaks in the third person that are mostly negative, but I received an insight back them, that perhaps it was easier for me to write such stories from an objective perspective, in a non-attached way.ย I also received an additional insight as I’m typing this morning, that perhaps I was channeling my inner-child (i.e., Bobbie, my nickname since childhood among family members and close friends, and even throughout adulthood).
Perhaps my inner-child shared the story in a way to protect herself from possibly being judged by others, since she was still testing the waters of public sharing of personal experiences.
When it comes to channeling, I’ve experienced via reading, watching YouTube videos and live online events—like the one for Bashar (channeled via Darryl Anka)—and I’ve learned from these Soul Family-like highly evolved Beings about a postive interpretation of channeling (not the traditional one that tends to have judgy labels to it).
And they’ve all basically shared that any of us can channel, and probably do at times without even being aware of it, and it’s usually channeling whatever aspects and/or extensions of the WHOLE self/Self, especially the Divine Sacred Self within (aka Soul/Spirit/Higher Self/God/Goddess/Source/Universe/and other earthly names).
However, I don’t recall ever hearing about channeling our inner child—maybe from one of Teal Swan’s older videos (from when started her YouTube Channel) that I preferred over some of the later ones.
So even though I did do some Inner-Child work within a decade, to include imagining, visualizing, and FEELING what it’s like to experience—a powerful way to manifest our Heart’s desires and what we prefer in LIfe—to time-travel back into my childhood past.
And I would share various forms of Unconditional Love with my child self (from various ages), to include comforting, encouraging, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, giving BEAR HUGS and kisses, as well as treating and pampering her to her needs and wants that weren’t met.
I even incorporated my inner-child—along with ALL other aspects and extensions of full-potential, Multidimensional, WHOLE self (earthly and otherworldly physical selves, to incude human)/Self (I AM)—into my physical world.
For instance, before going on walks, hikes, and/or jogs with my husband and pet husky dog (who later passed away in 2016) while living in San Antonio, TX (and then Helotes), I would invite ALL aspects and extensions of WHOLE self/Self to join us if they wanted to experience within me, as me, and through beautiful and peaceful nature.
A specific example with my inner child: while eye-chopping one day—I think because I had some time before an appointment of something—I noticed these bright, neon, clothes that I became super excited about, which was odd for my adult years, since I didn’t have that interest.
However, I was reminded from within that EXCITEMENT—that I learned from Bashar, reveals our alignment with our Higher Self within, to include our inner truths—is a HUGE NEON SIGN that communicates to me to pay attention.
I was also reminded from within that I did go through a phase in my childhood life, where bright, neon clothes were “IN”/popular among kids (in 7th grade).
So understandably, I wanted neon clothes as well, though I didn’t always like whatever was trending at whatever times from childhood through adulthood. So I chose to treat my inner-child, and bought some neon workout shirts and shorts.
And even to this day, I wear whatever I FEEL like wearing, and like to follow my inner guidance when choosing clothes (i.e., coordination of colors, non-itchy texture, designs, quality of material, stiching, and whether or not it’s fitting and not baggy since I’m tiny/4’9″, approx 100 lbs), and pretty much everything else. Lol
Anyhoo, when I built the courage to ask my mother, she surprisingly agreed, but then took me to the outdoor, Korean market area—where we pretty much always shopped at (since it was cheap)—and bought me what looked like lower quality, barely neon versions of what I had actually wanted (i.e., BRIGHT@$$ NEON clothes that SHOUT, “BAM!!!”).
I wasn’t really happy about that, but then continued to get used to wearing unusual clothes—whether it was my two, older, Korean cousins hand-me-down clothes, or the Korean market clothes, both of which no Americans kids really wore.
And the ones I hated the most, were market shirts that had random, English phrases on them that didn’t even make any sense (that my mother would buy since she controlled how I dressed throughout my childhood).
And even while visiting me, my first/ex-husband, and our two toddlers in Okinawa (over two decades ago), she attempted to tell me what to wear.
So I said something to the effect of, “Ma, I’m in my late twenties, I can dress myself,” to which she agreed to, but appeared displeased about it. OH WELL.
One of the Life lessons I’ve learned about the neutral aspect of control—shared in recent posts (to include yesterday’s)—is that whenever we have a strong need to control our outer world (especially others), it’s because we don’t feel SAFE.
So I recently realized, that due to my mother’s own childhood and adult challenges, problems, heart wounds, traumas, hardship, and sufferings, she didn’t feel SAFE, which explains why she often SHOUTED throughout my childhood years, how she wished our world would explode and kill all humans whom she hated.
Of course, as a child, I didn’t understand why she hated this world so much; however, as I’ve shared before within this blog and with others in my outer world, until we’ve walked MANY MILES (not just one, a few or some) in another’s shoes, we will NEVER truly KNOW what it’s like to be them and how they FEEL.
As I had many more Life experiences within this world, despite the wonderful ones, the ones that seemed “negative”/”dar”/”wrong”/”bad” and even “evil” helped me to deeply empathize with my mother regarding how she felt about this world.
In addition, like I’ve already shared within the blog somewhere, I once had a vivid dream of being near a city-like environment at night.
I don’t know who I was in this dream since I didn’t have a mirror-like reflection of any kind nearby, but I have no doubt that I wasn’t human.
I was breathing somewhat heavily, but at the same, with deep breaths, and I looked around, and saw bloody, dead corpses for many miles in an omnidirectional way; but I don’t recall FEELING any emotions (whether negative or positive).
I defintiely wasn’t fearful—though my human self of this world would’ve more than like FREAKED OUT—and I wasn’t satisfied, like thinking that I was glad I got rid of all the corrupt MFs.
Upon waking up, I wondered WHO and WHY, and had an eerie feeling that I was the one who had annihilated all the people I suppose.
Then I let it go since it’s non-beneficial and ineffective to dwell on something that one doesn’t know. Plus, I recalled one of Bahsar’s teachings that we will KNOW what we need to know when we need to know it (that builds TRUST in self/Self/interconnected Life within this wolrd and beyond).
Not too long after this experience (or possibly even before), I came upon one of the many stories (“positive” and “negative”) about Goddess Sekhmet), and how She (out of loyalty) annihilated humanity due to them habitually disrespecting her father (probably like the habitually corrupt within our world).
And this instantly reminded me of this dream, and why there have been various, synchronistic signs (from both inner and outer worlds), related to the Divine Mother Goddess Hathor/Sekhmet–2 sides of the Divine Feminine essence/the other half of the Cosmic Coin being The Divine God essence—within a decade, to include the meaning of my original full names (American and Korean), as well as birth month and year for western and eastern zodica signs.
I also had my first dream in 2001 of the Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Goddess recorded in post of โDreams of Jesus,โ, where I was in the middle of a desert when a red cloud of wind approached me and then entered my body.
My Korean neighbor from Okinawa at time—whom I didn’t realize was a Mystic until over a decade later, though I knew she was very different, like a female Christ (shared in blog posts)—confidently and calmly told me was the Holy Spirit (that I didn’t associate with the Divine Mother Goddess, since I wasn’t aware of her existence at the time).
Funny how I just “accidently typed “999” (and then deleted). which I read a while back is also a sacred number code for the Holy Spirit/Divine Mother Godddes. I trust this wasn’t a coincidence, but part of this particular series of Divine synchronicity.
As I’ve shared before, this dream was very similar in NEUTRAL vibrational frequency as one of the most memorable vivid dreams, โDream of Little Angel Alerting Outside of Window,โ (that was like a premonition of just one possible, and even probable, future reality, though not necessarily, since there are unlimited possibilities within the Quantum Field/Cosmic Womb/Dvine Mother Goddesss essence).
I’ve learned though MANY types of earthly and otherworldly dreams within a decade—plus one week’s of dreams recorded in โDreams of Jesusโ mentioned above in 2001—that I’m often not always who I think I am (this physical world self).
For instance, once, while dreaming of being in a public restroom, that felt so REAL, I walked over the mirror, only to see that my reflection was NOT even close the self in this world; she had really large eyes, orangutan-orange like, very short and somewhat spiked hair, petitle (like current self), but almost not human looking, but humanoid perhaps.
What’s fascinating to me, is that I was AWARE of how this physical world self looks, and was shocked to see someone different; and usually, I’m not aware of this current self within my dreams, though I’ve been more lately in dream state.
In addition, I’ve seen myself as E.T. Beings, to include a blue Being—that instantly reminded me upon waking up of folks like Shiva and like Beings—as well as a Pleiadian appearing Being (NOT the typical tall and blond versions that some startseeds have shared about online).
I already shared this story within this blog, but I was basically in another world running with someone next to me in a strange way (shared in detail in that post).
And at one point, I went into some place, started playfully wrestling with this male being, and then while lying on a bed, I asked him what he was holding in his hand (i.e., what looked like a human skull, that I would’ve known if I was being my human self of this world).
And he replied in a friendly manner, “It’s a decoder.” I still don’t recall his appearance, but what I intuitively and strongly sensed, is that he was one of the versions of my Twin Soul/Twin Flame.
The label, “Twin Flame” (2 energetic halves of a Soul) often gets misrepresented by many within humanity who aren’t aware that this Sacred Reunion ultimate relationship is about Profoundly Wise, Immensely Powerful, Unconditional/True Love (two WHOLE Beings within reuniting as ONE), NOT the typical, shallow, CONDITIONAL human love.
And at that point, I was no longer the female E. T., but I suddenly zoomed out, and I was Being The Observer (which I’ve expeirenced plenty of times before in dream state).
It was at that moment that I saw the female being from another perspective, and upon waking up, briefly wondered who, what lifetime and what world I had expeirenced.
However, I later simply trusted that these dreams were part of WHOLE self/Self, and it was Spirit revealing to me my Soul memories of earthly and otherworldly past/present/future Life experiences—to include parallel realities (similar to my current reality to various degrees) and alternate realities (not the same as my current reality)—ALL simultaneously happening in the present moments of NOW from a Multidimensional perspective.
I have a zoom call soon, so I’m going to take a shower and get ready; so I’ll continue this post later, to include additional insights, as well as a quick grammar and spelling check.
Dreams and additional insights further supporting and confirming recent experiences:
Post, “Dreams: Seeing the Light Within The Dark/Unknown/Unlimited Possibilities“ (initially titled, “Dreams: Going Down a Water Slide with Son, Black Ants, Socks & Shadow Selves”).
The following is a related excerpt from the above post:
Online Dream Interpretations & Personal Insights
The following is from the reading =>ย https://www.auntyflo.com :
Dreaming of a waterslide means that you are feeling โcarefreeโ while enjoying something negative.
Personal Insights for Aboveย Interpretation
[Though I haven’t been resonating with most TV shows for a while now—and most movies as well, to include the new Matrix movie (only enjoyed the first one)—I still watch certain shows that I’m really drawn to, which I trust my inner guidance/Heart/intuition/passion/excitement/inner-wisdom/gut feeling/other feelings/insights/ideas/and similar, love-based energies.
So the above dream interpretation sentence (didn’t read the rest to keep things simple) is SPOT ON, since Iโve been enjoying watching probably the last season of one of the seemingly and mostly โnegativeโ and not recommended [by various groups of “spiritual” people] Netflix TV show, Ozarks, (with my husband).
I actually find this show very interesting, intriguing, and even exciting—which I trust is part of the process of embracing, integrating, and transmuting unknown/shadow/”dark”/”negative” aspects into WHOLE self/Self.
And this includes mostly the following, along with very helpful and effective Divine gifts of CONTRASTS/opposites/duality/polarity:
- fascinating, authentic, BOLD, confident, assertive, and great acting/convincing characters
- highly creative stories
- high mental and emotional intelligence
- transparently honest interactions
- engaging conversations
- raw emotions and feelings
- excessively “negative” and “darkโ situations—like cartel life, drugs, extreme gambling, murdering, out of control psycho path and sociopath ways of being, and similar energies—that I have absolutely no interest in experiencing in this lifetime (though vicariously through fictional others is fine for such situations during certain inwardly guided phases of Life), etc.
In addition, I recently started rereading The Return of The Anunnaki in 2022 book on 1/24/2022, while experiencing a sereies of synchronicity (mentioned in previous post; link shared within this post).
And yesterday, I came upon a genius idea about how the Anunnaki on their Nibiru planet created a ‘heaven on earth’ type of world that’s beneficial and effective, unlike our general society that includes a lot of unnecessary corruption, to include, but not limited to:
- misuse and abuse of power
- excessive hoarding stemming from greed
- overly aggressive and unhealthy competitions
- deception
- extreme manipulation and control
- unreasonable distribution of abundant resources among humanity .
So this part of the book so far highly resonates with me, FEELS light/true to my Heart, so I started looking forward to reading the rest of this book (with healthy boundaries and discernment), though it initially seemed to be of mostly โnegativeโ content; hence, why I discontinued for a while.]
I have no doubt that this reminds me to SEE (with CLARITY) the gems of LIGHT within the so-called darkness.
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